Children's sore throat. Symptoms of tonsillitis in children? Antibiotics from tonsillitis to children

Children's sore throat. Symptoms of tonsillitis in children? Antibiotics from tonsillitis to children

Angina is an acute infectious disease. It belongs to the group of respiratory tract infections. Symptoms of tonsillitis can be high temperature, inflammatory changes in tonsils, intoxication of the body and inflammation of regional lymph nodes. Angina is a fairly common disease. According to statistics, in children this disease is diagnosed in 75% of cases.

Causes of angina disease in children

We owe the name of this disease to ancient Greeks. It was they with the word "sore throat" that called all diseases associated with a violation of swallowing and breathing. Ango (the word from which the angina came from) is translated from Greek how to strangle and squeeze. But, today only tonsillitis is called this word. That is, the inflammation of the tonsils and the tonsils.

The tonsils are located in the throat and oral cavity. They are lymph nodes. That is, peculiar "filters". Their function is to cleanse the lymph and destroy microbes, bacteria and viruses that have entered the body.

But, with such a “cleaning” of the body, lymph nodes can cope only if the number of harmful substances does not exceed a certain mark. As soon as they are above a certain level, the lymph node ceases to cope and inflams. At the same time, pathogenic bacteria penetrate the lymph nodes and displace lymphocytes from it - cells of the immune system that produce antibodies.

This lasts 3-4 days. Then the reverse process occurs, and the body returns the previously lost lymph nodes.

High temperature in a child
High temperature in a child

The causative agents of tonsillitis in children are streptococci, staphylococci and adenoviruses. According to statistics, the main pathogen of this disease in children is the beta-hemolytic streptococcus of group A.

To date, it is customary to distinguish three main causes of the disease:

  • General decrease in the body's immunity. Most often occurs due to hypothermia
  • The transmission of the pathogen from the patient to a healthy child
  • Exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the tonsils

Varieties of tonsillitis in children. How much does a child usually suffer from angina?

There are several types of sore throats that have their own symptoms:

Catarrhal. This type of sore throat is quite rare in children. The disease begins acute. Dry mouth, pain during swallowing and burning in the throat is noted. In this case, the temperature is practically absent.
Inflamed tonsils are covered with white coating. A headache, weakness and apathy may appear. It flows 3-5 days.

Folicular. This variety of tonsillitis develops very quickly. Usually, more than a day does not pass from infection to the first symptoms. The temperature rises to 39 degrees. When swallowing, the pain that is given to the ear is noted. Salivation increases. Sometimes vomiting may begin in a child. Yellowish points may appear on the tonsils, which after three days turn into wounds. In a week, the disease retreats.

Lacunar. A similar type of sore throat with the above disease. But, many symptoms of this disease manifest themselves brighter. In the case of complications, the disease lasts more than a week.

Fibrous. Another type of sore throat is similar to follicular. But, unlike it, when this type of sore throat is manifested, the tonsils are covered with whitish films. To distinguish this type of sore throat from diphtheria, you need to take a bacterial smear for analysis. It flows 4-5 days.

Phlegmanous. The type of tonsillitis in which pus forms in the tonsils. Which, in the case of an abscess breakthrough, can lead to a purulent flow. Most often, the disease occurs in the form of complications after follicular or lacunar tonsillitis.

Viral. With this disease, tonsils are affected by viruses. Most often, the cause of this type of tonsillitis is the herpes virus. The symptoms of this disease are similar to the general symptoms of tonsillitis. A distinctive feature of this disease is the manifestation of abdominal pain (may be accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting) and the formation of red bubbles on tonsils. After a breakthrough, sores appear in their place. Recovery occurs after 7-14 days.

Atypical. This type of sore throat causes the spirochetes of the oral cavity and a spindle -shaped wand. In the normal state, these microorganisms live in the oral cavity and do not pose a threat. But, with a decrease in immunity, vitamin deficiency, gum disease and other factors, they can cause this type of disease. The disease will reach 5-7 days.

Fungal. In this type of angina, a curdled plaque appears on children's tonsils. At the same time, an increased (up to 39 degrees) temperature is noted. Recovery with this type of disease usually occurs in a week.

Mixed. This type of sore throat is the most dangerous for the child. It can be called several pathogens at once. After damage to the body, the immune system weakens one of them. What can lead to defeat by other bacteria and viruses. The risk of complications with this type of tonsillitis is practically inevitable.

Angina: First aid to the child. How to treat re -sore throat?

