Combining and part -time - what's the difference? What is the difference between part -time combination?

Combining and part -time - what's the difference? What is the difference between part -time combination?

In this topic, we will study the difference between part -time and combination.

Combining and combining professions are very popular today, since they make it possible not to limit themselves and their abilities with one specialty. However, in connection with the similarity of these two different concepts, the employer and employees themselves are often confused, which is the essence of a particular act. And this is not surprising, because they are similar not only from the philological side, but also from the legal. And we will try to understand this topic.

Part -time and combination - what's the difference?

To figure out in contrast between part -time and combination, you should contact the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Both of these provisions are regulated by law, or rather chapter 44. But the articles are located nearby: part -time is based on Article 60.1, and combination is based on Article 60.2.

  • Often at a particular enterprise, a situation may be developed when the employer needs to distribute a certain amount of unfulfilled work between employees. Anything can be the reason. For example, the release of one of the colleagues on vacation, the dismissal of an employee, and may occur a new direction in the work area. Or there were some internal changes in the collective structure.
    • If the volume of work provided is not very critical in order to attract a new person to the staff, then this work can be performed thanks to the assignment of a colleague in the form of an additional volume of work.
Both of these concepts are accusative in nature
Both of these concepts are accusative in nature
  • The main difference is as follows that Combining can be arranged with the main activity only in their free time, but not more than 50% of the main working hours.
    • Even if the employee works at the same enterprise, for the same employer, his work part -time is performed exclusively outside the working time.
  • Concerning combination,then the work performed by the employee is done for a certain period of time, which coincides with the main working time.
  • Thanks to this, we can conclude that part -time has the right to exist, both in one company and in several, while Combination is realized exclusively within a particular organization.
    • An example of part -time: A specific employee works in the company as an accountant from 8:00 to 17:00, and from 17:00 to 19:00 he is working as a cashier.
    • Example of combination: A specific employee works in the company as an accountant and cashier from 8:00 to 17:00.

It is important to understand that combining is, first of all, the implementation of additional instructions by management.

But temporary contrast is important
But temporary contrast is important

Important distinctive nuances between part -time and combination

  • Combining needs an additional execution of an employment contract Even if an employee-buyer will work in the same company. The employment contract without fail indicates what kind of functions the employee will perform, at what time period and how the employee’s work will be paid . There is an official registration of a new position of an employee in the form of T-1.
  • The combination in the documentary is a little easier. The employer issues an order that an additional employee is entrusted with additional duties that will be financially encouraged . Official employment does not occur.

Important: it is also worth knowing that there are no records in the work book if the employee works on combination. With part -time, all changes are necessarily made from additional work in the main work book.

  • As for payment for the work done, then based on the legislation of the Russian Federation , employees-buyers receive their salary, starting from the worked time and the volume of work done.Often the part -time receives hourly payment.
    • The situation with the combination of posts consists a little differently. According to Article 151 when combining posts, performing an additional volume of work during working hours or the performance by an employee of direct duties of another , the employee accrues additional wages, the amount of which comes from the agreement of the two parties. Namely, an employer and a subordinate. It can be both half a fixed rate and premium incentives.
Guardians and payment vary significantly
Guardians and payment vary significantly
  • It is also worth touching additional payments in the form of vacation or patients etc. Monfummer There are two different amounts that are considered separately.
    • But with combination Only the main earnings are calculated, but taking into account those additional compensation.
  • Vacationthe same with part -timeit happens only at the same time, and is legally formalized in two places. But the main position sets the vacation.
    • When combined Vacation is not supposed for additional "part -time". Just an employee at the time of vacation is exempt from additional loads.
  • Because the with part -timegoes almost for a new design, only with small work hours, then Dismissalmust comply with all paragraphs of Article 81.
    • Combinationit does not require dismissal. Simply, again, by mutual agreement or at the end of the agreed deadline, an additional load on the worker stops.

Personnel difference in part -time and combination

  • When it is said about part -time or combination, it immediately becomes clear that the volume of work will increase several times. First of all, such work practice is associated with additional load. But between these two concepts there is a significant difference in terms of restrictions.
  • The combination is limited to only one enterprise and one employer. But any employee who has a suitable qualification level for this additional volume can go for combination.
Personnel classification plays the role
Personnel classification plays the role
  • Part -time combination requires additional working time. The legislation and so provides for some restriction in additional working hours, but for the part -time, a number of work prohibitions apply.This is done so that the employee does not overwhelm, which can lead to a decrease in the quality of his work. Here are the main exceptions:
    • an employee under the age of eighteen;
    • if an employee who works in the medical or pedagogical sphere has reduced the main working time, then he can become a part -time. Otherwise, at a full rate, this is impossible;
    • an employee of a state enterprise cannot become a compounder;
    • part -time advance is prohibited at enterprises with harmful or dangerous working conditions;
    • if we are talking about transport service;
    • judge, military personnel, lawyer, lawyer, deputy, mayor cannot become part -time!

Important: if the employer decides to violate one of these prohibitions, then financial recovery will be imposed on the enterprise and management. In addition, the director of the organization does not have the authority to ban his subordinate to work as a part -time. Also, the number of employers on which the same part -time can work with the legislation.

As you can see, part -time and combination have a little similar - after all, this is additional work and earnings. But they have important labor issues.

Video: What is the difference between part -time and combination?

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