Is it worth sterilizing a cat and castrating a cat? What can there be complications for the cat after castration, and for a cat after sterilization?

Is it worth sterilizing a cat and castrating a cat? What can there be complications for the cat after castration, and for a cat after sterilization?

If you cannot decide whether your pet needs an operation such as castration or sterilization, doubt the pluses and minuses of the procedure, and also fear complications, in our article you will find answers to your questions.

You want to have a pet - a cat or cat, or have already done it. Then the question of castration or sterilization of the animal will definitely arise before you. Such procedures are designed not only to make life easier for the owner and prevent undesirable offspring, but also have medical indications.

Do the cat need castration?

  • Castration is a surgical surgery in which the animal's sex glands are removed. Typically, the procedure is carried out at the age of 8-12 months, since it is during this period that puberty is completed
  • It is desirable to decide on the need to carry out the procedure as early as possible - until the first knit. Not the best solution looks to reduce the animal several times, and then resort to castration
  • The operation itself is not difficult and does not threaten the health of the cat. Possible risks are associated only with the need for anesthesia

Arguments speaking in favor of castration:

  • The cat will not scream at night, show signs of anxiety, "mark"
  • The animal will not experience physical discomfort, suffering from lack of sexual contact
  • After the procedure, the nature and behavior of your pet is noticeably improved - it becomes playful or more calm, does not show signs of aggression
  • Castration of a cat is considered an effective prevention of prostate adenoma, prostatitis, and tumor formations of the genital organs
Cat aggressive behavior as one of the causes of castration

Negative moments:

  • The operation is carried out under local or complete anesthesia. Mandatory is a preliminary test of the animal’s cardiac activity and collect the necessary tests. The dose of anesthesia should be selected individually. The exit from anesthesia can also be very painful
  • In the future, the following health problems of your pet are possible - improper nutrition can lead to the development of urolithiasis and obesity

Methods of castration of cats

There are the following methods of surgical intervention during castration:

  1. Traditional option, when the testicles are removing during the operation
  2. An analogue of sterilization of men - consists in the dressing of seed ducts, i.e. The animal becomes barren. Moreover, all sexual functions, as well as related problems of behavior and health, are preserved. Therefore, in 99% of cases, cat owners prefer a traditional way of castration
Consultation in Vetlechabnik in front of Cat Castration

Preparation of a cat in castration

  • The main condition for a successful operation is to choose a good specialist and the lack of health problems in your pet. The procedure can be carried out in a veterinary clinic or at your request at home
  • The atmosphere of the hospital, of course, can scare the animal. Some cats and cats experience severe stress, falling into an unfamiliar environment. In addition, home operation will avoid possible infection with viral diseases if the animal is not vaccinated. On the other hand, in the event of any complications in the clinic, your favorite will provide timely qualified assistance
  • Usually, the following examinations are prescribed before castration: echo of the heart, blood tests and urine. If the analysis data is satisfactory, you can decide on the date of the operation. Keep in mind that after the procedure, the cat must be under the supervision of one of the adults for at least 2 days
  • Do not feed the cat in the 12-hour period before the operation-it is necessary that the stomach and intestines are empty. Otherwise, vomiting may begin during the procedure, which will worsen the condition of the animal. 3 hours before castration, you can not give the cat water
  • Take the documents with you to the clinic - the owner of the owner, the veterinary passport of the animal, a warm blanket and a bag with an open top for carrying
  • After the procedure, listen to the recommendations of the doctor for care, nutrition and possible signs of complications in which you must contact the clinic
  • If the operation was carried out under general anesthesia, it is advisable to leave the animal in the clinic under the supervision of a doctor for 24 hours. At your request, you can immediately take the pet home
Conducting an examination of the animal before castration to eliminate the risk of complications

How does the cat behave after castration?

  • After general anesthesia, your pet will sleep for some time. Some animals can wake up after 30-40 minutes, others only through Z-4 hours. It depends on the body of the pet, the dose and the type of anesthetic drug
  • Put the cat at home on a soft litter on the floor. Periodically check the condition of the animal - touch your nose, ears, paws. If your pet reacts to touch, then everything is in order. Waking up, the animal will be constrained in movements, a violation of coordination is possible - a braided gait, dangling head. The animal may try to hide or wander aimlessly around the apartment - these are the consequences of the surviving stress
  • As soon as the cat wakes up, moisten the larynx to him - pour a teaspoon of boiled water, you can use a pipette or syringe for this. Do not let him drink from a bowl until he completely comes to his senses - after general anesthesia, the swallowing reflexes of the animal are violated, and the liquid can fall into the respiratory tract
  • The first feeding is allowed only 7-8 hours after the complete exit from the state of anesthesia. Food should be light, puree, in small portions
A special collar after castration to protect the cut from infection getting

Complications after cat castration

  • If local anesthesia was used during the operation, you should only treat the incision prescribed by a disinfectant and pay attention to thorough cleaning of the toilet tray in order to avoid the infection in the wound
  • A special collar will be required if the cat suffers from infectious diseases of the oral cavity or too often and diligently licks the wound
  • After general anesthesia, the care of the animals in addition to this includes attentive monitoring of its condition during the first day. Sometimes the reaction of the body to general anesthesia manifests itself a few hours after the end of the operation

Immediately contact the clinic if you notice anxious symptoms:

  • swelling of the lips, tongue, age
  • pale or severe redness of mucous membranes
  • difficulty breathing
  • improving body temperature
  • malfunctions of the heartbeat

The refusal of food in the first 2 days after castration is not a serious cause for concern. This behavior is characteristic of animals that have experienced a stressful situation. Consult a doctor to prescribe sedative and sedatives.

