How many lice and nits live without a person’s head?

How many lice and nits live without a person’s head?

Lice and nits - how much do they live without a person? How to get rid of lice forever.

Is lice a huge problem or a little difficulty? It all depends on the measures taken and the choice of funds. In this article, we will tell you how much lice and nits live without a person’s head and how best to get rid of them.

How can you become infected with lice, can you become infected with lice without contact with another person?

The question of how much lice and nits live without a person’s head occur most often when the households are infected again and again, and do not know what to do to get rid of them forever.

So, let's analyze all kinds of ways to infect lice (pediculosis):

  • With direct contact with an infected person, when an individual crawls or falls on the body of another person;
  • Через расческу, на которой может находиться гнида, или маленькая вошь, что ее невозможно заметить;
  • Through clothes that contacted with infected, and it can be both an adult and a nits;
  • Through any things, but most often seats in transport, armchairs, sofas, bedding with which the infected person previously contacted.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to infect in lice, so it is important to understand how to quickly and effectively get rid of them. And when asked how much lice and nits live without a person’s head, you will find out in the next section.


How much lice live without a person’s head?

They wondered how many lice and nits live without a person’s head? So, let's look at what a louse is. This is a small parasite insect that cannot live without a donor. The parasite feeds quite often-up to 4 times a day, and lives about 40 days. During this time, the louse manages to scatter hundreds of nits through the hair, which will create a real army after a few days.

But having lost the donor, the lice stops putting on the nits and lives for a short time if she cannot find new donors:

  • On average, a louse without a human donor lives about 4 days. In this case, the air temperature should fluctuate between 10 and 23 degrees;
  • Below 10 degrees? The parasite hibernates and wakes up only when he falls on a new donor. Without a donor, the parasite dies after 12 days;
  • At an air temperature of more than 30 degrees, a lice without a donor dies in a day.

How many nits of lice live without a person’s head?

I understand the question of how much lice and nits live without a person’s head, we will move on to the second point - how many nits live without a person’s head. So, if lice die quickly, then the nits can be without a person’s hair from the moment of leaving lice and until completely developed for 7-10 days, and you can also add four more days to this period, if the lice in the rotten does not feel favorable conditions (the presence of a donor).

So, without a man, a nits can remain alive until 14 days!

Nit on the hair: diagram
Nit on the hair: diagram

How much do paying lice live without a person live?

Plastic lice deserve special attention, which can become a real hell for a person. They capture the entire territory of the house, and bringing them out is very problematic. So, lice lice live on beds, in cabinets on clothes, on carpets, sofas and chairs. As soon as a person is in contact with the thing, lice begin to bite him, but they do not transplant to the person himself, remaining on his clothes. Without a donor, lice can live up to 15 days, if they do not hibernate at low temperatures.

How to get rid of lice forever?

Asking how much lice and nits live without a person’s head, it is important to know effective ways to deal with lice. In this section, we will talk about ways to get rid of lice both from the human body and home.

How to get rid of lice from the head. Effective ways:

  • Special products for pediculosis that can be purchased at the pharmacy;
  • Short haircut for boys to facilitate the process of struggle;
  • Coloring hair with ammonia paint, which destroys both nits and lice. Also, if re -contact with lice occurs, they will not be able to postpone nits on colored hair. Do not want to be dyed dramatically? Select the color in the tone of the hair, there will be as much harm as in the treatment of medications.

There are many folk remedies, from oak soap, to kerosene. But besides the fact that they are poorly effective, they can cause irreparable harm to the hair, as well as the scalp.

Hair strewn with nits
Hair strewn with nits

How to get rid of lice from home. Effective ways:

  • The steam generator is the best assistant to get rid of lice. If it is not, an iron with a powerful stream of steam. Carefully process mattresses, sofas, soft corners and all fabric surfaces of housing;
  • Cabinets, hangers and all furniture are washed with a disinfectant;
  • Wipe the blankets, pillows and clothes and walk with a steam or steam generator with an iron. It is recommended to process all the clothes that have contacted with infected, or with infected things. For example, things hang in the closet, and things infected were hung in the same closet. So it is necessary to process the entire cabinet, and all the things that are in it. But if some of the things are packed in plastic bags or vacuum, they are not required to process them;
  • Wash the steam along the carpets, and wash the floors thoroughly with a disinfectant;
  • Do not forget to pay attention to bags, backpacks, etc.

It is important to remember that the relapse of pediculosis in 90% of cases does not occur due to re-infection outside the house, but due to incomplete disinfection of housing. If there is a child in the house who goes to the garden or school with an extension - disinfecting there, having warned the employees of the institution.

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Video: What you need to know about lice to get rid of them at home

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