Bath salt: benefit and harm. How to choose a bath for a bath? How to take a bath with salt correctly: recommendations. Recipes of salt baths for weight loss, rejuvenation, removing fatigue from the feet, fighting rashes

Bath salt: benefit and harm. How to choose a bath for a bath? How to take a bath with salt correctly: recommendations. Recipes of salt baths for weight loss, rejuvenation, removing fatigue from the feet, fighting rashes

In this article we will talk about how to choose a bath for a bath, how to use it.

Do you know that salt was used as an ingredient for baths in ancient times? Queen Cleopatra, for example, has repeatedly resorted to the adoption of such salt baths. But, of course, before deciding to experience this procedure, you need to learn more about it.

The benefits of salt baths

It is definitely worth starting the article from the list of the benefits that such baths can bring:

  • The water balance of the skin is restored. As a result, it becomes not only clean, as after ordinary bathing, but also acquires well -groomed appearance. By the way, as attractive as after some salon procedure.

Important: in particular, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic. This is a powerful opposition to cellulite.

  • The body gets a chance get rid of toxins, whereby strengthening. Including it begins to better resist allergies.
  • It is proved that salt is excellently coping with stretching excess moisture, activates metabolism. And also provides drainage effects. All this together helps fight extra pounds.
Salt baths will help you buy a dream figure
Salt baths will help you buy a dream figure
  • The skin gets a chance to get rid of its forming forms. For example, rashes, corns. Even psoriasis or mycosis You can cure thanks to the baths with salt. Positively affects and the presence of etheric and herbal additives In jars with salts.
  • Fans of this care receive a chance save youth for a long time.

Important: at least, premature aging of the skin certainly does not threaten them.

  • The skin seems to wrap the salt with a cloak. Cells are given the opportunity well to absorb iodine, calcium and other beneficial substances.
  • The effect is known strengthening by salt of the nail plates. The nails as a result are restored faster.
  • Brome contained in salt acts beneficial not only on the skin and nails. He helps Bring the nervous system to normal. Hence the most famous effect of salt baths is peace.
  • In this case, salt baths serve as a kind of battery, from which you can recharge optimism, vigor. Scientifically proven that sea salt is real antidepressant! There will be no trace of fatigue is guaranteed to be guaranteed.
Optimism and vigor is that the bath with salt is guaranteed to give
Optimism and vigor are what is guaranteed to give a bath with salt
  • On the cardiovascular system It turns out an extremely powerful positive effect. For example, with atherosclerosis, hypertension and hypotension, malformations, ischemic ailment, dystonia.

Important: stress, neurosis, neuropathy, and other phenomena that torment the nervous system, retreat under the influence of salt. In our hyperactive time, this is especially true.

  • Musculoskeletal machinet will also say "thank you." For example, with spondylosis, various ailments of the spine, after injuries. Especially with arthritis.
  • Vascular system You can help by taking healthy baths. They are especially recommended for tormenting many varicose veins, with thrombophlebitis.
Baths with salt - an excellent tool to strengthen your nails and get rid of varicose veins
Baths with salt - an excellent tool to strengthen your nails and get rid of varicose veins

Contraindications for the adoption of salt baths

Despite this mass of advantages, some people will have to refrain from such a procedure. It is worthwhile if:

  • Arrived period Or there are others bleeding
  • It was recently carried out operation
  • Woman pregnant. In this case, the risk of premature birth or exfoliation of the placenta is great

Important: especially in the risk zone are women whose pregnancy proceeds with complications.

  • Pressure strongly increased or, conversely, a person suffers from hypotension
  • A person suffers because of diabetes, dependent on insulin
  • There are tumors, malignant formations. In general, any inflammation It is undesirable to combine with such procedures
  • If available trophic ulcerIt is preferable to choose another way of relaxation
  • Thrombosis Also not the best indicator
  • At alcohol intoxication It is better to refrain from taking baths
  • There is open tuberculosis
  • There is astma bronchial type
  • The man is sick gout

Important: it is worthwhile to always remember that individual intolerance can appear. Indeed, various extracts are often added to the salt for baths.

Extracts are often added to baths for baths, and they can cause an allergic reaction
Extracts are often added to baths for baths, and they can cause an allergic reaction

How to choose a bath for a bath?

So, inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200barranging the home sea, the reader decided to go to the store for bathtubs. What is it worth choosing?

