Dream Interpretation - Chickens: What is the dream in a dream red, black and white chicken? What is the dream of chicken, carrying eggs, pecking, boiled, with chickens?

Dream Interpretation - Chickens: What is the dream in a dream red, black and white chicken? What is the dream of chicken, carrying eggs, pecking, boiled, with chickens?

It symbolizes well -being and family prosperity. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to how this poultry looks and how it behaves.

Why is a woman dreaming of a woman?

  • Seeing chicken in a dream is a good sign. With confidence, we can say that such a dream means a good that should visit your family, prosperity, comfort and tranquility, both in relationships and in the soul.
  • Think only, because the associations with the word "hen" are completely warm and home. So with a dream in which the chicken dreamed - this is a clear hint of family well -being and love.
  • Of particular importance is the dream of chicken that a woman dreams of. If a woman who has not yet had children in her lives suddenly has been smoked - this is a true sign that says that a long -awaited pregnancy will soon come.
Why see the chicken in a dream?

If in a dream a woman saw a chicken, she should definitely pay attention not only to the color of the poultry (black, red, white), but also to how the chicken behaves: she is aggressive or calm. Such details are very important for interpretation of sleep.

Many dream books interpret dreams about the chicken as good news that should soon visit a person. If the chicken is dreaming of a man, this does not mean that he will soon have a child, because this interpretation applies only to women. This can be interpreted as:

  • Ambulance pleasant meeting with a long -awaited person
  • Good pastime with family members or relatives
  • Communication with a person from your close circle, with whom you have not seen for a long time
I dreamed of chicken, what does that mean?

On the other hand, a dream about chicken may have a completely calm interpretation. In this case, we are talking about a dream where the chicken behaved extremely restlessly or any other factors, such as a fox or a person, acted on it. Such a dream means:

  • Possible chores and problems in family relationships
  • Possible quarrel with friends through the fault of an outsider
  • Possible unexpected guests or unkind visitors of your home

What is the dream of a chicken that carry eggs?

The dream in which you had a chicken carrying eggs is very favorable. Such a bird is quite calm, which speaks of a good relationship in the family, with children and a loved one. The fact that the chicken carries eggs indicates a kind of prosperity that you can get in various ways.

If you have seen the eggs that the chicken has just demolished in a dream, this can be explained as:

  • The unexpected receipt of significant material (financial) wealth (a bonus, vacation pay, donated amount).
  • Perhaps this suggests that soon luck favors you and you will win a large amount of money.
  • Perhaps what you have planned will come true and will bring you a win.

On the other hand, if such a dream is a dream to a young girl or woman, it can have a special connotation and mean an approaching pregnancy.

What is the dream of a chicken that carry eggs?

If in a dream you saw a chicken that carries eggs and also collected them, this suggests that in the future you will be persecuted by prosperity and well -being. This indicates that you will not experience any shortage in the future and will live with a sufficient amount of finances and a completely comfortable life.

What is the dream of chicken and chickens?

To see chicken in a dream is a good sign and this poultry does not always omninate the troubles in the family. Remembering how exactly you dreamed of a chicken, it will be possible to adequately evaluate and predict approaching events. Everything is important: color, its behavior, the presence of other elements in a dream.

A dream with a chicken in a dream can have the meaning of “guests” and “visitors”. And if this bird was able to dream with chickens, then this can be a sufficiently accurate prediction that a lot of guests will come to you and they will be from afar. Depending on the behavior of the chicken (and the chicken is precisely the embodiment of you), the receipt of guests will be so welcoming.

If the bird does not sit still, is constantly clockwork and is restless to the chickens, then the arrival of the guests will be:

  • Troublesome
  • Restless
  • Financially invoices

If a young woman before the wedding dreams of chicken surrounded by chickens, this suggests that a happy family life awaits her in the future, where she can give her husband many heirs.

It is also worth paying attention to how chickens behave in a dream. If the chickens are quite calm, pure and reference - this is a good sign that suggests that your relatives will be healthy and happy. If they measure grain measuredly and rest, this indicates material and financial prosperity in the family.

