Tips for the veterinarian for the maintenance, care and treatment of cats. How to care, treat, feed, bathe, cat? How to accustom a cat to a new house, a claw, a house?

Tips for the veterinarian for the maintenance, care and treatment of cats. How to care, treat, feed, bathe, cat? How to accustom a cat to a new house, a claw, a house?

What are veterinarians for the care and maintenance of cats.

A cat is one of the closest four -legged friends of a person. The cat began to live with a man about 13,000 years ago. Despite the fact that these animals live near a person for a very long time, they always retain their independence, and to this day are the most mysterious of mystical creatures on Earth. Cats, like people, so that they are happy to just love them.

Cat veterinarian advice

Tips for a cat care veterinarian:

  • Cat should be fed meat, but not very fat, dairy products. The meat to cats, at least a day, should be given in raw form, having previously scalded a piece of boiling water. With raw meat, cats receive bioflavonoids necessary for their predatory organism, which are needed for metabolic processes. Without raw meat, cats can hurt and their wool will fall.
  • These animals are great lovers of meat, such as: chicken, beef, veal, minced meat, chicken stomachs and neck and liver. All this can be fed cats. Veterinarians recommend that the liver give cats 1-2 times a week, after filling it with boiling water.
  • If you feed the cat as a liver very often, it can bring to hypervitaminosis (excess vitamins) A and D vitamins.
  • Also, cereals and vegetables are very useful for cats, but not every cat or cat will eat it. Therefore, study your pet on the subject, which cereals or vegetable does not cause him disgust, and mix for food.
  • If you managed to teach a cat there are cereals and vegetables, then this is only a plus. Porridge can be cooked different, except for Hercules (it contributes to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the body).
  • You can add vegetables to the porridge, both boiled and raw, just groomed. Raw vegetables, as well as raw meat, are also very necessary for a cat's body. Beans, tomatoes and eggplants are contraindicated in cat species. Vegetables can be served with meat, without cereals.
  • Also the animal needs to take special vitamins, they can be in the form of tablets, or put a pot with special grass next to the bowls, in which there are all the vitamins necessary for cats.
  • Necessarily, do not forget to give fresh clean water.
  • Cats can only be given only 1-2 eggs per week, no more, as it destroys biotin, which is responsible for the health of the wool. The lack of biotin leads to wool.
  • Nowadays, on the shelves in stores, we are offered a large assortment of dry ready -made feed for cats, but not all of them are useful. Veterinarians recommend choosing feeds at a high or average price, they contain a large percentage of meat and all substances and vitamins necessary for the health of cats.
  • In cheaper feed, meat is generally absent as such, instead of animal protein, it uses vegetable soy protein, from which stones can appear in the body.
Useful nutrition is useful and cats.
Useful nutrition is useful and cats.

How can you not feed the cat, what are the veterinarians not to give food from food?

Not everyone can feed the cat, many products carry great danger. Let's analyze the list of these products.

Tips for a cat care veterinarian:

  • Many believe that fish is a favorite treat, but this is not so. The fish carries harm to them, it contains a lot of protein, which increases the load on the buds of the animal, thereby destroys the mineral balance, after which urolithiasis begins.
  • If you feed cats only with fish, this will cause a lack of vitamin K, which will lead to poor blood coagulation. In addition, the fish can be infected with parasites. Therefore, if you decide to pamper the pet with fish, choose a sea, and feed it once a week, a maximum of two.
  • Flour products and legumes cannot be given to cats, they cause flatulence in the animal and intestinal disorder.
  • You can not feed cats with pork, it is very fat for them. Fatty food causes obesity of internal organs in a cat, as well as in pig meat there may be parasites.
  • It is also impossible that the food that you give to the cat was with seasonings.
  • Make sure that the cats do not get to indoor plants, as they can be poisonous.
Veterinarians advise not to feed cats to everyone.
Veterinarians advise not to feed cats to everyone.

How to accustom a cat to a new house: Veterinar's advice

Tips for a cat care veterinarian:

  • If you can’t imagine life without a pet and decided to get a pet, then veterinarians advise you to take an animal aged 10-12 weeks by family. At this age, the pet begins to get used to a person.
  • When you Bring A fluffy pet in the house, bag or basket in which the animal was brought do not need to be removed immediately. Put it in a corner until the cat passes to adapt to a new place, it will be a refuge for her, the cat will use it more than once. In a place prominent for a pet, put the necessary vessels - a bowl for food and water, a tray where the cat will go to the toilet.
  • Misks for food should be made of materials that are easily washed, and the toilet tray should be spacious, 5-10 centimeters high. For convenience, the bottom of the tray can be filled with special granules - fillers, sawdust or torn paper. Such a filler is easy to replace, but it is better not to use sand, throwing such a filler into the toilet, you can clog the pipes in the house.
  • With the advent of a new house, a cat can behave very wary, hide in a corner or vice versa everything to sniff. At such a moment, the animal experiences great stress, a person should help survive the pet this stage. At such a moment, a person should be calm, not screaming, not to behave aggressively while the pet gets used to the new place.
  • Try for several days to spend as much time as possible with a new member of the family, pay him more attention and then the adaptation period will end much faster.
To make the cat happy, you just need to love it.
To make the cat happy, you just need to love it.

