Dream Interpretation - to see a river in a dream: the meaning of sleep. Why dream of walking, diving, swimming, swimming, drowning in the river, a man, a woman: interpretation of sleep

Dream Interpretation - to see a river in a dream: the meaning of sleep. Why dream of walking, diving, swimming, swimming, drowning in the river, a man, a woman: interpretation of sleep

The river in a dream symbolizes the life of the dreamer, and its appearance predicts about an approaching event.

The river in a dream The symbol is very important, and very personal. Everything that happens in a dream with the river will affect the fate of the dreamer in real life. It represents the canvas of life that changes over time.

Why did the river dream about in a dream?
Why did the river dream about in a dream?

Why is the river dreaming?

It often happens that there are different sections of the river, but there is absolute confidence that this is all the same river - the dreamer life river. Movement along this river, along it - The life path of a person, with all changes in turns and vicissitudes.

  • Cold river - A sign of great surprise. The surprise, however, can be either pleasant or not very. But he will certainly cheer up, like a batch of ice water on his head.
  • Dive into a river with ice water - To financial profit.
  • Accidentally fall into the hole - To an unpleasant conversation.
  • Hot river. - To great and passionate love. We are talking about the very feeling that happens only once in a life.
  • Current river It symbolizes the changeability of life, reminds that everything that happens to us is fleeting. And heavy sorrows, and great joys become only memories over time, losing the brightness of colors and impressions.
  • Calm river in a dream - A sign of carelessness and quiet happiness.
  • See a wide, full -flowing river - Fate will delight with generous gifts: strong health, good friends, a faithful life partner.
  • A dried river Dreaming to poverty, both material and spiritual. The dreamer personally has been subtitly by his behavior for a long time for a long time. Only he himself can change the situation and “fill” his river with life. There are such stages in life, when neither friends nor relatives can teach to live in a new way. The salvation of drowning is the work of the drowning themselves.
  • Dark, frightening river - a sign of a hidden danger. Someone hates unkind plans. Support should be sought in bright, kind people.
  • Beautiful river - To an interesting, diverse, rich in adventure and travel of life.
  • Black river - The sign of trouble. It is possible to overcome it only by giving a sharp rebuff to sticky, paralyzing fear. Victory will come only if at a critical moment it turns out to pull yourself together and get rid of panic.
  • I dreamed of a green river - Swift career growth is expected. The authorities will finally appreciate the dreamer’s conscientious work, his creative approach to solving the tasks.
  • Corpse, drowned in the river - To bad news, changes for the worse.
  • A dry riverbed - To the disease.
  • Walk along the river without plunging into the water - a sign of fulfillment of the most secret desires.
  • If a i dreamed of a river on which the forest grows - Ahead is a calm contemplative period. Former troubles will dissolve during time and turn only into pale memories.
The river is picturesque in a dream - to adventures and travel.
The river is picturesque in a dream - to adventures and travel.

What is the dream of water in the river?

Water is a source of life. Her condition is the most important aspect when determining the meaning of sleep about the river. The cleaner, the more transparent water, the more joy awaits the dreamer.

  • If a water in a dream comes out of the banks of the river, fills all the visible space - life will certainly change for the better.
  • Full -flowing river - A sign of a full life.
  • Saughty get drunk fresh water from the river, quench thirst - Dreamers promise strong, Siberian health.
  • See in a dream bad, dirty water in the river - Sign of the standing dangers. If you did not have to touch it, swim in it, drink it - troubles can be avoided.
The more water was in the river in a dream, the more favorable the situation will be.
The more water was in the river in a dream, the more favorable the situation will be.

Why dream of a clean, dirty, muddy, transparent river?

By the appearance of the dreaming river, one can judge the nature of the upcoming events.

