In what cases is a dash in the sentence: Rules

In what cases is a dash in the sentence: Rules

In this article, we will talk about how and when a dash is put in sentences.

Setting a dash in sentences always raises many questions. Someone puts it intuitively, which is not entirely right, of course. In order for the dash to always stand in its place to understand the rules of its use, which we will do within the framework of our article.

When is a dash in sentences?

Rules for using a dash
Rules for using a dash

There are many rules in the Russian language that speak about the correct setting of Dier. In fact, they are simple and understandable, but they really should be remembered.

Tire is always used in a sentence where the composite nominated predicate is used. It usually expresses what is subject to.

- Keith is a mammal.

- Goat is a horned animal.

- Maple is a tree.

- Father is my authority.

That's just not in every case the dash will be used. For example, if “not” is “not” between the main parts of the sentence:

Poverty is not a vice.

- Goose is not a bird.

The same applies to interrogative sentences when the pronoun acts as a subject:

Who is your girlfriend?

When the subject is a noun, and the predicate is expressed in an indefinite form, or they are both infinitives, then the dash will be put:

- To live with you is not to respect yourself.

Even a dash is put before the clarifications of “this”, “here” and others, when the predicate is an infinitive or a noun. Typically, the two main parts are combined, and this may also indicate the presence of a definition or the beginning of a comparison.

- Desire is a necessity no matter what to live.

- Romance - these are flowers, beautiful places, walks in the evenings and admiring each other's eyes.

- Fidelity - this is what the strongest family relationships are kept on.

Tire is used in the presence of transfers, and a common word is put in front of them.

Youth, activity, speed - everything will pass with time.

- Neither her smile, nor beautiful eyes, nor sensual lips - nothing encouraged in him past feelings.

Tire will also be used before the application at the end of the proposal. This happens in two situations:

If you can use "namely":

I do not really like these birds - pigeons.

- In communication, he asked only one thing - politeness.

- I can obey only one rule - sincerity.

If there are explanations during the application and you need to make the structure as an independent:

- Near me there was always my black cat - the only one who raised my mood with gloomy evenings.

The dash will be used between two predicate or in complex sentences between its parts, if they must be connected or opposed.

“I went to the canopy, not hoping to find him there,” and froze.

- I am faster to Vasily - and there everyone has already gathered.

To highlight the shade of surprise, the dash can be set after the union. So it will connect several parts.

- Take a vacation - and fly faster to the family.

- I strongly want to go there to him, talk, but - I’m embarrassed.

It is also important to note that for this one can separate part of the proposal.

And she left him nothing - not a piece.

In general, the use of a dash in each of these proposals is not necessary at all, because the rules are not required. Again, this is not prohibited, so that in this way it is possible to distinguish intonation or general meaning.

The dash is required when the second part explains or is the result of the first:

- Praise is tempting - how not to want it?

- The moon drew the road on the water surface - the night descended with an easy tie.

There are such offers where the main part is at the end. If the proposal is non -union, then a dash will be placed instead.

- The forest is chopped - chips fly.

With the help of a dash, the boundary of the separation of the sentence may stand out. This is usually done when it is impossible to do otherwise.

- So I tell them: girls - like it?

Often this is observed when there is no member of the sentence:

- Irishka for fives is a bicycle, and Ivan is a new console.

With the help of a dash stand out:

  • Explanatory structures located in the middle of the sentence. But this is possible provided that the brackets will weaken such a connection.

- Here - there was no way out - I was in his car and got down.

  • Designs located immediately after the determined noun. In this way, their independence is distinguished.

In front of the doors of his house - a large and beautiful - guests were waiting for a servant to lead them to the table.

  • Uniform members of the sentence, if they are in the center and they must be especially highlighted:

- And again, all the same species - small houses, road pits and large puddles - appeared in front of me.

A dash can be indicated in addition after a decimal one in sentences with two repeating words. These repetitions allow you to connect all parts of the sentence.

I knew exactly what my brother did, not some stranger, but a good person-my brother, with whom we grew together.

The dash is used after several subordinate clauses before the start of the main part of the sentence to highlight its separation.

- But it was necessary to do it or not - we will decide it ourselves

A dash is usually used in double structures that indicate time, space or quantity and it can be replaced with "from ... to ...".

Flight Ivanovo - Yekaterinburg.

— 1821 — 2015.

- Five - seven grams.

The dash is used to separate their own names if they relate to exercises or inventions.

Video: Different conditions for setting a dash in sentences

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