How to accustom a cat to your house: veterinarian advice

Cats need to be brought up with love and care, as young children, and therefore to keep them, you need a lot of effort and devices so that your pet can feel comfortable in the house. Let's look at them in more detail.

Fly house. The cat needs to be accustomed to going to the toilet and is in strictly defined places for this, but it is important that the pet has its own angle for sleeping and rest. For cats and cats, there are special houses that greatly simplify the content of such pets in the house. With the advent of a cat’s house in the apartment, your nights will be calmer, without a cat on a pillow, it will be easy for you to find it in the apartment. The cat can not immediately start living in the house, since the cat family is very conservative, they need to get used to.

Tips for a cat care veterinarian:

  1. The size. The house for the pet should be selected in size, if he is too large or small, the pet may refuse to spend time in it.
  2. Smell. The new house should not smell of glue or the cheap material from which it is made. The scum in animals is more acute than that of humans. If the house will smell sharply, your pet refuselive in it.
  3. The upholstery of the house. Take a closer look at the pet, on what material it is more often at home, maybe this is your terry bathrobe or shirt. The most common material is carpet or plush, it is soft and is not electrified. If your pet has some kind of favorite litter, then you can put it in his house, so he will get used to it faster.
  4. The place where the house will stand. It should be a quiet and secluded place, not on the aisle. Cats are very fond of being next to the battery, so the house can be installed near the heating device, you should not put it very close, from overheating, the animal will begin to melt.
  5. Sustainability. The dwelling of the pet must be carefully fixed. Cats are afraid of structures that stagger. Frightened once, your fluffy friend will no longer go there.
  6. Special conditions. Male cats, they are defenders and should monitor the situation around, their house should be from several tiers. Females prefer to take care of offspring more, so they prefer closed cozy houses.
  7. Functionality. Catets not only love comfort, but also show enormous interest in various designs. You can add tiers, a claw or attach some to a toy with which your pet will play with pleasure.

Praise your pet when he spends time in the house, give goodies, stroke him. Cats love affection and they are very smart, affection and love are very important for them. This attitude to the animal will help him to adapt to the new home and to you faster.

How to accustom a kitten to a toilet tray, read in the article: How to accustom a kitten and an adult cat to a tray, toilet?

Give the cat a house, and you will see a look that will never betray you.
Give the cat a house and you will see a look that will never betray you.

How to teach a cat to a claw: veterinarian tips

Tips for a cat care veterinarian:

  • If the cat began to spoil the furniture, and it is too late to cut the claws, then you need to urgently purchase a claw of your pet. First you need to observe what place the pet began to spoil.
  • If this is a jamb or wall with wallpaper, then it is better to buy a clawk with a corner of carpet. Install it on the place that the cat began to tear. At first, such an inventory can take aggressively, but there are several tricks that will help you accustom the pet to the claw.
  • Firstly, you need to take the pet in your arms, bring it to the claw and put the paw on it, then press the foot slightly so that the cat releases the claws and draw like a paw from above to the bottom. Such a trick needs to be done several times, you can not in a row, but during a day or several days.
  • Secondly, now they sell special sprays for such a method, mainly on the basis of mint. You just need to spray the claw. Veterinarians advise not to use valerian, he is a drug for cats and cats.
  • Read more on this topic in the article The cat is taking furniture: what to do? How to wean a cat to tear furniture: practical tips and cardinal methods.
Accustom to a claw from an early age of a cat.
Accustom to a claw from an early age of a cat.

Wool care: veterinarian tips

Tips for a cat care veterinarian:

  • A very large role in the health of cats and cats is played by caring for their wool. These animals are very clean, they lick their wool very carefully. There are few such efforts and therefore veterinarians strongly recommend that they help cats in this matter.
  • Combings and brushes and brushes that can be purchased at the pet store will help you to care for the hair of the animal. Try to examine cats as often as possible to immediately identify any disease in them or detect parasites.
  • Combning of cats will facilitate the life of not only them, but also to you. The coat that you combed could be on the couch or on the floor throughout the apartment. When the cat licks itself, it eats its wool to get rid of this lump, the cat begins to cough, causing it to vomit. This is a normal phenomenon.
  • If the cat has a short coat, then you need to comb it twice a week, and if the coat is long, then once a day so that the wool does not roll up, otherwise you will have to remove this lump with scissors. Try to comb the cats carefully so as not to damage the skin.
Well -groomed wool is the key to a healthy cat.
Well -groomed wool is the key to a healthy cat.

