The structure of the human throat and larynx - functions, anatomy, sip, larynx, trachea: photo with description, disease, pathology, injuries

The structure of the human throat and larynx - functions, anatomy, sip, larynx, trachea: photo with description, disease, pathology, injuries

This article will help you learn about the structure of the throat and larynx.

The human throat inside has almost the same structure as part of the neck in front of the vertebrae in many mammals. Naturally, there are a lot of differences.

  • Many nerve roots, arteries and other systems pass from the beginning of the tongue to the start of the shoulder.
  • The study and cure of this area is engaged in such a science as otorhinolaryngology.
  • You will find a detailed description of the structure of the throat and larynx in this article.

Anatomy of the human sips and larynx: photo with description

The anatomical structure of the pharynx
The anatomical structure of the pharynx

The pharynx and larynx are nearby, they have similar functions and they participate in the process of absorption of food, the respiratory process together. We will analyze these departments individually:


The pharynx or pharynx has its beginning at the end of the mouth and continues to the bottom of the neck. In its form, this department is similar to a conical pipe, which is expanded to the top, and the narrow part is at the base of the larynx. Outside, the pharynx is a lot of glandular tissue that produces the mucous fluid necessary for lubricating the throat during loads: speech and food. The sip consists of 3 parts:

Nasopharyngeal department:

  • The beginning of the department. Soft palatine fabric protects the nasal passages from the ingress of pieces of food in them
  • Above are adenoids - fabrics that accumulate on the back.
  • The nasopharynx, throat and middle ear connects the Eustachian tube.
  • The nasopharynx is almost without movements.


  • The middle of the department. It is located in the mouth - from behind, more deeper than the nasopharyngeal department.
  • Promotes air to pulmonary and bronchial pipes.
  • A tongue is located in the mouth that advances food in the esophagus.
  • Glandes are the most important organ of this department. They are protection against infections, but they themselves are most often subjected to diseases.

Swallowing department:

  • The lower part of the pharyngeal department. Equipped with nerve roots that help in the work of breathing and esophagus at the same time.
  • Thanks to this department, everything happens correctly: pieces of food enter the esophagus, and the air into the lungs, and this is all at one moment.
Anatomical structure of the larynx
Anatomical structure of the larynx


It has a skeleton with cartilars, which are fastened by articular and muscle ligaments. The larynx consists of a hyoid bone, adjacent to the thyroid gland. It operates using the contraction of the sublingual muscles. The larynx is a complex department that is responsible for the important process of the functioning of the body in this area. Each part of this department is responsible for the functionality of a particular part of the throat.

The laryngeal musclesare responsible for such work:

  • The narrowing and increase in the diameter of the voice gap with the help of a thyroid, rings, a scent, oblique scooping and transverse muscles.
  • The ligaments work with the help of voice and ring -shaped soft fabric.

The input department of the larynx:

  • At the back of the input department are drawing cartilage, consisting of small tubercles.
  • In front - is located a nastman.
  • On the sides - sculpted folded fabric, consisting of clinic tubercles.

The canvas area of \u200b\u200bthe larynx:

  • The beginning - extends from the vestibular warehouse fabric to the dome. This fabric consists of a moisturized membrane.
  • The interventricular department is the narrowest fragment of the larynx. It begins from the vocal ligaments and ends at the top, near the ligaments of the vestibule.
  • Ore euper section - located below, near the gap, which is responsible for the voice. At the end it has an extension from which the trachea begins to extend.

The shells of the larynx:

  • Mucosa - consists of a cover with many nuclei and prism.
  • Fibrous-chryashny-delicate, soft, hyaline cartilary. They are surrounded by fibers. Together, all this forms a guttural frame.
  • Connective-tissue-connects the larynx and other parts of the neck from the inside.

The anatomy of these two departments is associated with their functional features.

Human throat and larynx functions: Photo with a description

Sip and larynx
Sip and larynx

The throat consists of 2 departments: pharynx and larynx. These departments are interconnected. The anatomy of the pharynx and larynx is directly related to their functions.

