Modern dog songs-the best selection with texts

Modern dog songs-the best selection with texts

A selection of modern songs for festive events.

Modern dog songs-the best selection

Modern dog songs - the best selection
Modern dog songs-the best selection

Modern dog songs are the best selection:

Song texts - Ivan Dorn “I'm not ashamed” (parody)

It is difficult to release your first album
What should it become? What will everyone say about him?
And still what to sing about in it
They meet on the cover after all.

I will study the market and go to the risk
I really want a platinum disk
I'm about to get into the top
God and Photoshop are with me.

I sleep and see - I am successful and rich
Like a hernia, I tear a hit parade
My discs seem to be told to me:
"- Are not you ashamed?"
No, not ashamed.

Sexual or modest?
Maybe he attracted children?
And so they want to buy me
All those for sixty

I need to attract a different contingent
To buy everything: oligarch and cop
I don't want to copy
But still it is

Dorn's head, the body of another singer or singer
I will go to the end
Let them say that plagiarism
For that at least something they say

So you can release a record for me
There is only a couple of songs left
So that there are at least five of them in total
I'm not ashamed…. Not ashamed….

A parody of Viagra "I am a little behind the mirror ..."

“I am a little behind the mirror - in the development of the brain!
I am a natural blonde, my God, oh, nails, nails!
I know where and so that there is no (not to think for a long time) -
Nothing, no where, with anyone, nor how! ..
I closed this volume of Gogol, page 10,
Because it got sick somewhere there (in the forehead) ...
This cream made of Marakui and Papaya - much more useful,
Magazine, glamor, page 5!
I don't want to get lost in mathematics -
Choose one of a hundred diamonds,
All of them shine - pah of grammar -
Guys without bank accounts are not options!
Guys without cash - they are not a person at all!

I will never get behind the wheel of a car - without cosmetics,
It is necessary to take yourself always at a traffic light!
On the knees of Chihua-hua-he is pretty,
Chi-hu, ahhh, huyaaa,-ahh ...
I don't want to get lost somewhere in Turkey,
For me there are few options there,
Turkey, Vaaische, I don't really like it -
The best friends of the girls go to the emirates!
The best friends of girls are emigrants!

I do not want to get lost in the Sam Samuations,
I will refuse all my applicants,
Oligarchs and financial geniuses ...
The best friends of girls are presidents,
The best friends of the girls are also the prime ministers! ”

Egor Creed - bride
I have been at concerts all this week.
“You are a loaf, a slut,” says friends.
I answer them: “All this is temporary
Try to live, just like I live. ”
I have a huge two -story house.
A lot of values \u200b\u200bare stored in it.
Sometimes I can't find things there,
And then the family listens to my words.

My shirt, where is my shirt?!
I remember exactly, I put it on yesterday.
My shirt, where is my shirt?!
The brother answers "I washed her yesterday."
My shirt, where is my shirt?!
I remember exactly, I put it on yesterday.
My shirt, where is my shirt?!
The brother answers "I washed her yesterday."

I’ve been at concerts for a month already.
Well, how tired I will tell you, friends.
I want to quickly escape from the stage,
And quickly come to your home to sleep.
I finally go in the limousine.
And on the threshold of the house, all my family stands.
And my head is now lost
One problem is worried ...

My shirt, where is my shirt?!
I remember exactly, I put it on yesterday.
My shirt, where is my shirt?!
The brother answers "I washed her yesterday."
My shirt, where is my shirt?!
I remember exactly, I put it on yesterday.
My shirt, where is my shirt?!
The brother answers "I washed her yesterday."

Alteration of the song of the group with Murakami "Brad" on the topic of dependence on gadgets with the Internet

You are completely obsessed on the tablet, it is stupid - like a zombie already.
And sometimes you don’t hear me, you stare at bright ...
The light is constant from different devices, I hate it sometimes.
In the non -flowing process always, you stare at your own ...
You stare at your screen.

A look at goodbye, promise me to change everything.
It is so useless and everywhere to love your phone.

Darkness in these stupid and poor eyes.
You know, however, not in smart posts.
Fingers again leafing through them,
After all, they will not help you.
You raise your eyes so rarely.
Tired, and so for now.
In the non -flowing process always, you stare at your own ...
You stare at your screen.

A look at goodbye, promise me to be a zombie.
It is so useless and everywhere to love your phone.

A look at goodbye, promise me to change everything.
So useless and everywhere your phone is so ...
A look at goodbye, promise me to be a zombie.
It is so useless and everywhere to love your phone.

Reducing the song of Valeria "My tenderness"

Can buy it,
The mass is curved
You hear.
The heart was clogged to the beat
Afraid to frighten off
Do not believe, do not breathe.
Do not let you down, buy it,
After all, this is all to you, you know.

My mass is not confused
Not lost in the refrigerator,
Not exchanged for trifles,
I will eat you, only you.
You hear.
How important and expensive
Find raisins among cottage cheese.
Open and chew you again,
Buy you, only you.

See my eyes
Two oceans: love and fidelity.
They will say without words,
How I wanted to eat you.
Do not let go, her cubes.
After all, this is all yours, you know.

My mass is not confused
Not lost in the refrigerator.
Not exchanged for trifles,
I will eat you, only you.
You hear.
How important and expensive
Find raisins among cottage cheese.
Open and chew you again,
Buy you, only you.

My mass is not confused ...
My mass is not confused ...

My mass is not confused
Not lost in the refrigerator.
Not exchanged for trifles,
I will eat you, only you.
You hear.
How important and expensive it is
Find raisins among cottage cheese.
Open and chew you again,
Buy you, only you.

Modern songs-shifts for holidays

Modern songs-shifts for holidays
Modern songs-shifts for holidays

Modern dog songs for the holidays:

I asked ... (Alexander St. Petersburg)

I asked the weather forecast:
"Where is the promised rain?"
He said that: “It will rain,
We must wait. "
I asked the locksmith:
"Will the crane flow for a long time?"
The locksmith hinted slightly,
Like, we must give something.

In the store he asked:
"Where are the best products?"
The seller twisted his finger
For a long time at the temple.

I asked the trace:
Where is my presumption?! "
He advised me
Read the Criminal Code.

I asked the boss:
“What about my salary?
And where are the premium,
What promised me? "

And the boss is stupid like that
Watching, smiles
And he is silent as if he
Just deaf and him.

I asked the priest:
“Is there a god, father?
Tell me without hiding,
So that I know for sure. ”

The priest answered me
Very sincere:
“Is there God there, in the sky?
Is there God there, in the sky?
Is there God there, in the sky? -
But who saw him ... "

Putana (on the song "Oh, viburnum blooms ..."))
“Oh, viburnum blooms
In the field by the stream ... "
Oh, in Putan Nina
So I fell in love.
I did not see rest
"To your misfortune ..."
I picked up this -
"I won't find words!"

