Scolopendra, centipede: is poisonous or not, is it dangerous for a person?

Scolopendra, centipede: is poisonous or not, is it dangerous for a person?

Perennagines can frighten people with their appearance. Although for the most part animals are safe for people. The centipede is poisonous and dangerous if it is a certain kind. Further more.

Soroboxes - are considered predatory animals. There are many types of them, and there are poisonous among them, a large scolopendra stands out with these characteristics among the representatives of his tribe. She has an unusual appearance that introduces people into confusion. But those who love such representatives of the fauna are not at all afraid of them, they produce animals from terrariums to walk around the apartment. A centipede is dangerous for a person if it bites. Her bite is painful. It can cause a lot of trouble.

Scolopendra, centipede: is poisonous or not?

The centipede is poisonous or not? Answer: Yes. But for people, animal bites are not fatal. The process of a multi -leaf bite is as follows:

  • First, Skolopendra absorbs numerous legs into the skin, as if holding their victim. They can catch her victims.
  • The jaws of the predator have six parts. The extreme looks like a claw, and very sharp. Has curved inward.
  • In the middle of the jaws, poison channels pass, they are produced by iron.
  • But the poison is injected into the body of the victims through a small channel in a strong claw.

In the poison there are components that cause a strong pain reaction. This is burning, swelling, inflammation, numbness of tissue structures.

The pain reaction is different for everyone. Some can observe it for several hours, others observe for several days.

Soro -rope: poisonous or not - what do they look like?

The body consists of segments, the number of which in different species ranges from 21 to 25. All segments have their own pair of legs, and there are claws on the legs. The antennae of the predator serve him as an organs of touch. The color of the animal can be different, from purple, ending with yellow. Such diversity of colors and shades distinguish a centipede in forests, it is quite difficult for it to be disguised.

In the tropical forest, they live not only are the bright representatives of the fauna, and also very large sizes. On average, their length can vary from 28 to 52 centimeters. They hunt only victims, which are not particularly larger than them. But they do not occupy aggression. Thanks to this feeling, scolopendra can bite even a person. A predator can live about seven years, for this type of fauna, scolopendra is considered a long -liver.

All sorts of small insects in the form of cockroaches, aphids are suitable for them as prey. They love small rodents. For gardeners, gardeners, centipedes are poisonous and at the same time assistants. Indeed, thanks to them you can get rid of parasitic insects, rodents.

IMPORTANT:Aggression of centipedes is explained by lovers of these animals as a lack of good vision. The animal does not see well and can perceive even the movement of individuals as an attempt to attack. It is also interesting that the poison of centipedes is most concentrated in the spring and autumn period.

Is it dangerous for a person?

A giant centipede is poisonous, has an aggressive disposition. Its poison brings a lot of unpleasant consequences. As a rule, they are found in a tropical and subtropical belt. People living in our region are unlikely to meet about thirty centimeter scolopendra. The animal can without effort to destroy even a medium -sized snake.

In the European part, you can see other centipedes, but smaller. They can also harm a person. The multicolor bite causes a strong pain reaction, despite the fact that the number of poison is injected very small. It will not work to kill a person with this method, the children are poison. The child’s immune system can fail. A bite for a child is a great danger. And if a large individual attacks, then severe consequences are inevitable, you cannot do without the help of doctors.

IMPORTANT:One of the most poisonous is the centipede of California. It can cause pain reactions on the skin without even biting. It is enough for her to crawl through her body, and the mucus that appears in case of danger to the animal will do its job. These secretions cause severe pain and allergenic reactions in people.

As already mentioned, centipedes live in the main subtropical climate, they also live in the Rostov, Krasnodar region. You can find them in the Caucasus and in the Crimea, but there are small scolopenders up to 15 centimeters. They are also called ringleys. They hunt at night. Mostly predators eat insects, small lizards. These scolopenders are not particularly aggressive, but you should still be neat and not disturb them. If you are going on a hike overnight, you will have to be neat. The predator can crawl into your place of the night or you can accidentally disturb the animal when you inspect the beauty of nature. Skolopendra will be protected. And her bite can be compared with the bites of twenty bees at once. The poison of the animal is not so strong as to let a person die. And the claws of the predator can leave traces on the skin in the form of red spots.

Poisonous centipede - what are the consequences after bites?

The consequences after the bite of the predator can be different. After all, not all pollowers have the same poison concentration. Although it is believed that the centipede is poisonous. If you could not avoid a bite, then the first thing to do is help.

Symptoms after a bite with a predator:

  1. Strong pain, burning sensation in the bite area.
  2. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe bite, redness will appear on the skin.
  3. Therefore, fabrics will begin to swell.
  4. And the temperature can increase to 38.6 to 39.6 degrees.
  5. There may also be nausea, stomach pain, weakness, headaches.

Partly the attacks of the predator are usually found in subtropics, deserts. The consequences of their bites: inflammation, damage to skin cells, kidney inflammation, malfunctioning of the cardiovascular system. They also provoke inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Crimean centipede
Crimean centipede

Such symptoms last for several days. It is also interesting that multi -leafs can also appear in the apartments of Russians. Now many people like to start such animals at home, because they can escape through ventilation systems.

IMPORTANT: If you have a scolopendra in your house, you are a lover of such animals, then you are careful anyway. When you should transfer it from the terrarium to another place, it is better not to take it with your hands, use forceps for this.

After the bite of the poisonous Subspinipes centipede, it has a length of about 20-25 centimeters, there will be a wound of 1.4 mm in diameter, 4.8 mm in depth. Part of the body will increase in size by almost 2 times. And the poison will be as concentrated as the snake. Blood in the wound area will dilute, its turning is disturbed. And the temperature of the victim will increase to 39.5 degrees. The patient should immediately administer antihistamines, and then go to the hospital.

It is very important to save a person from the infection, which the predator tolerates with a bite. There can be many bacteria from rotten food in the jaws. To get rid of them, use peroxide and other disinfectants, you can also rinse well with running water, soap.

What to do if scolopendra in the house?

Handsakers are frequent inhabitants of apartments and houses. They like that the room is warm, there are raw, dark corners. And you can catch insects that will be found in any house. They will not spoil the interior to you and even more so eat food. But they will save you from flies, mosquitoes, midges, if there are cockroaches. You will not feel any special difficulties with this neighborhood. The main thing is to be attentive and not step on the animal, or not to scare. The centipede is poisonous, but the predator just won’t bite.

IMPORTANT: If the house has a cat, then a centipede can become the subject of his fun. The cat, hunting, can eat a predator. This is very bad for the health of the pet. After all, a multi -leaf can be a bearer of ticks.

Now there are many people who love thrill. Therefore, they will be positive about living a centipede in the apartment. However, other inhabitants, children, animals can live in the house. Therefore, common sense is more important and the animal is better to drive out of the room.

How to be treated at home from a multi -legged bite?

The centipede is poisonous, because its bite can bring many problems. The poison of large predators instantly enters the bloodstream and affects the human body. In order to prevent him from spreading to him, they recommend immediately pulling the limb with a tourniquet. And then do the following:

  • Pour alcohol with a bite site or treat with peroxide with other disinfectants.
  • Then treat the wound with an alkaline solution. Chilled boiled water and baking soda.

Then you should bandage the wound with a bandage. To reduce pain, painkillers and antihistamines are used, something cold can be applied to the wound. The victim should ensure a calm situation and washed out toxic toxins with water.

If the patient is crazy, he has a high temperature, limbs, shortness of breath, then take a person to the hospital. You can’t do without assistance.

Video: Poisonous scolopendra - is its bite dangerous for people?

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