Yarilo - who he is what the attributes, patronage, amulet, Yarilin day looks

Yarilo - who he is what the attributes, patronage, amulet, Yarilin day looks

Yarilo is the god of the spring sun among the Slavs, a symbol of fertility. A bright warrior and a skilled farmer awakens nature from winter hibernation, blesses the earth on a rich harvest, protects livestock from adversity.

The vivid image of the deity originates a new life, gives strength and life -giving energy. Where Yarilo will pass - there will be a good crop, whom he will look at - love flares up in his heart "The name Yarilo was not chosen by chance. The syllable "Yar" means spring, fertility, strength. The adjective “ardent” means light, passionate, hot, which is ideal for the description of the sun. Another meaning “ardent” sounds like formidable, excited, powerful. Yarilo acts as a defender of the Slavic land.

What does Yarilo look like?

  • Description the appearance of Yarila It is found both in male and female hypostasis. He young and beautiful, full of strength and fire. In the image of Yarila, sitting on a white horse, strength, youth, hot disposition and passion are intertwined.
  • The white color of clothes emphasizes the purity and perfection of Yaril, bare feet indicate a special attitude to the ground. The valley and snowdrops collected in the wreath personify the awakening of spring nature, dilute male power with tenderness.
Description and characteristic
Description and characteristic
  • What does the god Yarilo embodied by the female spring look like? The character is presented in white clothes with a flower arrangement in the hair. Field flowers are used for this image, emphasizing liberty for the young men and the vast expanses of the Earth.
  • Yarilo emerges a new life, speaking the patron saint of love and fertility. In his left hand, a bouquet of rye ears. The right hand depicts a stuffed head of a person, emphasizing the close connection between God and people.
  • His legs are not covered by anything and every step on the ground gives the beginning of a new flower or spikelet. The solar deity promises a bountiful harvest.

God Yarilo: Attributes

Yarilo Slavic is portrayed with various attributes. Some objects emphasize his heroic power, others personify sunlight and fertile land.

  • Golden shield and spear Symbolize the sun and sunlight.
  • Arrows Yarila can be regarded as arrows of sensual love.
  • Helmet From chervon gold emphasizes the hot sun and the change of cold period to the warm.
  • Animals Around Yarila and the spirits of nature show that everyone around is obeying and worship the god of the sun.
  • For Yarila are symbolic iron, amber, number 5, the correct five -pointed star.
  • The male power of the sun god is reinforced by the rune.

The amulet of Yarila is a peculiar symbol of Yarovik. It is generally accepted that he has healing power, helps maintain health, restore energy and strength.

Who is Yarilo in Slavic mythology

  • Slavic myth about Yaril Sunhe tells how the damp earth came to life under his hot look. Yarilo pierced the cold and gloom with sun arrows and lighted the red sun. The earth warmed up and began to wake up from hibernation, played with green colors. Yarilo fell in love with beautiful earth and asked for reciprocity. As a sign of gratitude, the sun god originated new lives - cereals and flowers, glades and forests, rivers and sea. With the advent of man, Yarilo sent a sunny arrow to him and originated in him wisdom and glory.
  • The myth of the god of fertility.According to the myth, the Slavic people had not previously known to grow bread and engage in agriculture. Earth for the people was considered inviolable. Yarilo tasted bread tortilla in another country and learned to bake them. The knowledge of the sun god told the Slavs. He taught to plow the ground, sow grains and harvest. Thanks to this, Yarilo became the god of fertility.
  • The myth of the god of passion.Yarilo became the god of passion thanks to the strong feelings of his father. Veles fell in love with Diva Dodola, but she entered into an alliance with Perun Thunder. Then Veles went on a trick - turned into a fragrant lily of the valley and Dodol could not resist the flower. Inhaled the aroma, she fell asleep, and after her awakening, the god of the Slavs Yarilo appeared.
  • The legend of the love of Yarila.The goddess of the morning dawn Lelya fell in love with the god of the sun and was the first to tell about her feelings. Yarilo was able to reciprocate her, but could not conceal that he loves all women in the world at the same time.
Solar characters
Solar characters

The god of the sun is Yarilo - who patronizes?

  • God Yarilo is considered the patron saint of flaming passionate relations, mutual sensual love, a symbol of irresistible power.
  • Yarilo was born as a result The Union of God of the Three Worlds of Veles and the goddess of the thunderstorm Dodola. It was believed that the most powerful qualities went to the God of the Sun from parents.
  • The God of the Sun Yarilo protrudes the patron saint of the first feelings for the opposite sex. He became the fruit of the forbidden passion of his father. That is why he helped to open the bonfire in his heart and fill the relationship with passion. The girls and boys sacredly believed in the power of Yarila and turned to him prayers with requests to find their second half and happiness.
  • Another important mission of Yarila - patronage to us by pets. He was asked for protection against diseases and predatory animals. In mythology, it is mentioned that the sun god had power over wolves and any terrible beast. Could pacify any with his ardent look.
Patron of lovers and pets
Patron of lovers and pets

Yarila's Day - holidays according to the Slavic calendar

  • The holiday of Yarila always waited with impatience. Mass festivities were traditionally carried out. From the March celebration, a new season of field work began. Yarilo acted as a symbol of the new fertile year.
  • The week of Yarila had a special force for love love spells. In Yarilov, the day was considered symbolic to dress a young man, put him on a white horse and spend through a flowering field around the possessions of the settlement. Following him, Slavic girls with wreaths in their hair followed.
  • The accompaniment of Yarila was considered the wires of spring. According to another version, their beloved young men sat on the horse and went around the fields belonging to the community.
On the day of Yarila
On the day of Yarila
  • Young people considered Yarila a symbol of love and birth. The celebration was accompanied by loose behavior, jokes and erotic games. Pancakes, pies, grain, eggs, beer, etc. were prepared as offers on the day of Yarila. The round shape of the dishes was considered symbolic.
  • Slavic rituals in every possible way emphasized the veneration of Yarila. Sometimes his image was depicted naked with bald hair. Yarilov Day - the holiday was the reason for the game, while the great importance was given Morality and mental purity.
  • Yarilo the sun god became famous March 21-22. On the day of the spring equinox, they see over the winter and meet spring. On Yarilin, the day for the first time drove cattle in the pasture. On April 23, there is a second holiday Yarilo Vezhno. On this day Yarilo Slavyansky fertilizes the earth.
  • The third holiday dedicated to Yaril is celebrated in the middle of summer in front of the Petrov post. June 3 They say goodbye to spring and meet summer. On this day, popular festivities are taken around bonfires - Yarilins. Small children were seated around the fire and told about the power of pagan gods.

Interesting facts about the Slavic God Yaril

  • The Slavs wore Personable amulets in the form of a solar cross. The sign was considered a symbol of Yarila and was a source of additional power.
Yarilo's symbol
Yarilo's symbol
  • God Yarilo became part of the names of the Slavic settlements. In Russia and Belarus there are places with his name - Yarilova Valina, Yarilina Gora, Yarilovo Field, Yarilova Grove, etc.
  • At the end of the 20th century, the astronomers opened a new asteroid and named yarilo's heavenly body.
  • In Russian fairy tales, Yaril is called the king-fucker. In the annals there are the names of Yaril, Yaromir.

God Yarilo points to people the path to inner freedom. According to mythology, the task of the sun god to teach people to live in joy and happiness, to be one with the outside world. Yarilo radiates sunlight for us, and we are able to radiate our energy and illuminate everything around.

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Video: Slavic God of the Sun - Yarilo

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