Does Ninusya know
What is more painful for me?
After all, I have been being treated for a year
"Duma (I) about n (her)"
"At the stream from Kalina
The color flies around ... "
What caught from Nina
"Doesn't go away, no"

I dragged on it
"Every day is stronger ..."
"How (I) decide (l)
To visit her?!
I would put on an elastic band,
"Viole to give words"
I would then Ninka ...
"Guess yourself!"

“Oh, viburnum blooms
In the field by the stream ... "
Oh, I will confuse Nina
I avoid.
I awarded it.
That's how "ce la Vi"!
Guys! Fffue
From such love!

"You are alone with me, as if in the night of the moon."
I'm alone with you
As if in the steppe penguin;
Like sand in the snow,
Like a sock under a sofa.

Only one - such
As in the war, peace;
As if on Mars snow,
Like in the desert hek.

There are no others,
Who will stick the verse
Song and joke
And he will send it to the electron!

- You are only on the network.
Just do not flatter yourself
My joyful nerd,
That you are so alone ...

I have - more ...
I will feed the borscht
I put a cutlet.
Tryuh your Internet.

On the motive of the song of Yuri Shevchuk "What is autumn?"

Who is the mother -in -law?
This is Kara,
What is with my wife in the kit
I got
What will be for the son -in -law
Constant hemorrhoids,
Without forgiving him
Any prank ...

Who is the mother -in -law?
Is a song
About mine-not very well-
About goats born
For some reason ... male,
And about the daughter,
That she is not to blame ...
Mother -in -law, mother -in -law - I sing an ode!
I see in my mother -in -law ... Your mother!
Mother -in -law, I know - in old age daughter
It will be the same!
Who is the mother -in -law?
This is power!
Applying methods
Can become for grandchildren
Both as a judge and a lawyer,
Without removing the mask

Who is the mother -in -law?
This is mom,
If for my friends
Not angry.
If I don't remember
Where in Tver the crayfish winter?
If it gives in the morning
Mother -in -law, mother -in -law, glad that you are!
Mother -in -law, mother -in -law - wipen the father -in -law!
With mother -in -law, with mother -in -law, to live more fun!
Mother-in-law, pour it!

On the motive of the song "I can't otherwise"
Recommended for female performance

Without a clinic - a khan!
The collapse without her, girls!
If, for example,
The back hurts
Or a cookie naps.
To the registry
I will come to say
That I miss the doctors.
We must show yourself -
Look! Already meet ...

Waiting for a cardiologist and surgeon,
The skin and dentist.
And closes
Inspection circle
Everyone will sit down
The question will ask -
So it has been the same for centuries.
Each in his own way is it
"Pain with your hands"

- I have hypertension,
The pressure rides again ...
- Did you drink vodka?
- Four days,
"I can't otherwise!"
Hands and knife
They hurt again.
The stones accumulated in the kidneys.
And constantly the neighbors are angry -
My flowers are trampled ...

I am to a dermatologist.
- What about the face?
- Acting for good luck,
I live for a long time
With a bastard.
Much turned out to be a macho! ..
There are no half teeth,
I spend money on seals ...
In the mouth ... Okholist
He looked at me.
@wandered, not otherwise!

About the gynecologist - I am silent:
This is access to the body!
I better go
And give up ... urine
(I want to write just!)
Joking with me
Merry ENT
And the traumatologist too.
With them once
Drank "Kagor" -
With Viteya and Seryozha ...

Nerves are naughty
And the needle is terrible ...
From childhood I gave change!
Sorry, psychiatrist,
Sin again.
They did not treat, then ....
I would have sent everyone
Like that man -
Shishko was in Gortorg.
Wing without anesthesia -
Scalpel - "Vzhik!"
And ... resting in the morgue.

Again in the ward
"Motion time" -
How long is it?
I will become quiet - I give a vow,
"My heart is not a stone ..."
... will be discharged. Again
I'll be back home.
Swim, probably hot,
I will jump into the crib -
My favorite,
"I can't otherwise!"

Modern songs are universal

Modern songs are universal
Modern songs are universal

Modern songs are universal:

Alteration of the song "Sleeps tired toys"

Tired girlfriends sleep
They snore to the beat.
After vodka on a feast
They lie in a row.
We drank a night.
The door did not close the entrance,
The light then went out
In the late hour ...

The same night near the house
Just darkness!
Walks, wanders a certain Sema
Sex is a maniac.
Sema is a locksmith, by the way.
This is day, and a dark night
He is a minting step
Evil maniac.

In zipun and warm cap
Without a nearby, but in slippers,
Like a shadow.
In the nine -story house
Where the elevator does not matter,
Sema rides up
Without interference ...

But in the thuds, he made a mistake of the door
And two animals are waiting for the door
Evil dog!
There is no more villain
The morning of the night is wiser.
Close your eyes.
Bai Bai!

It is performed at stations, marinas, in underground crossings and suburban trains to the motive of the song from the movie "Swinar and the shepherd" - "I will never forget a friend if I made friends with him in Moscow ..."

Reduced me, reduced me
Like, I am a loafer, although a poet ...
Trawl my trail, tiliyli
And why was I born?

Children cry, menopause at the spouse
Let him whine through the closets of his relatives ...
Well, don't bitch, tell me, don't bitch
Did you reduce me to Glushnyak?

Farewell, my Black Sea vacation,
Hello you, Yaroslavl station!
- Take the keys, boiler and pass, -
Deputy on personnel, paskuda, said

He gave the last penny the last
Going without shaking hands ...
Well, not p *** p, tell me, not n *** p?
And yesterday there was a "colleague and friend"

I did not answer him anything
Only tears on the face flow,
And from the wall cardboard Medvedev
Smiles, Putin's jester

I will not buy Nadia mistress
No sweets, no flowers, no laundry ...
Well, not B ... di, tell me, do not ... di ...
Did you drive me into the train?

I have not been pilying a budget and assets
Sleep fraud and thefts ...
So submit to condoms
And on other male surroundings ...

However, the matter is not at all in the g **** nah,
I'm crawling into politics today -
Limonov blinks me from the poster
Smiles grandfather Zyu

Through the fluids of spring acacia
I feel the class upper flair
The smell of future expropriations
(In a folk simply-"reject")

Let the ruler of Moscow tremble
Because it will take off for a penny
Not Kasparov and not Khodorkovsky -
I am a simple Russian louse!

May I be the last nit
And in my pocket, not a ruble-ya-ya-I-I ...

Throw away, people, on the belt of the marty
And also for a ticket to the Kremlin ... (2RAZA)

On the motive of the famous song "If there was no winter"

Laptop and stool.
Dashing times ...
And the poet scribes poetry
Again about the pandemic!

