Sushi, Sasha and the rolls - what's the difference, is it equally useful: benefits and harm, calorie content, glycemic index, vitamins, trace elements

Sushi, Sasha and the rolls - what's the difference, is it equally useful: benefits and harm, calorie content, glycemic index, vitamins, trace elements

Japanese culture is significantly different from the European one. Despite this, the cuisine of a distant country is very common around the world.

Many people like to use sushi in the company. But now the question arises whether this dish is useful. This article will consider the differences between land, rolls and sashimi. The benefits and harm of products for the human body will also be described in detail.

Differences of sushi and rolls

  • The first dish that began to cook in Japan is sushi. The main ingredients are used seafood and pressed rice. Now there are many different recipes for cooking sushi. A person has the right to choose what he likes. Some order a finished dish, previously studying the composition. Rice in Japan is called "dryers." It was from this word that the name of the dish came. The most common look is classic rollswhich are prepared in the form rice roll. Wrap the main ingredient in red algae, which are called nori.
  • The main one The difference between land and rolls is in the filling. Only fish and other seafood are accepted into sushi. For the filling of rolls, you can use different products, including fruits, vegetables, meat and cheese.
  • There is one more the difference between land and rolls - In the method of use. Sushi is eaten with special sticks, but the rolls can be eaten with sticks, a fork or hands. To understand how to use rolls correctly, when ordering, carefully read the additional information that is registered on the menu.
Japanese dish
Japanese dish

Differences of sashi and sushi

  • If you prefer to experiment with products and like to try new dishes, try Sasha. This dish will reveal your receptors.
  • Sasha is pieces of fresh fish. The dish is served with soy sauce and pickled ginger. Additional products give the main dish an unusual taste.

Drill value and calorie content of land, sashimi and rolls

  • Most believe that rolls, sushi and sashimi - This is food that contains a minimum number of calories. The average portion of rolls and sushi contains no more than 350 kcal. It contains a lot of useful: boiled rice, sea fish, vegetables and algae.
  • In Slavic countries, sushi and rolls belong to dietary products. The Japanese, however, consider this not a very right decision. If you do not want to get better after the regular use of such a dish, there should be a sense of proportion.
Low -calorie
Low -calorie

The glycemic sushi and roll index - 55. And the glycemic index of sashimi is 77. For a complete picture, you need to consider the nutritional value of each product.

Sushi and rolls, 100 g of the product, contain:

  • fats - 0.11 g;
  • proteins - 1.12 g;
  • carbohydrates - 7.77 g.

The nutritional value of Sasim:

  • fats - 1.68 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • squirrels - 6.13 g.

The composition of sushi, sashimi and rolls

Considering that land, rolls and sashim are not processed thermally, all vitamins and minerals are preserved in the dish.

The composition of the dishes contains:

  1. Iodinenecessary for the proper operation of the endocrine system.
  2. Iron, positively affecting the condition of the skin and cardiovascular system.
  3. Calciumnecessary for strengthening bones.
  4. Antioxidants, slowing cell aging processes.
  5. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, positively affecting the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  6. Vitamins A, c, s, D.
The dish has many useful components
The dish has many useful components

The composition of land and rolls contains a lot of fiber, which positively affects the condition of the digestive system. But it is better to use Japanese kitchen no more often 1 time in 1-2 weeks. T. to. It contains a lot fast carbohydrates, which, subject to frequent use, can provoke an increase in body weight.

The benefits of sushi, sashimi and rolls

Sushi, Sasim and rolls are often prepared from sea fish. It is rich in micro and macroelements.

The use of Japanese cuisine positively affects all the functions of the body:

  1. The work of the heart and blood vessels improves.
  2. The decay of the fibers slows down collagenthat are contained in cartilage. Therefore, this helps to strengthen the joints.
  3. Normalizes arterial pressure.
  4. Memory and brain activity improves.
  5. Normalizes Cholesterol level in the body.
  6. The work of the nervous system improves. As a result, a person ceases to be irritable.
  7. The level of hormones in the body is normalized.
  8. The immune system is strengthened.

The use of land, rolls and sashimi in the evening helps to relieve emotional and physical fatigue. This is an ideal option for relaxation after a difficult working week. Japanese cuisine helps to prevent the development of benign and malignant tumors. Regular use helps to slow down the aging process and improve skin elasticity.

The dish carries maximum usefulness
The dish carries maximum usefulness
  • Sushi, rolls and sashim must be consumed by women after 30 years, when the level of collagen and hyaluron decreases.
  • Often sushi, rolls and sashim are served with basabi. This herbaceous plant contains a lot isothyocyanates. They have an anti -inflammatory and antibacterial property, preventing the development of diseases of the digestive system.
  • Rolls and sushi are wrapped in red algae nori. They contain a lot iodine, retinol, ascorbic acid and vitamin E.

The harm of sushi, sashim and rolls for the human body

  • The benefits of using land, rolls and sashim are observed only if proper use. If you abuse such dishes, then you can cause significant harm to your body. Try observe the norm And buy dishes only in trusted institutions.
  • You can often find news that a person was poisoned by land. This happens if in the preparation process was used poor fish. It may contain tape and round worms, which, penetrating into the digestive system of a person, provoke the development of helminthiasis.
But it can be harmful
But it can be harmful
  • The harm brings and soy saucewhich is served with dishes. For its manufacture, a large amount of salt is used. A person must consume no more than 8 g of salt per day. In 1 tsp. its soy sauce contains a little more than 1 g. If a lot of salt gets into the body, then it will begin fluid retention, which will provoke an increase in body weight.
  • Excess of the daily salt rate can lead to problems with joints and increased blood pressure. Therefore, it is better to refrain from consumption to hypertension soy sauce.
  • Particular harm to a person bring dishes, which includes sea tuna. Many heavy metals accumulate in the pulp of fish, including mercury. This can lead to poisoning. Therefore, it is better to consume dishes prepared from pickled, salty or smoked fish.
  • If you abuse rolls and land, then the accumulation of iodinecontained in the algae of the nori. This leads to problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Sushi is forbidden to consume people suffering from diabetes. This is due to the fact that the rice contains a lot starchwhich can be increased Blood sugar.
  • Now on store shelves you can find low -quality Basabi and soy sauce. They include a lot emulsifiers, dyes and preservatives. Such ingredients in the composition will definitely not bring benefits to a person.
Use should be normalized
Use should be normalized

So, Japanese cuisine has gained popularity far beyond the borders of the country. Sushi, rolls and sashim are known all over the world. If you belong to the category of people who like to use such dishes, then carefully study the composition and make an order only for trusted sellers. For greater safety, you can cook them yourself. So you will be sure that quality products were used that will not harm the body.

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    Hi all! I somehow wanted something unusual with my husband. From food. Well, we ordered rolls over the Internet. I would not say that she remained in admiration, but very tasty. And the price-quality ratio is quite adequate!

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