High temperature after castration - a signal for immediate seeing a doctor

Should the cat have sterilization?

  • Sterilization of cats is carried out for the same reasons as the castration of cats. The animal experiences constant discomfort from unsatisfied sexual instinct, and you do not need problems that arise when it comes time to attach kittens in “good hands”
  • This operation is recommended to be carried out at the age of 7-8 months. Early sterilization is dangerous for complications and can affect the growth and development of the animal. Late terms can result in the risk of negative consequences of anesthesia and a decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure
  • There is a misconception according to which a cat should give birth at least once before sterilization. In fact, an unborn animal hormone estrogen, which determine sexual behavior, is produced only in the ovaries. After childbirth, these hormones begin to be produced by other glands of internal secretion, so the animal will lose childbearing functions, but will feel constant anxiety, can be aggressive
Sterilization of a cat will protect the animal from unwanted pregnancy and genital diseases

Methods of sterilization of a cat

There are 2 types of sterilization:

  1. Ovarihytectomy includes surgical removal of all the reproductive organs of the animal
  2. Ovariectomy - ovarian removal with the complete preservation of the uterus. The blood supply to this organ is not disturbed, therefore, subsequently atrophy of tissues is not observed. At the same time, the risk of developing uterine diseases - inflammatory processes and tumor formations of various etiologies remains

Based on the above reasons, doctors are recommended for the second method of sterilization.

How to prepare a cat for sterilization?

  • It is recommended to instill a cat at least 30-40 days before sterilization. Then the risk of acquiring a viral infection while in the clinic will be minimal. Anesthesia used during the operation can reduce the immune defense of the body, which will result in additional complications for an unvaccinated animal
  • Undergo the necessary examination of the heart, pass urine and blood tests
  • Before the operation, the same recommendations are valid as above-a 12-hour diet and a ban on fluid during the last z-x-hour before the procedure
  • Such measures are associated with the influence of anesthetic substances on the animal's body. The used combination of thiletomine and xilazin has a side effect in the form of vomiting. This can cause a serious complication during the operation, so the need to starve before the procedure should be taken responsibly
Mandatory consultation and examination in a veterinary clinic before sterilization

How does a cat behave after sterilization?

  • The operation is usually carried out under general anesthesia. Some clinics offer a service to find an animal within 7-10 days in a hospital under the full supervision
  • If you decide to take the animal home immediately after the procedure, prepare a convenient soft place in advance, in warmth, preferably without direct sunlight. A sharp light can cause irritation of the eye corn, causing fear and anxiety of your pet
  • Observe the condition of the cat before the cessation of anesthesia. The behavior of the animal at the time of awakening can look like staggering, braided paws, a muddy look, trembling of the head. Try to protect the space and prevent the injury of the animal during disorientation after anesthesia
  • After the operation, a special bandage is put on the cat in the veterinary clinic to prevent dirt from getting and damage. This "clothing" usually does not cause anxiety of the animal
  • In order to avoid complications after surgery, antibacterial therapy is prescribed. Usually, a prolonged antibiotic is used in the amount of 2 injections with an interval of 48 hours. The first injection is made in the clinic immediately after the end of the operation. The second can be made by the owner independently, or for the procedure, the animal must be brought to the veterinarian
  • Within 1-1.5 weeks after sterilization, it is necessary to check the condition of the skin joints. The seams should remain clean and dry. If you notice redness, getting wet or suppuration of seams, see a doctor immediately. A small swelling is allowed in the cut area. Suture care consists in daily wiping the site with a 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine
  • As a rule, seams are removed on 8-10 days after sterilization, if absorbing materials were not used
A special bandage is used to protect sutures after sterilization

Complications after sterilization of a cat

  • Postoperative hernia - the formation of a seal in the form of a bump on the stomach or side of the animal. The appearance of a hernia is due to the divergence of the inner seam, and the external seam may not be damaged, the symptoms of inflammation are not observed
  • The reasons for the appearance of a hernia may be incorrect seaming, too active cat behavior in the postoperative period, and damage to the bandage. If you notice such an education in your pet, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic for surgical removal of a hernia
  • Refusal of food and food-over the first 2 days after sterilization, should not cause excitement. If the animal continues to starve, consult a doctor
Inflammation of the mammary glands is one of the complications after sterilization of the cat

Dangerous symptoms requiring immediate contacting the clinic:

  • The swelling of the mammary glands - an increase in size and soreness can be caused by the action of hormones. This condition sometimes passes on its own, but dangerous to the risk of developing mastopathy
  • An increase in body temperature - may indicate the development of the inflammatory process in the body. It is not recommended to knock down the temperature yourself
  • Constipation - after a crash operation is a frequent occurrence and can cause sufficiently severe pain. Do not give the cat a laxative without consulting a doctor, as there is a risk of incorrectly calculating the dose of the drug. An enema and further observance of a special diet will be a more efficient and safe way

Video: castration and sterilization, vetinar tips

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