If there was no quarantine
In cities and villages,
Spleen would not come to him
Instead of funny days ...

Every husband would not go
In the same way, his own woman.
And I would not have eaten buckwheat,
If, if, if ...

If the regime is not a strip
On the Great Planet,
Would not solve problems
Children on the Internet.

If there was no nose in a mask,
And in the gloves of the hand,
Demand would not have fallen sharply
On intimate services.

The oligarch is saddened,
He drinks from small containers.
It rusts there, on the seas,
Yacht on Canaries ...

Abroad is not fate!
Well, in the Crimea does not pull ...
Western without a salary
Pias an evil in a soldier.

Virus racks and cunning
Hide the larva into the mask!
Eh, a volunteer would come,
To disperse Kruchin!

On the account of the poet zero,
There will be a minus tomorrow ...
There is good alcohol -
Distant coronavirus!

The peak has not passed so far,
The dates are unknown ...
And, as before, they are sinking into the table
The muzzle deputies!

Will there be summer, winter ...
Let's start life first!
Isolated darkness,
Only there are few violent!

We’ll sit and lie down
A month - two in bed.
If the king and others like him,
For the people he was glad ...

Songs are funny modern

Songs are funny modern
Songs are funny modern

Cool Songs Cool Modern:

On the motive of the song "My Sail" from the movie "12 chairs"

No, I do not cry and do not sob,
That I celebrate my pension,
That our life is a game, and who is the fault,
What are the years rushing a launched arrow?

And to whom should I apologize?
It's time for rest - I am not able to refuse.
For my work talent and my worker
PF appointed a modest fee.

May the Wind is cruel.
In the fog of the seas,
My vacation is deserved and live without trouble
I will be no worse than kings!

And agree what charm
Live, live yourself, warming in the sun warmly,
My fate is such an elegant turn
He promises good luck as a lady.

The life of the edge is not yet visible to me
I have to go forward, without discouraging.
I will leave my sins for the time being -
You need to accept all the gifts from life!

May the Wind is cruel.
In the fog of the seas,
My vacation is deserved and live without trouble
I will be no worse than kings!

Owes you all career growth,
I am not easy to leave you, friends.
Life is, alas, that from your worries
I turned gray a little earlier than the rest.

But I do not cry, and I do not sob.
Although I don’t know where I will find, where I will lose.
And it may very well be that for your misfortune
I will lose more than I will find.

May the Wind is cruel.
In the fog of the seas,
My vacation is deserved and live without trouble
I will be no worse than kings!
My vacation is deserved and live without trouble
I will be no worse than kings!

Original of modern songs: "Natural blond"

I'm not tired of at all ... (New Year's)
I'm not tired of at all: to sing, play, give gifts.
On a sleigh, you boldly go to you, kind, generous and bright.
Maybe I look strict, I can be funny.
And let you all care about who I really am.
Who am I really?

New Year's blond, one is one in Lapland.
And even if not very young, but famous and idle.
New Year's blond, one is one in Lapland.
With me, the Snow Maiden is a star, we always walk with her.
We always walk together!

Again the New Year is suitable, we are again on all covers.
It is interesting to the people, though I am or Ponaroshka.
But when our meeting occurs at a lush Christmas tree
I am in front of you, and the children of my eyes do not take from me.
Children of the eyes do not take my eyes off!

New Year's blond, one is one in Lapland.
And even if not very young, but famous and idle.
New Year's blond, one is one in Lapland.
With me, the Snow Maiden is a star, we always walk with her.
We always walk together!

Song-drive to the motive “Three pieces of sausage” gr. "Combination"

Old bones,
Rheumatism and pension,
Tablette bottles,
The series is until the evening.
Let them talk about that
Grandmothers on a bench,
You, my friend, forget
About the sofa and slippers!
You, my friend, forget
About the sofa and slippers!

Do not thicken, friend, paints,
Saying: "I am aging" about myself,
Do not tell us fairy tales
All the same, we do not believe you!

At least at home is good
There is nothing to relax,
Not for that, my friend
You retire.
Like foreigners, you
Go to the tour playfully
And you will be like them
Live You P-Pa-Wu-Yo-Chi!
And you will be like them
Live You P-Pa-Wu-Yo-Chi!

Do not thicken, friend, paints,
Saying: "I am aging" about myself,
Do not tell us fairy tales
All the same, we do not believe you!

And we came here
Also not for a checkmark
And they brought you
Threshed apples!
About old age stupidity
Never listens
Who are these apples
Eats every evening!
Who are these apples
Eats every evening!

Do not thicken, friend, paints,
Saying: "I am aging" about myself,
Do not tell us fairy tales
All the same, we do not believe you!

Original alterations of modern songs - texts

Original alterations of modern songs - texts
Original alterations of modern songs - texts

Original alterations of modern songs - texts:

Original: “My bunny”, performer: Philip Kirkorov

You are my cat, I'm your pussy ... (for the day of lovers)
You are my cat, I'm your pussy.
You are a masochist - I am a sadist.
You are mine, I am a ring.
You are a pistol - I am a misfire.
You will run - I will cover
You will steal - I will wash.

I sleep badly at night,
Because I love the crook
Because I have been loved him for a long time!

The crook also sleeps badly
Because he is in prison,
Mom, I love a crook!
The crook will steal
And I will sell.
Mom, I love a crook!
My bunks!

My God, I'm your candle,
Aries are mine, I am a sheep.
I will pray - you meditate,
I will ascertain - you are levitize.
Yeti you are mine, I am your Nessie.
We are forever with you!

I sleep badly at night,
Because I love God -
Either Krishna, or I love the Buddha!
I also sleep badly
Because I am waiting for a UFO:
UFO will kidnap me, and I sleep!
The drum is also sleeping well,
Because he knocks into the wall.
The drum too, I also love!
My karma!

I am Ishmael - you are Suvorov,
I'm Pugachev, but you are Kirkorov,
Clinton you are mine, I'm your Thatcher,
I am your maniac, you treat me.
I will turn my neck for you
I am a psychiatric hospital, but you are more painful!

I sleep badly at night,
Because I sing songs,
Very, very, very loudly I sing!
My doctor also sleeps badly
Because the head hurts
Because I love him!
If I shut my ears,
Maybe then I will fall asleep
Just how then I will hear what I sing?
My psycho!

"This world" is the remake of the song

My mother, I'm your folder ...
My mother, I'm your folder.
I am a bun, you are my grandmother.
My exchange, I'm your broker.
You are poppies, I am a hardcore.
My pine, I am your ball.
You are a basement, I'm a mosquito.
No, you are not a sponsor, you are a mamba,
I love mamba everyone loves mamba!
My mamba!

