The Slavic symbol of Kolovrat, the value of the amulet for women and men, the tattoo of Kolovrat, how to make and activate Kolovrat at home?

The Slavic symbol of Kolovrat, the value of the amulet for women and men, the tattoo of Kolovrat, how to make and activate Kolovrat at home?

Among the many ancient Slavic symbols, Kolovrat’s amulet occupies a special place. For our ancestors, the ring sign was considered very powerful and personified the movement of the heavenly luminary, the rotation of planets and galaxies.

Currently, the sacred meaning of Slavic symbols is less popular. Kolovrat Slavic is often perceived as German swastika. If you are interested in Slavic culture, we offer to find out in more detail what Kolovrat’s amulet means, and why our ancestors applied it to various household items.

Kolovrat: the value of the amulet

  • Kolovrat is one of the variations solar characters. The picture of the sign can be easily compared with the rays of the sun in a circular bent form.
  • Kolovrat amulet It has other literary names. The direction of the rays in the direction of the clock and in the opposite direction led to two consonant designations "Salt" and "Antiolon".
  • We mean the Kolovrat symbol rotation - A cyclic change in day and night, the beginning and end of the seasons, the alternation of white and black stripes in our lives.
  • To enlist the support of the gods, the Slavs applied the sign of Kolovrat for shirts, on improvised things, on equipment and tools. The amulet symbolized prosperity, positive mood, good health and protection against negative impact.
  • In modern world Protection of the amulet Kolovrat People with a positive attitude are enlisting who strive to conquer new peaks in business, build a family and become a successor to the clan.
  • Slavic amulet Kolovrat It is able to bring harmony and renewal to your everyday life, point out the path of light and truth. The solar sign promotes the completion of the period of problems and helps to move in the right direction.
Slavic amulet
Slavic amulet

What does the Kolovrat symbol mean?

The amulet of Kolovrat is found with a different number of rays. The figure must be even. Each symbol has a positive value and is tied to a certain deity.

  • Slavic Kolovrat 4 rays personifies the flame and embodies the power of the Darier of the Dazhdbog.
  • Kolovrat 6 rayspersonifies the Slavic god Perun and carries the power of heaven and earth.
  • I received the greatest recognition Kolovrat 8 rays, personifying the power of the gods of sunlight and symbolizing the integrity of all living things.
  • Slavic symbol Kolovrat from 12 rays Compared with 12 signs of an astrological horoscope.
Slavic symbol
Slavic symbol

The shape of the symbol Kolovrat sets the direction of its rays. The talisman with arrows directed from right to left is called Ladin. It is suitable for women. Male Kolovrat, with the direction of rays from left to right, has very strong energy.

Materials for Obrek Kolovrat

The talisman Kolovrat is made from various materials. It is better to select a talisman based on the individual characteristics of a person.

  • Golden Kolovrat - The amulet from this precious metal will be as effective as possible for timid and shy personalities. The amulet will help strengthen health and bring the realization of cherished desires.
  • Silver Kolovrat -silver amulet is recommended to be purchased for young people. Kolovrat will become an absorption of negative energy and contribute to the development of intuitive thinking.
  • Wooden Kolovrat -tarks made of wood are designed primarily on the male floor. The optimal properties are possessed by male breeds of trees. You can make a talisman of Kolovrat with your own hands. In the process of work you drink the amulet of Kolovrat at home by the energy of its owner.
  • Bone Kolovrat -an amulet of animal bones is able to double the resource of a person by 2 times.

Kolovrat - amulet for women

The magic properties of the Kolovrat charm for women:

  • Improves the relationship with the inner voice, enhances the work of the subconscious. This helps to avoid a number of problems.
  • Enhances female energy, helps to improve the sophistication and sophistication of character.
  • Protects a woman from unwanted ailments during pregnancy.
  • Helps to find harmony in the relationship of mother and child.
  • Protects with damage And an unkind look.
Kolovrat for women

Kolovrat - amulet for men

The magic properties of the amulet of Kolovrat for men:

  • Promotes achieving set goals in the work.
  • Helps change the attitude to life, pushes into new paths and opportunities.
  • Protects from the evil eye and magical rituals.
  • Helps to find mental harmony and be happy.
  • Improves physical and mental abilities.

How to choose a talker Kolovrat?

Kolovrat's amulet should be as effective as possible to its owner. To make the right choice of your talisman, we are guided by the main principles:

  • We study the purpose of the amulet and its capabilities.
  • We compare the properties of the symbol with our astrological sign.
  • Armed with useful information, we listen to our own intuition.
  • Compare Form and material of the amulet With your age and status.
  • For daily socks, the amulet should be strong and convenient.
  • If you are not located to the purchase of an amulet that the seller imposes on you, it is better to postpone the purchase.
Select the form and material
Select the form and material

How to use the Kolovrat charm correctly?

People with Catholic and Orthodox faith often have the question of the appropriateness of wearing a talisman of Kolovrat along with other religious symbols. Pagan forces are not compared with Christianity, but everyone has the right to independently decide on the relevance of wearing various amulets.