  • Sea and oceanic salts Suitable if the main goal of taking a bath is the medical
  • Salts from mineral, natural sources Suitable for those people who simply want to relax, get reassurance
  • Essential oil It can only be chosen if the buyer is sure that he will like the oil to love. If there is no confidence, it is better to buy salt without additives, and then drip oil to the disposition.
  • Sol-Pen- Excellent find for relief. Also, children will have to like
  • Read the composition It will not be superfluous. No substitutes! Their presence should alert

Important: cook kitchen salt is definitely not suitable.

When buying bath salt, you must definitely look at the label, study it
When buying bath salt, you must definitely look at the label, study it

What extractsIs it worth giving preference to the composition of salts? It all depends on the required effect:

  • Lavender - Excellent relaxes
  • St. John's wort, peppermint - Calmage, help to fight stress or the most ordinary stress, establish a dream
  • Nettle - Great tone, improves blood circulation
  • Tea tree oil - useful if you need an antiseptic
  • Kelp - saturates the body with vitamins, trace elements, amino acids
Lavender bath salt will calm down well
Lavender bath salt will calm down well

How to take a bath with salt correctly: basic recommendations

Salt was bought. What you need to know when going to take a bath?

  • Before taking a bath, it is recommended clean the skin. For this purpose, you can enlist the help of peeling, scrubs. You also need to take a shower using soap or gel.
  • The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees. If you want to relax, you should get close to this temperature, and if you get tone - Cool water.
  • Find the optimal dose of salt per bath - A task whose meaning should not be undermined. If you take less than 300-400 g, there will be no effect-a person is simply redeemed standardly. If you take too much, you can get irritation, peeling of the skin.
  • A good recommendation - to pre -place the selected amount of salt in fulfilling bag. The bag should be suspended Under the crane. This will allow salt to gradually dissolve in water. However, you can simply pour it into the bath.

Important: you just have to remember that salt crystals are often large enough. This is not dangerous, but it can cause some discomfort.

Bath salt can be quite large
Bath salt can be quite large
  • It is recommended to take a salt bath In the evening before bedtime, If you want to relax. Or in the morningif you need to cheer up.
  • The duration of each procedure should be approximately 15-20 minutes, no more. It is advisable to pass course of 10-15 salt baths - After it, the dynamics of improvements are especially clearly traced.
  • Between each reception, at least 2 days. Do not arrange such an event daily.
  • You can do separate foot baths. Enough for them 300 g of raw materials and 15 minutes of time. Preferably after the procedure at least do not move half an hour To fix the result.
  • If the immersion occurs completely, you need to monitor the position of the body. Even with complete relaxation, it is important to do this. The heart area must be placed above water.
  • After the procedure, it costs straightaway put on a dressing gown Or some other home clothes. You do not need to wipe Since salt will operate another one and a half to two hours.

Important: otherwise, the salt plaque will simply remove the body.

After a bath with salt, you need to immediately put on home clothes, without washing a salt plaque from the skin
After a bath with salt, you need to immediately put on home clothes, without washing a salt plaque from the skin

Salt baths recipes

If you want to achieve any specific results, you should pay attention to the following recipes:

  • For weight loss You can add to salt Grapefruit essential oil or tangerine or orange. On the a kilogram of salt enough pairs of drops chosen oil.
  • Also for weight loss You can use the recipe with 300 g of salt and soda with a volume of 400 g. A bath with such raw materials should be taken no more than 10 minutes. Preferably on an empty stomach.
  • To remove fatigue from your feet, It is recommended to stock up salt the amount is approximately 6 st and nettle pharmacy. It is enough to measure it three tablespoons. First it is worth dissolving salt, and only then add the plant. As in the previous case, it is worth highlighting the procedure 10 minutes.
  • For rejuvenation, The normalization of water-lipid balance and the fight against free radicals can be treated yourself with a bathroom with wine. To do this, it is added to salt a glass or two red wine.
  • To fight rashes It is worth taking a bath with a kilogram of salt containing coniferous extract. Or you can add coniferous concentrate separately. The skin will be cleansed and dried, irritation will be removed. To achieve the best result, you should lie down in the bathroom 15 minutes, And repeat the procedure 10 or 15 times.

Important: however, it is worth starting with 300 g of salt. Its volume is best increased gradually.

Coniferous extract for salt bath from rashes can be purchased separately
Coniferous extract for salt bath from rashes can be purchased separately

Salt baths are in the spectrum of services of some beauty salons. But, of course, the prospect of arranging such an event from time to time attracts much more. I would like to hope that this article helped our readers enlighten.

Read more about the testimony and contraindications of the receipt of salt baths:

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you very much for the article, I very often use salt for the bath, I must say that it is sometimes difficult to choose.

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