Royal Corgi: standard, character, description of the breed, care and nutrition, owners' reviews

Royal Corgi: standard, character, description of the breed, care and nutrition, owners' reviews

This article will talk about the smiling breed of dogs!

Corgi got his name from the Welsh, his name is translated as a "dwarf dog." This dog was distributed back in the 10th century, in Wales (UK), but its popularity increased in the early 1900s. Queen Elizabeth II is the most famous owner of Corgi, thanks to her love for dogs, many call this breed - royal Corgi.The British monarch was given for the first time by Korgi her father in 1933. The Queen had 30 such fluffy little dogs throughout her life and even made Corgi.

Royal Corgi-These are true companions. Corgi are used to getting instructions from people, they really want to please their owners, which is a very attractive feature. And the fact that dogs eat well is easier to train them.

Royal Corgi: Pros and Cons


  • Royal Corgi smart, faithful and loves to delight his owners
  • They get along very well with children and other pets
  • Corgi quickly learn, easily train and adapt well to dog sports
  • These dogs love to be in the open air and are energetic enough to travel or play all day
  • These are happy dogs that are devoted to their owners and protect their families
  • Royal Corgi is relatively easy to care for. Weekly cleaning will help keep your home clean
Loof dog
Loof dog


  • Royal Corgilike other shepherds, as a rule, bark and can bite for heels during the game
  • They should be trained from a small age, as well as socialize to avoid dog dominance
  • Corgi tend to think that they are independent of the owner who commands
  • Corgi, who are not socialized properly, may be nervous next to strangers
  • Corgi need regular daily exercises
  • Bored Corgi is not a happy corgue, and he can find other entertainment, for example, chew shoes or furniture
  • These dogs easily gain weight, which can cause back problems

Royal Corgi Cardigan and Pembrok: Differences

Royal Corgi There are two types: velsh-corn-pembrocrok and velsh-corgi-cardigan.

  • Both of these breeds are fast and dexterous, originally diluted as agricultural dogs grazing cattle. Corgi-cardigan is slightly larger than the pembrora both in weight and in length. By the way, The length of the Corgi is almost twice as much as its height!
  • The ears of the cardigans are more rounded, and the color has a large gamut. But Pembork is more sociable and friendly even with strangers, the cardigan is more restrained.
  • But The main difference between themit consists in the fact that the pimbrooks have no tails, and the cardigans have long, fluffy tails similar to foxes. Although recently they stop stopping them.

What does the Royal Corgi look like?

  • Royal Corgi- A medium -sized dog with very short legs compared to the body. The stocky dog \u200b\u200bhas a short or medium wool with a thick undercoat. By the way, he is persistent to get wet!
  • Corga's eyes are smart, kind and interested. The head is very reminiscent of the form of fox, but the expression of the muzzle is not cunning, but good. Corgi has a wide forehead, he is flat between the ears.
  • The nose is black with pronounced pigmentation. The chest is voluminous, ovoid. The tail is most often stopped (in piles).
  • One part of the body of the Corga turned out to be a hit on social networks - their ass. They became a phenomenon on Instagram with their own hashtag, #corgibutts. U royal Corgi, as a rule, fluffy asses that recreate the shape of the heart. Their posters will provide many funny moments.

Royal Corgi: varieties, colors

  • Royal Corgithe cardigan can be of different colors, including red (red), sable or tiger, as well as black, marble, tiger or blu-merl, with tiger dots.
  • In the breed, Pembrock is not so much diversity, usually red, sable, balled, black and fan, with or without white marks.
  • However, crossing between two different types of Corgi inevitably led to the appearance of unique and contrasting colors in these small shepherds.

The main thing is to remember that royal Corgi There are no one color!

Royal Corgi Pembrock: characteristics and features of the breed

Royal Corgipembrock is the most popular of two Corgi breeds.

