Slavic runes - value by date of birth and zodiac sign: Description. How to find out your rune by date of birth?

Slavic runes - value by date of birth and zodiac sign: Description. How to find out your rune by date of birth?

In this article we will talk about how to determine our rune by date of birth.

Everyone knows that runes are an ancient alphabet, a way of fortune telling. But did you know that these signs are quite closely connected with astrology? Each zodiac sign belongs to two runes. Let's try to find our symbols.

Runes for men and woman Aries

Uruz - embodied impulse, source of energy, atomic power. Mars under the auspices of Mars, a pronounced male sign, Aries perfectly harmonizes with this rune.

Aries is Fighters from birthwith excellently developed the abilities of the organizer, independence. The will of will and activity cannot be occupied. These people will never wait for the mercy of fate - they will go to their goal themselves.

Important: the rune Uruz is just able to feed Aries with energy. Despite the fact that people were previously afraid of Uruz, it should be respected. Only in this case, the rune will not allow you to burn out, it will award the "second breath."

Aries will be able to it is true to distribute your resources. Perhaps even reached a new standard of living.

Runa Uruz for Aries
Runa Uruz for Aries

Tayvaz - Another bright rune with the masculine principle. She gives its owner courage, self -confidence. But sometimes even active Aries is not enough.

But it’s not enough just to want to do anything-you still need to be able to bring plans and dreams into life. And Tayvaz will help this. She will reward energy and will.

Runa Tayvaz for Aries
Runa Tayvaz for Aries

Runes for men and woman Taurus

Feuhu - personifies the fullness of possession something. Moreover, this refers not only to material benefits, but also by spiritual wealth. Well -being, to which the energetic Taurus stubbornly strives, sometimes cannot be achieved without internal harmony. Definite sincere peace, comfort and satisfaction And he will give Feuh.

Taurus stubborn to obsession. They will bend their line with truly bull stubbornness until they either receive what they want or are exhausted energy.

Important: Despite the amazing endurance, Taurus needs a recharge that will help evenly distribute energy. The rune will just balance the bodies of Taurus.

Runa Fehu for Taurus
Runa Fehu for Taurus

Olla - It is not for nothing that this rune resembles a sign of the body in an inverted state. She is an embodiment stable and stable life. But also the rune personifies and resistance, perseverance, Which, as we recall, are inherent in Taurus.

One of the characteristic features of this zodiac sign - veneration of traditions. He, like no one else, realizes that a person cannot lose connection with the past, with himself. The house perceives as a fortress. The rune of Olla is just interpreted as borders, support, heritage.

Fleet Otell for Taurus
Fleet Otell for Taurus

Runes for men and women Gemini

Raido - is under the auspices of Mercury, responsible for the mind. Gemini is just different in that they prefer develop intellectually.

Important: Rydo will give people of this sign the logic, wit, and ingenuity necessary in intellectual development. And, importantly, hard work.

Such development is also impossible without developing concentration of the mindwhich can be compared with a long road. Raido just personifies time and space, faith in oneself. This rune will help to constantly move from one goal to another.

Runa Rydo for Gemini
Runa Rydo for Gemini

Evaz - Runa changes, exit from stagnation, transformation. Evas energy is very similar to the energy of the twins - it also mobile, extraordinary, dodging, fresh And even the most hopeless business from a dead point is able to move.

It is also important that this rune combines two principles - If you look closely at her, an analogy will appear with a mirror display of the laguz rune. But it is precisely the twins that distinguishes the duality of nature, which pushes both take -off and falls. An enviable mind sometimes conflicts with a peculiar character.

Important: it is possible that this runican rune will help to smooth out the contradictory nature of the twins.

Runa evaz for twins
Runa evaz for twins

Runes for man and woman cancer

Turisaz - Extremely strong rune, the embodiment of fate. Managed by the moon, it is full of mysteries and is mainly a female sign. The mysterious tourist serves as an excellent talisman for sensitive dreamy crayfish. It perfectly strengthens the already developed hard work and memory Representatives of this zodiac sign.

For crayfish, despite their success in business, a stop and return back is characteristic. At some point, such people begin to think about whether they did everything for sure, whether everything is in order with priorities. Rune it will help to understand what exactly pulls back.