Mom at the bed of the child
Mom at the bed of the child
  • Unfortunately, there is still an opinion that tonsillitis does not need to be treated. The immune system will sooner or later cope with the pathogens of the disease and cleanse the body from them. Which, thereby, will lead to its strengthening. But, an Angina disease is quite serious. And if you do not help the body (especially the children's), then this can lead to serious complications
  • Moreover, it is by no means impossible to treat angina on its own. At the first symptoms of the disease, you must immediately contact a specialist. Some types of tonsillitis are treated only in stationary conditions
  • You can make the correct diagnosis after taking a smear from the pharynx. The type of angina causative agent can be recognized using a laboratory study. It is on the basis of it that the course of treatment is prescribed. Without analyzes it is impossible to properly prescribe medicines
  • It is impossible to treat viral or herpes sore throats with antibiotics. Such drugs suppress only pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, it is very important not to self -medicate, but to get qualified help from a doctor
  • Before examining the patient, a doctor needs to provide him first aid. At the first symptoms of angina, you need to provide the child with bed rest and abundant drink. High temperature must be knocked down with antipyretic drugs. Shown with inhalation sore throat
  • A child over two years old to alleviate pain in the throat needs rinsing with a solution of furatsilin, chamomile or calendula
  • It helps well at the initial stage of this disease, dry heat around the neck. For this, vodka or semi -spire compress is perfect. It must be kept in the submandibular region 2-3 times a day. If the child has a lot of lymph nodes, then you can use a compress with dimexide (1: 3) or furatsilin (1: 5)
  • In order to cope with angina, you need an integrated approach. It is necessary to treat not only inflamed tonsils, but also help the whole body as a whole. Very often the doctor can prescribe antibiotics to the child in tablets or capsules
  • With improper treatment (or self -medication), angina may appear again. Incorrect treatment can not only slow down the course of the disease, but also weaken the body
  • It is impossible to cope with relapse on your own. If it manifested itself, this already indicates that all the procedures used before that were ineffective. And often they did not carry any positive effect at all. If the disease is delayed, then this is the main reason to show the child to a specialist

What antibiotics to give a child to sore throat?

Antibiotics for the child
Antibiotics for the child
  • As mentioned above, not all types of tonsillitis are treated with antibiotics. Therefore, before taking such drugs, an accurate diagnosis is necessary. And only a specialist can put it
  • Antibiotics are prescribed with angina caused by bacterial pathogens. Most often they become streptococcus. In addition, antibiotics are indicated to reduce the risk of complications caused by this disease
  • Typically, a doctor prescribes antibiotics without a doubt if there is a high temperature (from 38 degrees) for more than three days and there is no runny nose and cough. The appointment of antibiotics in other symptoms is possible only after analyzes performed

IMPORTANT: in children often an angina caused by streptococcus can be similar to scarlet fever. Especially in the initial phase. If there is a suspicion of scarlet fever, then the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy to treat this disease.

  • They begin to treat bacterial sore throats with antibiotics with the simplest drugs of the penicillin row. They are produced in tablets, capsules, suspensions and other forms of children convenient for receiving. Such antibiotics include amoxicily or ampicil
  • With the ineffectiveness of such drugs or the impossibility of taking them, macrolides are prescribed. These drugs are low -toxic drugs that suppress a large number of types of bacteria
  • The course of antibiotics is usually designed for 5 days. But, the doctor can extend their appointment for several more days. They finish the use of antibiotics only after the course is completed. If relief has occurred before the end of the course cannot be abandoned. The exception can be only potent drugs. Such as "summary"

Important: it is important for children under a year to combine antibiotics with the use of probiotics, which protects the microflora of the still not fully formed intestines.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in a child drug

On the examination by the doctor
On the examination by the doctor
  • Purulent sore throat includes several types of this disease, characterized by the presence of pus in the tonsils or near them. Such a disease is manifested by a sharp increase in temperature, chills and even febrile convulsions
  • If the child’s arms and legs are cold, and the body temperature is above 37.5 degrees, then it is necessary to combine the intake of the antipyretic product with “Noshpa” (1/2 tablets). Drotaverine includes in this drug will help reduce blood vessels and distribute heat throughout the body
  • When diagnosing purulent sore throat, it is necessary to provide the child with bed rest. With it, complications can be avoided. A warm plentiful drink is also shown. It is necessary to eat during this disease with warm, not thick food. Spices and acute sauces must be abandoned

Important: the purulent sore throat transferred in childhood often causes chronic tonsillitis and can affect the work of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. In order to avoid this problem, it is important to properly treat this type of disease.

  • Children more easily tolerate purulent tonsillitis than adults. With an increase in body temperature to 37.5 degrees, such a sore throat must be treated with antibiotics. But you need to know that if such a disease has already been treated using some kind of antibiotic (for example, Augoumentin), then with a second disease, you need to look for another drug of this action. This will help to avoid a strain of bacteria addiction to antibiotics
  • You can help antibiotics of general spectrum with the help of drugs that have a local effect. For children, the best tool is Bioparox. With purulent sore throat, you cannot use the means with which you need to coat inflamed tonsils

Unfortunately, such a popular procedure as rinsing the throat with purulent sore throat is almost useless.

Treatment of fungal tonsillitis in a child with tablets and injections

The doctor examines a small child
The doctor examines a small child

The causative agents of the fungal tonsillitis are fungi of the genus Candida albicans. Children rarely suffer from this type of sore throat. But, if this type of disease is diagnosed, then general and local antibiotics should be prescribed for treatment. Such drugs include:

  • "Hinosol"
  • "Levorin"
  • "Nistatin"

If the child took antibacterial antibiotics, then they should be abandoned.

A greater effect in the treatment of fungal tonsillitis can be achieved if, along with the above antibiotics, take vitamins C, K and group B.

