How old is the planet Earth according to the research of the magnetic field, its soil, radioactive decay, determination of the amount of helium, meteorite dust, for comets, the moon, biblical dating? What is the age of our planet: conclusion

How old is the planet Earth according to the research of the magnetic field, its soil, radioactive decay, determination of the amount of helium, meteorite dust, for comets, the moon, biblical dating? What is the age of our planet: conclusion

In this article, we will raise a slightly controversial question about the age of the Earth and the methods of its definition. And also find out how old is our planet really.

Such mysterious issues as the formation of the planet and the emergence of life on it often visit our thoughts. Let not every resident, but most even schoolchildren try to find an explanation or some confirmation of this. Scientists of different directions have their theirories, how to determine it.

But the most interesting thing is that their testimonies differ from each other. Therefore, we propose to consider the most common methods for determining the age of the Earth, as well as their obtained numbers.

Magnetic field research to determine the age of the Earth

The magnetic field of the Earth is a very important element of all this huge system. After all, it is one of the main conditions so that you can live on our planet. Moreover, it is this field that performs the protective function of the Earth from the space of the cosmos. For this reason, all living things do not feel a pernicious reaction of solar radiation.

  • The theory has long been known that the magnetic field of the Earth is weakening. Moreover, the result was obtained using calculations of a certain period, when the core decreases by 2 times - this is 1400 years. In principle, this is not enough. Therefore, the estimated age of the Earth is perhaps a little more than 10 thousand years. Otherwise, the magnetic field would simply be unrealistic size and with incredible power.
  • But as a result of a recent experiment conducted by American and British researchers, quite interesting data turned out. Due to the analysis of Zircon, it turned out that the protective shell of the Blue Planet appeared much earlier than even before that.
  • The difference was 750 million years old. Recall that by this moment it was believed that the Earth’s magnetic field is at the age of 3.1 - 3.46 billion years.
  • However, scientists conducted a series of research over the zircon, which was mined in East Australia. Experts think that it is this mineral that refers to the most ancient finds for the whole existence of the Earth as a planet. That is, it belongs to the Archean and Qathah periods, which cover 4.4 billion years.
  • Unfortunately, it is impossible to find out more detailed information today, since traces of prolonged clashes with various cosmic bodies have been identified on the stone. Scientists think that the duration of such space accidents is about 200 - 300 million years.
  • By the way, the zircon has a large amount of uranium in its composition, so it is often used for the next method, which we will talk about.
The magnetic field weakens
The magnetic field weakens

Determination of the age of the Earth on the soil: Uranus-Swear dating

The great physicist Thomson Kelvin said that while Tori and Uranus are in the bowels of our planet, it will not only cool, but also can warm up. His calculations predicted a very quick completion of life on Earth. He believed that this would happen at the expiration of the reserves of the aforementioned minerals, and without them the blue planet would simply freeze.

  • But his student Rosenfeld noticed a mistake that the teacher made at least 45 times. The physicist did not take into account that the speed of rotation of radioactive particles does not change. After all, neither a huge pressure, nor a high temperature of the planet’s subsoil can affect it.
  • At one of his lectures, Thomas Kelvin said that after 4.5 billion years, exactly 50% of the entire initial volume of uranium turns into lead. By this method, you can accurately determine how many years a piece of ore, having made only an analysis of the number of uranium and lead.
  • This lecture ended with violent applause, because now everything was only behind the work of geologists. But, it turned out that this was completely difficult to do, as it seemed at first glance. After all, the whole blue planet is covered with a thick ball of younger waters, lave and granites, which formed for a long time after its birth.
  • The African ore presented at the lecture by Kelvin has long remained the most ancient. On the territory of the Kola Peninsula, where part of the oldest crystalline shield enters the surface of the earth, experts found a breed, which is 1.5 billion years.
  • But, shortly after that, Africa was again in 1st place - with a soil of 3 billion years. More recently, in the territory of Antarctica, they found ore at the age of 4 billion years. This mineral was called Charnoxy.
For a long time, African ore occupied first place in antiquity of the breeds
For a long time, African ore occupied first place in antiquity of the breeds

The content of helium as a way to determine the age of the Earth

Most of the helium on our planet comes from the decay of radioactive particles of rocks. M the icroscopic atoms of this gas substance flow freely into the atmosphere.

