Tips and life hacks regarding homework for the winter

Tips and life hacks regarding homework for the winter

The conservation season is a hot time for housewives. Marinating, salting, jam - each housewife has many of their recipes for these blanks and, of course, any of them has their own secrets, thanks to which the blanks are tastier and stand for a long time, without exploding.


Several such life hacks regarding homework for the winter are invited today.

How to preserve the green color of canned cucumbers?

  • It's a shame when beautiful green cucumbers, standing in a bank for a short time, change the color to a dark bolot. To prevent this from happening, do not rush to immediately pour a marinade into the jar.
  • Start the process by pour cucumbers in a bank with boiling water. Let it stand a little, then drain the water. Now you can pour cucumbers with a prepared marinade.
  • Cucumbers will remain green, and preliminary pouring with boiling water, in addition, will act as additional sterilization, which will contribute to the successful storage of blanks for the winter.

Which cucumbers are most suitable for canning?

  • It is best to select small cucumbers for canning-so they will optimally accommodate both in liter and two-three-liter banks.
  • Pay attention to the appearance of cucumbers: if they have small black thorny pimples, then for conservation this is the best option.
  • White “thorns” usually cover those varieties that quickly deteriorate, and there is no guarantee that the workpieces for the winter will last the time before it comes to open them.
Choose the right varieties
Choose the right varieties

How to preserve crispy cucumbers for the winter?

  • Start pickling only after the cucumbers, flooded with completely cold water, lay in it for at least 5 hours. Thus, excessive air will leave them, and the workpieces for the winter will remain crispy after rolling up.
  • In addition, do not forget to add an additional set to them: cherry or currant leaves (3-4 pieces), horseradish, dill.
  • If you close cucumbers-cornshons, add several branches of carrot tops to the jar.
  • And in the event that you need the skin to be soft, and the pulp itself is hard, try adding a couple of circles of carrots and more pepper-horses (pieces 20).

How to make cucumbers do not mold in a bank?

  • After you pour your cucumbers with the marinade, cover the upper part of the poured brine with a fairly dense layer with chips.
  • After that, you can roll up banks with blanks for the winter.

If the tomatoes burst when canned: what to do?

  • This is a very frequent phenomenon, but it can be opposed to the next life hack. In each tomato selected for the winter, you need to make a puncture in the place where the stalk is attached. It is unnecessary to say that for canning it is necessary to select only ripe tomatoes and preferably varieties that ripen late.
  • Also, oak will come to the rescue in this situation. A tablespoon of the leaves of this tree (can be replaced with an oak bark with about 70 ml), added to the jar, will help the casing of tomatoes to remain intact and maintain the structure of each tomato.
  • It is better to close tomatoes after a triple filling with brine. Each third you need to pour more hot than the previous one - so the tomatoes warm evenly that it will additionally reduce the risk that the skin on the workpieces for the winter will burst.
So that the tomatoes do not burst importantly to fulfill these tips
So that the tomatoes do not burst importantly to fulfill these tips

What to do to make canned tomatoes longer?

  • Among all spices added when preserving tomatoes, it is necessary not to forget about several leaves.
  • Prepare in advance cherry, currant or oak Leaflets when you are going to close tomatoes for the winter.
  • They will not only give the strength of the skin and piquancy to taste, but also make the shelf life of already rolled cans with blanks for the winter longer.

How to fill in cucumbers or tomatoes as much as possible?

  • Agree, it’s a shame if there are voids between individual vegetables in a three -liter jar. To prevent this from happening, before starting the laying in the banks, sort cucumbers or tomatoes so that they are about the same size.
  • The same applies to the degree of maturity of vegetables. Now, laying the workpieces for the winter in a jar, it will be convenient for you to have each vegetable so that it is tightly “adjacent” to others.

What to do if you do not have time to process cucumbers or tomatoes?

  • If there are too many tomatoes prepared for canning cucumbers or tomatoes, and you physically do not have time to process them all at once, do not worry.
  • Firstly, there is a rule of “gold 12 hours”, during which nothing will happen to vegetables.
  • And, secondly, it is repeatedly verified that ripe (but not overripe!) Vegetables can be stored within a week. The main thing is to find a cool place for them, where direct sunlight does not fall, and decompose into separate Taras.
  • Periodically check if there are soft or spoiled vegetables - they immediately cut them into a salad, otherwise they will spoil your blanks for the winter. Close the rest when the time appears for this.

How to save a pumpkin, eggplant, tsukkini, zucchini, if you do not have time to preserve them immediately?

  • And in this case, you do not need to worry. These vegetables can be stored for a long time without special conditions (it is only necessary that in the place where they lie, it is dry and cool).
  • On average, all these vegetables can lie without spoiling, at least 2 weeks. Zucchini with a solid skin and not having a stalk will remain without problems for a month, and the pumpkin is generally able to “hold out” throughout the winter.
  • So close the workpieces for the winter in banks gradually without any experiences and unrest.