I sleep badly at night,
Because I love you
Because I love you for a long time!
You are my sapper, I'm your mine.
You are Perl, I'm your tire.
You are my fog, I am your hedgehog.
You are my pocket, I am your knife.
You are an Energyzer, I'm an electronics.
You are my rainbow, I am a color blind.
You are Moydodyr, I am your dirty.
You are Ivan the Terrible, I am your son.
My mamba!

I sleep badly at night,
Because I love you,
Because I love you for a long time!

Original: "Battery." Contractor: gr. "Beetles"

Put a scarf and coat ... (communal)
Dress a scarf and coat,
I will curl up under the blanket.
I turn on the stove, and then
I am spinning densely fat.
Hot alcohol with milk will not warm me.
After all, the batteries will still not turn on in any way.

O-O Battery (2 times)

And everything seems to be, as always,
And everything is like normal
And even water in the tap
Although in solid form.
Even a window froze,
Although it lies at the door.
It’s time for us to turn on these batteries.

O-O Battery (2 times)

And only in early spring,
When the pipes are paid,
I am losing my peace
And I express myself rudely.
After all, the summer will come soon,
And the sun will warm.
And then the batteries will definitely turn on us.

O-O Battery (3 times)

I'm running to the store again ... (on March 8)
I'm running to the store again
I will buy wine and roses.
Such as me, not alone
Suffers from the question:

What to give expensive
Wife March 8?
So that it was cheap to me
And she is pleased.

I will buy a box of sweets,
Ah no, completely banal.
I will buy a ballet ticket -
This is perfect.

Let him sit in the first row,
To great pleasure.
And I'll run into the buffet
Without regret.

What to give expensive -
Now I know for sure.
But there is another hemorrhoids -
A gift for mother -in -law.

To please the mother -in -law,
Well, at least a little
Will have this spring
Plant potatoes.

Cold wind with rain ...
Cold wind with rain,
Raven on the birch.
There is nothing to do in your native
Advanced collective farm.
In the barn grunts with longing
Walking Korea,
And after washing
Mine sat a quilted jacket.

Oh-o-oi-io quilted jacket,
Oh-oh-io-Io quilted jacket!

You invited me
today on a date, -
I taught for three whole days
Love confession.
Now you are sitting with another
The club has a bench.
Where am I from home
Yes, in a quilted quilted jacket?
Oh-oh-io-io quilted jacket,
Oh-oh-io-Io quilted jacket!

All the same in the field of grass,
All the same handles-legs,
Only to the elbows of the sleeve
And before the marriage of horns.
Curses in the yard
A neighboring family ...
Or maybe well
What did the quilted jacket sit down?

Oh-o-oi-io quilted jacket,
Oh-oh-io-Io quilted jacket.

Contineling songs for the motive of modern songs

Contineling songs for the motive of modern songs
Contineling songs for the motive of modern songs

Songs-transfers for the motive of modern songs:

Joking alteration of the song by Christina Orbakaite "Migratory bird"

You did not understand me…
Remember, on the steam I
I went a little along the ladder
Look, you were a girl - pawed.
With a careless man
Flirted with a visor.

A migratory bird soared in the sky.
I checked your scum in your gun?
A migratory bird soared in the sky.
Just turn away, the kobeline frolic.

Where is your shame and timidity?
Remember the airbus
He planted under the handle.
Look, you are with a new bitch.
A windy boy
He stood in the panties.

A migratory bird soared in the sky.
We should peck, why spin so ...

On the motive of the song of Potap and Nastya "In our area"

Ladushki-Odlydushki, lining-offers.
We have in the area
All the way - Cliydy and Bonnie.
On the ropes, piles,
Pajamas of fisherons ...
We have in the area, in our area, district, district ...

And the pit is unclosed, rusty trumpets.
Bulldog is looking for a bush for a walk.
On the urns of advertising -"Vote for" Nyashka! "
It will help everyone, encourage, slapping along the thigh.
In the windows, the light from the LCD, the movie with the translation of "Faki".
On the road of a puddle the size of Monaco.
Screams are heard at night - “Yin, open it! This is Yan! "
The wind is naughty with the alarm, the "cops" skens drunk.

The chorus is the same.

Alteration of the song of Stas Mikhailov - Let us fly

I would give everything for you:
Chewing gum, glasses and a holey sock.
Peregans go for you is not a question.
I will go without a token even in the subway.
I took two wings on the crowd of love:
One thing for me, you took another.
Here we clean the feathers, we will fly with you.
Let's get tired, sit down, sleep, eat.

We will not walk along the rake.
We are two up with you forever.
We fly around the sky, fly where you want
My love…
We will not be nailed to the pack
Otherwise, wolves bit.
We wave together, stamens - pestle,
Only you and me.

On the topic of the hit gr. Silver "Baba Lyuba"

My hips, hugging, you growled: "Oma paradise !!!"
From his pants hastily took out his "device".
I am already on the table in the office of the wall,
How in the midst of our passion happened - garbage.
Aunt Paradise has come in your office to remove
And, marveling on the "device" your said - "In, .. Lay!"

Aunt Raya Come on, come on, come on!
Aunt Raya Come on, come on, come on!

And then the secretary of Glafira went.
She has a tongue that Raika has a meter.
Marveled at your excited "device".
You told her, embarrassed: "Well, well ... Add."

Hey Glafira, come on, come on, come on!
Well, Glafira, come on, come on, come on!

Then the plumber Yegorych looked at the noise.
And, whistling, said: "I would also blow them ..."
They screamed on him: “Egorych, with@bi!
Your USB was not enough here! ”

Plumber Yegorych, with@bi, with@bi,@bi!
And you, Barsik, also went out! Well, bruce!

A parody of the song of guests from the future "Love me in French"

Your hut house is on the backs
Dad Carlo and that, cooler than the Camur.
Let the ceiling at the hibara peel
So even funny for Mata Hari.
You saw the princesses only in the pictures,
My rude murlyman. Tired of men.
I burn from you, I am burning like a candle.
(It's good that there is no gas gas.)
I am so offensive to hear: "Frigid."
I love to untie with you insatiable!

Love me in French.
Tear off the skirt, collars, blouse passionately.
Oh, my hero, destroy and save beautifully.
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe navel of the whisper "Pussy, wow!"
Love me in Kububan.
Fighting with you sex even in a Swing.
With you I'm not an Arctic, a hot cube,
As soon as I see you with the "ice ax."
Love me in English
In the hollow of the chest of the slug of the whiskey.
Love me as if you are the first
Oh Robin Hood, I am a taic Sherwood!
Love me in Kongolez.
Attack and grab it from behind the curtain.
Twist my pens, twist my legs,
And then I scratch, a wild cat.
Love me in Tunguska.
Pad a stone on me right from the chandelier.
In mansions in the feather beds, I was bored like drying.
I missed my love so much! ..