Runa Turisaz for Cancer
Runa Turisaz for Cancer

Perth - Runa purpose, initiation. Penetizing crayfish usually feel at first, and then they connect reasoning. Therefore, a talisman that is useful to them, which will strengthen the ability to feel people and unpleasant events.

Important: given the fact that cancer is very often addressed as excellent psychologists, the probability of errors in understanding what is happening should be maximally reduced.

Representatives of this zodiac sign not only see around others, but are also able to talk to themselves honestly, capable To discard the old "I" and reborn. This can be traced analogy with Perth, which embodies birth through death.

Runa Perth for Cancers
Runa Perth for Cancers

Runes for men and women Leo

Soul - This rune is associated with the sun. Personifies Victory, love of life, the ability to cope with any problems. All of the above is also characteristic of people born under the sign of Leo.

Soulo helps lions evaluate life situations from different angles. And this, in turn, leads to wisdom. With wisdom, the chances of representatives of this sign come out winners It increases sharply.

Important: however, it is worth treating this rune carefully. Many lions already sin with increased authority and great narcissism.

Runa Soulo for Lviv
Runa Soulo for Lviv

Dagaz - Incarnation breakthrough, transformation, starting something. Extremely useful and positive rune that will help as much as possible successfully use the accumulated experience For upcoming achievements.

Perhaps the upcoming achievements will radically change life. It is extremely important in this case understand the essence of changes, adjust to them.

Dagaz is dawn. Leo will have to work hard so that its sun shines into full force. Only then will the ambitions be satisfied.

Runa Dagaz for Lviv
Runa Dagaz for Lviv

Runes for men and women Virgo

Yeracrop, birth of something, implementation of plans. Both the rune and the zodiac sign are under the auspices of the purely female planet Proserpina. Proserpin embodies harmony, love.

The “harvest” period is characterized by the feeling that the transition to a new level is coming, the changes are coming. And for this it is extremely important remove lessons from the past, part with the outliving things.

Important: for Virgo, this is usually not easy, but the talisman-yer can help in this case. Yera is a rune-expert, a guide. She will help not to get lost and bring what is happening to a logical conclusion.

Runa Yera for girls
Runa Yera for girls

Berkanaprotection and patronage, love, creativity. An extremely clean rune, completely coinciding energetically with the sign of the Virgin.

Representatives of this sign always bring to the end Even the most difficult things, using all your Intelligence and tenacious memory. This is done leisurely, without interfering with hustle and bustle-Virgo seems to know that some power should help them. And the talisman of Berkan can become such a force.

This rune is extremely useful for the fairer sex - it will endow them soft energywhich is valued by men!

Berkan rune for girls
Berkan rune for girls

Runes for men and women Libra

Ansuz - One of the most significant runes associated with higher powers. Activates The processes of self -knowledge and creativity.

Libra is an extremely active zodiac sign. They are endowed charm, have others and more they argue. Moreover, they argue in order to enjoy the intellectual confrontation.

IMPORTANT: The rune of Ansuz is just indispensable where it is required to apply vocabulary in time with dexterity, to show a sharp mind.

This rune allows energy and inspiration As if to go an avalanche on a person. Libra is like this very by hand, because they are both creative natures and good scientists.

Runa Ansuz for Libra
Runa Ansuz for Libra

Gebo - capable strengthen oratory, direct self -expression In the right direction. This is very useful to scales, which, thanks to the conciseness of expression of thoughts, are often involved in social activities.

Another meaning of Gebo - partnership, constructive communication, adoption of interlocutors as they are. Rune frees from stereotypes, revealing the inner freedom of man and allowing those who love the ease and fruitful communication of the scales organically fit into society.

Runa Hebo for Libra
Runa Hebo for Libra

Runes for man and woman Scorpio

Hagalaz Destruction of a natural naturethat are not controlled by a person. The rune is under the auspices of Pluto. Pluto, in turn, is associated with phoenix bird. And for Scorpio, self -destruction is very characteristic of what distinguishes it from other zodiac signs.

Important: however, you should not be scared, because self -destruction is, oddly enough, useful. It contributes to the development, self -realization. So the property of phoenix for Scorpio is embodied.

Runa Hagalaz for Scorpions
Runa Hagalaz for Scorpions

Isa - Gives Dimension, leisurely. Perhaps at times the Scorpions are very lacking in such qualities. In order not to destroy the existing one, the representatives of this zodiac sign are sometimes needed stop, exhale, relax.

