The word Split: translation from English into Russian with transcription. What nouns and adjectives, phrases can be formed from the English verb SPLIT?

The word Split: translation from English into Russian with transcription. What nouns and adjectives, phrases can be formed from the English verb SPLIT?

The ambiguity of the English language is able to puzzle and introduce even those who know this language well enough into a stupor. Today on the agenda the word Split and its polysemy.

Word Split: translation from English into Russian with transcription

The article provides the most common meanings of this word. However, in highly specialized dictionaries, for example, construction, the word may have a slightly different interpretation. Consider this, doing the translation of technical texts.

Initial form: to split.

Transcription: [splɪt].

Practical transcription: [split].


  1. split (Xia),
  2. exfoliate);
  3. chip);
  4. tear off (si);
  5. crush (forces);
  6. split);
  7. crack);
  8. break (Xia);
  9. break (Xia).

Translation of phrasal verbs:

  • to Split (Up) Into→ decay (into groups, companies, fractions);
  • tosplit fromsMB. → disperse, divorce, break off relations (relative to a married couple);
  • to split off → Pimper (Xia), break off (s), break off (si);
  • to split off from→ Drive (si), tear off (si), break off (si), separate (si) from someone or something;
  • to Split Over Smth. → Do not concern about anything;
  • to Split Up→ split, break;
  • to split up (on) sMB. → Knock (in the meaning of reporting, convey), yabed;
  • tosplitwithsMB. → quarrel with someone.

Translation of frequently encountered expressions and phrases:

  • let`s.split → A very meaningful expression, the translation of which is determined directly by the context of the sentence. Most often used in the meaning of "waging";
  • tosplitabottle → drink (a bottle of wine);
  • tosplitwithlaughter→ laugh, burst out laughing;
  • to Split Hairs → get hung up on trifles, attach too much importance to insignificant details;
  • to split smb. ’s Skull→ Break someone's head;
  • splitme /mywindpipe→ Tear the veins (in meaning to make enormous efforts).

What nouns and adjectives can be formed from the English verb SPLIT?


Initial form: A split.

Transcription: [ə splɪt].

Practical transcription: [E split].


  1. split;
  2. splitting;
  3. split (including in a relationship);
  4. gap (including relations);
  5. Crack, cleft, gap;
  6. traditional dessert dish of American cuisine;
  7. bast (prediction of trees or plant fibers);
  8. mowed line (facet) on glass or precious stone;
  9. a thin layer of something, such as the skin;
  10. twine (exercise for stretching);
  11. in a conversation, it can be used to indicate a small bottle of water or half a portion of alcohol.


Initial form: Split.

Transcription: [splɪt].

Practical transcription: [split].


  1. split;
  2. split;
  3. fragmented, etc.

What phrases can be formed from the English verb SPLIT?

Translation of frequently encountered expressions and phrases:

  • a split Bone → Broken bone;
  • a Split Feeling→ ambiguous feelings;
  • a splitends→ Sowed hair ends;
  • a Split Second→ time of time, the duration of which is less than a second;
  • a Split Ticket→ a common ballot for candidates from more than one party;
  • let`s.split → A very meaningful expression, the translation of which is determined directly by the context of the sentence. Most often used in the meaning of "waging";
  • splitme /mywindpipe→ Tear the veins (in meaning to make enormous efforts);
  • thechild/childrenfromasplithome→ Child/children of parents in divorce;
  • to Split a Bottle → drink (a bottle of wine);
  • tosplitsMB. ’s.ears→ deprive someone of the hearing, stun;
  • tosplitwithlaughter→ laugh, burst out laughing;
  • to Split Hairs → get hung up on trifles, attach too much importance to insignificant details;
  • to split smb. ’s Skull→ Break someone's head.

Video: the youth slang in English from Nigahiga || Skyeng

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