  • A rather large breakthrough in establishing the age of the Earth in this way was to measure the speed of gas entering the atmosphere. Experts found that this process takes place more quickly in rocks with high temperature, and with an increase in the depth to the bowels of the planet, the bitterness of the ore itself increases.
  • Physicist Robert Genti devoted his whole life to the study of granite, which is far in the bowels of the Earth. He believed that this is a variant of the safe savings of hazardous substances that would stand out during the operation of power plants. After all, storage security is that radioactive waste would be delayed in the breed for a rather long time.
  • Granite contains mineral crystals called zircons. Very often, these substances include radioactive elements. And as a result, helium should form, which, logic, is in the atmosphere. The numbers of helium in the atmosphere are provided, which does not exceed 300 billion tons for the entire period.
  • After a little time, the scientist concluded that even very deeply lying zircons had a large amount of helium in their composition. That is, they will flow out the next couple of billion years. By the way, up to 300 thousand tons of substance follows every year.
  • If we assume that Robert Gentry was right in his calculations, and our planet in reality exists only 5-6 thousand years, then there is nothing strange in the bowels of the Earth so much helium.
In the bowels of the land of helium reserves for another billions
In the bowels of the land of helium reserves for another billions

Meteor dust in the calculations of the age of the Earth

The most correct way to calculate the age of the Earth will be the calculation of nickel from the ocean waters. Indeed, every year, tens of thousands of tons of meteor dust settled on our planet, and the ocean occupies most of the entire planet. These microscopic space particles in their composition have 2% nickel.

  • Meteor dust also falls into the rivers, which washed the soil, thereby washing it off from there. But the calculations of specialists were upset by adherents that the land has been several billion years. Indeed, in the ocean waters, the amount of nickel turned out to be completely negligible.
  • Samples of the earth's crust, selected for a scientific experiment, confirmed this result. If you adhere to the theory that the planet has existed for several billion years, then this element, at least in one case, would be much more.
  • As a result, the conclusion suggests itself that our planet is relatively young. Creation scientists unanimously claim a small age of the Earth. They say that a blue planet has existed for no more than 6 thousand years.
  • Today, many scientists do not agree with this hypothesis. The reason for this is that there is no accurate data on the amount of incoming meteorological dust to Earth. Indeed, in comparison with other planets of the solar system, our house occupies the ranks of small planets.
Not so much settled by meteorite dust on our planet
Not so much settled by meteorite dust on our planet

How will comets help determine the age of the Earth?

Adherents of the theory of a large explosion believe that comets are as many years as our planet. After all, the entire solar system was formed from a single cloud.

  • If we take into account other certain cosmetic bodies, then comets are not large astronomical formations. Their diameter is only a few kilometers.
  • The composition of the comets includes gases, ice and small particles of a wide variety of metals. In elongated orbits, they rotate around the sun. When comets are very close to the main luminary, from strong overheating they lose almost half of their mass.
  • Turning away, she flies away, and after a while it becomes a full -fledged comet. This process, the so -called regeneration, lasts only a few thousand years.
  • In our solar system there is a rather small number of these cosmic bodies. It is important to consider that most of them are small in size. The calculation of the age of the blue planet by comets is also confirmed by its rather young age.
  • Adherents of the theory of a large explosion, who believe that the land has been more than 4.5 billion years old, put forward their explanation for this fact. They say that large comets fly out of the solar system and for this reason they simply are not visible. This part of the Universe invisible to us has already received a name - the Oort cloud.

What will the moon say about the age of the earth?

In fact, this is the only and faithful companion of our planet. Like comets, it has the same age of origin. By the way, the moon in itself also concludes a version of the age with meteorite dust.

  • We will not repeat ourselves, but immediately move on to the numbers. The magnetic field of the moon and its activity predicts the age of 6 thousand years, and no more. What converges with the above theory with comets.
  • Cosmic dust also has a small layer, which once again certifies the young age of the moon and, accordingly, the earth.
Moon and comets talk about a little age
Moon and comets talk about a little age

A more accurate approach to fixing the age of the Earth is radioactive decay

After a large number of unsuccessful attempts in determining the age of our planet, in the end, scientists found a new way to conduct their calculations. This method became available only after the phenomenon of radioactive substances was accurately studied in the laboratories. Now it is considered a rather modern and objective way.

  • As a result of many experiments, scientists have found that some chemical elements have an unstable position of atoms. They all the time are destroyed and, moving, come to neighboring chemical elements that have a smaller atomic mass. Such atoms began to be called radioactive.
  • To date, radioactivity is quite widely spread in determining the age of rocks. After all, having carried out simple calculations, there is the opportunity to calculate how much time passed since the time when the breed adopted a firm state.
  • To do this, you just need to determine the total amount of lead, which was formed from uranium. It is worth noting that ordinary lead has an atomic mass of 206.2 g/mol, and the material formed from uranium is 207.2 g/mol.
  • Using this method, scientists have determined that some rocks have already existed 3.5 billion years. Based on this information, we can say that at least 3 billion years have passed from the moment of the emergence of our planet.
  • But it is advisable to remember that in this way the age of the Earth is determined only from the period when it has already accepted the hardened surface. Here, the time is excluded when a solid bark appeared from the formation of the planet itself.
Radioactive decay also speaks of the youth of the planet
Radioactive decay also speaks of considerable age of the planet

How old is the earth according to the Bible?

