24 Great Dvutniks: brilliant doubles and hooligans from antiquity to modernity

24 Great Dvutniks: brilliant doubles and hooligans from antiquity to modernity

With the start of studying at school, the most difficult path of the family begins - and, not only a child, but also parents. There are no parents who would not have great hopes on their child, and when the child brings the first deuce, and then begins to bring them systematically, parents go crazy - is this right?

Each parent has different pedagogical methods - they scold, forbid playing with friends, hire teachers in all subjects, and run with a child to a psychologist. In general, they kill childhood with all their might. But the red diploma does not mean nothing for a long time. Many companies take people without even asking about its availability. And certainly good grades are not the key to success in the future. See what great personalities at one time were losers! Who would have thought!

Great Devillers: List

List of the most famous doubles:

  1. Winston Churchill
  • Yes Yes. “The Greatest Briton of All Time,” who led his country to the victories in two world wars, who received the Nobel Prize in literature in 1953, a man in which the energy seethed to a very old age, in fact, is a dual -member.
  • Little Churchill had to study at that terrible time when physical punishments were not just the norm - they were actually a teaching method. Winston changed several schools, and everywhere he fell in full. In addition, he was always glad to break the discipline and at the end of his studies at the certificate of behavior was written "out of 13 students-the 13th."
  • By the way, one of his most famous quotes is "The school has nothing to do with education."
Did not think that they would give a decent education at school
Did not think that they would give a decent education at school
  1. Andrey Tarkovsky
  • Genius of cinema, A man whose films and scenarios studied from crusting to Crocking all the most famous directors of our time, the one whose films are permeated with poetry also also replenished the ranks of the dion at one time.
  • The first years at the school were quite successful, but then the Second World War began, the family had to be evacuated to a small provincial town, and interest in studying disappeared forever.
  • Andrei Arsenievich had fours only in English and literature. After the war, the family moved to Moscow, where Tarkovsky graduated from school with grief in half and entered the Institute of Oriental Studies. Young dudes derived for poor performance in a year.
Was expelled after the first school year
Was expelled after the first school year
  1. Vladimir Mayakovsky
  • He began school, as we know from “I myself”, “all in five”, the Great Revolutionary soon sings with all the fervor of the young heart, around which it is brewing the revolution is thrown into the fight against the oppressors of the people.
  • Already at 11 he gets into a circle of revolutionaries-old-shells, who was visited by his sisters. And Kutaisi, where the family lived at that time, was one of the centers of revolutionary ideas. However, with the move to Moscow, after the death of his father, nothing changed in 1906 - and in the end already In the 5th grade, Mayakovsky refuses this stupid, in his opinion, undertaking with education.
  1. John Lennon
  • What comments in his diary did not bring home young Lennon: “Hopeless”, “dumbass”, “Hamit teachers”, “prevents the class from studying”, “goes along the inclined path”.
  • The teachers were clearly not skimp on the epithets, and the actions followed after that - John was transferred to the class where the most lagging children studied. And all because the young man categorically could not stand school routine who had a sharp mind and huge creative potential.
  • By the way, the viable great Devomor was the best friend of Lennon - Pitt Shotton.
Had a lot of comments in the diary
Had a lot of comments in the diary
  1. Honore de Balzac
  • Balzac's childhood is simply permeated loneliness. Being an unloved son, Honore gets to the nurse, who had a bit of her heart to him, but his mother never visited the baby. Soon, two more children are born in his family, and the boys are sent to a boarding school.