Functional features of the laryngeal department:

  • Protection - The mucous membrane is equipped with a special movable layer with many glandular tissues. When pieces of food fall by, nerve roots carry out reflective movement, causing a cough. With it, pieces of food fall from the laryngeal department back into the mouth.
  • Breath - It has a direct relationship with protective functions. The hole that is equipped with vocal binding muscles and glands, then decreases, then increases, directing air flows.
  • Voice formation, speech - The timbre of the voice directly depends on the anatomical addition of the larynx and the state of the binding muscles and tissues.
The functions of the larynx
The functions of the larynx

Functional features of the pharynx Similar to the functions of the larynx. Differences are in such nuances:

  • Respiratory feature - All individual parts of the pharynx are involved: nose, mouth, throat. Oxygen enters it from the nose, and then further into the body.
  • Voice, speech - Sounds appear (consonant and vowels) and are formed in the soft tissues of the sky and using the tongue. These parts are a “curtain” for the nasopharynx department, due to which timbral sounds and vowing height are formed.
  • Protection and pathology in the throat are associated with nasal breathing. The lymphoid circle of the pharynx, together with the nearby soft tissues and lymphs, forms one whole immune system of the body. If a person has defects (congenital or acquired), tissue growth occurs, their sensitivity decreases and bacterial reproduction begins. The pharynx protects other departments of the throat, collecting all pathogenic organisms. If there is inflammation in the throat, then the nose and ears suffer.
  • Eating food - This functional feature lies in swallowing and sucking. On top of this department there are ciliary receptors. During their operation, soft tissues begin to function, the process of reduction occurs, the liquid is released in the form of mucus and the pharyngeal, vomiting or coughing reflex. All the harmful substances that have accumulated on the cilia are withdrawn with a cough or we swallow them.

The trachea originates in the echlous department of the larynx, which also plays a huge role in the digestive and respiratory system of our body.

Anatomy and trachea functions

Anatomy and trachea functions
Anatomy and trachea functions

So, the trachea connects the larynx with the bronchi, which means that it spends air with oxygen into the lungs. The trachea is a hollow organ in the form of a tube. Its length ranges from 8.5 cm to 15 cm, depending on the physiological characteristics of the body. The third part of this tube is located at the level of the neck, the rest is lowered in the thoracic region. At the end, the trachea is divided into 2 bronchi at the level of the 5th thoracic spine. A more detailed description of the trachea:

  • In front is the thyroid gland at the level of the neck.
  • Behind - the esophagus adjacent.
  • On the sides - there is a clot of nerve endings, sleepy arteries and inner veins.

Trache anatomy:

  • The mucous membrane - It consists of a ciliary layer. On its surface, mucus is released in small quantities. The cells of the internal secretion of the trachea secrete substances such as serotonin and norepinephrine.
  • Submissive layer - It consists of the smallest vessels, nerve endings. Such connective tissue has the structure of the fibers - loose and soft.
  • Cartys - hyaline incomplete cartilage, of which 2/3 of the total trachea consists. Connections for cartilars are special ring ligaments. The membranous wall located behind is in contact with the esophagus. Thanks to this, two processes - meals and breathing, do not interfere with each other.
  • Adventional shell - The thin shell in its structure consists of connecting fibers.

Trachea functions Very important in the body, despite the simple anatomy of this organ. The functions are as follows:

  • The main purpose of this department of the larynx is to conduct air to the lungs.
  • On the mucous layer of the trachea, small particles that fall from the external environment settle small for the body. Mucus envelops them, and the cilia pushed into the larynx.

As a result, the trachea cleanses the air, which is needed light. From the larynx and pharynx, all the dirt that has been withdrawn from the trachea rises up and with the help of coughing all these organs are cleaned.

Diseases, pathology, throat and larynx injuries: description

Diseases of the larynx
Diseases of the larynx

In order to start the treatment of a particular problem associated with a sip, larynx or trachea, it is necessary to correctly recognize the symptoms. Only the doctor can do this. We single out 4 basic acute inflammatory diseases of this department of the body:

Acute catarrhal laryngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx:

  • Occurs as a result of the mucous membrane of pathogenic bacteria, as well as under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors: hypothermia, when eating too cold or hot food, a long conversation in the cold and other irritations of the mucous membrane. Read more about this disease read in the article on this link.
  • The first symptoms - A hoarse voice, a sore, an unpleasant feeling in the throat, a dry cough.
  • If the disease is not treated, then various changes in the blood may occur, fine cell infiltration is manifested, and the mucous membrane is impregnated with serous fluid.
  • Diagnosis of the disease is simple - Visual inspection. The doctor is diagnosed on the basis of symptoms: acute hoarse, expressed swelling of the mucosa, incomplete close of the voice folds. The disease can go into a chronic form. There is also an erysipeic inflammation of the mucosa, which can simultaneously proceed with the disease of the skin.
  • Treatment - If the treatment is started in a timely manner and it will be correct, then the disease will pass within 10 days. If the disease lasts more than 3 weeks, then there is a high probability that the disease will turn into a chronic form. It is important during treatment to observe the silence regime until the symptoms begin to pass. Read article on this linkHow to treat laryngitis in children.