  • Pembroke has no tails. This can be for various reasons. Some are born without a tail or with a very short tail. Other tails are stopped at the age of two to five days. Historically, farmers attached the tail of Pembroke to prevent injury when grazing sheep or cattle. They have vertical ears that look like a fox. Royal Corgipembrock is caring and loving dogs, beautiful companions.
  • The breed is attentive and playful, which makes them very funny when it comes to active games. Their relatively small size allows them to take up little space in the house. They are independent thinkers, so it is recommended to accustom puppies to manners and even take it to classes. Previously, farmers used this breed to graze cattle or sheep when grazing. For this reason, Corges should not remain unattended with young children.
  • Royal Corgipembrock is extremely smart and, as a result, quickly master new teams and techniques. But they need constant stimulation, otherwise they can cause problems in an apartment or house. Using complex toys for dogs can be a great way to entertain corgue.
  • Another skill and feature is their ability to manipulate its owners. These dogs are very cute, but they know well how to use their charm to their benefit. Discipline from the owner is required, otherwise these Corgi could quickly begin to rule the house.
  • Royal Corgi Pembrock is very sociable, loving and caring pets. They like to chase other dogs in the park and have tons of energy. Be prepared for your Corgi will follow you around the house, actually becoming your shadow.

Royal Corgi Pembrock - Breed standard: dimensions, length, height, weight

Females are usually 25-30 cm, they can weigh from 10 to 12.5 kg. Maps most often have approximately the same size-25-30 cm, but they are a little heavier than 12-13.5 kg.

Royal Corgi Needs the correct ratio of the height and length of their body. At the same time, the distance between the tail and the foot is considered standard and correct if it is 40 % more from the height of the dog (from the ground to the withers). If this is not observed that it is considered a vice.

Royal Corgi: When do the dog have ears?

Royal Corgi From birth, it has hanging ears, which usually stand on their own aged 1.5 to 3.5 months, the maximum to 4. If the ears did not stand after this period, then they should be glued. But do not carry out this procedure yourself. At least the first time should consult a specialist.

Royal Corgi: smart dog or not?

Royal Corgi I am sure that smart and knows what he wants. Corgi are considered very smart dogs that are easy to train. Due to the fact that they are extremely smart, they quickly master new teams and techniques.

INTERESTING: By the way, it is believed that this breed even understands jokes and has a sense of humor. They also know how to smile.


Royal Corgi: Link

One of the main problems with Corgi is the dogs greatly melt. Royal Corgi It has double wool - the inner short insulated and longer external. It is known that Corgi Pembrock constantly drop their wool, which can become a problem for those who do not have time to regularly care for the dog and often vacuum.

If you live in a wet climate, the coat around the Corgi abdomen will need constant care, as it comes into contact with the ground during daily walks or running. You can solve these problems with weekly care, regular baths or a trip to a professional gloram.

Royal Corgi: How to care?

Royal Corgi Very clean, so he loves care. A feature of this breed is what should be taken care of not only for wool, but also for claws, teeth, ears and eyes of Corgi. Of course, you can turn to a professional for help, but if you decide to care for yourself, you must have at home:

  • Massage glove
  • Crest
  • Brush
  • Kogerez
  • Special high -quality shampoo
Wool requires care
Wool requires care
  1. Bathe royal Corgishampoo should not be very often, only if it is very contaminated. Frequent bathing is washed off natural lubricant from wool, which negatively affects the dog. Thanks to this lubrication, coarse coat pushes dirt and dust. But you can just pour corgs from the hose and this will be a great idea.
  2. If yours royal Corgi Often walks on asphalt roads, most likely its claws will not need to be cut off, since they will grind. In the presence of claws, they need to be cut off.
  3. The ears of the coal are standing and quickly polluted, so the owner should clean them once a week with ear sticks.
  4. You should also practice brushing with a puppy and use a special dog toothpaste and brush for four -legged friends. As an alternative, use dental care appetizers or dry chewing products - this is a way of natural tooth cleansing.

And the most important thing, royal Corgi - These are active dogs, walk them more often and give them enough physical exertion.