How to prepare a delicious marinade for blanks for the winter?

  • Usually, housewives use a dining vinegar for the preparation of marinade. But if you take apple or wine, the taste of the brine will improve significantly. The same applies to salt - take not ordinary cook, but sea.
  • Try to experiment with sugar, replacing the usual, from sugar beets, reed. As for water, the best option for preparing the marinade for blanks for the winter will be spring or, in extreme cases, drinking filtered. All these life hacks will make your marinade much tastier than usual.

How to make delicious zucchini caviar for the winter?

  • A small part of making delicious blanks for the winter from Kabachkova caviar: fry the vegetables that you will put to the jar before stewing. You will get a much more saturated taste!
  • If you like experiments, then try to add spices, pepper (both bitter chili and sweet Bulgarian) to the traditional set of vegetables, green onions, garlic, apples. Thus, traditional squash caviar will receive new taste shades and aromas.
Delicious caviar is simple
Delicious caviar is simple

How to close a delicious lecho for the winter?

  • The secret to the success of delicious lecho is that it should not cook too long. Pepper should remain a little elastic, then the snack as a whole will be tastier.
  • It is better to take fleshy tomatoes for lecho. Another life for delicious workpiece for the winter: use dried greens, not fresh - this will increase the shelf life of rolled jars. Take advantage of spices such as cilantro or parsley, thyme, basil, Mayran.

How to marry champignons deliciously for the winter?

The main secret of delicious pickled champignons is that you need to lay them in brine only when it boils, then cook up to 7 minutes. And if you replace the dining vinegar with apple or the same amount of lemon juice, the mushrooms will come out especially tender and tasty.

How many spices should be put in marinade?

  • For each vegetable, any housewife selects those spices that they love in her family, or those that are traditionally used in recipes. At the same time, it is important that there are not too many spices. The “golden rule” lies in the fact that spicy herbs and herbs should not be more than 5-6% of the total mass of workpieces for the winter. This, moreover, reduces the risk that banks with conservation do not reach winter.
  • And one more point regarding use crap. Its sharp aroma “interrupts” all other spicy smells. The exception is basil, dill, estron, pepper, garlic. Consider this when selecting spices for conservation.

How to accurately calculate the amount of salt in the brine for blanks for the winter?

  • An ordinary chicken egg will help! With it, you can decide on the optimal saturation of the marinade.
  • To do this, just lower the chicken egg into the water, and then gradually add salt, making sure that it completely dissolves.
  • When the egg pops up to the surface, the addition of salt can be stopped - your brine has reached the desired concentration. Now - a matter of spices and directly salting blanks for the winter.

What to add to vegetables to improve the taste of conservation?

  • It is interesting that by adding other vegetables or fruits to the canned blanks for the winter, you can change for the better taste of conservation. So, pickle bell pepper, add several to the jar Beetroot circles. In lecho, you can finely chop the dried apricots, and to the tomatoes, which are closed specifically for use on borsch, - 200 g of pumpkin for each liter.
  • Green pear will give the piquancy of eggplant caviar if you observe the following proportion: 2 small pears per one and a half liters. In Azhika, you can finely cut one green apple for each liter.
  • And adding to the brine for rolling tomatoes cherry plum (just a few pieces), you will get a different taste that you like no less.

Do you need aspirin when preserving vegetables?

  • It turns out that it is not needed at all! Moreover, doctors warn against its use. Acid, which prevents the clouding of the solution and bloating the covers in the workpieces for the winter, has the opposite direction: being for a long time in saline, it forms a compound in which phenols are contained in a significant amount.
  • Their harm to the body has long been proven. So do not use acetylsalicylic acid tablets as a preservative.

How to marry vegetables if vinegar is contraindicated?

  • Vinegar is not recommended to many people with doctors due to diseases associated with the stomach, pancreas, and kidneys. It is harmful to hypertension, pregnant women, kids, elderly people. How to save blanks for the winter for a long time without using vinegar?
  • Citric acid will come to the rescue. It can be acid crystals that are sold in any grocery store, or fresh lemon juice. The main thing is not to overdo it: the average dosage is a third of a teaspoon per liter of the marinade.

How to close the delicious "Caucasian" adjika?

  • To achieve the similarity of homemade adjika with the one that is prepared in Abkhazia, you need not grind garlic, pepper and spicy herbs on a meat grinder or in a blender, and drown them in a mortar with a pestle.
  • That is how spices give their real aroma to the workpieces for the winter. And one more secret: do not use any salt except the usual sodium, large grinding.
  • Yodled, sea, small grinding and other salt will not give Adjik the taste that we expect from her.
Like in Abkhazia
Like in Abkhazia

What to do if you do not have time to process berries?