There are a number of recommendations on how to use the Kolovrat symbol. Adhere to them or not to solve only to you:

  • Not recommended combine Christian symbols and pagan. Determine the priority of wearing amulets, exclude the combination of clothing with various symbols.
  • The amulet fueles the energy of a person only with close contact with it. Wearing an amulet with long breaks will not bring the desired effect.
  • To preserve the special energy of the amulet, it is necessary to ensure it storage in a separate box.
  • Universal wearing obel Kolovrat - As a pendant pendant. This option will attract the female half. They choose a man ring Kolovrat Or a keychain.
  • It is also considered symbolic the presence of the Kolovrat sign on clothes. For daily protection, the sign is embroidered on a daily accessory. It can be A handkerchief, wallet, keychain.

How to make Kolovrat with your own hands?

  • The process of creating a charm of Kolovrat begins with the choice of material. It is easiest for a beginner to work with soft materials. They are easier to process and do not require professional tools. For the first workpiece, we stop choosing On a tree or animal bone.
  • You need to display a Kolovrat on a flat surface. For symmetry, the selected image is best applied in the center of the correct geometric figure.
You can make a collapse with your own hands
You can make a collapse with your own hands

Phased instruction for creating a talisman of Kolovrat:

  1. We align and polish the surface of the selected workpiece.
  2. On a flat surface with a simple pencil, we apply preliminary sketch.
  3. We cut through a sharp cutter the contours of the picture.

If you can’t do Kolovrat yourself, but I really want the symbol to accompany you in life, try a simple option. Draw an image on a piece of paper. Put it In the wallet, in the bag, diary, in the case of the phone.

Video: How to make a talisman Kolovrat with your own hands?

How to charge a Kolovrat charm at home?

After you have acquired the Kolovrat guise, it is necessary to evaluate its properties. The rite is held on a sunny day at noon.

The amulet must be filled with energy of 4 natural elements. To charge the charm of Kolovrat, we follow the phased instruction:

  1. Fill a transparent vessel water From any natural source. Dip the amulet into the water for several hours.
  2. Light candle And several times carry Kolovrat over the flame of a candle.
  3. Collect field herbs. Start them and blow off the fire so that the process of smoldering begins. In grass smoke, fumigate your Kolovrat.
  4. After the rituals done, leave the amulet at rest for 12 hours. The next three days, be sure to wear a amulet on the body.

If you are correctly charged, this will help you provide you reliable protection. Kolovrat gives the necessary energy to strengthen the family, achieve success in work, normalize health, etc.

How to strengthen the action of the Slavic amulet Kolovrat?

You can strengthen the properties of the amulet of Kolovrat using additional sign images. Additional attributes are best used when embroidery or tattoos.

Popular combinations of the Kolovrat symbol:

  • Kolovrat with a bearit is a link with the other world. Ladinets with a bear is a sign of wise solutions and fertility.
  • Saul with a bearmeans courage, patience, confidence, strength.
  • Kolovrat with a wolfhe expresses honor and prudence, helps to increase strength and courage.
  • Kolovrat with an axis a concomitant symbol for warriors . This combination supports the ideology and cohesion of warriors, courage and determination.
  • Kolovrat with a ravenit is a sign of magical power. Helps to develop supernatural abilities.
  • Kolovrat with runesit acquires a certain force and value depending on the chosen rune.
  • Kolovrat in the Circle of the Sun symbolizes an endless life cycle.

Damage or loss of amulet Kolovrat

  • Kolovrat from any material can bend, break or crack. Such external signs confirm the amulet. After a breakdown, the amulet is burned in the stake or buried in the ground. Thank him for protection and purchase a new amulet.
  • If kolovrat amulet Lost, then do not look for him. Charged objects rarely disappear due to the distraction of the owner. The lost amulet most likely will no longer benefit. Another possible reason for the loss is incompatibility with the energy of the owner or a dismissive attitude to the amulet.
  • It is not recommended to assign found Kolovrates, since a certain program that will play against you can be laid down in them.
Do not take the found Kolovrat
Do not take the found Kolovrat
  • How long kolovrat works? Timely Cleaning and charging amulet Extend his service life. The talisman can be useful to its owner all his life.

Kolovrat Tattoo: Value

  • Approaching the body tattoo charm Kolovratyou start continuous the movement of life, filled with optimism, energy, protection from enemies, inner strength and faith in oneself.
  • Kolovrat Image It is better to apply in one color scheme. Several parts of the body are optimally suitable for amulet - the forearm, chest, neck, spatula.
  • In our time tattoo Kolovrat Value Saves, laid down by the Slavs. The pectoral symbol reflects the energy of fire, the analysis of the inner world of a person, spirituality, protection against failures and dark forces, productivity.
  • Following the example of the ancestors, kolovrat tattoo for men You should apply if you want to change your life or express your mentality.

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Video: Slavic amulet Kolovrat

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