"Stop-stroke" Suspension for cats and dogs: instructions for use, dosage, how to give, reviews

If your pet has discomfort associated with ectoparasites or allergies, then use the suspension to alleviate the symptoms of Stop-Zud. Read the article about methods of application, contraindications, side effects and how to give.

Today, allergies are among the most dangerous diseases and often proceeds in a chronic form. Not only people, but also animals suffer. In particular, pets.

Read on our website an article on which pet to choose. It describes the pros and cons of animals, as well as what four -legged friends get along well with dogs, cats and other pets.

The cause of allergies can be bite of ticks, fleas, bees, floral pollen, finished dry feed, mold and household chemicals. It is clinically manifested by itching, redness of the skin and mucous membranes, combs, intensifying at the time of the presence of allergen, discharge from the nose and ears, coughing, sneezing and anxiety. With an increase in the concentration of allergen, the condition can worsen shortness of breath, wool and anaphylactic shock. So that the animal does not suffer from itchy discomfort, you should help it with special means. For example, “Stop-Zud” the suspension helps to remove unpleasant symptoms-the animal calms down, the skin stops itching. Read more about this medicine in this article.

Why do cats and dogs have itching: reasons

The dog has itching
The dog has itching

Many animal breeders think that pets can only itch from fleas. But this is not so. Ectoparasites include not only lice and fleas, but also ticks that live on the surface of the skin (otodectes, heilitell) or inside the upper layer of the epidermis (scabies, sarcoptes, noto -eater).

Itching in cats and dogs can also appear as a result of allergies. This is one of the common reasons. In addition to itching and rash, crusts, alopecia, darkening of the skin, nodules, fistulas, etc. may appear.

With any manifestations of itching, you should turn with the pet to the veterinarian. If this cannot be done, you will have to help the animal on your own. Below is the drug that the breeders have in their first -aid kits. Read further.

Video: The cat itches - the main reasons. How to reduce itching in a cat?

STOP-ZUD SUSSENSION for Cats and Dogs: Composition and Form of Release


A suspension for cats and dogs is a combined drug: a suspension of yellow or orange. Available in bottles 10 and 15 ml. In the kit-instructions and syringe subositor. The packaging indicates the expiration dates, volume and manufacturer.

The composition of the drug - in 1 ml suspensions Stop Test contains:

  • 1 mg of triamcinolone
  • 1 mg of vcortolone
  • 2 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride
  • 4 mg of riboflavin
  • 10 mg nicotinamide
  • 20 mg of methionine

As auxiliary products, ointments use:

  • Glycerol
  • Amber acid
  • Xantine copper
  • Sodium benzoate
  • Potassium sorbat
  • The water is purified

Remember: In the presence of at least one sign of allergies in the animal, you must consult a veterinarian for drug therapy. If this cannot be done, then you can use the suspension.

If the use of the drug has not brought the animal relief, urgently consult a specialist.

STOP-ZUD SUSSENSION for Cats and Dogs-Instructions: Pharmacological properties

Thanks to the part of STOPS SUSPENSION For cats and dogs, triamcinolone and vcortolone belonging to the group of hormonal drugs and glucocorticoids, the suspension has an anti -inflammatory and antihistamine effect. They reduce the permeability of cell membranes, preventing the production of inflammation mediators, and relieve swelling of the tissues. Instructions and pharmacological properties:

  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) Improves tissue metabolism, regulates the production of histamine and reduces a sense of anxiety.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) Participates in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates the growth of wool, claws and healing of skin wounds. Normalizes the work of endocrine and hematopoietic systems.
  • Nicotinamide (vitamin B3, PP) It supports adequate tissue breathing and the formation of skin fats that reduce the risk of dehydration. Promotes better absorption of food and digestive glands. It has a calming effect.

Together, this vitamin-hormonal complex improves tissue regeneration and metabolism, promotes the rapid restoration of compensatory mechanisms and has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, skin, wool and claws. The suspension is absolutely not toxic, it does not cause addiction, and only in the case of individual intolerance-it is manifested by minimal side effects.