  • Pure, picturesque river - A symbol of the fertile, serene future. Ahead is a calm, bakery life.
  • If a the river has the form of an ecological disaster, dirty, cluttered with various garbage, So, the dreamer is extremely suspicious, subject to stresses. It is urgent to put things in order in the head and in life. It is time to abandon meaningless experiences about the little things, to stop building daily simple obstacles to the rank of natural disasters.
  • Muddy, deep river Talks about the uncertainty of the future. The dreamer is at this stage of his life path when the dark pool is ready to swallow with his head. It is necessary to carefully avoid close communication with inadequate people, especially with various sorcerers and “grandmothers”.
  • Transparent, luminous river talks about the fullness of being. If at the same time, underwater inhabitants are visible, light sandy bottom, plants, the dreamer will soon receive a lot of impressions. He is awaiting an interesting life, saturated with adventure.
A pure beautiful river in a dream is a good sign.
A pure beautiful river in a dream is a good sign.

Why dream of a stormy, fast river?

Seeed in a dream small stormy river - The display of the crazy pace of life. Events change each other at the speed of the mountain stream, make it rush about from one extreme to another, solve a thousand problems at the same time.

There are people with a special character warehouse who like such a life, but for most it brings overwork and emotional burnout. In order not to delay such a period for a long time and not to bring yourself to moral exhaustion, you need to try to plan all your actions in the most detail as possible, to repatch some part of the affairs to other people.

If a the water of the stormy river was muddy or dirty - Health problems are likely.

Important: to the one who in a dream saw a stormy river, in no case should you give up and “swim with the flow” in reality. Problems and unexpected changes should not scare the dreamer.

A stormy river in a dream predicts an exciting period, a deterioration in health.
A stormy river in a dream predicts an exciting period, a deterioration in health.

Why dream of swimming, swim, swim along the river?

A dream in which swim along the river, says that now in the life of the dreamer a very important, turning point comes. Depending on some of his actions or opposite his inaction, further fate will depend.

Depending on the direction of movement, some conclusions can be drawn:

  • swim up the river - assistance in various matters, in resolving issues will come from everywhere
  • i had to rise against the current - you will have to rely only on yourself
  • swim along the river from shore to shore - strive for serious changes
  • simply swim in the river, splashing without choosing any direction - Come in harmony with oneself, to enjoy life. To be able to enjoy the current day without regretting the past and not worrying about the future - a gift available only to the most wise people.
Swim, swim in a clean river in a dream - to joy, harmony with the outside world.
Swim, swim in a clean river in a dream - to joy, harmony with the outside world.

Why dream of fish, a lot of fish in the river?

See in a dream shiny, mobile fish in a clean river A sign of good news, pleasant surprises.

  • Feed fish in the river - To a joyful, long -awaited reconciliation with an old friend.
  • To catch fish in a dream with your hands From time immemorial is considered a sign of an imminent pregnancy.
  • A lot of fish, huge jambs of fish in a dream - Ahead is a generous gift of fate, unexpected enrichment, incredible success in business.

In general, the fish in the Son River is good. Exception - dead fish floating in water. This is an unfavorable sign. Health or even life is at risk. Especially a bad dream in which fish rotten, decomposed. It is urgent to visit a doctor, hand over the appointed tests.

Catching fish in the river in a dream - to pregnancy.
Catching fish in the river in a dream - to pregnancy.

What is the river for a woman, a man?

The river, dreaming in a dream, is interpreted with a displacement of a semantic accent depending on the gender of the dreamer.

  • So for a man, in which events take place on the banks of the river, in it, characterizes to a greater extent its performance, business grip, success. The more confident a man feels in a dreaming river, the stronger he stands on his feet in real life.
  • For woman The dream in which the river appears is a reminder of the need to implement its feminine. Perhaps it's time to change an office jacket to a home apron with ruffles and take up ruddy pies. The family needs care and affection. Without female warmth, neither a man nor a child can find real happiness. While the career staircase is being built, life sails past. Children irrevocably grow up and leave their native nest forever, and a loved one is removing tender feelings, becomes indifferent, fading from banal inattention to himself.
  • If in a dream the woman walked on fragile river ice, in reality, she will take risks her own reputation.
  • A woman in a dream saw her husband sinking in the river - It is worth fearing marital infidelity. If a save her husband from the river - It is destined to save the family.
The woman who saw the river in a dream will come to think about the events taking place in life.
The woman who saw the river should think about the events taking place in her life.

