Mexican bald dog of the Ksolittskuintley breed: standard, description, appearance

Mexican bald dog of the Ksolittskuintley breed: standard, description, appearance

From this article you will learn everything about the breed of dogs Ksolittskuintley.

The “Mexican naked” breed refers to little -known breeds, but always finds himself in the spotlight in crowded places. Ksolo is a completely naked dog by nature, originally from Mexico. She is unusually graceful, as well as the perfect companion. Read more about this breed below.

The bald dog of the Ksolittskuintley breed is large, average: standard, size, appearance, description of the breed, photo

The owner of an extravagant and interesting appearance, harmonious, mysterious, affectionate, stylish appearance - all this is a bald dog of the Ksolittskuintley breed. Such a dog is called the real property of Mexico, since the breed first appeared in this country and here it is the most common. Look at the photo of Ksolittskuyntli how beautiful and elegant they are:



  • These dogs were called real doctors, as it was believed that they could take the disease from a person in one night.
  • Our ancestors also believed that Ksolo are guides to the other world, they know how to communicate with spirits.

Here is the standard and dimensions of miniature, medium and large dogs - description of the breed:

The dimensions of Ksolittskuyntli
The dimensions of Ksolittskuyntli
  • Skull and head - Highly set, proportional to the body, there is a small ledge on the back of the head.
  • Muzzle - smoothly outlined, flat cheeks, lips are dry, there are few wrinkles, the nose is painted in the color of the main color.
  • Ears - highly set, long in shape, located at right angles (this is especially noticeable in the excited state of the dog), soft to the touch.
  • Eyes - The almond -shaped shape, the iris is usually painted in the color of the main tone of the body, the eyelids are dense and dry, the edging of a dark color is noticeable. The dog always looks carefully, right in the eye, and warily.
  • Jaw and teeth - Strong. The naked dogs of this breed have more weak teeth than representatives with a short wool.
  • Neck - elegant and long, there is an extension to the base. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe scruff, elegance is visible. In small puppies, you can observe folds in the neck, and in an adult dog, the skin tightly adjacent to the neck.
  • Frame - A little stretched, the chest is narrow, the back is straight, the stomach is selected.
  • Tail - There may be a small brush at the end. When moving, the dog can raise it.
  • Front and hind legs - The muscles are pronounced, the color of claws in tone of the main color. Paws can sometimes be covered with hairs. The pads are hard. Dogs of this breed need to remove the fifth fingers on the hind legs.
  • Wool - It is characterized by its complete absence. Some representatives may have a rare scruff, which resembles the mane of the foal.
  • Color - In one tone, continuous. According to the standard, it should be dark, but individuals are also found in lighter colors, from bronze to a golden and reddish tint.

The manner of moving in these dogs is beautiful. They run a trot with a high -raised head, the back is always straight. When running, paws shift to the body and provide an excellent push.

Mexican naked dog Ksolittskuintley: character and features


In our country, Ksolittskuyntli practically never meet, character and exotic appearance was appreciated by Aztecs. This is what can be said about the nature of the breed:

  • Friendly, with contempt refers to strangers, but the owners are always kind and affectionate.
  • Loves freedom.
  • It has a calm character, thanks to this he makes himself a better friend for a person.
  • Cheerful, very smart.
  • Ksolo almost always attracts attention at exhibitions.
  • He loves when she is praised, he is happy to perform commands.
  • Will become the defender of the whole family.
  • He needs daily communication with the owner, a good company for your other pets, quickly gets along.
  • Very linking to all family members, most of all to children.
  • When training a pet, the whole family needs to participate, then the puppy will grow calm and sociable.
  • If only one person is engaged in a dog, it will become tied to him the most.
  • You should not start this dog if you do not have time, since this dog will require your attention, cannot be alone.

Features of this breed:

  • It was first discovered in Mexico.
  • Recognized as the most unusual and ancient breed.
  • The Aztecs and Indians started this breed.
  • When the Indian had joints, he took this dog with him to bed, used as a heating pad, often helped.

If you so want to have a dog, this breed, then you should take two ksolo at once. They will entertain each other with your absence.

Ksolittzcuyntli downy in wool: photo

Above it was said that the Ksolittskuintley breed has two varieties: naked and with wool. These two species are similar to the structure of the body and character. They get along very well with others, especially with children, separating their toys from others. Here are a photo of dogs of this breed:


It is worth noting:

  • When breeding this breed, dogs were not always completely naked.
  • Initially, pets with wool were not recognized as pedigree, disqualified at exhibitions and forbidden to breed.
  • They tried to get them out of the breed.
  • Crossing the naked among themselves, the breeders noted that puppies covered with hairline are born in the wool, since it is impossible to completely get rid of this gene.

Future dog owners of this breed should know:

  • Constant discussions around unrecognized dogs as individuals with wool have led to the fact that a group of activists wrote a petition to the Kinological Union.
  • The signed petition by the breeders of many countries led to the recognition of this breed.