STOP-ZUD SUSSENSION for Cats and Dogs: Dosage, Methods of Application-how to give?


This drug is convenient to use. What are the methods of application, how to give a stop-stroke suspension for cats and dogs?

  • The drug is administered orally once a day in the morning.
  • Remember the required amount of the drug and give a pet with food or in its pure form, jumping the root of the tongue.
  • The dosage depends on the weight of the animal.

For the treatment of dogs The following scheme is applicable - dosage:

  • Up to 10 kg - 0.5 ml
  • 11-20 kg-1 ml
  • 21-30 kg-1.5 ml
  • 31-40 kg and more-2.0 ml

AT 1-4 days The dosage remains unchanged, and from 5 to 8 - It is halved. Puppies are prescribed a suspension from 8 months, the course of 12 days.

Cats weight:

  • From 1-3 kg necessary 0.25 ml drug.
  • FROM 3 kg The amount is increasing up to 0.5 ml.
  • Kittens also begin treatment with 8 monthly age course 4 days in a full dose, and with 5-12  day half volume.

In the case of passing the acceptance of the suspension, it is resumed from the dose at which they stopped.

Important: "Stop-Zud" The medicine is convenient in terms of administration. It can be prescribed in combination with other means. In the treatment regimen, it is necessary to avoid the simultaneous administration of analogues, which can cause an overdose or termination of the effect of both drugs.

Indications for the use of a stop-stroke of suspension for cats and dogs

Suspension Stop Test For cats and dogs, they are prescribed for inflammatory and allergic diseases:

  • Contact or atopic dermatitis
  • Different eczema
  • Hives
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Alopecia
  • With insect bites
  • As auxiliary therapy after anaphylactic shock

More indications for use are itching for hereditary diseases that cause a picture of sensitization - pathologies of the nervous and endocrine systems


Unwanted consequences may occur in case of improper calculation of the amount of the drug, simultaneously taking two analogues or with intolerance to components.

Among the side effects Stop Test The suspensions distinguish the following states:

  • Strengthening salivation
  • Weakness
  • Lack of appetite
  • Short -term vomiting

In such cases, the drug is stopped taking or reduced a dose. If the signs are short -lived and after them the pet feels comfortable, then the course continues.

STOP-ZUD SUSSENSION: Contraindications

Contraindications for use "Stop Zud" are infectious and viral lesions. It is unconditionally forbidden to give suspension in diabetes in a pet and intolerance to the drug or its individual components.

STOP-SUBSED SUSSENCE for Cats and Dogs: special instructions, storage conditions


In the treatment of allergic diseases in cats and dogs, it is necessary to carefully conduct examination in order to exclude pathologies that are a contraindication for use. After all, any disorders on the part of health, pets tolerate quite hard. Special instructions:

  • Before the assignment of the suspension "Stop -sud" Be sure to conduct an analysis to determine the level of sugar in the blood and make allergen tests.
  • Under strict observation, treatment is carried out in pregnant and lactating females.
  • The appointment of kittens and puppies up to 8 months, As well as agricultural animals is prohibited.
  • When the product enters the mucous membranes or eyes, immediately rinse under running water and, if necessary, contact the veterinarian.

The drug should be stored at temperatures from 0 to 25 ° C In a dark dry place with access restrictions for children and animals. The shelf life in the sealed packaging is 2 years.

Important: At the end of the suspension, do not use an empty bottle to store other substances or drugs for humans. It must be immediately thrown away.

STOP-ZUD SUSSENSION-APICENNA manufacturer: What is better?

Company "Apicenna" began its activities back in 1991, engaged in the production of drugs for veterinary medicine. Gaining experience and developing every day, the manufacturer created a large industrial enterprise with established principles and a carefully developed methodology for the manufacture of drugs.

The company's assortment includes drugs, care and cosmetics, as well as assets for disinfection and disinsection. Why is the products of this company better?