More details on this topic in the article: The cat, the cat climbs strongly, the wool falls all year round: the cause, the time of molting. What to do, what to feed, what to give a cat and a cat, how to look after a cat and a cat so that their wool does not climb?

Bathing of cats

Tips for a cat care veterinarian:

  • In the wild, cats do not wash only when it rains. The cat must be washed as it is polluted. Of course, if the cat got into somewhere, lumanded, smells bad from it, then it needs to take a bathtub more and more with antibacterial shampoo, specially made for cats.
  • If the cat has fleas, then you need to wash it with an anti -blocking shampoo. If the cat itself takes care of itself, washes, washes, then you do not need to bathe it every day. In cats and cats, a film forms on the body, which carries a protective function of the body.
  • If you often bathe a cat, then the film will begin to be washed off, so that it is better to bathe cats once every two weeks. It is better to just wash his pawns on the street, who walks on the street, and to spend the night with his paws and wipe them with a towel, which you specially allocated for him.
  • If you still decide to wash the cat well in the bathroom, then before that you need to plug his ears with a cotton pad so that the water does not get into them.
  • If the water falls into the ears of the pet, he may begin to begin the disease - otitis media. And yet, make sure that the cat does not drink soapy water from the bath, this can cause stomach disorder and poisoning.
  • More details on this topic in the article: Do I need to bathe cats, how often? How to wash homemade cats, cats and kittens and what?
Buy cats as they are polluted.
Buy cats as they are polluted.

Cat sterilization

Tips for a cat care veterinarian:

We are responsible for those we tamed.
We are responsible for those we tamed.

Castration of cats

Tips for a cat care veterinarian:

  • Veterinarians are advised to castrate the animal at 9-10 months. If you castrate earlier, then the animal may have problems with the urethra. It is necessary to castrate before the first knit.
  • If you operate on the cat later, then this will not help, after the operation it will still want a cat. Because the sex hormone in cats is also produced by the pituitary gland and, if the knit was already, then the sex hormone does not go anywhere from the cat's body.
  • After the operation, carefully take care of the cat, do not let him lick the seam, put on a special circle so that he does not reach him. Let him drink more to ordinary fresh water.
  • Feed it with food, which is easily digested, severe food after surgery and a lack of water in the body of a cat can cause urolithiasis and obesity. Such procedures are done at the request of the owners of the animal, if you want offspring, you may not do this.
Not only a dog friend of a person, but also cats.
Not only a dog friend of a person, but also cats.

Cat diseases: veterinarian tips

All cats are susceptible to various diseases and infections, and it is not particularly important home or go for a walk on the street. There are diseases that only cats are sick, but there are, and dangerous for humans. Such diseases are transmitted with close contact of the animal and humans. Let's analyze what diseases are common among cats and humans.

Tips for a cat care veterinarian:

  1. Rabies. This is a viral disease that all animals can hurt and based on this can also become infected with this disease. The animal can become infected from an infectious animal, or from a rodent that is a carrier of this disease. The signs of rabies include: rejection of food, cats are afraid of light and water, their salivation increases, they have become more aggressive. Basically, the virus in cats is in the mouth, and therefore he can translate to a person from a bite of a pet. To prevent such a disease in an animal, it is necessary to do annual vaccination.
  2. Lichen. This disease is fungal and therefore the pathogens of this disease are fungi. This is a skin disease, which is characterized by peeling and redness of the dermis in the animal. It is mainly on the head, or on the front paws. At the first signs of the disease, you need to immediately deliver the animal to the veterinarian, take tests, and then follow the exact treatment that the veterinarian will prescribe. The recovery of the animal can last up to a month.
  3. Parasites. There are external and internal parasites. External parasites cause great discomfort to cats, they often begin to itch. Such parasites are mainly located on the neck and abdomen of the animal. They carry great danger, through bites they infect the animal with parasites with internal - worms. Therefore, for starters, veterinarians recommend deriving external parasites, this can be done using special bathing products, and then proceed to the excretion of worms. Just do not pull with treatment, this disease can be fatal to the animal. Read more in the articles in more detail: Worms in cats: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention.
    What blood -sucking insects and parasites can live on the body of a cat?

The list of diseases that cats can hurt very large. Some can be seen immediately, but some can take place in a hidden form. Therefore, do not forget to carry cats for vaccination, inspect its wool more often, and generally look closely at it. If you suddenly notice something wrong, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. Do not be afraid to make fluffy friends, just follow some rules for maintaining and caring for them and they will give you love.

Take care of animals, because for them you are a whole world.
Take care of animals, because for them you are a whole world.

Video: Tips for cat care vetensor

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