Guthane sore throat - Acute infectious disease in which lymphadenoid tissue is affected:

  • Etiology - Inflammation causes bacterial, fungal and viral flora. It also occurs from hypothermia, injuries. The causative agent penetrates the mucous membrane with an airborne droplets or alimentary way. AT article on this link You will learn everything about tonsillitis in children.
  • Symptoms - The sore throat, which intensifies when swallowing and turning the neck. Difficult breathing may appear, elevated temperature - up to 39 degrees, increased pulse. On palpation, enlarged throat lymph nodes are felt.
  • Diagnostics - The clinical picture allows you to visually recognize the disease during examination. But in case of suspicion of such a sore throat, diphtheria, which has the same course, should be excluded.
  • Treatment - Antibacterial drugs, antihistamines, flour and analgesic drugs are prescribed. If stenosis manifests itself, then an emergency tracheotomy is prescribed. Read in the article on this link on our websiteAs with the help of rinses, you can cure a sore throat.
Swelling of the larynx
Swelling of the larynx

Swelling of the larynx -rapidly developing vasomotor-allergic edematous process in the mucous membrane:

  •   Etiology -It is often manifested, as a result, after the manifestation of a disease: inflammation of the larynx, infections, tumors, injuries, allergies, various pathologies.
  • Clinical picture - The lumen of the larynx and trachea narrows when spasm, a foreign body, infections. Moreover, the faster the stenosis develops, the greater the danger is for health. Read in article on our websiteAs an Angina in children, it can cause edema of the larynx and what needs to be done after that.
  • Diagnostics - The laryngoscopic picture helps to correctly make a diagnosis. But it is important that the doctor finds out why edema appeared. After all, a edematous shell can close the existing tumor or a foreign body. Therefore, the doctor usually prescribes bronchoscopy, x -ray and other studies.
  • Treatment - Drugs that will help to cope with bacteria are prescribed: antibiotics of a wide range of action. It is important in treatment to restore external breathing. If drug treatment does not help, then tracheostomy is performed. This procedure is necessarily prescribed for de compensated stenosis. You also need to limit the use of fluids, try not to talk a lot and limit physical activity.
Sharp tracheitis
Sharp tracheitis

Sharp tracheitis - The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane in the lower respiratory tract:

  • Causes - Pathogenic bacteria that enter the body and against the background of reduced immunity begin to progress. In winter, immunity weakens, especially when hypothermia occurs or during viral infections, professional harm and so on.
  • Clinical picture - paroxysmal cough with the departure of purulent sputum, swelling of the mucous membrane, expansion of blood vessels on the mucosa. Increased temperature, weakness, poor health, hoarseness in the voice - all these are the first signs of tracheitis.
  • Treatment - Offer, antihistamines, and medicines for reducing temperature are prescribed. If the temperature does not pass and increases within 3-4 days, then antibiotics are prescribed. AT article on this link it is written how you can cure tracheitis with mustard plasters.
  • Forecast -If you treat it correctly, then the disease takes place within 2-3 weeks. If the treatment is incorrect, then the disease can develop into a chronic form. Complications in the form of pneumonia or bronchopneumonia may also appear.

There are many diseases of the pharynx, larynx and trachea. Only a doctor will be able to recognize and make the correct diagnosis. Do not self -medicate, as this can lead to undesirable consequences and complications. Here is a list of common diseases of the throat:

Diseases of the larynx
Diseases of the larynx

The sore throat may also appear as a result of a concomitant disease. Here are the problems that lead to sore throat:

Problems that cause sore throat
Problems that cause sore throat

The throat is a complex part of the body. Many blood vessels and nerves pass from the outside of this area of \u200b\u200bthe body. All parts are important, both separately and together. Breathing, swallowing ability, food intake - for all these processes you need an organ such as a throat consisting of a pharynx, larynx and trachea.

Video: Anatomy of the larynx

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