  • Berries, of course, are more capricious than vegetables, and are stored much worse. Therefore, it is best to process them during the day (provided that they were stored in the refrigerator). If this is not possible, take care of their safety.
  • Berries from which it is planned to cook jam are necessary sprinkle with sugar. For compotes and other blanks for the winter, you can extend the safety period of the berries for several days, placing them in a vinegar bath based on a glass of vinegar for 3 glasses of water.
  • With the help of vinegar, spores of mold and bacteria will be destroyed, which cause berry damage. After soaking in vinegar, the berries will need to be thoroughly washed under a stream of running water and dried.
  • And finally, having crossed the berries and removing those that begin to deteriorate, blackberry, currants, raspberries, strawberries can be frozen. By the way, raspberries, unlike strawberries, do not need washing before freezing.

What to do with frozen berries?

  • Just like from fresh ones, you can cook jam, jam, jam, confiture from them. Experienced housewives argue that the difference in the taste between the fresh and frozen berries prepared from fresh and frozen berries is absolutely not noticeable.
  • And by the way, tomatoes can also be frozen! Of course, you will no longer put them in whole, but to close them in order to use the blanks in winter for the preparation of sauces, borscht, stew, etc. - quite possible.

How to cook delicious strawberry jam?

  • The main secret is in the dishes. It should only be enameled. Aluminum containers oxidize berries, and stainless steel gives them an unpleasant taste. In order to stir jam, use a wooden spoon, not a metal one.
  • So that the berries in the jam do not spread, do not cook it for a long time. Boil it three times for 5 minutes, interspersing with periods until it cools completely. With this method of cooking, a fragrant blank for the winter is obtained, in which entire berries look beautiful in transparent syrup.
It is important to turn the banks after rolling
It is important to turn the banks after rolling

What to do so that banks with conservation do not "explode"?

  • When you are already preparing to roll up banks with blanks for the winter, pour a tablespoon of alcohol or vodka into each of them, and if nothing of this is at hand, then put a little mustard seeds.
  • You can also pour a couple of handfuls of red currant or a teaspoon of citric acid. Well, of course, do not forget to turn jars over the firing after the firing - so the lid will be better. This will help save reserves for the winter for a long time and safely.

Do I need to sterilize banks before canning?

  • It turns out that the mandatory sterilization of the cans has long been a thing of the past. Today, more and more, housewives are sterilized only by those banks that are designed to roll up the workpieces for the winter, the heat treatment of which was less than a quarter of an hour. For canning products that were well welded, banks can simply be thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  • If you close the product that has passed the minimum heat treatment, put the banks in the microwave (enough for 5 minutes) or in the oven, where the sterilization period will be about an hour.
  • Sterilize banks with blanks already laid in them if a warm or cold brine was used to fill them. Boiling brine, and even more so using vinegar, makes this procedure optional.

Do I need boiling covers?

  • Like the sterilization of cans with blanks for the winter, boiling covers is the last century.
  • The tightness of the sunset and the sterility of the contents will not suffer if you tighten the jars with just cleaned lids.
  • Just put the washed covers on a clean towel and calmly twist the jars.

How to remove excess air from a jar of blanks for the winter?

  • Wooden sticks for sushi, which are in almost every house today, will perfectly replace the spoon when stirring the contents to remove air bubbles. They, unlike a metal spoon, knitting needles or skewer, will not damage the glass walls of the jar.
  • Savors made of wood are also suitable for this purpose, on which barbecue string. By the way, another life hack with blankets for blanks: they can be punctured by cabbage when it is stuck for the winter.

How to make perfect blanks for the winter and avoid mistakes

  1. If you write down the main points during the conservation of each batch, you can correct certain failures next year. For example, a closed brine, overly sharp ketchup, softened tomatoes, etc. Just mark how much and what you laid in a jar, in what proportions, how many boiled, etc. So you can see what was a retreat from the recipe and what needs to be corrected next time.
  2. Keep recipes on stickers. By preserving the blanks for the winter according to a new recipe, write it on a sheet and stick it on a can with conservation. In the event that you like the result and you want to repeat it next season, the recipe will already be at your fingertips. If you consider that it is too sharp or salty to your taste, you can adjust the recipe in accordance with your preferences.
  3. Knead a little, not “wholesale”. Most often, working women have to devote days off conservation, completely occupying them with this filled steam, heat and running from the plate to the sink, from the sink to the table, the process. So that you can relax on your weekend, close 2-3 cans every day, choosing those vegetables or fruits that can go faster. The plus of this approach is that you can try some new recipe every day. And even if you do not like the result, then only a couple of cans will become unsuccessful, and not a large party that you would have rolled up on the weekend. And, of course, the main advantage is that you will not get tired as from a whole day spent in the kitchen, and your family will be happy to eat in the winter a variety of and unusual blanks.
  4. Knock in the country. If you have a country house, the installation of a table slab of compact dimensions there will be an excellent solution. An electrical model is especially beneficial in such conditions. So you will not fill your apartment with steam when canned in home kitchen. And if you spend a lot of time in the country, then you will disappear the problem of the safety of products. You will simply close those vegetables and fruits that grew up on the bed for 5 minutes ago or hung on a tree.

We will also tell:

Video: Secrets of delicious blanks for the winter

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