After some time, these people with new forces can resume their activity. But thanks to the period of "freezing" all the negative, everything unnecessary will settle to the bottom.

Runa Isa for Scorpions
Runa Isa for Scorpions

Runes for a man and woman Sagittarius

Kenaz -Facel rune. Gives a person the impressive creative potential and clarity of thought. Active Sagittarius is very useful. Power, splendor, honor, recognition, high social position - All this attracts such people unusually. And without an appropriate internal reserve, this cannot be achieved.

Thanks to such a rune, Sagittarius can significantly expand your horizons, see the most suitable path. Stubbornness for passing such a way cannot be occupied by them, but Kenaz will strengthen persistence repeatedly.

Runa Kenaz for Sagittarius
Runa Kenaz for Sagittarius

Nautizturns shortcomings in advantages. This indisputably useful property is added and formation of self -sufficiency. Sagittarius idealists, but it is difficult to blame them with dishonesty. They live tomorrow day, but at the same time they can plan the future.

Important: Sagittarius is energetic, often act as justice fighters. Nautiz will give them so necessary calm and balance.

Rune of nautiz for archers
Rune of nautiz for archers

Runes for men and women Capricorn

Eyvaz Support, protection, security endurance and amplification persistence. Despite the fact that Capricorns are smart and insightful, the speed of reaction and determination in them most often manifest only when it is beneficial to them, and then not always. Therefore, Talisman Eyvaz will be very useful.

Even persistent Capricorns can, in case of failure, is fenced off from the world. And then they will need the ability to endure a lesson out of defeat, skill accumulate experienceWhat the rune will help.

Runa Eyvaz for Capricorns
Runa Eyvaz for Capricorns

Inguz - Patronizes discoverers. The ambitious Capricorn often direct their energy to become better than anyone in their field.

This rune can attract the period of good luck - All undertakings will be literally saturated energy of growth, positive and abundance.

Important: prosperity will not turn away from Capricorn if he can get rid of the old, completely focus on the future. The Inguz, symbolizing the movement, is just able to help in this.

Runa Inguz for Capricorn
Runa Inguz for Capricorn

Runes for a man and woman Aquarius

Wuno - Develops Fantasysets up a person on fulfillment of their desires, gives him joy. A similar mood for idealistic Aquarius with a philosophical character is often necessary.

This rune allows bring something new into an existing worldview, to find "second wind". Under such conditions, Aquariuss get especially good realize your goals. And no competition in this case is terrible!

Runa Wuno for Aquarius
Runa Wuno for Aquarius

Mannase - Presentation public structure, intelligence. The rune is perfectly suitable for Aquarius who are full progressive ideas. These people are in most cases open in communication, attractive to others.

Important: Mannas helps Aquarius manifest themselves in compassion for others - here representatives of this sign with full return participate in society. With such a spiritual elevation, a person also manages to develop his “I”.

Runa Mannase for Aquarius
Runa Mannase for Aquarius

Runes for men and women fish

Algizprotection, call of higher powers. A similar rune will bring special benefit, because these people are used to trust intuition. I must say that it is not unreasonable, since the string has not helped them in different areas of life.

The rune helps and deftly maneuver in life, Choosing the right course. Pisces are used to show flexibility, adapt Under various circumstances, therefore, the superfluous indication of the direction will not hurt them.

Runa Algiz for Pisces
Runa Algiz for Pisces

Laguz - smooth fluidity, stream. The rune will help control what the fish is given from birth - rich inner world and spiritual strength. It is not always possible to lead such a power successfully, which will help to correct the talisman.

Important: Laguz will also help control the subconscious, correctly interpret intuition. If the fish refuse to listen to the inner voice, they can lose support in life.

Runa Laguz for Pisces
Runa Laguz for Pisces

As you already understood, runes can be used as talismans. Having acquired, for example, some kind of decoration or having made a tattoo with a rune suitable along the horoscope, a person will receive a powerful amulet that will help in passing his path.

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Comments K. article

  1. Question: Are these Slavic runes?

  2. In this article, the runes of the Scandinavian Futark. Slavic alphabet is something else.

  3. The author is deliberately that the Slavic Vedic (how many, half of them remained!) The runes and the Norman ???

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