Winkers in Russian: Writing Rules

Winkers in Russian: Writing Rules

The article provides information on how to write consoles in Russian grammar, what they are, you will also find out what exceptions to the rules when writing prefixes are, pre-.

In the Russian language, there are parts of words as prefixes. Thanks to these parts, you can form a completely new word. It is not so difficult to determine where the prefix is \u200b\u200blocated, the main thing is to indicate the root of the word first. But the consonant or the syllable in front of the root itself will be exactly the part of the word, which will go further - the prefix. Next, let us dwell on this topic, we will learn how to properly apply the prefixes in the Russian language.

Winkers in Russian: Groups

So, thanks to these parts of the word, you can get a slightly modified word in Russian grammar, which can change, supplement the meaning of the previous one.

Do not confuse prepositions and prefixes
Do not confuse prepositions and prefixes

Total today is known about seventy consoles In Russian grammar. That's only sometimes, analyzing the word to parts, some make mistakes and confuse parts of the roots with the prefixes. Or some prefixes can, on the contrary, consider the root of the word a full -fledged root. All consoles in the Russian language can be divided into several main types.

  1. The first subgroup, the initial part of the word is always used in writing, as is heard. To these can be classified: (in, in), Voso, to, from, from, for, k, from, you, over, on, no, no, oh, o, ok, from, from, pa, soft , Under, before, pra, PRO, Pro, C, C, U, SU, DISE.
  2. The second subgroup: prefixes with the last letter at the end with, Z. are ranked to them: demon, without, SZ, from, IS, WHO, once, RAS, bottom, NIS, grew, roses, even through.
  3. The third subgroup: Pre, at

The letter usually shows the prefix with this sign: ¬ From above above this part of the word.

Winkers in Russian: spelling

The spelling of prefixes in the Russian language is studied by children in primary school. And this science always seems to be a complex children. Therefore, when writing words in notebooks, errors are found, for which they reduce the assessments of the teacher. And this is due to the misunderstanding of some rules of Russian grammar. Now, let's go in detail and figure it out.

1. Such species prefixes, like: (In, in), Voso, to, from, from, for, k, from, you, above, on, norture, non -nonsense, o, o -ok, from, from, pa, software, but, before, before. PRO, PRO, Pro, C, C, U, SU, ONE, through - do not have the ability to change, are always written like that.


  • Proven, delight, ward, flight, glimpse, burn, fit.
How to write correctly Z-, C-?
How to write correctly z-, s-- prefixes in Russian?

How to write consoles in Russian: on Z-, C-?

Back in the nineteenth century, philologists made the following restriction, the prefixes, demons-not to apply, they should always be written only with the letter Z at the end. Other prefixes in the Russian language: WHO- RAS, grew, etc. You can write with both the and with s-. Moreover, before the deaf letter, write the letter C-, and before the call-z-. See above the examples on the image.

But the first rule, about the perception, did not take place in Russian grammar. Therefore, a little later, or rather, back in 1918, everyone was simplified, allowed use in the letter: without-, uniform, through-, mens.

IMPORTANT: But despite the simple rules of grammar, some words are found in the Russian language that do not comply with these rules. Moreover, the letter is heard at the end of the console, and it is written with or vice versa:

  • Hardly, tasteless, careless.

How to write prefixes in Russian: Pre-, at?

Spelling Pre-, It depends in many ways from the very meaning of the word used. Pre - written in Russian grammar when denotes an increase in some signs, in this case, this prefix is \u200b\u200bstill replaced by a very word.


  • Beautiful, calm, reverend.

When the word means incomplete action, immediate vicinity, they always write the prefix.


  • Arrival, coastal, open, rake, jumped, drove.
How are the prefixes written?
How are the prefixes written?

It is the spelling of the prefix of the pre- and prefixes that in Russian causes many doubts among students. After all, they are not always written according to the rules listed above. Therefore, you should delve into this topic and consider everything in detail.

The prefix is \u200b\u200bused in the wordWhen the quality of a high degree means, it can still be easily replaced in a sentence with separate words very, very, very.
For example:
  • Cracking (very funny), premium (very cute).
When the values \u200b\u200bof the prefix in the Russian language are close to the re-, then the pre- is also written:
  • Blocked, blocked; transformed, the image has changed; overcame, overpowered.
IMPORTANT: Do not confuse the pre-, the second prefix always appears in a letter with the letter E and in no other way, examples: provided, predicted, provided, warn.
Pri- (prefix) appears in a letter when:
  1. Means approximation Something: rushed, drove, arrived.
  2. In the case when it means joining To something, examples: nailed, nailed, stuck, screwed.
  3. When it means proximity in space, for example: the station - next to the station of the station type, Primorsky - near the sea, the school premises - next to the educational institution.
  4. It means incomplete perfect approximation or action: opened - they opened a little, lay down - not completely lay down, crouched - she did not completely sit down.

IMPORTANT: In some situations, the words with the prefixes are pre-, it is necessary to verify with the spelling dictionary, or remember how to write them true, because there are exceptions.

This happens due to the fact that the prefixes merge with the root of the word or are borrowed from other languages, for example: to invite, applicant, presidium, drugs, presentations.
Writing pre-,
Writing pre-,

As you can see, remembering the rules for writing prefixes is not so difficult, it is sometimes more difficult to determine whether this prefix is \u200b\u200beither an excuse, or to correctly highlight the prefix, not to confuse with the root. To prevent this from happening, you should not miss grammar lessons and read a lot of literature. Then there will be no errors in the spelling.

Video: consoles in Russian

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  1. i need to know the prefixes

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