How to accustom a kitten and an adult cat to a tray, toilet? Why is the kitten, the cat does not go to the tray, the toilet, but goes, where did it go?

How to accustom a kitten and an adult cat to a tray, toilet? Why is the kitten, the cat does not go to the tray, the toilet, but goes, where did it go?

The article includes tips on how to accustom a kitten or an adult cat to go to a tray with a filler and without.

Having decided to acquire a mustachioed, striped pet, you should prepare for a gradual, methodical accustoming to a pot.

The subtleties of a cat toilet: what do you need?

Walking to the tray with a filler cat is more natural than to celebrate the need for the corners. Write and poop in the sand or earth, after burying your stool and their smell is laid in it by nature. Only a rare cat is completely uncouraged.

Important: cats are clean animals. As a rule, a person does not need to teach kittens toilet. Mom-cat takes this care for herself

If the kitten is with her mother and a half to two months, mom herself regularly goes to the tray, it is likely that she finds himself with the new owners, the baby will very soon go to him. Small errors in the early days can be attributed to the stress experienced by animals, and getting used to a new environment.

A pot with a filler and a spatula should appear in the house simultaneously with a kitten.
A pot with a filler and a spatula should appear in the house simultaneously with a kitten.

The owners who decided to get a kitten, in turn, need to prepare for its appearance in the house, getting a “cat's dowry”:

  1. Buy a tray. You may have to buy several trays at once. If the apartment or house is large, it is good to put them in each room at least for the first time. Then the toilet will always be in sight of the kitten, the risk will decrease that the baby will not reach him if necessary.
  2. Buy filler for the tray. For a kitten, it is better to take the one without smell. The odorous may neutralize the “amber” of cat urine. But! Firstly, pungent smells can scare away the animal, and it organizes a toilet in the most unusual unsuitable place. Secondly, an allergy can have an allergy to the flavor. As an option, you can use sand instead of filler. But where is the guarantee that it is clean? Yes, and sands do not hold smells. Also, sometimes the cabinet of newspapers are placed in the tray. But the paint on them is toxic, so if you use paper, then the simplest toilet is better.
  3. Buy a rug for a tray. Then there will be no traces of wet legs on the floor, the smell will not spread throughout the apartment.
  4. Buy a spatula for the tray. They are sold in pet stores, but ordinary children's scoof for sand is also suitable.

Important: so that the kitten begins to go to the tray, it is important not only to choose it correctly, but also to put in the right place

Usually, the kitten to the pot is taught by his mother-cat.
Usually, the kitten to the pot is taught by his mother-cat.

Often the owners are concerned about the problems of smell and aesthetics, and they hide the tray in the apartment, for example, in the toilet. But at first the animal may not have time to run to it.
The tray should stand so that it is available to the kitten, but so that no one frightens the baby during the toilet.

It is better to choose a secluded corner for him. If later there is a desire to hide the pot, this must be done gradually, daily moving it to the destination.

Important: the cat's pot should stand as far as possible from his plates

If the kitten is from a clean cat, its owner gives a guarantee that he is accustomed to the toilet, it is often enough to show his new pot a couple of times a couple of times so that he begins to regularly walk into it.
But there are situations when the kitten the tray, as it does not see, pisses and poopes anywhere, but not in it. Then the owners have to try to rectify the situation.

VIDEO: How to accustom the kitten to the tray?

How to accustom a 3 -month -old kitten to the pot? How much should you accustom?

The kitten needs a low pot so that it can easily climb into it.
The kitten needs a low pot so that it can easily climb into it.

Until five months of age, the kitten goes to the toilet often. If it is not accustomed to the tray, a serious problem arises. The owners reproach him for unscrupulousness and may begin to think about how to get rid of the animal. But most likely, everything will be able to fix it!

  1. It is necessary to compare the 3 -month -old kitten with a human child and try to plant it on the pot. It is necessary to develop the baby “feeding-cup” ritual. The kitten ate, drank water, should be attributed to the pot! The filled stomach and bladder should do their job.
  2. It is necessary to plant a kitten on a tray after each of its sleep.
  3. The baby will need to be monitored. If he suddenly interrupts the game, sniffs, begins to “dig”, it should be transferred to the pot. This should not be done sharply, without screams, so that the kitten is not afraid.
  4. A common mistake is to take a kitten’s foot and make digging movements with it. From such violent manipulation, the animal will be confused, frightened and is unlikely to understand what is required of it. The best option is to take on the work of mom-cats, sit down near the cat pot and scoop up the filler with your palm.
  5. If the kitten ignores the tray and celebrates the need for the same place, perhaps you should forever or temporarily transfer the tray there. Often such a place is the corner outside the door, space behind the chair or behind the sofa, secluded, quiet, where the baby feels safe.
  6. Another option is to limit the “habitat” of the kitten so that it does not have access to the places where he organizes the toilet. But we should not go about closing it in the toilet or on the balcony.
    If the kitten made a puddle, it makes no sense to poke him in her nose. He will not draw useful conclusions for himself, but he can start taking revenge.

Important: the places where the 3 -month kitten goes to the toilet, it is necessary to wash thoroughly so that they do not retain the smell of its bowel movements

If a 3 -month kitten does not get used to going to the tray, its habitat needs to be limited for a while.
If a 3 -month kitten does not get used to going to the tray, its habitat needs to be limited for a while.