Redding the song of the Christmas tree - "Provence"

Bowed a tavern, a draft sowing the curtain.
In a glass of gorloder, in the plate of the cucumber of the salty-Zakuson.
You can say that this is the "Absolute". A naive dream.
But I have plans to have a champagne tomorrow attendance ...

Tomorrow at two thirty -“Start”,
I - teleport.
If the calculations are correct
At two thirty -two, approximately
Not out of breath, I’m rushing. I will land
Somewhere in Provence.
If only not in Mukhosransk ...
The motive is very popular now
"Oppa Gangnam Style"

I was pluggeny as a child,
With a face, the brick that is asking
With a frozen expression
Sufferer from diarrhea.
With clico "pimple", freak, burdock
Snowing snotty nose.
There was a kosor and lopouh, -
Not from the handsome league.

Walked - legs with a wheel
Services in the cavalry
And, that "quite cholera" -
I did not believe Mameluka.
When he grew up and matured,
Like politically pouring.
Suddenly he began to hear from grandmothers
Scarlet ratings.

"The ladder has become garrous!"
Op-Op-Oppa! Garry has become!
Op-Op-Oppa! Garry has become!

Modern songs of congratulations

Modern songs of congratulations
Modern songs of congratulations

Modern songs-congratulations:

Alteration to the motive of the song "borrowed" Taisiya Povaliy

1. In the winter, I have wind and blizzard,
Because I have a girlfriend.
I am always warm and comfortable with you,
And so this morning to you
I'll pick up a gift with inspiration
To congratulate and hug certainly.

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday.
Sweet life without excitement.
Be loved and necessary
Rest our friendship.
Let hopes come true
Happiness is ahead
To sadness you forget
And the soul was calm.

2. I want you to fly from love,
For some, it became clear sun.
I did not lose heart from the realities of life,
Every year only bloomed.
I will hug you, girlfriend, stronger,
Let friendship continue forever.

Alteration for the motive of the song "Women's Friendship" Alena Apina

1. Today I have joy on my heart
And I'm in a good mood in the morning
I came to you, a kind friend,
With the hope that you were waiting for me.
I want you to smile like you
On your bright holiday, on this birthday.
In anticipation of cheerful leisure
To shine with happiness and bloomed.

Today I will wish you, friend,
Earthly paradise, love without a edge.
And I will never exchange anything
Girlish friendship, the one that we have with you.

2. I want a big happiness that is a big happiness
In your fate, forever settled
So that there is no love troubles
And I would not have to sob at night.
With you, we are sisters, although not by blood,
But we have long turned into our relatives.
Come on your birthday, girlfriend,
We will have fun and dance.


Alteration to the motive of the song "Who, if not you" Stas Mikhailov

1. We flew to you, having forgotten all the problems.
Because your wonderful holiday has come.
There is no happier and more beautiful birthday.
We wish you everything to work out.

On the birthday - doors are open to the house.
On the birthday - a series of guests.
On your birthday - you will believe the best.
Birthday - celebrate more fun.

2. We dance until dawn, how much strength is enough.
This day is more in your heart.
And let your luck will never leave.
Blutters, storms, cold does not let in the soul.


Alteration for the motive of the song "True Summer" of the group "All inclusive"

You have a birthday, on your birthday you are a queen.
Light until dawn, be, dear, the center of the universe.
You have a birthday, on your birthday you are a queen.
Light until dawn, be, dear, the center of the universe.

1. Night clubs attract shocking,
But you are even more beautiful with friends.
In the bouquet of roses, your look is serious.
I congratulate, I think it's not too late!

Today we will not get drunk
We will spend your birthday in dancing!
Movements to the right and left, in an embrace with the queen.
Everyone wants to dance with you here.


2. Today I am ready to be in the shade,
After all, your birthday and means you a word.
I will drink drinks, support the conversation,
And I wish from the heart of victory.

I want you to wish you stubbornness
And never give up in life.
Well, today you look beautiful, you look beautiful
But I just ask you not to be arrogant!


Alteration for the motive of the song "Lightning" of Dima Bilan

1. Today is the holiday, today is cool
We all gathered and not in vain.
Everything is on the head here today
It will be fun for her, to him, you and for me.

We will not sleep at night, we will dance until the morning,
We dance until the morning, dance until the morning.
For you today, these congratulations are words
So that the head is spinning again.
Congratulations, this birthday
With an electric discharge 220 volts.
Congratulations, this birthday
With an electric discharge 220 volts.
Hey! 220 volt.

2. Let there be songs, fun, dancing.
Let's joke louder, laugh
Try to run the happiness, not stop,
In order not to stop anymore.


Modern funny songs-transfers

Modern funny songs-transfers
Modern funny songs-transfers

Modern funny songs-transfers:

Alena Apina. "Electric train"

1. “He is crazy” - they told me.
Two orderlies came to us,
The injections were injected, they wanted to take it to jail.
And I do not believe, but I do not believe.
It's just nervous, it's just nervous.
Yes, he drinks, but what should not be drunk?
Well, what? Ambulance will come to him at night
He will tie his hands with a nationwide shirt.
White burning, white burned down.

Chorus: He left on the night on the lawn mower,
After drinking four bottles before that.
The orderlies in vain brought a stretcher -
He ran away from them without pants.

He went crazy with a crazy love,
He rushed off at night from love, who had touched,
And the doctors did not catch up with him, of course.
How much strength gives us, people, love.

2. In the city at night, both rain and slush.
Somewhere he wanders like that dog.
And you can’t catch up, and you will not catch it.
But the slush is not eternal, and the rain is not eternal -
In the morning he was noticed at a construction site.
The doctor arrived, and he rushed into the darkness.
But soon, the ambulance will catch him again,
Only injections do not help him,
After all, medicine does not know from love.

Chorus: He rushed off at night on a lawn mower,
Strokes remained from the bushes, but sawdust.
From love, the brains are pierced by the fool,
Even the pants flew off him.
He flies in the night, sparkling with something white,
And why I love the fool - I don't know?
Look, women, what kind of love,
Such love drives crazy.

Guys are crazy from love rarely,
I probably in vain on the head of a stool.
With grief to smoke, but there is no cigarette.
Girl, cry, everything will pass in the spring.
He flies in the night, pressing the pedal,
Outside the window, only the exhaust pipe flashes.
And I'm already standing, freezing from love.
The lawn mower is my beloved!

