Dazhdbog - a symbol, attributes, amulets, runes, a holiday, why are the Slavs called the grandchildren of the Dazhgozh?

Dazhdbog - a symbol, attributes, amulets, runes, a holiday, why are the Slavs called the grandchildren of the Dazhgozh?

Among the many gods who were worshiped by the Slavs, a special, and a very honorable place is occupied by Dazhdbog. His name is in a place of honor in the pantheon of pagan deities, giving way to only Perun and Khors in significance.

Another name of Dazhdbog is Tarkh. But no matter what the pagan deity is called - this is a luminous sunny god, reflecting the daylight, patronizing the warm summer sun and the fertility granted to them.

Patron Dazhdbog: to whom does it help?

  • Tarh Dazhdbog patronizes orphans and wanderers suffering and needy, In a word, everyone who is looking for help. It gives rain suffering from thirst, frozen warms the warmth of his elements of the fiery sun. The sun, subject to Dazhdbog, gives him the opportunity to patronize also those who he works on Earth - sows, plows, harvests, feeds himself and his family.
Patches many
Patches many
  • The Dazhdbog and newlyweds and wedding ceremonies. He uses the dawn of the wedding day in order to endow the groom with many excellent craft qualities that help in work, and also grants wisdom, strength and health.
  • Tarh is the keeper of earthly keys, locking the earth before the onset of winter colds and trusting the keys to the birds flying into distant warm countries. In the spring, the birds bring the keys back, and then Digdbog opens the locked door, letting go of a new life with spring warmth.

Dazhdbog: Sons

  • As traditions, Dazhdbog had three wives. The first of them Golder, gave the deity of the firstborn who gave the names Kolyada and Ovsen. But spells and witchcraft forced Zlatogorka to leave the world of the gods and her spouse, and she left, draining her soul with the soul, which was possessed by the goddess Maren.
  • The second wife of Dazhdbog and became herself Madderwho gave birth to the third son of a deity named Bogumir.
  • And having saved Dazhdbog, after Marena’s betrayal, from many trials that had fallen to his lot, she not only became her beloved third wife, but also was able to revive an updated soul with the help of living water in God. Alive became the mother of the ancestors of many Slavic branches (Czech, Serbian, Kyiv, Polish, etc.) Aria and Kisek.

The grandchildren of Dazhdbog

  • The grandchildren of Tarha Dazhdbog became the ancestors of many peoples, and primarily Slavic. So, the son of Dazhdbog and the alive Kisek gave rise to the first representatives of Western Germans and Hessians. His brother Ariy gave humanity Kiya, cheek and choriva, the founders of Kyiv, the ancestors of the Czech, Serbian peoples and Kyiv glades. And two more sons of Aria called Krak and Lechfound polish and Mazovets tribes.
  • Son of Dazhdbog and Zlatogorki By the name of Kolyada became a father Radogostawho founded many peoples of Rus': Vyatichi, Radimichi, Ruyana, Ratari, encouraging.
  • Marena's son and Dazhdbog by name Bogumir gave his father not only grandchildren, but also granddaughters Polev, Square and Treewho founded the tribes krivichi and Drevlyans. There were many grandchildren from the Bogumir, and each of them remained in the memory of people. Rus - founded the tribes of the Rus, Seva - northerner peoples, Kimra became the progenitor of the Cimmerian people.
  • And do not need to clarify the name of the tribes, data on the names of such grandchildren of Dazhdbog as Scythian, Khazar, Sloven.

Grandchildren of Dazhdbog: Why are the Slavs so called?

  • Aryan, the son of Dazhdbog, is considered the father of the Slavs, who gave the beginning of their white race. And Dazhdbog himself in ancient chronicles is called - the ancestor of the Slavic clan.
  • This is confirmed both in the Ipatiev Chronicle, and in the eternal masterpiece of the history of Russian literature - “Word of Igor's Regiment”. This term is used here - grandchildren DazhdobozhiAnd so the Slavs called themselves in pre -Christian times.
About Dazhdbog
About Dazhdbog
  • The Gentiles believed that their gods have a common beginning with nature, the source of their origin is one. And people themselves attributed themselves to the creations of both gods and nature. That is why they did not call themselves the slaves of God, but called the grandchildren, emphasizing their related unity.

January 7 - Dazhdbog Day

Long before Vladimir baptized Rus', Jan. 7, On the day, today celebrated by the Eastern Slavs as the Christmas of Christ, Dazhydbog called , And the day was called - Dazhydbozhim.