Royal Corgi: food

  • Little bunches of energy love to eat in abundance and at any time. Therefore, healthy and well -planned dog nutrition is especially important for this breed. Give a high -quality dog \u200b\u200bfood. Pay special attention to the high content of meat - the meat should be the first in the list of ingredients.
  • But Royal Corgi It needs the right choice of meat - it should be a non -fat product! Also do not forget about vegetables by the type of carrots, zucchini, and fruits. Among the cereals are buckwheat, corn cereal and rice. Puppies need fermented milk products in the amount of not more than 100 g per day.
  • Dry food should be introduced gradually and if it came up to your dog, do not change it too often. When feeding royal Corgiyou must be careful because they usually overeat. Give them only small portions and follow the consumption of food so that the dogs do not eat too much.

It is forbidden to give flour and sausages, cabbage and cucumbers, as well as offal, milk, boiled fish and cartilage!

Royal Corgi: How many years have a velsh carg live?

Royal Corgi, Both a cardigan and a pumbrok, has an average life expectancy from 12 to 14 years. Nevertheless, healthy corgs can live for more than 15 years.

Royal Corgi and illnesses

In general, the breed is considered quite healthy, but royal Corgi It has its own unique problems. Because of their short legs and heavy bodies, Pembrock and Cardigan breeds can develop problems with the spine and hips.

  • The disease of the intervertebral disc It occurs when there is a bulge or rupture between them. Corgi owners should pay attention to the movement of their dog. If this delightful breed begins to bend when walking, refuses to jump, suffers from loss of appetite or because of problems with the toilet in a regular place, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.
  • Another common problem with royal Corgi Dyplasia of the hip and elbow joints. This problem not only affects the breeds of corgue, it is often found in other dogs. The problem occurs when the hip or elbow joint grew abnormally or deformed.
Excess weight worsens health
Excess weight worsens health
  • This can lead to the fact that the bones will be wrapped on each other, which will inevitably lead to rupture of bones or damage to cartilage. Hips and elbow dysplasia can be decided by a veterinarian who will have to undergo an operation.
  • The problem can often lead to early arthritis. It is also recommended to undergo a DNA test for degenerative myelopathy to protect against a genetic disease that can cause paralysis.
  • It also occurs occasionally kidney disease - progressive renal atrophy or urinary tract stones.

Royal Corgi: nicknames for girls and boys

Boys Royal Corgiyou can call:

  • Bingo
  • Magnet
  • Lexus
  • Dandelion
  • Sinbad
  • Carlson
  • Coconut
  • Ivy
  • Honey
  • Dolphin
Choose the name by nature and temperament
Choose the name by nature and temperament

Royal Corgi female sex has its own list:

  • Cutie
  • Mini
  • Marshmallows
  • Caramel
  • Pampushka
  • Marquise
  • Esmeralda
  • Jaconde
  • Freon
  • Merlin

Of course, when choosing a nickname for royal Corgiit is best to watch the dog for a couple of days. And then you will definitely understand what to call your Corgi.

Royal Corgi: How to accustom to a diaper?

Given the fact that Royal Corgiquickly and easily lends itself to training, then teaching the dog to go to the toilet in a certain place is easy. The most effective way is to use a diaper. As soon as the puppy writes to the floor, quickly wipe the liquid with a diaper and wash the floor thoroughly so that there is no smell. After that, the diaper should be put in the place where the toilet for the Corga is preferred. Surprisingly, corgs start to go to the right place very quickly. But if the first time you were not able to achieve your goal, then in no case do not shut the dog for a mistake.

Easy to study
Easy to study

Royal Corgi Pembrock: Owners reviews

Konstantin Ivanovich, Kirov

My whole family loves Korgi Pembrock, so this breed is our choice. If you love and want to purchase a pembrora, then my advice is to be patient. Royal CorgiNaturally, it is a smart breed. Therefore, she is easily studied and needs at least basic training. And this is also the main friend of the family and the most friendly comrade.

Vitaly, Omsk

Corgi is very smart and capable, to study very quickly, but can also be very stubborn. I do not allow my Corges to discourage me. As with any dog, training requires time, devotion and sequence. I would also advise the potential owners of Corgi definitely conduct a study of the breed, especially if this is your first dog. Benji is my first dog, and I conducted a lot of research before buying it. The more you know, the more you are ready for everything. But Corgi Pembrock is a great choice that you will not regret.

Video: Royal Corgi - all about the breed?

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