The attitude of the chicken towards chickens is important in such a dream:

  • If the chicken is a quarrel and does not pay attention to chickens - this is anxiety in the family. It is possible that soon someone will find the disease. Pay attention to how all family members feel: especially children and people aged. Such a dream is preventive.
  • If you suddenly dreamed of a membrane in the chicken coop and the chicken anxiously defended chickens - this may indicate approaching funny festivities and fun in noisy companies among friends or relatives. Such a dream does not promise anything bad.
  • If a dream with chicken and chickens dreams of a business engaged in business - this indicates his successful affairs and promoting a personal file. And if a family person, then you should think about whether you pay enough attention to your children and loved ones?
  • If a person on the eve of an important event sees a dream with chicken and chickens - this can have such a meaning for him as many small difficulties and problems that have to face and compete. Carefully approach the solution of each issue, pay attention to the smallest nuances. If you are not too careful, your business will be able to end for you with failure and disappointment.
It can also happen that the chicken in a dream will be too aggressive, for example, chickens will peck. In this case, the dream is preventive and tries to warn you about home problems with parents, loved ones or children. In the most terrible case, this may mean a divorce soon. If you saw such a dream and are afraid to lose warm relationships with your soul mate, then you should do your personal life and feelings.
It is worth paying attention to the color of the chicken with chickens, because no matter how positive the dream is with the bride, the black chicken always talks about the onset of problems, and if we are talking about chickens (children, loved ones, close, relatives), then this omenses a quarrel, illness or illness or illness or disease or Resentment in the family. Since the chicken, most likely you embody you, then first of all, you should pay attention to your behavior and attitude to your family.
why dream of chicken with chickens?

What is the dream of black chicken?

Chicken is a good sign that can be present in dreams of every person. Nevertheless, there are nuances that you should pay attention to if you dreamed of this bird. The most important point is its color.

Black chicken in a dream is also completely neutral in nature and may indicate the upcoming weather in the future. So, a black chicken portends strong rains, rain and thunderstorms.

If the black chicken is worn along the street in the yard or in the house, she is not calm and constantly clumsy - this suggests that soon completely unexpected guests can come to you, whom you are not so happy to see in your house. Nevertheless, you have to organize a meeting and spend some time in bustle and troubles.

It turns out that it is worth paying attention to what day of the week you dream of a black chicken. If a dream was a dream on the night of Thursday to Friday, it has the most powerful and true meaning. He literally “shouts” to you that you are as careful as possible, because soon life circumstances will be able to drag you into unpleasant adventures.

If the black chicken dreamed of you on Sunday, this indicates that it is worth expecting a trick from loved ones and relatives. And if he dreamed of you on Monday, wait for failures in personal affairs and undertakings. In this case, do not try to establish anything yourself-you will not succeed. Seek your friends and loved ones for help.

In another case, a black chicken becomes the embodiment of a “black” person. That is, we are talking about a man with black hair: a woman or a man. Such a person will soon appear in your life and change something in it: he will give the amount of money, establish or spoil his personal life, bring turmoil or delight with good news.

Black chicken can verify - a lover or mistress. But just as speaking of treason, it makes you understand that love joys will bring you a lot of pleasure in the future.

A dream in which I had a chicken, what is it?

If you had a dream of several black chicken at the same time, then all the troubles and problems that can be taken by surprise should be multiplied several times. Such a dream tries to warn you about upcoming failures and therefore you need to set yourself up for future difficulties and hard work.

Black chicken can have a good sign in a dream. This will happen when you will feed it with bread or grain in a dream. In this case, the chicken will verify for you a serious and long -awaited gift received from a close or loved one.

A few more meanings of black chicken in a dream:

  • If such a bird demolished an egg, a good sign that says that financial wealth will soon arrive at you.
  • The lonely and distant black chicken, which in itself walks in the yard - a sign of loneliness and doom, resentment and feeling of abandonment with all.
  • Black chicken on the table - luck in a casino or cash rates.
  • If a person in the market acquires a black chicken, this suggests that soon he will arrive at prosperity and well -being, as well as, possibly, good health.
  • If a dream shows a picture of how you catch a black chicken for a very long time - this indicates that you will have to do painstaking and difficult work.
  • If in a dream you chopped black chicken - this is a sign that you skillfully cope with all the difficulties and problems that will meet in your life.

What is the dream of a white chicken?

A dream with chicken is always not terrible and negative predictions. He says that in the future you are waiting for small changes or chores. Often, the dream is deciphered depending on the color of the rowing bird and this is absolutely true - the color of the plumage solves everything and is able to radically change the value.