  • This day on the old calendar was also considered as 18 students. Particular respect was shown by women in childbirth, which specially baked pies were brought, and the gloven grandmas were treated to porridge and pancakes, and to this day they still remember the name “Babi Porridge”. They began to celebrate right after midnight immediately, and the celebration lasted until the morning, and the Magi carried the gifts prepared by them in the world.
  • Symbolized dazhdbog Day Symbols of today's Christianity - gilding, incense, such as mirra and incense.
  • And even the legend about the crucifixion of Dazhdbog Maren is parallels with the Christian interpretation of the personality of Jesus Christ. Paganism and Christianity Thus, they have intertwined in the date, customs, symbolism.

Holiday days of Dazhdbog

In addition to January 7, conducting the analogy of the image of Dazhdbog with Jesus, the Slavs celebrate several more days dedicated to Tarh. They bear his name and are celebrated with the onset of warm days, from May 5 to 11.

  • These spring days, in the representation of the ancient Slavs, were associated with the renunciation of Dazhdbog from the Black Marena, who marked the end of winter, and with the fact that his life entered The goddess symbolizing early summer is alive.
  • Together with Dazhbog, the god Yarilo was also revered, who patronized the spring sun and marked the revival of nature that occurs in the spring. On this day, for the first time after a long winter months, cattle could go to an open pasture, and people asked for Dazhdbog about the protection of their economy, living creatures, crops, Turning to the crops that the crops safely rise and cause, and the cattle returned from the pasture unharmed and healthy.
His day is celebrated several times a year
His day is celebrated several times a year

Dazhdbog summer

  • The symbol of Dazhdbog is bright golden sun, affirming the strength and nobility of the deity. But the sun shines at any time of the year, so the ancient Slavs had a special separation: the god Hors was in charge of the winter sun, Yarilo ruleed in the spring, and in the summer Dazhdbog rose into the throne.
  • Naturally, he was specified in a special way, because it was the summer that is for the relics, who mainly were the Slavs, the main time of the year, which fed them. At the same time, the pagans revered Dazhdbog so much that They never considered him guilty either in droughts or in excessive humidity, destroying crops.
  • With the summer holiday of the Savior, Dazhdbog is also connected, because sometimes he was called - a saving, seeing in him the Savior and the defender. And in the days that we celebrate today, as saved (namely, August 14 and August 19), in ancient times, he was brought gifts - apples with honeythat still remains a tradition. Dazhdbog also said that he was completing the winter and opens the summer.

Dazhdbog and Marden

  • Marena - the second wife of Dazhdbog, stands apart in the row the spouse of the deity. One of the daughters of the god Svarog, she was the goddess of death And she saw herself as a wife only Kashchei, a descendant of the same negative symbols of natural elements as Wii, Black Snake, Raw Earth.
The second wife
The second wife
  • But the Dazhdbog fascinated by her, feeling in Marena a piece of the spirit of his first wife Zlatogorka, stubbornly sought the beauty, and she insidiously drove the spoke honey, turning the deity in a deer with golden horns. The memory of this is present today in the traditions of the celebration Honey Savior.
  • The influential Perun, who, according to many ancient traditions, was considered the father of Dazhdbog, forced Maren to return his pristine appearance to his son and, moreover, she became the wife of Tarch. But the intrigues did not stop there, along with Kashcheye, the goddess tried several times to get rid of her husband, sending him to the fake, turning to stone and, finally, crucified on Mount Alatyr (Many historians believe that we are talking about Mount Elbrus).
  • Today, the name of Marena, like Dazhdbog, is not forgotten. Its derivatives - Mara, Mora, and even the character of Kikimor’s children's fairy tales are often used in a negative meaning, and the goddess itself became a symbol of cold winter and dying, and it was its stuffed animal, they burn, escorting Shrovetide and Kupala night to restore nature to life.

The stone of Dazhdbog

  • In Belarus there is a small village called Kremenets, the attraction of which is a huge boulder, which is popularly called "Valun Dazhdbog." It refers to the bronze age and still acts as a sanctuary. There are many traces on it, and small stones around the boulder indicate all the side of the world. None of the attempts to move the stone, for example, to the museum or as a foundation for the temple, was successful.
Valun Dazhdbog
Valun Dazhdbog
  • They pass here festivities, Both pagan holidays, for example, Ivan Kupala, and Christian Easter or Trinity are celebrated. Traces of stone, and holes, in the rain are filled with water, which the people are considered as a healing one. And the ribbons tied to the surrounding trees remind of the mysterious desires and gifts to the deity.
  • In addition, as God, the patronizing harvest and fertility, the Dazhdbog bring collected in the forest berries and mushrooms. Here, at the stone, they also cause rain in dry weather. This is done by widow women who, with the help of stakes, lift the boulders and pronounce the spell addressed to Tarkh. The most amazing thing is that after that, indeed, two days later, it rains, and it can stop only after the stake is pulled out from under the boulder.

