DHL Global Mail delivery service-tracking and delivery of parcels and postal items from Aliexpress in Russian by track-Nomer from China to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Delivery Time, Reviews about Delivery with Aliexpress

DHL Global Mail delivery service-tracking and delivery of parcels and postal items from Aliexpress in Russian by track-Nomer from China to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Delivery Time, Reviews about Delivery with Aliexpress

This article describes the delivery method from DNL.

On Aliexpress Everything is simple: the choice of goods, ordering and payment.

  • It seems that delivery is a regular procedure, but it all depends on whether you choose paid or free shipping of the goods, fast or slow.
  • Although in any case you will receive the goods, since the postal services of China and Russia work normally.
  • There are many companies to deliver goods that provide high -quality mailing service.
  • One of these is DHL -Courier express service.
  • Is it necessary to separately pay for the services of this company if the goods are ordered for Aliexpress? What are the delivery time and how to track the parcel? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Courier express service DHL on Aliexpress: what kind of delivery, paid or not, fast or slow?

Courier express service DHL on Aliexpress: what kind of delivery, paid or not, fast or slow?
Courier express service DHL on Aliexpress: what kind of delivery, paid or not, fast or slow?

So, let's understand what kind of delivery is a courier express service DHL on Aliexpress - paid or not:

  • Delivery from the company DHL - This is not the most popular way to send goods with Aliexpress, since the cost of sending a parcel can be a sum of the amount twice as large than the cost of the goods itself.
  • The cost of shipping is not taken “from the ceiling”, it is calculated by the formula: the first 0.5 kg of weighting weights will cost $ 40, each subsequent kilogram - $ 7.5. As a result, the price of shipping can be twice as high as the cost of the goods.
  • If the seller offers other methods of sending the goods purchased from him, then it is better to give preference to them.
  • If there is no such choice, then you should pay attention to other sellers. But, if you still decide to purchase the goods from this particular seller, then read the information below about whether you will quickly receive the parcel and where you can pick it up.

You can choose a delivery company in the tab "Shipping and payment" On the product page.

Courier express service DHL on Aliexpress: what kind of delivery, paid or not?
Courier express service DHL on Aliexpress: what kind of delivery, paid or not?

Please note that delivery DNL most expensive. Therefore, before choosing this method, think about whether you can pay for the services of this company. Often delivery DNL It can be inaccessible, since the goods have a low cost or for some other reasons. This information is displayed in the column "Information about delivery".

Courier express service DHL on Aliexpress: what kind of delivery?
Courier express service DHL on Aliexpress: what kind of delivery?

Fast or slow delivery from DNL? Let's understand:

  • This company operates in accelerated mode, as it has established itself as an express delivery service.
  • The company owns various modes of transport: modern cargo aircraft, huge seaworthiness for goods, railway platforms and cars. This indicates a large scope of the company, which means that the parcels are delivered in the shortest possible time, and even the winter weather will not be an obstacle for this.
  • The delivery time for parcels with this company is 7-15 days. But in Moscow and nearby cities, a parcel from China will come in 5 days. This is a huge advantage of the company DNL Compared to other delivery services.

In addition, the parcel will come intact and safety, and if necessary, then the parcel can be put in proprietary packaging. But about this company or seller Aliexpress It is necessary to warn in advance.

DHL delivery - time and delivery time from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan

DHL delivery - time and delivery time from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan
DHL delivery - time and delivery time from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Naturally, the time and delivery time with Aliexpress depend on the country of the recipient. But for Russians, the delivery time will be different, despite the fact that they live in one country. Russia is a large country in area and therefore buyers from the distant corners of the Russian Federation will receive a parcel later than residents of Moscow and cities located next to the capital.

Delivery time from DHL In Ukraine, Belarus or Kazakhstan will be approximately the same-from 7-10 to 13-15 days. It is worth noting that the delivery time also depends on what transport the package will be sent. For example, on an airplane it will arrive earlier than if it is used to deliver other transport - a car or railway plate.

