Spacilift - what is this: readings and contraindications, price, reviews, photos before and after. Spacilift - as is carried out: procedure order. Complications after spaceslephing: Features

Spacilift - what is this: readings and contraindications, price, reviews, photos before and after. Spacilift - as is carried out: procedure order. Complications after spaceslephing: Features

From this article you will find out what is the spaties of the face, how it is carried out and what other people say about it.

You need to try very hard to preserve the appearance of young and beautiful. Every year more and more new cosmetics appear on the shelves of stores, as well as technologies that allow you to fight wrinkles. The main difference between cosmetic rejuvenation is the use of special tools that are selected individually.

Plastic surgery allows you to get the same results, but only faster. For example, now a lift of faces is very popular. But only many know about the long rehabilitation period and possible complications, and therefore refuse to conduct operations. Of course, these fears are not unreasonable, and therefore a small -traumatic rejuvenation technique was created - spacies.

Spacilift - what is it?

What is spacilift?
What is spacilift?

In general, spacing is translated as a spatial tightening of the face. The main goal of this operation is to restore the position of the soft tissues that are located under facial wrinkles. The principle of operation of the procedure is based on human anatomy. So, everyone has “spaces” on the face - voids under the muscles. Some of them are attached to the skin, and the other to the bone tissue of the skull. But just in the middle, the so -called cavity is formed.

As we know, negative factors constantly affect our skin, and therefore it gradually stretches and loses its former elasticity. That's just to fix all this and this procedure is applied. At the same time, the price for spacies is much lower than for a simple operation.

As we have already said, this method is considered the least traumatic, and all because during the procedure a small volume of tissues is involved. In addition, unlike plasticity, spate acts pointwise.

This method allows you to quickly recover, and besides, its use does not lead to impaired muscle function, and the mask effect does not appear.

Spacilift: indications and contraindications

For spacies, the price is considered quite moderate, but the procedure has a number of indications and contraindications. This must be taken into account so as not to encounter unforeseen consequences and complications in general.

So, the procedure can be carried out for both women and men. In this case, age -related changes can be small or difficult. In any case, the effect will be excellent.

So, the main indications for the procedure are:


At the same time, there are certain restrictions. So, it is strictly forbidden to conduct spacing to people with:


Recommendations before and after spacing: tips

In order for the wrinkle elimination operation to go well and there are no complications, it is necessary to prepare it correctly for it. The very first thing that every surgeon does is conducts a visual examination of the patient and asks questions regarding existing problems. In addition, it turns out what kind of result is expected in the end. In this case, it is determined how difficult the work will be, in which areas it will be carried out, as well as where the voids are located. In other words, the doctor conducts full diagnosis and determines the front of the work. It happens that even the final result on the computer is modeled and you can immediately see what happens in the end.

The doctor is also obliged to conduct a preliminary examination and make sure that there are no contraindications for the procedure. He prescribes several tests that need to be passed. First of all, a blood and urine test is carried out. They allow you to understand what deviations from the norm are, as well as how well the blood is coagulated. An electrocardiogram and fluorography are also performed. Moreover, analyzes for the presence of infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis and syphilis are necessarily taken.

Only according to the results of a full examination, a decision is made on the possibility of an operation.

It is important to understand that a few weeks before the procedure, preparation should be carried out:

  • First of all, the patient should refuse smoking. The fact is that the effect of nicotine on the skin is adversely. The wounds heal longer, and this may not be too favorable in this case.
  • The next one should be abandoned is taking drugs aimed at pain relief and impact on hormones. Moreover, if the patient takes drugs for liquefaction of blood, then they should also be excluded.
  • It is worth refusing to exposure direct sunlight, because this can lead to an increase in pigmentation.
  • It happens that after the operation, swelling occurs, and therefore it is important to minimize the risk of their occurrence. So on the eve of the operation, abandon all fat and salty. You can’t drink a lot of liquids.

During the operation, remove all jewelry, lenses and piercing. This is all superfluous. During the wash of the face, use cosmetics that does not contain any alcohol in the composition.

Rejuvenation of the face
Rejuvenation of the face

It is also important to understand the fact that spacies is a serious operation, and therefore the recovery period is not long, but some recommendations must be observed:

  • First of all, antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor so that the infection does not penetrate into the site of the cuts. Otherwise, you will have to rinse wounds, carry out other procedures, and the appearance will be spoiled.
  • The first day after the procedure, the patient is left in the clinic to prevent possible complications. Only after that he is released home, and therefore be sure to prepare for this.
  • On the fourth day, the bandage is completely removed from the face and hygiene procedures are carried out, that is, you need to wash your face, wash your head and so on. In addition, with an alcohol solution, wiping the seams several times a day.
  • It happens that soreness remains after the procedure, and therefore the doctor can additionally prescribe analgesic or sleeping pills.
  • After the procedure, seams are applied to the face. They are removed on 5-10 days, but to the usual life you can return after 3-4.
  • Throughout the restoration period, the doctor must be in touch with the patient and controls his condition.

Spacilift - how is it: procedure order

Spacilift - the price of which is quite high, is carried out with the introduction of intravenous anesthesia. The procedure itself takes about a couple of hours. It is carried out endoscopically. The doctor using the apparatus determines the whereabouts that have shifted and has them in a new place.

