A favorable period for sterilization of a cat and castration of a cat. Preparation of a cat for sterilization and methods of sterilization, care after sterilization. Cast Castle and Rehabilitation process

A favorable period for sterilization of a cat and castration of a cat. Preparation of a cat for sterilization and methods of sterilization, care after sterilization. Cast Castle and Rehabilitation process

Cat sterilization and cat castration is one of the most common reasons for contacting the veterinarian. Let's learn about this operation and preparation for it in more detail.

To suppress the cat and cats of sexual instincts and provide them with a normal lifestyle should use the service of castration and sterilization. The duration of the procedure takes less than half an hour with minimal damage to the animal. As a result, cats are forever getting rid of discomfort and suffering.

A favorable period for sterilization of a cat and castration of a cat

If the hosts decide to start a pet, then they will also have to think about the procedure castration of a cat. In resolving this issue, it is necessary to rely on your living conditions first of all. If you intend to let the cat go out into the street, then conduct castrationnot necessary. The cat will be able to independently satisfy its needs. The male living in the apartment of a high -rise building will be limited. During the ripening period, the cat will begin to get the owner with his lift and marks on things with a pronounced stink.

Important: the most favorable period for castration of a cat It falls at the age of 6-10 months.

The advantages of an early age are a lesser pain in the procedure and in the absence of the need to rebuild its usual lifestyle. Until six months, the cat still does not have an urgent need to satisfy sexual instincts, so he is unlikely to miss the reflexes that he did not have time to use.

Castration of a cat After year -old age, it is also quite appropriate. The older the male, the more time he will need to adapt to some changes. The restriction of natural instincts must be replaced with the attentive attitude of the owners.

The best period - after six months
The best period - after six months

When a pet appears in the house, a person has new obligations. The owners of cats at a certain moment arise a difficult task. If during the maturity period the cat is not given the opportunity to walk with the cat, then her body is experienced by severe discomfort, reflected in her health. For this reason, the owner comes to the question of cat sterilization. With regard to physiology, one cannot adhere to the golden mean. The solution should be unambiguous and conscious. Or you sterilize the cator getting ready to take responsibility for her offspring.

By about six months, the cats manifest the first signs of puberty, and it is ready to endure offspring. Another question is whether the owner is ready for such a turn of events. Whether he will be able to provide the cat and its offspring proper care.

The use of contraceptives for a cat will not give you a 100 % guarantee. Moreover, such products have a number of side effects. Sterilization will save you from unnecessary trouble and will minimize the health of the cat.

  • Decide on cat sterilization It is necessary immediately after the acquisition. By postponing a question for the future, you can miss a favorable period for the operation. The cat has a number of features that must be taken into account when making a final decision.
  • The first estrus in a cat occurs at 5-6 months. At this age, the female resembles a kitten more than an adult cat. Pregnancy during this period is extremely undesirable, since there is a chance not to endure healthy offspring.
  • Surgical intervention before this period is extremely undesirable, since the organs are still in the process of formation. For full rehabilitation after surgery, the cat must gain normal weight - at least 3 kg.
  • An adult cat is sterilized After consulting a doctor and the absence of contraindications. A healthy cat will easily undergo surgery at any age. If the female is already old, then the body may not have enough strength for normal recovery.

Cat preparation for sterilization

Before surgery, the cat should be well redeemed, and with the emptying intestines. If a cat sterilization Assigned in the morning, the last feeding should be in the evening. Moving a cat is best carried out using a special container. This is to significantly reduce the stressful state of the pet and the owner.

  • After the operation, the female must provide sterile home conditions.
  • The cat should be warm and clean. This will help to avoid unforeseen complications.
  • Organize a cat's place for a rest. It is desirable that the animal does not contact the host’s things for some time.
  • The operated area can give discharge, so try to pay increased attention to your pet for several days.
  • The medical seam will require special processing. To reduce uncomfortable pain, the cat is prescribed an analgesic.
  • Sterilization is not carried out during estrus or pronounced health deviations.
  • The effect of anesthesia continues for an hour after the completion of the operation. During this period, the cat is preferably under the supervision of a doctor.

Many clinics offer castration and sterilization services at home. This option is appropriate in the absence of the opportunity to organize high -quality transportation of the animal. If the pet has significant health deviations, the operation should be carried out in the clinic with the ability to reanimate the animal.

Methods of sterilization of a cat

Cat sterilization It is carried out in several ways. The doctor should tell about each individually and recommend the most optimal for your case. Before starting the operation, a hairline is removed from a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. The owner of the pet should not worry about this. After time, the wool will be completely recovered. Surgical intervention is carried out using anesthesia.