"Great Secret for a small company" is a programmer's song

It's no secret that the server does not grow in the garden,
You won’t sell it, although you buy, server,
And so I
Head on Keyboarde
I fall asleep, tired
From daytime troubles

Under the quiet mutter
The processor of the murmur,
Under the keys of chattering,
Under the swear and strained
Create a server for a small one,
For a small company,
For such a modest company
A huge server

Not a secret,
What serves are respected on the Web,
But to find ads for them, to find hell
And so I
I call users
Then on chat, then for tea,
Then go to the competition


Not a secret,
That a server loves care very much
Behz of my upgrades does not live,
And so I
Became a specialist in Support’y,
And now I dream of me
In nightmares of night

Under the computer grinding,
Under the keys of chattering
I quietly fell into despair
I say like a fool:
“Why did he give up, small,
Such a company
And such a modest company,
Huge such server?! "

Lube Group "Horse"

I'm walking around the field with a bucket
I climb through the dirt ahead.
Maybe I'm a fool - God forgive me
Just there is nothing more to carry.

I'm walking around the field with a ruble
I'm walking for women's linen
Without linen, friends, no women need me
I need women without linen.

I'm walking around the field with my wife
I enjoy silence
Oh, beat me with her relatives
Since this wife is not mine.

I'm walking around the field with a log
I want to build my house
And only the steppe is around - where I will not look
The third year - this is how I go with a log.

Zemfira "want" - alteration

Do not fly away
Or I will have to ...
You, of course,
Do not tram
And I
I don't think,
Which also…

Strong jokes,
My hands are plentiful
I will create a system ...
In order not to suffer?

Only crazy
I move -
I live on you
My great love
We are two
I do not whine ...

In the field with tractors,
I will create a tsunami
I give birth to a child
To convey?

Castle instead of a hut
We will buy scooters,
I'll take a victory
Will I take a victory about you?

Alterations of songs in a modern way

Alterations of songs in a modern way
Alterations of songs in a modern way

Alterations of songs in a modern way:

"Eighty -grader" - alteration of the song "Kino" eighth -grader

Deserted street together with you somewhere we are going
I am a beer, and you are waiting for a bottle
You say Men Mily, God forbid you health
And I call you ... by name and patronymic of course

Uh-oo-o-e, eighty-clause, aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Uh-oo-oo, eighty-year-ah, aa-aa

You say you have 170 by 60
And I just don't give a damn about it
You say, a neighbor Alkash again pledged the whole entrance
I am silently silent, as if it were not me

Uh-oo-ou, Ulyana Vasilievna, aa-a-ah
Uh-oo-oo, already retired, and-and

Domchkina lipstick, sister's boots
The kingdom of heaven, good was a woman
You love TV shows, and a bench in the yard
But at exactly eight you need to drink validol

Uh-oo-oo, and Dibazole yet, oh-oh
Uh-oo-oo, and two such green

DDT Group Alteration of the song "Rain" - DOS

DOS. The black scan was filled with a pure DOS.
Mouse. She lost her shape, suddenly became a square mouse.
I broke the window, the ninety -fifth mastm
And I put DOS and then I realized:
This is happiness - here it is!

Drops with glasses. Strange glasses
Or maybe tears on the face.
DOS cleaned everything, everything that was superfluous
I have C. disk
I pressed F8 and cheerful Norton
I deleted everything to me in a row
40 gigabytes, maybe even more,
Maybe even 60 ...

And I imagined: the city was suddenly flooded
Rational people.
All came under DOS, and damned Windows
Deleted, damn it!
Having forgotten about Word, MS Excel, Corel Draw
And other hemorrhoids.
People put DOS. As if in paradise go to DOS,
Normal, pure DOS.

Maxim Leonidov "Girl Video" - Alteration

It was an ordinary gray St. Petersburg evening
I ate sneakers and a barrel of jam,
I took it on my chest, and even on my shoulders
In order to drop a droplet.
There is a problem that bothers me -
This is the personalities of my bifurcation:
Sometimes I even forget who I am -
Either a girl, or a vision.

And I'm hanging like cholera in green waves,
Like lumberjacks near the old stump,
I sat down to notice if she was sitting,
In order to notice if I got the same.
And I get a job like an iron on very crumpled pants,
And I get out of the tap like a stream
I looked around to see if she had looked around ...
And he did not notice how he crashed into a pillar.

I was joyful for no reason
And in April, I bloomed like a stump,
But you said that I am not a man
I'm not a man, but just a plant.
I left home only in the morning
And I left her in a position
But whom I left - I remember vaguely:
Either a girl, or a vision.

I will jump like a gorilla through green branches,
Like a trainer on the back of y elephant.
I hesitated to observe if she was hesitated,
To observe if I was hesitated.
She hollows me as an advertisement for tired brains
8000 times during the day,
I was about to hint if she was going to
To hint, but I would not have cleaned.

Our novel was regretted.
Although I generally wanted continuing
I can't understand what caused:
Either a drink, or a smoking.
Life is mine both quietly and smoothly,
I grew myself in Puzan, I,
And everything is fed up with order
Not up to girls and not up to vision.

I will swim like a toural on green waves,
Like Duremar at the end of the working day.
I managed to compose if she had managed to
To compose if I did not manage.
I will sing like an acapella: "Trick-pam-pam"
Of all the kiosks right in the ear of ringing,
It's time to finish me to sing and she’s probably time,
To end me to sing about me.
A parody of the song of Bremen musicians

There is nothing worse in the world,
How to wander in longing on the Internet!
Those who are friendly - the Internet is not needed,
We are in real life and circle!

Our carpet is a dance floor at a disco,
Our walls are a mortgage framework.
Our roof is the sky over Paris,
Where no one has heard about us yet!
Our roof is the sky over Paris,
Where will they hear about us someday!

We will not forget our calling:
We bring brains to smart people.
We are tempting vaulting arches
Do not replace internal freedom.
We are tempting vaulting arches
Someone would give it free!

Reduced song Mr. Credo "Stevyak"

On the collective farm disco I accidentally met you
As a handle, you overwhelmed with a beauty on the skull
Your eyes are oblique and on each - two eyelashes
Your ears are like wings - you need to get drunk quickly.

Today in a white dance we are circulating
Another two hundred and make friends.
We really want each other now
And sober up - go around.

Only he entered, I immediately saw his right eye
Strong, passionate, delicate macho -
The prince is from a fairy tale, not otherwise.
His eyes are like a sea - I even sweated everywhere
It turned out that an alcoholic - but you can’t say by erysipelas.

Today in a white dance we are circulating
Another two hundred and make friends.
We really want each other now
And sober up - go around.

