Why do you dream of the same dream? What does it mean if you dream of the same person?

Why do you dream of the same dream? What does it mean if you dream of the same person?

What is a dream? Why do you see the same images or people? Can dream events influence real life? Read more about this in our article.

Why do we dream of dreams, what is a dream, does a dream have seen any meaning in real life? People have been trying to comprehend all these questions since ancient times. Answers can lie in various fields of knowledge - scientific, philosophical, religious, mystical.

What is a dream - do you often have the same dream?

  • Sometimes the same dream is dreaming - you can see unfamiliar cities, landscapes, people, to be in a situation that is unlike the usual lifestyle. Such dreams can be anxious, leaving a sense of fear and confusion, or, conversely, pleasant with a feeling of some kind of magic.
  • In some dreams, we repeat the scenes from everyday life, communicate with people we know, again experience the emotions of the real world.
  • Most dreams are remembered by us as a certain set of pictures and impressions that sometimes do not have a logical sequence. Such dreams are not always deposited in the memory of people for a long time and are forgotten after waking up.

Repeating dreams with the same plot or with the participation of the same people are often very bright and emotional. If you are constantly pursued by the same dream, the question arises of how to understand the reason for the appearance of the same images in a dream.

From a scientific point of view, during sleep, the processing of the information received over the past day or some period of time occurs. The paintings that we see in a dream is a reflection of internal mental and psychological processes in the mind.

Fantastic dreams
Fantastic dreams

Why do we have the same dream?

Most often, if you dream of the same dream, then have a negative color.

  • A person in a dream again and again lives any unpleasant situation-this may indicate the presence of a serious psycho-emotional problem that is suppressed in reality. The postponed solution, a difficult life issue is projected in a dream in the form of a certain image.
  • According to another theory, the same dreams are the harbingers of any important change in life, both positive and leading to failures. If you have the same dream, you need to try to analyze it and try to understand the message that is enclosed in it.

Dreams cannot be interpreted literally. Most often, these will be some tips that need to be recognized. It can be animals - a dog, a cat, a horse, a snake, insects. Natural phenomena - wind, rain, clear or cloudy sky. The terrain is a water surface, a stormy river, rocky mountains. If you listen to himself, each person will find in these symbols an indication of some personal life situations-obstacles or interrupting opportunities.

Thus, the subconscious mind sends us signals that warn against danger or encourage the movement forward, active actions.

Some people notice that he dreams of the same dream in certain life situations, for example, during an illness or during a period of severe nervous tension. So problems with the body are transformed by the subconscious into certain images and indicate the need to pay attention to their health.

In dreams we see the result of the work of the subconscious
In dreams we see the result of the work of the subconscious

What plot has the same dream?

The images of dreams are individual for each person - these are his personal experiences, fears, complexes, desires, reflection of emotions and attitude to the world around him.
At the same time, there are some categories of repeated dreams that have similar stories in completely different people.

  • Flight in a dream -speaks of the desire to gain freedom, drop some shackles of everyday life, get rid of the oppressive situation.
  • Falling from height - symbolizes the fear of future events or changes in life.
  • A person sees himself in a public place in strange clothes, half -dressed or completely naked, this indicates the presence of a difficult situation from public opinion, fear of being rejected, ridiculed or condemned people.
  • If you dream that we are late somewhere, we are in a hurry, We perform chaotic actions, do not have time in time - this indicates problems with the planning of time in real life, washing out energy and vitality wasted.
  • The same dream is common in which A person wanders around the city or forest for a long time, Trying to find the way home. Sometimes dreams that An obstacle is on the way home - A broken road, broken staircase, an unemployed elevator. Such dreams symbolize the loss of the meaning of life, a search for oneself, a desire to understand your purpose and a further path.
  • A person sees himself in a dream, as it were, from the side And this state is concerned-this indicates a desire to look differently at the events of his life in reality, to make any important decision without the pressure of internal prohibitions and the opinions of others.
Repeating alarming dreams
Repeating alarming dreams

Why dream the same person: the opinion of psychologists and esoterics

There are often people in dreams - our relatives, acquaintances, sometimes from the distant past, or completely outsiders. But if the same person dreams constantly, then this makes us think about why this happens, whether this is a meaning in reality. There are several theories of understanding of such repeated dreams - from the point of view of psychology and esotericism.

  • Psychologists They explain the paintings in dreams with events with events taking place with a person in real life. The images of people are internal interaction with society, experiences, liairing with certain people.
  • Esoterics It is believed that through a dream there is a contact of the subconscious with the subtle world - a spiritual connection with people, regardless of time and distance.

3 main categories of repeated dreams in which we see people can be distinguished.

Dream of the same close or well -familiar person

  • If a dream of the same close or well -familiar person, this indicates the desire to communicate with this person in reality. Perhaps in ordinary life something prevents you from contacting you, but in a dream there is no prohibitions. If your thoughts are constantly busy with this person, it is not surprising that in a dream the subconscious model model his image to replenish communication.
  • To you there is a relative or friend that you have not remembered for a long time - This may indicate an unresolved problem in the past associated with this person. Perhaps something in a relationship with him was done incorrectly.
  • Sometimes the image of a loved one, constantly being in a dream, may indicate some warning, information that he is trying to report. Psychologists advise you to see this person in reality and talk.
Relatives and friends in a dream
Relatives and friends in a dream

Dreams that you are constantly faced with the same stranger

  • If a dreams that you are constantly faced with the same stranger, That dream is considered a harbinger of great changes in life.
  • If a a stranger is a man or woman, is kind to you, Trying to help in something, most likely this is the image of your guardian angel.
  • If you dream of the same a dream in which a stranger treats you aggressively, This may indicate problems with the environment. Perhaps you have a hidden ill -wisher or enemy.

Dream of the same dead friend or relative

  • If the same deceased friend or relative dreams, then this is the sign to be more attentive and collected. If a person has died recently, and you constantly think about him, his image in a dream causes your persistent spiritual connection. In this case, you need to try to let go of your grief - you cannot hold the soul of the deceased. From a religious point of view, people who have lost loved ones need to come to terms with loss, remember the deceased only in prayers so that his soul will gain peace.
  • In a dream, a person who has long gone into another world can constantly be. For a long time there has been a mystical interpretation of such dreams - the deceased is trying to warn about imminent troubles and troubles. This may also indicate that you are under the protection of spiritual power.

Dreams, in which the same deceased person is definitely a concern, but do not panic. It is necessary to analyze what exactly happened in a dream-perhaps the deceased person informed some lime or gave some kind of thing. This may indicate the upcoming events or mistakes made in reality.

Dead people in dreams
Dead people in dreams

How to get rid of anxiety if you dream of the same dream?

Repeating dreams indicate a difficult period in life, even if a person in reality tries to turn a blind eye to problems, suppress his inner anxiety and uncertainty.

The same dream is the voice of the subconscious, which calls for changes in lifestyle, thoughts and actions.

For further development, cardinal changes are necessary, rethinking all external and internal factors that cause stress.

Video: if you dream of the same person

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