A white chicken in a dream, like any other white bird is a favorable and kind sign. She always says that something pleasant and positive, freed from dangers and enemies awaits you. One has only to pay attention to the behavior of white chicken in a dream in order to correctly interpret it.

If in a dream I dreamed of a white chicken:

  • Be careful, a dream in which you really want to catch a white chicken, but you can’t do it in any way, it will be a omen for financial difficulties for you. Perhaps he talks about an extra waste of money or lowering them to the wind. The same meaning is a dream where you want to purchase white chicken for markets, but either you are not sold or it simply does not.
  • If in a dream you are watching a white chicken and clearly see how it gets dirty with dirt (or do it yourself), then this tells you that in the future time a similar situation will happen to you - you will stain your honor and make people doubt it in doubt you.
  • If in a dream you try to carefully clean the white chicken from dirt, this suggests that you will urgently prove something to someone, explain the current situation, try to “clear” your honor and dignity.
  • If you see a dream in which the white chicken jumps to your knees, on the table or just in your hands - this is the right sign that soon we will come to you, and everyone will give up, delighting you with well -being. In addition, your loved ones will not threaten your health and health.
  • If in your dream a white chicken carries eggs and you see it or even collect them - this is a sign that in the future you can make a profit or financial assistance.
  • If in a dream you tried or fed a white bird, then such a dream is of good meaning. Soon you will provide the necessary assistance to a loved one than you solve most of his problems.
  • If in a dream you caught a white chicken and pluck it in order to cook, then rather in real life, a situation will happen to you in which you cannot control the outcome of events.
  • If you observe how the white chicken is separately “grazed” in the yard, eats separately from his relatives and just silently sits aside - this embodies you and hints that you either need to relax a bit, or spend time alone and think about it and think about it and think about it and think about it and think about it and think about it actions.
Why dream of a white chicken?

If you saw a dream in which many chicken were present and clearly noticed one - white. This only indicates that in the future you are not threatened with any dangers and you can safely continue to live a joyful and measured life.

Why is the red -haired chicken dreaming?

As in other cases, the chicken is a good sign that embodies your business and loved ones. Therefore, the dream in which this bird is present should be interpreted based on its behavior and the color of the plumage, as well as other nuances. If you dreamed of a red chicken - relax, this is a favorable sign that does not bode bad.

A dream in which a red -haired chicken was a dream:

  • The chicken of red, gold, copper, yellow and orange color always embodies a native and close person in yourself, so be sure to turn to the condition of the bird - this will be able to hint about future events.
  • If you have caught and killed a red chicken in a dream, you should figure out a relationship with a loved one or make peace so as not to keep insults on him and finally not spoil the relationship with him.
  • If you observe a crowd of red -haired chicken with chickens that graze in the yard, this indicates a possible approaching large family holiday: anniversary, birthday, wedding.
  • If a red -haired chicken walks on a table or on furniture in the house, this indicates the imminent prosperity and family well -being, where everyone will have what they need.
  • The red -haired chicken, dreaming of a man embodies his beloved and depending on how the chicken behaved (ran away, followed you, clutched or snapped) should draw a certain conclusion about the meaning of sleep. If the behavior of the chicken is negative, you need to think about whether you behave correctly in relation to your woman.
Why is the red -haired chicken dreaming?

Why do boiled chickens dream?

Chicken is a popular poultry that is often kept on the household and is not rarely eaten. However, the chicken in the form of food, or rather - chicken, does not always have a favorable meaning for a person. Be sure that if you clearly remembered the meat of chicken from sleep, this will not have the best for you.

The meat that dreams, and especially if it is chicken meat, symbolizes female intervention. Moreover, this intervention has not favorable soil - envy, intrigues, fear and treachery. Seeing chicken meat in a dream, be careful and careful so that no one can harm you in real life.

If you definitely understand your dream with boiled chicken meat, this will be able to warn you against future problems. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to skillfully use your advantage-to remember the dream and be able to correctly interpret it in order to avoid any consequences.

Why dream of boiled chicken:

  • A piece of boiled meat of chicken on a plate in front of you means that you will have to make a sufficient amount of effort to compete for your rights, your well -being and pleasure.
  • In addition, boiled chicken can embody the authorities in a dream, which every person has at work. Therefore, you should seriously take such sleep to be able to avoid problems at work.
  • Boiled chicken meat may hint that in the future you will have to face many difficulties and even instructions, which will not be quite easy to fulfill. This may concern both your professional activity and personal life.