  • The method of extracting the ovaries through the dissected abdominal cavity is considered optimal. After the operation, the seams are applied to the section, which can be removed in two weeks.
  • The method of the side section is effective, through which the organs responsible for fertilization are extracted. Such a seam does not require special care and allows the female to recover faster.
  • To accelerate the rehabilitation period in a cat, a minimum incision is sometimes performed in the abdominal area. In this case, the doctor runs the risk of carrying out poor -quality amputation of bodies.
  • An alternative to the surgical method is irradiation of specific organs. This procedure entails adverse consequences for the body.
Castration and sterilization
Castration and sterilization

After the operation, it is advisable to limit the freedom of action of the animal. In order for the seam to the seam more tightly, you can put a clamp in the neck of the neck on the animal. The injured area for a while is covered with a special bandage that limits the external effect.

Video: cat sterilization and cat care after surgery

Cat care after sterilization

If you do not have the opportunity to provide the cat with the necessary care after the operation, then you need to use the services of a veterinary clinic. The animal will remain for several days under the supervision of doctors. Such a service is not very cheap, but convenient and effective.


After sterilization of the cat, the following care rules must be observed:

  • Comfortable conditions for transporting the animal home.
  • The presence of all recommended medications.
  • Clean sleeping place.
  • Moving the cat every half hour until the restoration of motor activity.
  • Eye washing with special drops.
  • Give the cat a recommended dose of analgesic and process the seam in a timely manner.
  • In the first days after the operation, provide the cat with a sufficient amount of fluid and not overdo it with food.
  • Control the sterility of a special bandage.
  • The animal should be in your field of vision and not leave the room.
  • If complications are detected, consult a doctor in a timely manner.
  • Provide special nutrition for sterilized cats.

Care rules are adjusted depending on the selected method of sterilization. The classic method requires more careful care. Some methods allow the animal to recover much faster.

Cast Castle and Rehabilitation process

Preparation for cat castration is carried out in a similar way:

  • In males, the operation takes place with fewer blood loss, since there are fewer blood vessels in the scrotum. A small incision is restored much faster and does not bother with numerous discharge.
  • To carry out castration, the use of local or general anesthesia is necessary. For the correct dosage, the doctor needs to know the weight of the cat.
  • Excess wool is removed from the scrotum and, depending on the selected operation method, one or two incisions are made. With the help of operations, the cats are extracted and seed channels are pulled out. To restore ordinary life, the male is enough for one day.
  • Chemical castration is carried out using irradiation and medications. Such methods have a negative impact on the work of various organs.
Castration of a cat
Castration of a cat
  • Operation castration of a cat It is a risk only for elderly pets. Problems may arise with the body's reaction to introduced anesthesia.
  • When the pet returned to home conditions, it is worth considering that during the period of anesthesia, the cat’s coordination is significantly disturbed by the cat. Therefore, you need to limit its movement along high surfaces. The male sluggish behavior is the norm for the first days after surgery.
  • To limit contact with the injured area, you should wear a special collar. Processing the wound with an antiseptic will help reduce uncomfortable sensations and provide the cat with a calm sleep.
  • The behavior of the cat after castration becomes much calmer. Males are more friendly to their master and cease to cause damage to home things.
  • Interest in walking on the street is gradually lost. In contact with other pets, the cat ceases to show aggression.

The diet of a cat requires a little adjustment. After castration, the probability of obesity of the animal increases. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase special food in a veterinary pharmacy.

Important: the probability of complications in the postoperative period is completely dependent on the qualifications of the doctor and the responsible approach of the owner to all the recommendations.

Castration prolongs the cat with life for several years and improves the psychological state of the animal. The dullness of sexual instincts does not affect the activity of the animal and its hunting skills.

Castration improves the condition of the animal
Castration improves the condition of the animal

Sterilization and castration allow you to prevent a number of problems of both the owner and the animal. To avoid the hassle with kittens, do not bother with taking hormonal drugs and not to catch the cat on the street, you should choose the most humane approach.

Price cat sterilization a little exceeds the service castration of a cat And depends on the place of the operation.

  • Per cat sterilization It is necessary to pay about 2500-3000 rubles.
  • Castration of a cat will cost 1500-2000 rubles.

A simple and affordable operation will provide a pet normal, and you will save you from unnecessary problems.

Video: What do you need to know about cat castration?

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