  • From this moment on, Honore goes into his inner world and in every possible way ignores the external one. If in the lessons he was suddenly “pulled out” into a reality with any question-he muttered under his nose a complete nonsense. Teachers, without hesitation, christened the future classic “lazy and dumbass”, and at the first opportunity sent him his sentence in cold and dark room under the stairs.
  • The boy always had a book that he was happy to read there. As a result, he got used to this punishment and even fell in love with him - it was a place where no one prevented him from being alone with himself. Parents several times transferred their heir to other institutions, but He was not successful anywhere. Only when he was finally left alone, he was able to find himself and realize his talent.
Love loneliness and books
Love loneliness and books
  1. Napoleon
  • Initially, Napoleon was at home schooling, And then he was sent to a public school, where teachers themselves did not shine with education. The only subject that was well given to the future emperor was maths.
  • Solving the tasks and examples of the boy was like a fish in water. With his peers, he constantly fought, constantly violated discipline in the institution and was disrespectful of teachers. This did not prevent him from a boy from a poor noble family on Corsica to become a man who will be inspired by writers, poets, artists and filmmakers for many centuries in a row.
Known for the whole world
Known for the whole world
  1. Richard Branson
  • Founder Virgin Group and multimillionaire Richard Branson at the school was one of the worst students. In the lessons, the future financial genius blushed from head to toe, began to stutter and could not squeeze out a word - only incoherent sounds. The class exploded with laughter and offensive jokes, and the teachers first put deuces, shouted and forced to cram, and then completely wrote down the boy in morons.
  • Only after many years it turns out that Branson suffered from dyslexia in childhood, which he was able to overcome only his own labor, being already a mature man. And in the years when he studied at school, no one had heard about such an outlandish problem.
Multimillionaire and Great Twoice
Multimillionaire and Great Twoice
  1. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
  • One of the most ingenious people who have ever lived on the planet, However, like all people on our list are self -taught and dwarf. The fact is that the little boy Konstantin suffered Scarlatin, later than which the future scientist is almost deaf. Classmates laughed at him and teased in every possible way, and he annoyed the teachers very much.
  • Little Kostya systematically endured physical punishments, spent time in the kartser and even remained in the second year. As a result, after three years of torment, the boy was expelled, and he never studied in any educational institution again.
great scientist
great scientist
  1. Thomas Edison
  • Little Thomas showed genuine interest in the world around, sometimes getting in funny stories. For example, he watered the daughter of his neighbors with a drink from worms, thinking that it was the worms that give birds the strength to fly. Of course, the girl fell ill, and the young researcher was punished. When it was time to lead Thomas to school, his parents moved to the neighboring city of Port Huron. It contained a single school with a single teacher, into which the boy was given.
  • The teacher did not shine with the mind, forcing the children to simply memorize whole excerpts from books. Thomas was so uninteresting that when he was raised from his place, he could not even say what the teacher’s question was. Subters and mockery of the teacher and peers became part of the boy’s life for long two monthsuntil his mother took him from school, realizing the harm that she caused her to the child.
  1. Joseph Brodsky
  • The future sings the Nobel laureate part -time "Dvobnik" and "parasite". Like many other Brodsky geniuses, a school routine burdened. In his tablet, he could always find a couple of doubles.
  • The “eternal” was a deuce in English, which, already being an adult, Brodsky will learn and even be able to speak fartherly on it. After the seventh grade, teachers considered it necessary to leave young Joseph in the second year.
  • As the poet himself later recalled, "Once in the middle of winter in the lesson, I clearly realized that I was moving away from all this and I would not return here anymore." And he i threw a school at the age of 15.