After the procedure is completed, a special bandage is applied to the face and neck. She is cleaned the next day.

The price of spacies in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other regions: cost

How much is spacing?

In fact, the only drawback that has spacies is the price. The procedure has a very high cost. This is due to the fact that it involves minimal intervention and has an excellent effect. At the same time, there are very few specialists who are engaged in such procedures. In principle, the cost is not very different in the regions and on average from 300 to 450 thousand rubles are asked for it. However, the effect persists for a long time. In addition, the operation has much less consequences and does not require long recovery.

Is it worth it to do spate?

Of course, the price is very high for spate, and the question always arises whether this procedure should be carried out. Of course, the cost is sometimes a determining factor, but in general, of course, the procedure justifies itself. First of all, the recovery period after it is minimal, and besides, adverse consequences are minimized. In addition, a long result, calculated by a couple of decades, allows in the future to use a minimum of skin care procedures. It is also important to understand that the procedure is painless and minimal, which also has its advantages.

Spacilift is an excellent alternative to a circular facial lift, but do not forget that the procedure also has restrictions. So before holding, be sure to consult a specialist. Well, so that there are no complications, follow all the recommendations.

Spacilift - how much does the effect last?

Since spacing the price has a high one, many are interested in how long the effect lasts. In fact, it is quite long, which serves as an excuse for value. Approximately the effect lasts up to twenty years. During this time, new wrinkles can and will appear, but not very deep. So many advise rejuvenation.

Spacilift - is it a deception?

Some believe that the procedure is a deception. Moreover, the price is high for spate. This, of course, is not so, but just keep in mind that there are many scammers. Surely, you have repeatedly met on the Internet, and TV, the story that the clinic doctors ruined more than one patient. So, in order not to be in such a situation yourself, you must carefully choose a specialist. Turn only to those clinics that you can trust. And it is better to look for the recommendations of acquaintances, then there is a big chance to find a really good specialist.

What is better SMAS-lifting or spate?

Facial delays
Facial delays

There is such a procedure as SMAS-lifting. They are often compared. So, SMAS-lifting and spacing space have a different price, but at the same time their exposure is almost identical. So what is better? Let's figure it out.

  • Minimum injuries. When a classic lifting procedure is carried out, the surgeon has to do not only skin detachment, but the smas of the layer. That is, it rises almost throughout the face and then simply shifts to the right place. But when conducting spacies, it is not required to carry out such a big detachment. The doctor works only with certain zones. At the same time, the effect is obtained from a conventional lifting, but only the method is less traumatic, and the effect on the fabric is delicate.
  • Recovery time. Spacilift is distinguished in that the patient is quickly restored. It happens that after the operation, swelling occurs, but they pass in a maximum of a week. After 10 days, patients go to work and all note excellent results. At the same time, SMAS-lifting involves a longer stay in the hospital, and the face is completely restored for a couple of months.
  • The duration of the effect. After spacing, the result persists within 20 years. Usually it is enough only once to conduct an operation and the effect of it will be saved for a long time. SMAS Procedure does not operate so long, about 15 years that much less.
  • Naturalness. This is another advantage of spacilift. The fabrics will not turn out to be “pulled”, and the appearance will not change. Rocks just disappear, and the patient becomes 10-15 years younger. At the same time, the surgeon’s intervention will not even be noticeable.
  • Minimum risks and complications. After spacing, the appearance of complications is minimal, and therefore the technique is considered safe. At the same time, SMAS lifting has a lot of contraindications, and there is also a risk that the appearance will change or muscles with blood vessels will be damaged.
  • Compatibility. Spacilift can be combined with additional procedures, for example, blepharoplasty, laser rejuvenation and so on.
  • There are no scars. The seams after the procedure are almost invisible because they pass in the hair, but SMAS lifting suggests that the seam is located along the hair growth line.

In addition, there are other differences:

SMAS or spate
SMAS or spate

Complications after spaceslephing: Features

For spacies, the price is quite high, while the risk of trauma is minimal. However, there is a risk of developing some complications that are not too terrible.

But you should know about them:

  • Hematomas. Typically, bruises take place within 7-14 days, but it also happens that the blood leaks. This is due to damage to the vessels that need to be bandaged and remove all unnecessary.
  • Infections. If you do not drink a course of antibiotics, an infection may fall into the wounds. Because of this, you will have to wash and re-lay the seams. In order not to have to do this, follow all the doctor's recommendations.
  • Loss of sensitivity. After the procedure, some areas of the skin may be insensitive. This can be if the facial nerve is suffered. It is not very scary and passes over time, but it is worth coming a course of physiotherapy.

Spacilift - 3D photo: before and after the procedure

It is always interesting to know if the price is justified to spate. And therefore, before going to the surgeon, people are looking for a photo how the face looks after the procedure. We suggest you familiarize yourself with several results:

Photo 1
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 4

Where is it better to do spacilift: reviews

Patients themselves note that the price justifies itself for spate. As a rule, the procedure collects a lot of positive reviews. Here is some of them:

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: Spacilift. Patient road to a new life

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Comments K. article

  1. The best plastic surgeon is Nosova Olga Olegovna. She made her spacing and in no cease to admire her new, young and toned face. Without nasolabial folds and films.

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