Funny alterations of modern songs - words for the New Year

Funny alterations of modern songs - words for the New Year
Funny alterations of modern songs - words for the New Year

Funny alterations of modern songs are words for the New Year:

Alteration of the song of Vera Brezhneva "You are my man"

Winter has come and everyone understands without words:
It is approaching by the end of the year.
And the summer is not soon,
And the sun does not warm for a long time,
And the windows in the patterns.
But we will not lose heart,
After all, the New Year is coming to us, it is already close,
We love him gently.
And better forget
Problems are the same,
I want everything to be serene.

May people be happy today,
They will quickly forget their sorrows.
Let everyone have the mood
Every person will be glad.
May people be happy today,
They will quickly forget their sorrows.
Let everyone have the mood
Every person will be glad.

Let everyone lure
Good luck for a thousand years
And grief will not.
Good will reign
On this vast earth
Everyone promises:
We will not lose heart,
After all, the New Year is coming to us, it is already close,
We love him gently.
And better forget
Problems are the same,
I want everything to be serene.

May people be happy today,
They will quickly forget their sorrows.
Let everyone have the mood
Every person will be glad.
May people be happy today,
They will quickly forget their sorrows.
Let everyone have the mood
Every person will be glad.

And snow -white snow
I fell asleep all our tracks,
Everything became like in a fairy tale.
And there was no better
Nowhere on the huge land,
So simple and clear.

May people be happy today,
They will quickly forget their sorrows.
Let everyone have the mood
Every person will be glad.
May people be happy today,
They will quickly forget their sorrows.
Let everyone have the mood
Every person will be glad.

You call fate by name
She will come beautiful and strong
You call fate by name
She will come beautiful and strong

Alteration of Dima Bilan's song "The impossible is possible"

Let all each other
Happy New Year congratulations
And from the good of the heart,
Like snow in the spring, they melt.
Let the whole planet be transformed from love,
Anyone hurries to share his smile.

How good when
New Year is coming.
Everything is old then
He will shake off our shoulders.
Snow Maiden will come
And with her Santa Claus,
And there will only be laughter
There will be no tears at all.

Let all each other
Happy New Year congratulations
And from the good of the heart,
Like snow in the spring, they melt.
Let the whole planet be transformed from love,
Anyone hurries to share his smile.

Let's talk about bad
We will not remember.
We will share the warmth,
And we will light up
After all, on the big on earth.
Full of miracles,
Let's get up with a dream
We are right to heaven.

Let all each other
Happy New Year congratulations
And from the good of the heart,
Like snow in the spring, they melt.
May the whole planet be transformed from love
Anyone hurries to share his smile.

Alteration of Leps's song "The best day"

In millions of apartments, hut, bungalow
Millions with champagne glasses
It will be soon - for happiness people to drain.

The Christmas trees will burn soon, brightly,
Unpack people gifts,
Olivier, tangerines, caviar "gobble up".

The best day-
New Year holiday!
Sadness goes into the shadow
The heart is waiting for a fairy tale.
What will come suddenly
Santa Claus in a sleigh
With a miracle for me!

On New Year's Day-
How can I not be dreams!?
Build something
Except for plans to live!
With the Snow Maiden
Santa Claus, what if, -
On the door is my "tuk-tuk"!

Alteration of the song "And in the restaurant"

Postponed for the time of business,
We walked for a hollow
The Christmas tree gathered us all here
We feast a team today
And although there is not a restaurant here, we do not regret it at all,
And funny songs of gypsies,
If you need to sing ourselves, we can.

As in a restaurant, as in a restaurant
We celebrate the New Year with you.
The fault of the snacks of different more than enough
And maybe Paradise begins here!

We invite all colleagues to the table
So that we sit well.
And on our festive pain
Fun, dancing and sang
Goodbye, the old year,
We see you forever
And on the new one who is coming
We have many different hopes.

New Year's alteration of the song "A glass of vodka on the table"

New Year comes to the house,
How many happy faces are there
Rada-rades are all around
They are going to run ...
There will be a holiday without borders!

Congratulations fly
New Year's hits the salute,
People are in a hurry to celebrate
Everyone is looking at the TV
Today is happy Russian people!

A holiday with a vinaigrette on the table,
There are salads and fillets
Loudly, the chimes beat at this hour,
Congratulating all of us! Today ...

We escort the old year
Let him go irrevocably
Let him pick it up with it,
All the bad will take away
And the good will give it back!
Let everyone have desires
This will come true in this!
And laughter is heard everywhere,
Everyone is waiting here,
And everything will be on the go!


Holiday, with red fish on the table,
Herring under a fur coat, Olivier ...
Loudly, they beat the salutes at this hour,
Congratulations to everyone I! People!

Alteration of the song of the Leningrad group "Exhibit"

In honor of the New Year, so many have gathered us,
He is already at the threshold and we have to start,
There are few champagne, but do not judge strictly,
If by the end of the holiday we will not get up!

Who is the crap and who ordered Ferrari,
Santa Claus has and if only he was not late,
We all went under the Christmas tree, not embarrassed to dance,
Everyone with New Year, Happy New Year to you and us!
At this hour!

And here are tangerines, ice floes melt in the glass,
Everything is like in the picture - we celebrate the New Year,
Our dreams are so swell, we wish without hesitation:
Let the best and only await us in the year!

Alteration of the song by Philip Kirkorov "Blue mood color"

Happy Happy New Year!
Happy Happy New Year!

And we all ran away from the ridiculous fuss,
In anticipation of the holiday with the advent of darkness.
We will have some sweetness now,
Everything, the sound rushed louder!

Happy Happy New Year!
Let him bring joy and freedom.
Let him fulfill all desires
And he will meet your expectations.

The outcome of festivities is very difficult to predict.
The salute thunders, I want to scream with happiness.
You, I am - we are all now one family!
My hand is in your hand!

Happy Happy New Year!

Happy Happy New Year!
Let him bring joy and freedom.
Let him fulfill all desires
And he will meet your expectations.

Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy Happy New Year!

Alteration of the song "Sansara" Basta

Extend your hand, give your look,
Leave your sadness, turn over the world.
Here is the New Year steps to our threshold,
Let anyone be lonely at this hour.

Let the laughter be heard on this day
Let on this day happiness and love,
There is more than enough for everyone.

It is time to fulfill your dreams to everyone.
Towards happiness to run, fly, or maybe swim.
Maybe swim ... maybe swim ...


When the New Year comes, the world will stop frowning
In the rays of the lights it will become bright.
The holiday gives everyone joy
And he fills his life with smiles of friends.

Modern songs for children

Modern songs for children
Modern songs for children

Modern dog songs for children:

The motive "Fashion is changing daily"

So the holiday is knocking on our door
On the threshold we have an anniversary
Open wide, our door, doors,
Invite the desired guests.
On the tables - treats, drinks,
And the wine has been poured for a long time,
So let's raise the glasses
For all of us, for love, for good.


We congratulate all friends
And the beloved garden too
And without you, our dear garden,
We can no longer live.

