The word "homeland" is written with a capital letter or not: why, rule, examples

The word

The word "homeland" is written with a large and small letter. It all depends on the context.

Homeland - This is the place in which the person was born. According to moral principles, it is also the interaction of man with society, the Fatherland, and the native country. Writing a word with a capital letter is tied precisely on the principles of morality accepted by people.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "In what cases is a dash in the sentence?". You will find the rules and examples of proposals.

From this article you will learn how to write a word "Homeland" Correctly according to the rules of the Russian language. Read further.

Is the word "homeland" with a capital letter: why?

The word
The word "homeland" is written with a capital letter

Even as it is written. And in important documents, and in poetic works, and in correspondence between people. When it comes to the country, man and patriotism, "" Homeland»Walks with a capital letter. For example, Mikhalkov’s poem:

Kremlin stars
They burn above us
Their light comes everywhere!
The guys have a good homeland,
And better than that homeland

As you can see, the word " Homeland»With a capital letter. The content suggests that we are talking about the only place, about the beloved house, so the author writes a word with a capital letter. It is important to understand that the place in which you were born and is that Homeland With a capital letter. It is the house in which you lived your childhood that is called family and is located in a country that is called a common word. From there the expression went "Mother Mother calls" or "Homeland-Russia". In simple language, Homeland They call a place in which it is nice to be. If you already have the same Homeland, So, you know what exactly you intercede, if you need and understand what.

Is the word "homeland" always written with a capital letter?

As it has already become clear, Homeland - This is the house in which he was born, and with a capital letter is written only when a person expresses his respect for the house and recognizes himself as its defender, considering the protection of his own place - his duty. Therefore, not in all cases, this word is used with the title letter (for example, when some place is the birthplace of the first cucumbers, tomatoes or something like that).

In the documents of national affairs, the term discussed in this article is always written with a capital letter. Once there were cases that the kings turned to their homeland with a small letter, after which they were punished. After all, everyone really appreciated his big house, in which he was born and lived, so he wanted everyone to respect the country. Studying the biography of the authors of poems and other works, you can see that the word "homeland" is written there with a small letter, because this is a small homeland. For example, “... Her homeland Siberia” or “Urals is my native abode” and so on.

In a letter with a small letter, the homeland describes the geographical position of the place where someone was born, has grown or lives to this day, which is called a household name and is written with a lowercase letter.

When the word "homeland" is written with a capital letter: rules, examples

Rules for writing the word
Rules for writing the word "homeland" with a large and small letter

Spelling of the word " Homeland»With a capital letter - rules with examples:

  • When senior officials write an application or document, the content of which concerns the entire state, including its inhabitants, the word is written with a capital letter. Thus, the contractor or author makes it clear to everyone that he accepts his responsibility to the Fatherland for granted. What the people who were included in the national business have reacted positively.

After all, there were states in which the ruler violated this rule and instantly removed from his post, and after he was judged. The same group includes official documents, for example, when they take the oath for loyalty Homeland.

  • In winged expressions. For example, in verses, they often write with the title letter, expressing their respect, love and devotion to the native home, an entire country.

Example: "Our homeland is Russia with its endless expanses."

  • Describing what you work for and where you live, work and learn, than you cherish, whose story you are proud And there is Homeland In a large -scale concept, that is, the whole country.

But there are cases when this word is written with a small letter. Read further.

When the word "homeland" is written with a small letter: rules, examples

There are many rules in the Russian language and all of them need to be known. To better remember, you should use examples. So, when the word " homeland»Is written with a small letter?

In such cases when:

  • The text tells about the small homeland. That is, about a specific place within the large homeland. This is, for example, cities, villages, villages, regions. You could hear or see a similar phrase on a letter: "Urals is my small homeland". And, as you can see, the word is written with the lowercase letter, because we are talking about a specific place of birth or about the place where most of the life passed. A small homeland can be called the place where you were always good, the place that you can call your home.
  • The homeland is always alone, all my life and there is no way to change it. This is the house, that street, the city in which they were born. Therefore, a word with such a meaning is always written with a small letter. The homeland with the title letter can be called the place that you liked already throughout your life, for it you are ready to stand to the end, protect the interests and always support.
  • When it comes to an inanimate object or some kind of being, except for a personThen we write with a small letter. For example: "Egypt - the birthplace of sweets", "Homeland of Dymkovo toy - Russia", "The homeland of music - Iran (Persia)" and so on. As you can see, to inanimate objects, the word "homeland" is attributed with a small letter, because we are talking about a specific place of origin.

Word "Homeland" With the title letter is written when you like the whole country, state or even the world. If you are ready to intercede for him at the time and when you want to live in it. Russia is called Homelandbecause people living on its territory and having its citizenship received a place of birth (a small homeland) in it. But all of them are united by one large. Small homeland Everyone has their own. Someone has this Urals, Moscow and so on. Each homeland has one and appeal to it, the mention of it, is always indicated by the capital letter. Good examples are verses, as they better convey understanding by just a few lines.

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