In addition, it is important in this form of angina to lubricate the tonsils with a solution of methyl blue (2%) or diamond greens (1%)

With a prolonged nature of a fungal sore throat, surgical intervention may be required.

Treatment of mononucleous sore throat in children with medication

  • Infectious mononucleosis is transmitted as a result of close contact with the causative agent of the disease. After infection, the virus may be contained without signs of activity up to 8 weeks. Most often, people aged 10 to 30 years are subject to such a disease. In young children, “atypical” mononucleosis may develop. Its symptoms are similar to the symptoms of ordinary colds
  • Diagnosis of this disease is possible only with laboratory methods. Especially if the sick is a child. As a rule, mononucleosis is characterized by a high temperature (up to 40 degrees), an increase in the lymph nodes, nasal congestion, general malaise and a tremendous rash. The latter symptom is characterized, first of all, for children
  • At a high temperature of the accompanying disease, the use of antipyretic drugs is indicated. At the same time, aspirin -containing drugs in the treatment of this ailment should be excluded. You also need to provide the child with plentiful drink. To clean the nose, you need to take vasodilating drops: "Nazivin" or "Otrivin"
  • Antibacterial agents can be prescribed for the treatment of mononucleosis. But only if the presence of a bacterial infection of the accompanying disease is proved. It can be drugs of the group of macrolides or cephalosporins. With the manifestation of allergic reactions, antihistamines can be prescribed
  • In severe cases (especially during the obstruction of the respiratory tract), glucocorticoid hormones (for example, prednisolone) are carried out in a hospital.

Treatment of catarrhal sore throat in children

Inhalations against tonsillitis
Inhalations against tonsillitis
  • Treatment of this disease in children occurs on the basis of antibiotics. They are prescribed by a doctor after examining or obtaining the results of analysis of strokes from the throat. Catarrhal sore throat is treated comprehensively. Together with antibiotics, it is necessary to use local antimicrobial drugs. By treating inflamed throat with syrups, sprays, solutions for rinses, you can reduce swelling and pain
  • To reduce the likelihood of complications, a sick child needs to be in bed more often. It is necessary to eat liquid broths, cereals and healthy drinks. Such as honey with milk. It is best to rinse the throat with a solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin or chamomile infusion
  • With severe inflammation of the submandibular or cervical lymph nodes, compresses are indicated at night. During the day you need to make a warm bandage on the neck
  • Steam inhalations and washing the nasal sinuses with salted water (1%) helps to treat catarrhal slices very well. You can rinse the throat in the same solution. For greater effectiveness, such drugs as NIMA, Nistatin Powder or colloidal silver can be added to it

As a prevention of this type of tonsillitis, you need a vitamin diet and regular physical exercises.

Tablets and injections from herpetic sore throat

Injections from sore throat
Injections from sore throat
  • It is useless to treat herpetic sore throat with antibiotics. They are powerless in front of the virus, the causative agent of the disease. Unfortunately, time may take time to make an accurate diagnosis. With herpetic sore throat, the child is subject to isolation. Quarantine can last up to 2 weeks
  • This sore throat is treated with antiviral, anti -inflammatory and antihistamines of hypensorsbiors. Such drugs in the form of candles, ointments and solutions are best suited for children

Important: in order for the child’s body to be not subject to secondary infection in herpetic sore throat, it is necessary to use the throat rinsing and the treatment of tonsils with the drug “Lugol” (when allergies to iodine cannot be used).

  • You can rinse the neck for children with the help of decoctions and infusions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, furatsilin, salt, etc. If the child cannot rinse the throat due to age, then he can be helped by sprinkling the solution through a syringe without a needle
  • It is necessary to knock down the temperature with such an sore throat when the body is increased above 38 degrees. For children, the most effective are antipyretic products based on Paracetamol and Ibuprofen
  • With this disease, it is important to help immunity. To do this, take vitamin complexes and immunomodulating drugs. Since the foci of inflammation during herpeca slicen heal the process for a very long time, you can accelerate the process with the help of such procedures as the UFO nasopharynx and the effect of helium-neon laser

How to cure different types of children's tonsillitis drugs: tips and reviews

Olesya. At the first symptoms of angina forward to the doctor. You can not self -medicate and make yourself a diagnosis. Even within this disease, many varieties requiring different treatment. And he knows how to “disguise” Angina.

Irina. Angina can be viral or bacterial. But, in any case, for its treatment, and even more so for prevention, you can use honey. This beekeeping product can destroy streptococci. That is, the causative agent ¾ of all types of sore throats. But, it has a lot of allergens. Remember this.

Video. Angina in children. Treatment of tonsillitis

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  1. For the second year, I have been given tonsil toned to the child for prevention. At first, these tablets were taken in complex therapy for the treatment of tonsillitis, and now as a prevention. The result is very good. For all this time, there were no serious problems with the throat.

  2. We, too, was prescribed tonsil tissue for the treatment of tonsillitis. The pills helped to cope with the disease. We successfully cured Angina. Elya, how long did you take for prevention? I also think about it, otherwise the child’s throat is weak ...

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