The peculiarity of this breed:

  • This is that she does not have a undercoat, so the dog does not pour.
  • The exception is the teenage period of the change of puppy wool to adult.
  • The wool is short and tightly adjacent to the body, completely covering the dog and without an unpleasant odor.
  • Also, the advantage is its smooth process, the absence of combing procedure and processing with special creams in order to avoid sunburn.

Ksolo Pushovaya tolerates trips in the car very well and loves to travel and walk with all family members.

Mexican Ksolittzkuintley Mini: Sizes, photos

According to the cynological requirements, this unusual breed is of different sizes: mini, medium and standard. The miniature size standard is the most popular - as miniature sizes - from 25 to 35 cm, allow you to take it everywhere with you. Here is a photo of this dog:

  • Mexican Ksolittskuintley bitches differ from cables in their size. They are slightly less, which is associated with their reproductive functions.
  • Ksolo's head is minor and has a wedge -shaped shape.
  • Despite the small size, it has a strong jaw with a dense bite.
  • The tongue is usually pinkish, but it can also contain black specks, which is characteristic of this breed.
  • Eyes, like a large dog, are almond -shaped, the color scheme is modified depending on the shade of the skin.
  • The ears are like a bat and stand up to stand with alarm.
  • Ksolo especially attracts attention with his graceful and graceful neck.
  • The proportionality and flexibility is emphasized by strong muscles.

When touching the skin, warmth, smoothness and softness are felt, which requires additional care in the summer due to the lack of natural protection. Due to the lack of wool, this breed, even in severe heat, occasionally breathes through the mouth, the isolation of sweat occurs through the legs.

Dog breed Ksolittskuyntli: Education and training


Ksolittskuyntli is one of the new breeds that gain more and more popularity. However, few know how to educate them and whether they are subject to training. Here are some tips:

  • Difficulties in raising this breed of dogs do not arise.
  • Their character is quite calm, but it is necessary to pay attention to its behavior from the first days of appearance in the family.
  • Ksolo has a human mind and reacts perfectly to various teaching methods.
  • It can easily be taught to various teams, such as: sit, lie, give a paw.
  • Using praise and treating with a treat, you can speed up the process of perceiving the required commands.
  • Special attention should be paid to control of your intonation when executing commands.
  • The voice should be calm, demanding and convincing.
  • Do not forget that puppies love to play, so some teams are recommended to practice in a playful way.

From the first days of the appearance of the puppy, training must be carried out every day to obtain the planned results:

  • First of all, you should gain the confidence of the pet.
  • Do not deceive and do not tease, as this will repel the hunt to obey.
  • This breed of dogs allows you to train it at home.
  • However, if you do not own basic knowledge for proper training, then you can contact a specialist and invite him to several classes, or you can conduct some training together.

A feature of this breed is an hostile attitude towards strangers. But if you approach her upbringing, Ksolo will not show pronounced aggression for others. Love and harmony will allow you to grow a devoted friend of the family from the pet.

Ksolittskuyntli: Care and maintenance


Ksolittzkuintley is one of the oldest and rarest dog breeds. But at the same time, it is the most beautiful option for apartments. The content of representatives of the Mexican naked does not cause much difficulties:

  • Ksolo - dogs are quite active, but in regular physical exertion they need a lesser extent than representatives of other breeds.
  • Some owners accustom their pets to celebrate natural needs in a special tray, without taking them to the street.
  • “Naked” perceive this absolutely normal.

Due to the lack of wool, the main care of such dogs is associated with the skin:

  • Although it is elastic, dense and resistant to insect damage and bites, you still need to take care of it carefully.
  • With the use of chopped shampoos, they are washed as they are polluted.
  • After the bath procedure, moisturizers based on oils are necessarily rubbed into the skin to avoid drying out.

It's important to know: In winter at temperature below -10 degrees, in snowfall or strong wind, dogs must be put on protective overalls on a plush or fleece lining. In summer, it is necessary to lubricate the animals with sunscreens in order to avoid the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

According to the standard, the ears of dogs of this breed should be vertically raised, but not stopped. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • Starting from three months of age, they are fixed in a raised state with a thin stick or rod from the handle and adhesive plastry.
  • The design is left for 2 days, and then a vacation for a day.
  • The procedure is repeated until the complete effect is achieved.

Processing inside the auricle and eye cleansing are carried out weekly with cotton or m/b rag moistened in water. Claws at Kstolittskuyntli are cut as they grow. Due to the incomplete dental formula, caring for this part of the body is especially important. For cleaning, use special brushes and sprays from plaque, rawhide leather sticks.

Mexican dog Ksolittskuintley: Health and illnesses


We will get acquainted with the health and diseases of the Mexican dog Ksolittskuyntli in more detail.

  • This breed of dogs is resistant to infectious diseases and enviable immunity.
  • But the widespread "dog" ailments were increasingly manifested after the intervention of breeders in the development of the breed.

There are such diseases of this breed:

  • The appearance of plaque on the skin with unhealthy color and smell.
  • Weak cartilage (the effect of "hung ears").
  • Burns when direct sunlight hit.
  • Allergic rashes.
  • Tooth loss (intensifies with age).
  • Dermatitis, eczema - most often caused by sunburn.
  • Joint dysplasia is a dislocation of the knee cup.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis.
  • Colds - during hypothermia.