DHL delivery: how, on which sites to track the parcel by the track number with Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and where and how to get a parcel in these countries?

DHL delivery: how, on which sites to track the parcel by the track number with Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and where and how to get a parcel in these countries?
DHL delivery: how, on which sites to track the parcel by the track number with Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and where and how to get a parcel in these countries?

The most interesting process for any buyer Aliexpress - These are the expectations of the goods after sending it to the seller. In order to simplify this process and make it more convenient and interesting for buyers, the process of tracking the movement of the parcel was created.

On which sites and how to track delivery DHL According to the track number with Aliexpress To Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan? Here are links to sites that are convenient to use and even a novice Internet user can do this:

First you need to find out the track number of your package. It is indicated on the page with detailed information about the product. On the main page of your account, click on the link "My orders".

DHL delivery: how, on which sites to track the parcel by the track number with Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan?
DHL delivery: how, on which sites to track the parcel by the track number with Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan?

A page with your orders will open. Find the right order you want to track and click on "Read more".

DHL delivery: Where to see the track number?
DHL delivery: Where to see the track number?

On the new page opened, find the track-number and copy it.

DHL delivery: how, on which sites to track the parcel by the track number with Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and where to see the track number?
DHL delivery: how, on which sites to track the parcel by the track number with Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and where to see the track number?

Insert this number into the line on the main page of one of the tracking sites, and the information will appear instantly.

DHL Delivery: Tracking Aliexpress Parcels on Websites
DHL Delivery: Tracking Aliexpress Parcels on Websites

Now let's look at where and how to get a parcel in these countries.

  • The courier delivers the package, but if you cannot get a parcel from him, then your departure will wait for you by mail.
  • In this case, you will receive a parcel at the post of your city.
  • The postal officer will call and inform you that a parcel from China awaits you.
  • You must come with a passport and get a parcel within 9 days. Then she will go back - the sender.

As you can see, use the services of the company DNL Simple and convenient. But this company is not one of the most popular in the delivery of goods from China, since the cost of shipping is too expensive. Read the reviews below what Internet users write about it and buyers Aliexpress.

DHL delivery - delivery from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan: reviews

DHL delivery - delivery from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan: reviews
DHL delivery - delivery from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan: reviews

If the buyer doubts something, then he must study the reviews of other people. After all, dissatisfied buyers will not be silent and will definitely express their opinion. So, reviews about delivery DHL With Aliexpress To Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan:

Emir, 36 years old, Kazakhstan

Recently ordered Aliexpress Dear laptop. Its price exceeded 90,000 rubles. I decided to use paid delivery and chose DNL. The laptop is light and therefore delivery cost me 45,000 rubles. But I did not regret that I took advantage of the shipment of goods from China from this company. The goods came in a proprietary box, without a single dent, although it was packed in a regular paper box. Of course, this type of delivery is not suitable for heavy and cheap goods, since its cost will exceed several times the cost of the product itself.

Igor, 34 years old, Ukraine

At first I wanted to order the goods from one seller and choose paid delivery. But he had only offers from DNL. I was frightened by the cost of sending. I decided to look for another seller with the same product, but cheaper delivery. I am not ready to give more for sending more than for the product itself. Moreover, he does not represent great value, I just heard that with paid delivery to the premises they are more careful.

Natalia, 29 years old, Russia

I heard that delivery from DNL - Fast and comfortable. The goods can also be obtained by mail, but it will come within 5-7 days. It suited me, but when I saw the cost of sending, I decided to choose another paid or completely free delivery. I decided to take a chance, although I ordered an expensive camera for Aliexpress. She was worried about her parcel. As a result, I received the goods in a crumpled box, it was also dirty. I will not do this anymore and I recommend that everyone choose paid delivery from DNL, if you need to send lightweight, but an expensive thing in cost.

Victoria, 28 years old, Belarus

I do not trust free delivery. Therefore, I use only paid, but not DNL. Too expensive. Otherwise, the delivery of this company would probably arrange me. Like that there is a choice: receipt from the courier or by mail.

Video: Delivery of orders from Which delivery service to choose?

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