11. Anton Chekhov

  • The intelligent Anton Pavlovich brought Swans from school regularly. Geography and arithmetic are objects because of which it was left twice in the second year in the third grade.
  • In the fifth, I had to stay due to Greek, but, which is most surprising-the young Chekhov was given the top three in the Russian language only out of pity for the guy.
  • And all due to the fact that the father of the future had a writer had a shop in which he had to be on duty every day from five in the morning to lunch. When the father finally let the boy go home, he was so tired and frozen that he could not think about any lessons.
Had a three of Russian out of pity
Had a three of Russian out of pity
  1. Dmitry Mendeleev
  • The great chemist patted his mother in earnest. Fights with classmates and peers, systematic absenteeism, insults towards teachers and the lies of the mother. And all this was done by a man whose portrait today is in every school.
  • Only when the teachers desperate and were going to exclude Mendeleev from the gymnasium did he take up the mind. Fortunately, the parents of Dmitry Ivanovich were familiar with the most educated people of his time - decembrists. They then managed not only to tighten it in all subjects, but also to instill a remarkable interest in science.
Was a bully in childhood
Was a bully in childhood
  1. Albert Einstein
  • Young Einstein began his studies in a Catholic school, the way of which he repelled the boy’s hunt for science for a long time. The child constantly argued with the teachers, questioning religious dogmas. At the age of 12, he threw a gymnasium. He never received a certificate of maturity.
  • Perhaps we would never have heard about Einstein if at the same age he he was not carried away by the works of Euclid, who inspired him so much that he brilliantly passed the exam at the Polytechnic Institute in Zurich.
  1. Alexander Pushkin
  • And do not hesitate - the founder of the modern Russian language was a real headache of teachers of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. They did not find reason to put him even a deuce in mathematics - in the hated object, Alexander Sergeyevich was “zero”.
  • There were evidence of Pushkin's fellow students who said that the queen of sciences brought the young man to tears. Add to this participation in all youthful undertaking and pranks of classmates - and the portrait of the Devoener is ready. He, however, finished in half as a lyceum.
Pain for teachers
Pain for teachers
  1. Lev Tolstoy
  • A man who created a “war and peace” did not study at school - There were enough nannies and tutors in the house of his parents. However, they could not instill in the boy a love of science, and when entering the university, he failed geography.
  • Thanks to the influential friends of the family, Tolstoy was still able to do it, but his studies never carried away. He often spent time in Kartsere for absenteeism, failed exams on the history of the Russian state and German, and eventually left his studies without completing the second year.
Was at home schooling
Was at home schooling
  1. Bill Gates
  • One of the greatest minds of our time studied at a prestigious private school. Boy i did not like study and tore off classes Crazy tricks, because of which parents even had to turn to a psychotherapist.
  • Doubles in fact in all subjects and behavior led to the fact that their parents decided on a modern measure and began to pay their son 25 cents for each “excellent”. The experiment failed - Bill "earned" 5 dollars over the year. The situation was fundamentally changed only when the first computer was brought to his school.
The computer led him to glory
The computer led him to glory
  1. Isaac Newton
  • The story that happened to Isaac Newton at school will probably seem to you the most interesting of all. The weak boy was very often sick and, despite his giftedness, did not climb out of the doubles.
  • And once he was beaten by a stronger and stronger classmate. Newton was seriously experiencing a grudge and decided to prove everything that, albeit not physically, but he is mentally stronger than anyone. From this moment, his parents no longer had to blush.
Proved to everyone that he is the smartest
Proved to everyone that he is the smartest
  1. Donald Trump
  • The new president of the United States, and part -time millionaire Donald Trump, also cannot boast of an impeccable story of climbing to the top. Trump dared teachers, was not interested in any of the subjects and delivered a lot of trouble to his parents.
  • Unable to withstand this behavior of his son, his father did not come up with anything better than transferring his son to a boarding school at a military academy. This did not particularly affect the assessments, but the boy managed to prove himself in sports and correct his behavior.
From the losers to the president
From the losers to the president
  1. Steve Jobs
  • Well, how could founder Apple In our list - after all, he did not allow his parents to miss a minute. There was no subject in school, according to which he would not have a deuce.
  • In order for young Steve to enter the college, they had to put everything they managed to accumulate for additional classes with teachers. But they only dreamed of peace - they drove off the son from there at the end of the first semester.
Founder Apple
Founder Apple
  1. Sergey Korolev
  • Perhaps, one of the most talented designers in the world, in childhood, did not give parents any hopes. The boy barely pulled the main objects on three, and the “swans” lived in every notebook and, of course, in the diary. Everything that interests him since childhood was aviation, which became the meaning of its existence.
  • Doubles did not become an obstacle to the father of Soviet cosmonautics. The first satellites, "Sunrise" and "Vostok", the flight of Yuri Gagarin - All this became part of our history thanks to its brilliant mind.
  1. Soitiro Honda
  • What do you think about, reading about the millionth income "Honda"? It is unlikely that you see a great dacryman standing behind them.
  • Perhaps Soitiro's poor performance at school was associated with the poverty of his family.
  • However, his path is really worthy of admiration, despite the fact that he with grief in half, he finished eight classes. After school, he went to Tokyo, where he worked as a car mechanic.
The founder of the famous brand
The founder of the famous brand
  1. Paul Galin
  • The founder of Motorola did not receive two from the fact that he was stupid. It’s just that his “flair of an entrepreneur” prevented him from attending school.
  • From childhood, the boy sold newspapers and street food on the street. He just had no time to go to lessons. He succeeded and suffered failures, But this did not break him and he became one of the brightest personalities of modern history.
  1. Harrison Ford
  • The modest quiet Harrison from childhood knew who he would be. As soon as he has pocket money appeared - He easily threw classes at school and fled to a new movie in the movie.
  • Neither the parents nor the teacher considered the truant and the loser. He did not even have friends at school. Already at the College of Ford, without being interested in studying, he went to acting courses. Result? A lot of cool films that everyone loves and know.
Famous actor
Famous actor
  1. Aristotle Onassis
  • One of the richest shipowners in world history, apparently, always knew in his soul that the lessons would never be useful to him. He has been kicked out of school more than once - either for deuces, then for poor behavior.
  • The brightest story - Aristotle pinched a young German teacher. Even during the periods of "calm" he did not miss the opportunity to walk the lessons. Nevertheless, the bright mind and hard work made from the young dispatcher the port of who we know him today.

By the way - in the same list Sergey Korolev, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Anthony Hopkins, Jim Kerry, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman. So the next time your child brings a deuce home - just hug him and let him feel that you believe in him.

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