What is the dream of a bridge over the river?

Bridge over river - A symbol of hope, a promise.

  • Solid concrete bridge More often displays the situation of monetary affairs.
  • Carved, wooden - Love.
  • Divorce bridge over the river in a dream - A symbol of ephemerality, unreality of the planes. Dreams advise the interpretation of the Dreams to see the Divary Bridge in the night dreams, to abandon the ineffective attempts to realize the plan, especially if there were already several unsuccessful trials.
  • I dreamed cross the bridge across the river - Ahead of a grandiose project, for the sake of which you will have to abandon all the rest for the time being. If in a dream it was lucky enough to reach the opposite shore, step from the bridge to land - success is ensured.
  • If a the bridge suddenly began to crumble right under his feet - A dream warns of betrayal. You should rely more on yourself and less - on employees, partners.
  • The bridge disappeared -Someone will cease to support, turn away from the dreamer or refuse further communication with him.
  • According to Freud's dream book, cross the bridge with the fellow traveler - To diversity in intimate life.
A concrete bridge over a river in a dream - with financial well -being, stability.
A concrete bridge over a river in a dream - to financial well -being, stability.

Why is the river bank dreaming?

  • See a tall, steep coast in a dream - To an insurmountable obstacle in the case.
  • Get out of the river - Ahead of the titanic work that requires tremendous expenditures of energy and strength. However, if you succeed in climbing it, everything is not so hopeless. The efforts will not be futile.
  • A gentle shore with a calm relief and a pretty landscape - A sign of an unusually prosperous marriage.
  • If a green juicy grass grows on the riverbank - Sleep promises a quick achievement of the goals.
  • Sandy shore - says the lull. Now is a favorable time for introspection, for unhurried putting in order of small accumulated affairs.
The steep bank of the river is dreaming of obstacles.
The steep bank of the river is dreaming of obstacles.

What is the dream of the river?

  • Look at the swift, stormy flow of the river means an accelerated pace of event. Rest in the near future is not expected, it is time to work, putting up the sleeves. However, the award will be a significant improvement in the financial situation.
  • Slow, languid, viscous flow of water The river symbolizes an even, phlegmatic attitude to life. It’s good when nothing grieves, but it is bad when nothing pleases. Perhaps the dreamer was overwork and just needs a vacation, to change the situation.
  • If a the rapid muddy flow of the river was knocked down and carried away - The dreamer has to be on the verge of poverty, survive major troubles.
  • Consciously dive into fast -flowing river water - A risky enterprise.
  • It choke in a whirlpool - Bad sleep, foreshadowing terrible events.

Miller's dream book predicts a successful enterprise and the course of things that in a dream sounded along the river on a boatBut if she rolled over, things will end extremely dysfunctional.

Swim along the boat along the river - to a successful course of business.
Swim along the boat along the river - to a successful course of business.

Why dream of crossing, crossing the river?

If in a dream i had to cross, cross the river - Literally move in a direction that does not coincide with the course, then the dream says that the dreamer is trying to steeply change his fate, he is desperately fighting her. A radical change in the type of activity, moving to another city or country, a change of marital status - with such global problems I had to encounter now.

  • Cross the river on clean, calm water or easily crossed it With pleasure, plunging into a refreshing, invigorating life -giving moisture - there will be practically no obstacles to the path of change.
  • If you happened fight for every centimeter of the width of the river, risking chokei, to feel the taste of mud, then the changes will be given oh as not easy. The dreamer needs to immediately determine for himself what he is ready to sacrifice in order to achieve the goals.
  • A dream in which managed to move to the other sidepromises the successful end of the planned enterprise.
It is easy to cross the river in a dream - to the absence of obstacles in the affairs of reality.
It is easy to cross the river in a dream - to the absence of obstacles in the affairs of reality.

Why dream of sinking, drowning in the river?

If you dreamed smell in the river - Losses are expected, bitter disappointments.

