What blood -sucking insects and parasites can live on the body of a cat? Can human lice live on cats? What parasites and worms can be infected from cats? How to protect yourself from infection with parasites and insects from cats?

What blood -sucking insects and parasites can live on the body of a cat? Can human lice live on cats? What parasites and worms can be infected from cats? How to protect yourself from infection with parasites and insects from cats?

Overview of insects and parasites that live on cats.

Cats are favorite pets, which are needed for constant care. Even with careful care of the animal, there is a high risk of infection with various diseases. This is possible even without close contact of individuals.

What blood -sucking insects and parasites can live on the body of a cat?

There are several blood -sucking insects:

  • Fleas. Small jumping insects that can spread without direct contact. This is possible thanks to the special structure of the paws that allow you to jump far enough.
  • Lice. These are also parasites that feed on animal blood. They cannot jump over long distances and lay eggs - nits. They are transmitted with close contact between animals.
  • Ear mites. These are very small insects that live on or in the ears of the animal. They feed on blood.
  • Ixodic ticks. Unlike the auricle, they are characterized by a large size and cause an animal mass of inconvenience.
What blood -sucking insects and parasites can live on the body of a cat?
What blood -sucking insects and parasites can live on the body of a cat?

Can human lice live on cats?

No, this is impossible. Despite the external resemblance, these are different lice. Parasites per person do not go to cats. And even if you specially plant lice from man to cat, they will not be able to live there.

The reasons:

  • The difference in body temperature. The body temperature in cats and dogs is higher than that of humans. Such an environment is unfavorable for lice and they die.
  • In addition, the structure of the hair differs. Accordingly, the structure and structure of the legs in insects differs. Human lice with paws simply cannot stay on the hairs of a cat. And they need blood exclusively human.
Can human lice live on cats?
Can human lice live on cats?

Can lice from a cat go to a person?

No, insects from the coat of the cat do not go to a person. This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of insects. A person’s body temperature is lower, so even if several parasites are specially transferred, they will not be able to live on a person’s head.

Can lice from a cat go to a person?
Can lice from a cat go to a person?

The cat has white parasites on the wool: what is it?

These are Vlavoeda, they do not belong to the blood -sucking insect. They only parasitize on the wool. They feed on hair and skin scales. Such parasites provoke dermatitis and a decrease in the amount of hairline. Small eggs are laid, which then turn into adults.

Signs of infection:

  • The pet becomes restless, constantly rubs about something
  • Combs arise, the skin is peeling, shreds of wool fall out
  • With prolonged ignoring the problem, wounds and ulcers occur through which bacterial infections can be connected
The cat has white parasites on the wool: what is it?
The cat has white parasites on the wool: what is it?

What parasites and worms can be infected from cats?

Cats are carriers of a huge number of parasites, including worms. Among them are harmless and very dangerous that amaze the liver.

Types of worms in cats:

  1. Round worms. These parasites are transmitted from cats to people. They can grow up to several meters. Cause an increase in appetite, a swollen stomach. Sometimes vomiting, weakness and diarrhea are possible.
  2. Tapeworm. A very dangerous parasite that can easily become infected with a cat. It is a strip worm, reaching a length of 3 m. At the same time, the worm has a suction cup, which it is attached to the intestines. The animal becomes very restless. In feces there are white inclusions resembling grain. These are scraps and worms of the worm. It is hermaphrodite, therefore, upon reaching puberty, it fertilizes itself.
  3. Askarides. Thin worms that often affect kittens. They are transmitted to people and also live in the intestines. Their long period of time cannot be noticed, since they do not often stand out with feces. The animal is getting sick, worse and even coughing.
  4. Nematodes. They can be very small, so there are no traces of worms in the feces. But the cat loses weight, autumn is restless. Nematodes are transmitted to people, causing anemia and intestinal diseases.

All types of worms in a cat should be treated. If you have small children in your house, give them and animals to glorified drugs. It is worth carrying out preventive processing. It is carried out in the fall and spring.

What parasites and worms can be infected from cats?
What parasites and worms can be infected from cats?

How to protect yourself from infection with parasites and insects from cats?

It is worth noting that some parasites can exist on their own for a long period of time. At the same time, many larvae enters the soil, where they live long enough. That is why it is worth washing your hands after contact with the soil.

Preventive measures to combat parasites:

  • Wash herbs, vegetables and fruits. Since the ground may contain larvae and eggs of worms, everything that is in contact with the soil should be washed well and pour boiling water well.
  • Do not bathe in prohibited places. In the summer, in order to refresh them, people neglect the warning posters and bathe in reservoirs. Water may contain worms.
  • In the summer, cover the products with fabric or lids. Do not leave food right on the table. It is enough to sit on the product a fly. This insect is a bearer of a huge number of ailments, including worms.
  • Take care of animals. If you have a pet, do not leave it unattended. Carefully inspect the feces and condition of the animal. With any suspicion of worms, give the animal an anthelmintic.
  • Enjoy your child to wash your hands before and after eating. Kids often dig in the sandbox, where infected cats can go to the toilet. It is enough for the child to lick his fingers so that the parasites settled in the body.
  • Boil and fry the meat well. Cattle is also a carrier of a large number of parasites. With insufficient heat treatment, worm eggs enter the food tract along with food. Infection occurs.
  • Be sure to go to the toilet, wash the trays with chlorine. There are also modern disinfectants. With their participation, it will be possible to destroy the eggs of worms.
  • Do not purchase products from your hands. This is especially true for dairy products and meat. High probability of infection from fruits and vegetables. Do not allow children to eat unwashed berries and fruits. Do not let's drink non -fed milk.
How to protect yourself from infection with parasites and insects from cats?
How to protect yourself from infection with parasites and insects from cats?

As you can see, cats are carriers of a huge number of parasites. Not all of them are transmitted to people. But a large number of worms can also live in the human body.

Video: Cat worms

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  1. That is why the timely processing of animals from parasites is so important. And here it is important to use proven funds. And then we somehow offered Binakar-and it is toxic, does not give protection against ticks. I didn’t take it well - I would have to throw it away.

  2. We, too, read a lot of negative reviews about Binakar, so we took the time -tested time. She is confident in defense and security.

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