For those events that are described in the Bible, there is an opportunity to calculate the age of the Earth. The basis is taken for a day that are 24 hours:

  • the first man - Adam, was born on the 6th day after God's creation of the Blue Planet;
  • at the time of the birth of Jacob, Adam was at the age of 130, and he died - in 930;
  • the World Flood happened in 1657 after the formation of the Earth. As a result, it turns out that 1066 years have passed from the death of Adam to the birth of Noah;
  • from the death of Abraham to the birth of Noah, another 885 years lasted;
  • from the departure of Noah to the birth of Sifa - only 295 years;
  • the Bible says that the life of the Israelis in Egypt lasted 429 years;
  • the first temple was built for 481 years;
  • jewish rulers reigned for 426 years;
  • the so -called Babylonian captivity lasted 69 years;
  • the Israelites returned to Jesus Christ after 483.

Based on these data, we can safely say that in 2018 the period from the resurrection of Christ is 1985. As a result, according to the Bible, our planet is 6 109 years old.

Bible chronology speaks of the youth of our planet
Bible chronology speaks of the youth of our planet

Earth's age: How old is our planet?

Adherents of the theory of Darwin and the Big Bang cannot prove the enormous age of the Earth. But all their arguments are good counterarguments. It should be recalled that scientists argue about the present age of our planet not with churches, but among themselves.

  • At the same time, all, materialists adhere to theories that have many contradictions. As a result, questions are generated that no one can answer.
  • Questions about the age of the Earth in the modern world are very important, but smart answers to them simply reject the multi -billion dollar centuries of the existence of the Earth, and at the same time, confirm a reasonable creation.
  • Since there is a place for the existence of an alternative, it is simply impossible to reject it. That is, the concept of creationism should be perceived as a scientific competitive one, without looking at its religious origin.
  • It is impossible to lose sight that the found aluminum and calcium samples in some meteorites have particles whose age even reaches an exact number - 4567 million years. But this indicates the origin of the entire solar system. And our planet can not be older than the sun.
  • Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself in such a divergence of views and generally different age -related numbers - indications speak for different periods. Perhaps our planet was a gas cloud, which included the oldest particles of Uranus and Zircon. Recall that they are more than 4 billion years old.
  • Here are scientists and found confirmation of the very beginning. In the process of formation, new breeds appeared, which have different age. But the formation of land in the usual form is confirmed by a number of scientific and religious versions.
  • Therefore, the age of the Earth has different numbers. The origin of the entire system and our planet, including one, has one age, but its formation is a completely different date.

Video: How old is our planet Earth?

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  1. How old is humanity in the solar system?
    We are already in the 4th circle, on the 4th planet in the 5th race. Before that there were three circles!
    one ! - Th of the circle - 77 142 857 years only of activity (77 142 857 rest ...) before the transition to another circle and planet!
    General activity (without peace!) Humanity in the solar system is 2,159,999,996 years. circle- 77 142 857
    2nd circle - 154 285 714
    3rd circle - 231 428 714
    4th circle:
    Planet A - 11 020 408
    Planet B - 22 040 816
    Planet C - 33 061 224
    Planet D - 18 618 857 years, for 2 019 Earth.
    Total - 547 598 590 years, for 2019 of our cycle
    e. (2 - e, Ap. Peter Ch. 3. Article 8, “Do not forget one, beloved: for the Lord one day is a thousand years old, and a thousand years old as one day ...) a person was created for 6 days, and the Lord was resting on Saturday (peace) - 7 days. 2 159 999 996 x 7 \u003d 15 119 999 972 ago, the Earth Planet appeared in the solar system ... There are grounds for logic! Mathematics in the Bible! (For "days" they did not give calculations ...) for more than 15 billion years in the solar system.
    Mathematics is a science, the first to put points in disputes about the time of the existence of mankind in the solar system! ! ! Evidence in the multiplication table !!!
    Mathematical simplicity in studies of 20 years long. This is not all the material. We went beyond reason ... But, it’s not so easy to accommodate our research into dogma of modern science. Attempts last 20 years and this is at our time, donkeys ...! Not a single institution in the world has such information, does not cook specialists! (explain for a long time, but verified and proved mathematically ...)

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