You can read about how to remove the caustic smell of cat urine here:

The kitten is accustomed to the pot immediately, in a couple of days or until it grows up. If he went to where he needed, one or two or three times, this is not a system. The baby will need to trace a few more days to fix the result.

Cats are clean pets, so the kitten very quickly learns to go to the tray.
Cats are clean pets, so the kitten very quickly learns to go to the tray.

VIDEO: How to accustom a kitten to the toilet / tray. Veterinary advice

How to accustom an adult cat or cat to the pot quickly?

If they took it not a small kitten home, but an adult cat from the street or from the shelter, perhaps it is already accustomed to the pot, it will only need some time to adapt. If the street animal all my life went to the toilet anywhere, you will have to tinker.

In principle, the algorithm is the same as with a small kitten:

  • put several pots throughout the house
  • show the animal why they are needed
  • plant a cat on a pot after sleep, food when it begins to dig and bridge
The cat, like a small child, sometimes has to be planted on the pot.
The cat, like a small child, sometimes has to be planted on the pot.

Important: if the cat lived on the street, the first time instead of filler in its tray is better to pour ordinary sand. The pet will get used to it faster

If a cat stubbornly pisses where it is not necessary, it is recommended to moisten a flap or cotton flap in her urine, put in a tray to transfer the smell there. The very place of the crime is thoroughly washed.

How to accustom a cat to a pot without a filler?

Like his distant African ancestors, a domestic cat and loves to go to the toilet for something soft, then burying his stool. It is not surprising if a pot without a filler with a rough plastic grill can scare him off.
But nevertheless, it is possible to accustom it to the need in this way, gradually reducing the amount of sand poured into the tray.

To flare up your stools is a cat instinct.
To flare up your stools is a cat instinct.

Another thing is that the smell of urine will diverge throughout the house.

The cat pisses a pot: what to do?

It happens that the cat runs to the tray, but sits on the edge or lifts the back of the body, so it celebrates the need for the floor near the pot. The reasons for this behavior may be as follows:

  • the cat has health problems (for example, arthritis, it hurts to sit down)
  • the filler in the tray is dirty, it has not been changed for a long time
  • the tray is too small for the animal
The cat can walk past the tray if it is too small.
The cat can walk past the tray if it is too small.

You can cope with this situation:

  1. To examine the animal by the veterinarian.
  2. Follow the hygiene of the tray.
  3. Buying a tray is more spacious, with high sides or a downs.
  4. Land the absorbent disposable diaper under the tray.

Why did the cat stop going to the tray?

If the cat successfully went to the tray, and then began to crap, most likely, it has extreme reasons for this. Contrary to widespread opinion, they take revenge in this way extremely rarely.

A cat rarely shits out of revenge. Usually, she has more good reasons for this.
A cat rarely shits out of revenge. Usually, she has more good reasons for this.
  1. A cat's pot is not clean enough. It is necessary to clean it regularly. After each trip to the toilet, remove the crumpled filler with a spatula, periodically replace the entire contents of the tray.
  2. The tray is too carefully washed. The cat can refuse to go to the pot washed with chlorine or other detergent with a strong smell.
  3. The wrong filler is selected. You may have to try a few types to find the one that the cat will like. Changing the filler brand is undesirable. If there is no way out, you need to do this gradually, mixing a small amount of a new sand to the old.
  4. Another cat was already going into the tray, if there are several in the house. For "cats" there is a rule: the number of pots is the number of animals in the house plus another spare.
  5. A pot is too close to cat food. A clean animal will not celebrate the need where it eats.
  6. Someone scared the cat on the pot, now he celebrates the need in secluded places. You should think about buying a pot of house, where no one will see a cat in business.
  7. The cat has a disease of the urinary system. Only a veterinarian will help here.
  8. Due to old age or illness, the cat cannot get to the pot. It should be rearranged closer to the place where the helpless animal has settled. The tray should be low. Again, it is necessary to make a visit to the veterinary clinic.
  9. The cat has stress. Yes, yes, the pet can experience it if they are bad if the owners quarrel with each other, if there are often strangers in the house, if the family moved to new housing, if another animal is brought up, more and more. Laska, sedatives prescribed by the veterinarian, as well as the time required to adapt.
  10. The cat marks. Most often, adults of non -arranged cats mark the territory. Raising the tail, they direct the stream to vertical surfaces, wearing impairment spots on them. Most likely, somewhere nearby there is an animal-a potential opponent or a potential “bride”.
The cat stops going to the tray if he does not like the smell of filler.
The cat stops going to the tray if he does not like the smell of filler.

A cat shits a flower pot: what to do?

As a toilet, the cat can choose a pot of flowers.
As a toilet, the cat can choose a pot of flowers.

Cats are famous for the fact that they can rake the ground from the flower pot or, worse, to shit in them. Here are the tricks of the "cats" that help to wean fluffs from such bad habits:

  • isolate pots with flowers (especially poisonous) from a cat
  • dry the citrus fruity skins in flower pots, their smell is not to their liking
  • close the ground in pots with foil, plastic plastic trays, so on.

Video: K. aK accustom your pet to the toilet?

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