Long fight the elements of water, then emerging to the surface, then plunging into the pool - To a serious battle for the prosperous outcome of the well -thought -out business. If in the end managed to get ashore, sleep portends great success, respect and glory. The dreamer as expensive steel will harden in the fire of trouble, which will become much stronger and stronger. However, according to the interpretation of a small Veles dream book, it is precisely finally drown in the river - The most favorable outcome of the events of such a dream, and he promises a long, happy life.

To sink in a river in a dream - to losses and disappointments in reality.
To sink in a river in a dream - to losses and disappointments in reality.

What is the child in the river?

The child is in the river Symbolizes its own "I" of the dreamer. To interpret sleep, it is important to pay attention to the mood of the baby, as well as the water in the river.

  • If the child is cheerful, with joy and pleasure bathes in transparent, clean water - The dreamer is in perfect order. He experiences a spiritual rise, sets for himself the right goals in life.
  • See in a dream drowning in a muddy, seething river of a child - Danger's sign. Health, the purity of the soul, and maybe the life of the dreamer is at risk. Be sure to visit a doctor, reconsider your life priorities, seek a missing wisdom to parents, a judicious mentor, a priest.

Separately interpreted the meaning of such a dream if a specific child familiar to the dreamer appeared in it. Sleep is interpreted with the same semantic load, but in relation to this little man.

A child drowning in the river in a dream is a sign of danger.
A child drowning in the river in a dream is a sign of danger.

Why is a boat, a ship, an icebreaker on the river?

  • Swim along the river on a boat under a sail, with a fair wind in good weather - By the successful period, when everything is arguing and turns out exactly as planned.
  • If i had to control the boat., rack against the current, which means there are many difficulties and barriers ahead opposite.
  • If a the boat, despite the bad weather, remained afloat, did not overturn - In reality, the dreamer will come out of a difficult situation by the winner.
  • Ship on the river in a dream symbolizes determination, active life position. A woman can foresee a fateful meeting for a woman. Man who controls the ship in a dream - A born leader, he knows how to influence people, lead behind himself.
  • Swim around the winter, half frozen river on the ship, icebreaker, feeling the frost, ice wind - To the rapid clarification of relations, the analysis of flights. The dreamers, in all likelihood, is an active, quick -tempered and intolerant of others, which very often brings him problems. It is certainly difficult to redo yourself, but, if desired, it is quite possible. More softness, loyalty in communicating with people will help to become closer and find inner peace.
The ship on the river dreams of purposeful people.
The ship on the river dreams of purposeful people.

Why is ice dreaming on the river, a frozen river?

Ice on the river He covers from all possible incidents, all troubles will remain, as it were, on the other side of the ice surface, in the water column. Ahead is calm, cloudless times.

  • Passing on the ice to see the bottom of the river through it, everything that happens in the water - a sign of insight of the mind, even some soreness of the dreamer. Thanks to this ability to deceive it is almost impossible. For him, all the secret plans of people are visible in the palm of your hand.
  • If in a dream the river suddenly begins abnormally quickly covered with a layer of ice - The dreamer will be in a situation where he will need to react very quickly and accurately to what is happening. We will have to improvise, act at the limit of their capabilities in order to avoid an accident, accident, disaster.
  • Fall under the ice into the river - To a complex choice, dangerous actions. For woman - To frivolous acts, dubious connections.
  • To be driving a car that fell under the ice into the river - To major troubles.
  • Fragile ice on the river - To achieve more, you will have to take risks.

Miller's dream book assures that the frivolity of the one who in a dream stepped on the fragile, fragile river ice can cause failure in a serious business.

Fragile ice on the river in a dream warns of risk.
Fragile ice on the river in a dream warns of risk.

Each river has a source and a place where it ends, flows into the sea. So human life originates in a bright spring of parental love and ends with the transition to another world, which is immature like a sea, contains all the streams of human lives. What our river is filled on the way to the sea depths and what it will bring in them is to solve only to ourselves.

The dream in which a person sees his river is designed to give the opportunity to see his own life from the side, draw some conclusions, change something, until the endless ocean appeared on the horizon.

Video: Why is the river dreaming?

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