  • An important priority in the production of quality products, including Stop Test Suspensions, is the constant improvement of the quality and technology of execution.
  • Today the company "Apicenna" It is rightfully considered the largest production base of veterinary medicines in Russia.
  • The products of this manufacturer are certified and in demand among owners of animals and veterinarians.
  • The company's management actively provides assistance to animal shelters, holds seminars for graduates of veterinary universities and for those who started or are only going to make a pet.

Therefore, if you are faced with a choice for a pet, choose Stop Test from "Apicenna". But, if for some reason, such a drug is not in a pharmacy, but an animal needs to be helped, you can buy analogues. Read more more.

Analogs of the suspension of the stop-stroke

Allergostop-analogue of the suspension of Stop Zud
Allergostop-analogue of the suspension of Stop Zud

In case of intolerance to individual components of the drug "Stop Zud" Suspensions or absence in the pharmacy network, resort to analogue in action with funds, among which they distinguish:

  • Allergostop - oral suspension with triamcinolone, vitamins B2, B6, PP and methionine
  • Antic - Powder for oral administration with polartolone and lipoic acid
  • Terramycin - injection solution, spray
  • Eczecan - oral sugar cubes with dexamethasone, vitamins PP, B6 and methionine

It is worth noting: Replacing the drug does not exclude the need to conduct allergy tests.

STOP-ZUD SUSSENSION for Cats and Dogs: reviews of breeders, veterinarians

If you are still in doubt to buy a stop-star a suspension for your cat or dog, read the reviews of other breeders and veterinarians. People talk about problems with the pets and their solutions, and veterinarians give advice.

Nikolay, 28 years old

Recently we were given a cat, a mongrel. In appearance, healthy and energetic, eats with hunting. In addition to food from the table, he took her dry food. So to speak, diversify the diet. After a decent amount of food, she began to spin in one place and try to comb the tummy and legs. The cat is white, so bright spots immediately struck. There were quite large on the stomach, paws and several small on the face. They tried to give anti -allergic, which we use ourselves, but did not know whether it was possible to give them to animals. I ran to the pet store, where there was the only and last drug (fortunately) "Stop itching". He took it, and in the evening the cat became a little calmer and even ate, and after three days redness passed completely, but she still occasionally scratched herself on her tummy. By the 5th day, the cat recovered, but we continued the course according to the instructions. We no longer give dry food. I recommend the drug. However, I do not advise you to get involved, the drug is hormonal.

Anna, 34 years old

I am very pleased with this drug! When they were in the country, the puppy sniffed the whole flowerbed with great pleasure and, in the end, he began a terrible allergy. He fell on his side, tried to comb himself, flowed from the nose and eyes. Plus, he continuously sneezed. I immediately went back to the city. I was very worried that I would not take it. This was the first time for the puppy. This is his first summer. I was advised in the pharmacy "Stop itching" suspension. Usually I do not rely on the advice of those who sell me something, but I decided to take the suspension, since I was very afraid for the puppy. For my surprise, after a while, my eyes became lighter and did not flow from the nose. Combing the ears and legs also stopped. I gave the drug for 12 days, and at the end of the course, the baby was completely recovered. The suspension is wonderful! And the price and effect was pleasantly surprised.

Ivan Petrovich, 45 years old, veterinarian

Suspension Stop Test Really high -quality and certification of the drug. The composition and dosage of it are selected competently. The combination of hormonal components and vitamins is quite effective and well suited for eliminating both local and general symptoms. The suspension copes with itching, reddening the skin and mucous membranes, promotes good and rapid wounding, and also prevents discharge from the ears and eyes, relieves nasal congestion. The course of treatment should be carried out strictly according to the scheme, since the composition of the hormone is present. No need to self -medicate and regulate the dosage themselves. The volume of components and the course of treatment are designed to completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Today, as one of the leading drugs in the treatment of allergies, I recommend "Stop itching" suspension.

And how do you help your pets if they suddenly have itching? Answer in the comments, perhaps this will help someone.

Video: How to fix the cat suspension, solution?

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