Our kindergarten, from year to year more beautiful,
He looks like a fairy tale castle
Look at our alleys,
And the pool? Why isn't he good?
And the methodology alcohol is a fairy tale,
Musical, the gym is just a class !!!
Do not look on the map, do not,
There is no better garden in the world than ours!


We congratulate all friends
And the beloved garden too
And without you, our dear garden,
We can no longer live.

Our team is friendly, beautiful,
And talents - we cannot count them.
Grandmas Hedgehogs, Snow Maiden, Malvines,
And we have such in the garden.
Mine, fry, water flowers,
Paint, repair, create coziness
We do not forget about the kids,
That's how cool we live in the garden.

(to the motive of the song by A. Pugacheva "Zhuralik")

We don't want to, but still
We grow up every day.
And, of course, soon to school
We guys will leave.
You believe that we do not want
But we say goodbye to you
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, my kindergarten,
Goodbye is my good, the best and dear !!

All toys are depressed,
Bear, dear, do not be sad!
With you soon in our group
The kids will stomp.
Karapus funny with a smile
Following us with a hand
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, my kindergarten,
Goodbye is my good, the best and dear !!

Let's go through the alleys,
We’ll sit on the bench,
For a moment in our group
You and I will run.
And daisies for goodbye
Shake their heads
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, my kindergarten,
Goodbye is my good, the best and dear !!

The call is cheerful,
He will call us to the lesson.
Ah, how I want to return
In a good fairy tale, a corner !!
And the tear is imperceptible
I will pull it from my cheek with my hand
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, my kindergarten,
Goodbye is my good, the best and dear!

Song-drive for graduation on the motive of the song "When Spring arrives I do not know."

Ah, childhood, childhood, our childhood,
Where are you running, tell me?
After all, with that girl in the neighborhood
Recently there were kids.

Do you remember how we came to the group?
I roared together and you
And we rolled down the cheeks
Like two peas tears.

You are our children's hearts
They warmed with affection, kindness,
We are together at the quiet hour sniffle
And you and I dreamed of fairy tales.

Educators are suitable for children.

Educator 1
You are quietly matured
Became a kindergarten, like a native house,
We have sang a sang one 2 times to you with all our hearts and children
And they fell in love with all my heart!

Educator 2
What a pity the minute of parting
All closer, closer every day.
We don't want to say goodbye 2 times singing children 2 times
And we are a little breathtaking!

All children are adjusted

Ah, childhood, childhood, our childhood,
Where are you running, tell me?
And they will be in our bedroom soon
To sniff the kids quietly.

We carefully take it to our hearts,
All that we were taught.
And we want to say that we love
And we will remember you for a long time!

Clap your hands

1. The last time we go on stage,
Eyes, like the sun, are burning.
All of us were waiting for this concert
Even the youngest of the guys.
We all love dancing, jokes, songs.
We are ready to perform all day.
We are very interested in today,
Together to meet all parents
Pat your hands
We will sing for you.
Such a concert is good
The last time we have.
Both grandmothers and mothers
Worry about us.
Pat your hands
We will sing for you -2 times

2. The dress chose the whole evening,
The bows are tired of trying on
I was terribly waiting for this meeting
So as not to disappoint you.
Grandma and mom did not sleep at night,
Even a red cat was worried,
They repeated the song stubbornly
Dad, brother and neighbor Fedot.

Chorus: the same
3. Soon we will become students,
Soon we'll go to first grade together,
We will not stop surprising you.
The school will become our native, like a house!
And now the last time on the stage
We will remember this day forever!
We will all be the best reward to us,
Friendly (kind) smiles of dads and mothers!
Chorus: the same

Song-drive for school teachers to the motive "You and I" ("A-Studio")

1. My wise teachers
He led the hand.
Taught this life to love
Knowledge was carried to us.
Maybe heaven is destined
Maybe it's just very lucky
Our school glorifies the whole village!
You and we are the power of attraction,
Every moment
We will remember forever!
You and us are so incredible
And without words it is clear -
Together we are always!

2. You have given yourself to us in full
We value it!
Formulas and lyrics are loving,
You were taught:
Foreign to combine with Russians,
Books are smart at home, read
There are no stupid things that do not make.
You and we are the power of attraction,
Every moment
We will remember forever!
You and us are so incredible
And without words it is clear -
Together we are always!

Song-drive for classmates to the motive "Cool you got" (stars factory)

1. We really need today
Something important to say
Because in this hall
Friends gathered again.
We finish school
We will fly around where.
But, we swear, do not forget
Will remember the school for a long time
Our eleventh grade -
Pedagogical councils and glider
Often began with us.
But we want to admit honestly -
It was cool together!
It’s very sorry to part -
After all, we have everything in half.
Cool you got into this class,
This is a class, this is a class!
You surprised the whole school.

2. It's good that in our class
There is Ira, and Julia is there,
Three walls and Alina -
After all, the girls - as many as six!
We respect you very much
Hello hello to you
And we admit, girls,
You are light for us like the sun!
We admit you in love
Igor, Zhenya and Andrey!
Our Cyril and our Nikita,
With you in the class - more fun!
We love Ulyanova to Zhenya,
And to Ruslan love in us,
And Oleg will also say -
We love again and again!
Cool you got into this class,
This is a class, this is a class!
You surprised the whole school.

3. There is something to remember for us guys,
In school life a groovy
We were in the center of attention
On a weekday and on a weekend.
Performed in seminars,
We conducted an autumn ball.
And for the New Year holiday
Everyone was struck on the spot.
Our cool trips
We will remember forever
We were original
And always active.
Let for our rebellion
Teachers will forgive us
After all, for so many years of study
The school was not in vain!
Cool you got into this class,
This is a class, this is a class!
You surprised the whole school.

Song-drive for parents to the motive “Remember” (“New Gems”)

1. Remember - mothers, dads brought us a handle
In the first, our most-most important and important class.
You gave us and give us light in this life.
And they held out a ticket to us as a child.
And now our childhood rushed away, and now we all have left
To thank you from the heart.
Thank you, moms, dads, dear, let you, relatives
From the heart to give your love.

2. The parents of their hearts gave us warmth,
We were very lucky with them in this life.
It’s sad with childhood to say goodbye, but life goes.
In youth, fate will lead us happy further.
And now our childhood rushed away, and now we all have left
To thank you from the heart.
Thank you, moms, dads, dear, let you, relatives
From the heart to give your love.
It’s sad with childhood to say goodbye, but life goes.
In youth, fate will lead us happy further.
And now our childhood rushed away, and now we all have left
To thank you from the heart.
Thank you, moms, dads, dear, let you, relatives
From the heart to give your love.

Video: Song-drive "Berry-Malinka"

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