On average, the life expectancy of naked Mexican dogs from 15 to 20 years old. This breed of dogs feels great in any climatic zones, but in cold areas it is required to put insulated overalls on it so that it is cold. The following should also be noted:

  • A feature of the skin of Ksolittskuyntley is quick regeneration for scratches and cuts.
  • Especially carefully, you need to monitor the skin and cartilage of large ears.
  • When playing on the street, a dog can easily get scratches and cuts that should be treated with antiseptic agents.
  • The ears of the puppy should be glued so that by the year they stand steadily.

Although the Immunity of the Mexican dog Ksolitzkuintley is strong, it is likely that your pet will pick up a dangerous infectious disease. To prevent this from happening, the dog needs to be vaccinated in a timely manner. Puppies from authoritative sellers, before sale, are necessarily vaccinated according to graphics. This is indicated in the documents for the dog.

Dogs Ksolittskuyntli: Puppy price in Russia


The Mexican naked dog Ksolittskuintley bribes many with its unusualness. How much do the puppies of this breed cost in Russia?

  • Often the price depends on the "noble" blood and titles of parents, the requirements of the breeder or the Internet seller.
  • Naturally, puppies with a pedigree of specialized foreign nurseries will cost much more than a representative of the breed without documents bought by ad.
  • On average, the price of Ksolittskuyntli is 40-50 thousand rubles. Although there are cheaper options - about 3 thousand. Only now there is no guarantee that the puppy bought “on occasion” will have an appropriate exterior.

It is worth remembering: There is a mini-version of this breed (read above in the text). This does not affect the price, but can confuse when buying.

Beginning from 30,000 rubles You can count on a pet who has all the necessary documents (metric, veterinary passport), as well as a stigma and a microchip. Although, if a representative of this breed is not purchased for exhibitions, but for friendship, it is also quite possible to choose a cheaper option.

Where are the Ksolittskuintli nurseries?


Ksolo breed requires a thorough approach to choosing a puppy. In order to choose the right thoroughbred pet, it is necessary to contact specialists who are professionally engaged in breeding and have a veterinary or dog handling. They will competently talk about this breed, habits, health, character and lifestyle.

Kinich Ahau nursery is one of the best in Russia:

  • This organization has all the necessary certificates and is registered with the International Parenting Association.
  • In her piggy bank there are many world and European champions.
  • Pets are winners of large exhibitions and receive excellent reviews from respected experts, demonstrating the beauty and grace of beautiful Ksolo.

Rnd Hairless nursery - Mono -terribly and is engaged in the breeding of CSOLO of the standard size:

  • This is a family type nursery, that is, all dogs constantly live with their owners at home.
  • They are prepared for each droppings very responsibly and thoroughly. All pets necessarily have a full range of vaccinations, stigma and specialized documents.

GRIS Montenegro nursery:

  • It is engaged in breeding CSOLO miniature and medium size.
  • All dogs have excellent grades and titles promising in breeding.
  • The main task of the nursery is to obtain beautiful, healthy dogs with an adequate psyche.
  • Dogs and puppies of the nursery successfully perform at exhibitions, including monoporic ones, often leading. They make decent competition among leading representatives of this ancient breed.

Remember: The choice of a pet is a responsible step, and therefore it is worth taking this procedure very seriously. A puppy is not a toy, it needs careful care, proper education, care for health and responsibility for his life in our world.

Dog Ksolittskuyntli: Owners reviews


The Ksolottskuyntley breed was formed independently without human intervention, so these dogs are attributed to primitive breeds. Such dogs are in good health, rarely have genetic diseases and are long -livers.

Here are the reviews of the owners of these dogs:

  • Artem, 24 years old My Alejandro is beautiful. He does not pour at all, friends with everyone, playful, devoted, obedient. I always take him with me on a trip, on vacation, I go shopping. When I lie down after working on the sofa, he quietly packs nearby. The only negative in it is an allergy that appears on the skin of a dog in the form of rashes. For him, he picked up food for a very long time.
  • Nikita, 20 years old When my sister gave me a puppy, I immediately called him a ball. He has a wonderful assortment in the wardrobe, and we constantly dress for a walk in similar images. The ball is very smart, devoted, not whimsical in food, you can even talk to him, tell about his experiences and he looks with an understanding look right at me, and begins to lick.
  • Nikolay, 48 years old I’ll say from my experience, I love dogs, but I did not start them for only one reason, this is what they melt. But my son once reviewed the breeds of dogs on the Internet, and I saw this miracle. The decision was instantaneous, and I purchased Ksolo's dog. And now Rose is a favorite pet not only for our entire family, but also for neighbors. If you are burning with a desire to have a pet who will constantly please you, meet you, meet your mood and create comfort in the house, then buy Ksolittskuintley, you will not regret it.

Video: Ksolittskuentli or Ksolo - all about the breed

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