The value of the rune Dazhdbog

  • Runa Dazhdbog Similar to a bowl filled with grace and enlightenment. Like any rune associated with the Sun, whose god is Dazhdbog, it is a positive, symbolizing increase, shoots. In addition, it is this rune that is given the importance of custody and care for friends and relatives. The rune speaks of courage, a clear awareness of the goals and ability to actively achieve them through the right solutions.
Runa Dazhdbog - the meaning of the Slavs
Runa Dazhdbog - the meaning of the Slavs

The person who has fallen Runa Dazhdbog is usually satisfied with his life and believes in his luck and the successful resolution of all affairs. This is a rune of movement forward, positive, new tasks and favorable opportunities for solving them.

  • If the Raine Raina fell nearby, this should be interpreted in the meaning of the correctly selected direction, so do not be content with the result achieved, but you should move forward. With the rune, the power changes slightly and recalls the need for a thorough analysis of what you are doing, the search for hidden reserves and possible weaknesses.
  • And even in the inverted form of the Dazhdbog rune - by no means negative. She simply talks about lull, stop, rest, What is simply necessary for the next jerk. If the Chernobog rune is adjacent to the inverted rune, then this is a less advice to show its negative features, and take care of their correction. If the rune is nearby, then this indicates the need to pause and wait until the situation changes for the better.
  • If the fortune -telling is carried out in relation to work and the business sphere in general, then the rune that has fallen in the direct sense speaks of A favorable situation and a successful result, increase in income and profits.
  • The rune in an inverted form is the advice to carry out everything conceived a little later, when a favorable time will come for this.
  • In the love fortune -telling, the rune indicates real, strong, mutual feeling, Inverted-O only nascent relations, about which it is too early to give any forecasts.
  • And as for health, the direct rune of Dazhdbog is characterized complete well -being such - both physical and mental, and inverted - about a certain apathy, about impotence, psychological problems.

Slavic Dazhdbog-Sobereg

  • The amulet of Dazhdbog is to a certain extent a swastika sign, which is also called a solar square or a direct cross. These clear straight angles, creating a figure, symbolize power that balancing light and darkness, directing the rays of light and love in all directions.

Such an amulet is a reliable protection, in addition to the young, it gives enlightenment and understanding, to older people - stability and balanced state. The wearing him acquires wisdom, his thoughts become cleaner and better, uncertainty disappears, and thus a person becomes protected from insidiousness and maliciousness from the ill -wishers.

  • The amulet of the deity is similar to the square of Svarog and the star, which is a symbol of Lada. It will help in resolving a dead end situation, in search of mutual understanding and even attract someone who is worthy to go with the owner of the amulet in life hand in hand.
  • The amulet is given the power to give happiness and love, while giving the understanding that the creator himself is his happiness and only he, with his thoughts and actions, creates his well -being. Usually the amulet of Dazhdbog is made of natural material - wood or from soft metal. In the old days, it was a frequent embroidery that adorned the napkins - they were worn in internal or breast pockets so that the amulet was at the very heart.
On the tree
On the tree

The attributes of Dazhdbog

  • Since Dazhdbog commands the sun, then, of course, his element is fire. A stone characterizing Tarha is a ruby, bloody red as a morning dawn. Among heraldic attributes - most often staff, since Dazhdbog does not belong to warlike gods. But in which case he can stand up for himself and protect the weak, so often Tarkh was portrayed with a club or spear, less often - with double -edged swordbut still much closer to him shield.
  • Among the animals of Dazhdbog is a faithful horse, no less faithful dogs, a symbol of abundance and prosperity - cowas well as proud white Wolf. Tarhu and Swan geese, Whose feathers, along with honey and mead, nuts and apples, were presented to him as gifts, and also - beautiful swift hunters - falcons.
  • The idols of the pagan god, made mainly of wood, were erected on the hills open for the Sun, and put the idol to the east to the hedukan so that he was the first to meet the summer sun, the deity of which is.
The attributes of Dazhdbog briefly
The attributes of Dazhdbog briefly

Dazhdbog is a tattoo

  • Man slavic ethnic tattoo, Thus, he emphasizes his inextricable connection with history and culture, beliefs and customs of their people.
  • You can apply the image of both God himself and his animal - a wolf, dangerous, but at the same time smart and true. If you decorate the body with the image of the Dazhdbog rune, this will indicate that the owner of a tattoo is ready to convey his own wisdom to others, but this image gives the person to the defense and patronage of heaven.
  • In addition to performing a protective function, a tattoo with Dazhbog makes a closer connection with the roots of the genus, tempers character. A long -haired bearded old man with a piercing gaze is most often depicted in the upper body: on forearms, back, chest.
  • God can be depicted alone or with any of his totemic animals-then the meaning embedded in the image becomes even more multifaceted.

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Video: About Dazhdbog

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