If you not only look at boiled meat, but also eat it, biting off pieces - this suggests that all problems that have arisen in your path will be solved and you can easily cope with them on your own.

What can a boiled chicken dream of?

There is one nuance that is able to turn a dream with boiled meat into a favorable sign. In such a dream, boiled meat should eat someone else. In this case, this will only mean that another person will solve all problems on your way and they will not be able to touch you. It’s good if in a dream no one treated you with a boiled chicken and you remained hungry.

Why dream a lot of chickens?

A chicken that looks healthy and well -groomed in a dream is always a favorable sign. It embodies material wealth and physical health for a person and his relatives. It also happens that in a dream there is a lot of chicken and this dream has several meanings:

  • Chicken that graze in the yard embody your family and family members. If they calmly click and peck grain, then this only says that there will be peace and prosperity in your house, you will not have to worry about anything.
  • Chicken that fight among themselves and arrange a commotion has the meaning of a noisy celebration or holiday that can happen in your house. Also, distant relatives can come for this holiday and give you a bustle about their arrangement.
  • Chicken with chickens, which are many around you or in the yard - also indicate the arrival of long -awaited or uninvited guests into the house.
Why dream a lot of chickens?

What are the dead hens dreaming?

You should not be afraid of sleep in which you saw one or more dead chicken, because it has a very favorable meaning and is not able to omen for you any negative events.

  • A dead chicken, or rather her carcass, says only that in the future you will be lucky to get rid of boiled problems and anxieties that are present in your life. Such a chicken may indicate your further life calm, in which there will be no difficulties and health problems.
  • If in a dream you caught a large chicken, killed it and plucked it, and then prepared it for food - this indicates that you will achieve the goals set for yourself and get the profit you counted on.
  • Pay attention to the chicken that you dreamed. If this is not a corpse, but a bird dying and making sounds, then such a dream promises anxiety and possible tears for any reason.
  • If you dreamed of a dead white chicken, then most likely this indicates that soon all your difficulties are safely resolved.
  • If you had a dead black chicken, this dream is of anxious importance and if your family has a seriously ill person, perhaps sleep portends his death.
What is the dream of a dead chicken?

Be careful if you had a dream in which you wanted to buy a living chicken, but you were slipped dead - this indicates possible intrigues and conversations behind your back. Beware in this case all unwanted people and think about your well -being.

What is the shining chicken dream of?

A chicken that a person dreamed of in a very aggressive mood has a number of meanings:

  • If the chicken pecks grain or bread in a dream, this is a favorable sign that speaks of prosperity in the family and a calm family life.
  • If the chicken is pecking another chicken in a dream, it means that there are any conflicts in the family that require immediate resolution in order not to launch relationships and not attract the drive.
  • If the chicken pecked a person, this dream suggests that you stubbornly and successfully confront all life hardships.
  • If the chicken pecked you in a dream, this indicates that you spend little time with your family, which can be distinguished in your life and relationships with your family.
  • If the chicken pecks chickens, this suggests that soon conflicts will arise in the family, which must either be avoided or resolved immediately.
What is the shining chicken dream of?

Why is the chicken with a rooster dreaming?

A chicken with a rooster simultaneously in a dream can have several meanings. It all depends on what kind of mood and location these two poultry were, what kind of plumage they had and what they did.

A dream in which a rooster and chicken had a dream, what is it to?

Why dream of chicken and rooster:

  • If one of the spouses dreamed of a chicken who behaved very aggressively with a rooster, a dream embodies the relationship of the couple. In this case, you need to urgently pay attention to relations in the family and avoid possible quarrels and conflicts.
  • A dream in which there is a rooster and several chicken, which he cares equally, suggests that the spouse of the wa (or beloved) can have intrigues on the side, so it is extremely important to relate to such an interpretation.
  • If in a dream a rooster tramples chicken, this dream portends love and romantic relationships with two lovers.
  • If the whole cock is chasing the chicken, you should carefully treat such sleep, because it portends intrigues and conspiracies behind your back.

In any case, the rooster and chicken always embody the relations of two lovers of people. Therefore, a special interpretation of sleep should be done, which will have the meaning of personal relationships.

Video: “Why get out the chickens? Dream Interpretation: Hens in a dream "





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