Names of stars and constellations in the sky: List according to alphabet

Names of stars and constellations in the sky: List according to alphabet

In this article we will consider an alphabetical list of stars and constellations.

The night sky is filled with light, most of which is created by celestial bodies, such as stars. Like the sun, which also relates to the stars, they resemble huge luminous balls. There are very bright and less bright stars. Bright stars are either closer to the ground, or just more than others. And we suggest in this material to study the most famous and popular names of stars and constellations in the sky. For example, they include the brightest stars of Sirius, a polar star, as well as the stars of Arctur, Vega, Altair and Donob. But this is far from the whole list.

Star names: List of the most famous stars in the sky in alphabetical order

In order not to confuse the names of stars and constellations, we will divide them into groups. Here are the most popular stars in the sky that are known to scientists and humanity:


Names of stars in the sky:

  • Aliot - The name comes from the Arabic word "kurdyuk." This is the brightest star of a big bear, which takes 33rd place in the brightness rating in general. She, as it were, begins the “pen” of the visual bucket or goes 3rd in the end.
  • Aldebaran- The eye of the bull. Aldebaran lies in an open star cluster Giad and forms the head of a bull (body) with them. In the fall, she shows herself in the morning sky, in winter she is seen in the evening.
  • Altair- Enters the bright summer rhombus constellation of the eagle. Altair is used in many fictional roles. And appears, for example, in the Star Way, Star Gates and in the computer game “Master of Orion”. The star takes 12th place in the rating of brightness.
  • Antares It is part of the constellation Scorpio. This star is a super giant, about 800 times more than our sun (if in its place - I would have reached Jupiter). At a distance of 600 light years, it is about 10,000 times brighter than our entire system. And because it radiates a huge part of her energy in the infrared range, then in fact it is 65,000 times brighter.
  • Arctur- 4 The brightest star in the evening sky, the constellations of Volopas. Its fame of the Arctura owes several fantastic novels and films, in which he performs several times under the name of Arctura as an intergalactic scene. For example, "Travel to Arcture."
  • Achaernar Located in the constellation Eridan, the stars of the southern hemisphere. Of the ten brightest stars, it is the most blue and takes 9th place. It burns 3000 times brighter than our sun, despite the fact that it is classified as a dwarf star. Achaernar is also the least spherical star in the Milky Way. It rotates so quickly that its equatorial diameter is more than 50% higher than its polar diameter. It is a double luminary.
  • Betelheze.One of the brightest stars in Orion. He plays a significant role in ancient Egyptian mythology. It stands out in its reddish color and therefore is often associated with the war.
Orion and Volopas - from left to right
Orion and Volopas - from left to right
  • Vegaalso known from films and literature. The main star of the constellation Leyer (Lyra) is also part of a large summer triangle. In the area of \u200b\u200bphotometry, it was used as a reference star for measurements of brightness, takes 5th place of brightness.
  • Donob-In addition to Vega and Altair, Donob is also included in the bright summer-autumn triangle. The bluish dignar in Chinese mythology refers to the bridge over the Milky Way. It occupies a leading place in the constellation in the constellation in brightness, in the night sky - 20.
  • Canopus- The second brightest star in the night sky. It also serves for navigation due to its position near the south pole of ecliptic and high brightness. Unfortunately, it can only be seen from southern Europe. He goes into the stellar galaxy of the keel.
  • Capella- Its name means “small goat” in Latin, and it was applied to the map by many ancient cultures, including Greeks, Egyptians and others. The chapel is a yellow giant star, similar to our sun, but much more. Astronomers classify it as a type G5 and know that it is located at a distance of 41 light years from the sun. The chapel is the brightest star in the constellation Auriga (Temnik).
  • Mimosa or Beta of the Southern Cross, as well as Bekruksone of the brightest stars in the sky is 12th place. It is blue-white and 16 times more than the sun.
  • Pollux - This is an orange giant that you can find in the twins with another star of the first size - Castor. This pair forms the "heavenly twins" who give the name a constellation. Pollux is located at a distance of 34 light years from the ground, it is quite cold.
  • Polar Star. Less bright, but the most important, as a pointer in the sky. She always stands in the same place in the sky and celebrates the heavenly North Pole. In the past, it was often used as a navigational aid for ships to check the location, course or compass. It is best to find a polar star using a small bear, extending an imaginary line of the rear box stars up to five times.
  • Protion- It is classified as a star like F5 - this means that it is a little colder than the sun. Protion is a yellow-white star in the constellation of a small dog, as well as part of the winter hexagon. This can be seen from most parts of the northern hemisphere, and many cultures included it in their legends about the sky.
  • Regulus - Another star that you probably saw more than you imagine. She is quite close to a big bear, in the constellation Leo. Regulus is a blue-white star of the main sequence, which is 3.5 times more than the mass of the sun. Young star, she is only a few hundred million years old.
  • Rigel- Also, like Betelgease, it is a bright star in Orion. It takes place in the universe of science fiction. For example, in the Star Way, Rigel is the most densely populated star system in space. In astronomy is considered a blue and white giant.
  • Sirius- The brightest and most popular star. Sirius has a radius of 2100 times more than that of the sun, and in comparison with the ground - 200,000 times. The light of the largest famous star in our universe reaches 5,000 years to reach our eye. In the sky, Sirius can be found southeast of the amazing Orion. It belongs to the constellation of a large dog. At the same time, Sirius forms the south point of the winter hexagon.
  • Speak- In the constellation, this star is almost the first size. Its second name is Kolos. It is best to observe it in our area in the spring, but in the summer only at dusk you will be lucky to catch it.
  • Toliman- It is located in the constellation Centaurus and has a second name - Alpha Centaurus. Its peculiarity is that it seems with the naked look as if it were one star. But in fact it is triple. These are three stars not very bright are very close to each other.
  • Fomalgaut - Another star in the southern hemisphere. It is located about 25 light years from the ground. It is believed that this is a fairly young star-maybe she is only 100-300 million years old.

In addition to the named, there are billions of other stars awaiting observation or discovery. We also recommend reading an article "How many stars are in the sky?"

A complete list of stars
A complete list of stars

Names of constellations: a list of the most famous constellations in the sky

Since the stars are united in constellations, often the names of constellations and stars are intertwined. Therefore, some we have already heard. But let's take a look at their separate alphabet list.

Constellation- This is a group of stars depicting a specific figure in the sky. The constellations were known in all cultures and were used for navigation for navigation.

A complete list of constellations
A complete list of constellations

The name of the constellations in the sky:

  • Andromeda It is observed almost all year round. The constellation Andromeda stands at the northern starry sky. It contains a well -known spiral galaxy, namely Andromeda's nebula. The star galaxy itself consists of about 100 stars. In the image, it resembles a figure of a woman chained. According to legend, the royal daughter Andromeda Perseus saved from the monster of the sea.
  • Altar- Although the altar is very small, it is remembered. The second name is the altar. It is one of the 48 constellations described by Ptolemy in ancient Greece. Unfortunately, we cannot see this from Central Europe, since this is the southern neighbor of the expansive scorpion. His brightest star is Beta Ara. This is the so -called sunny star, which is a little brighter than our sun.
  • Twins- Castor and Pollux are the names of the brightest stars in the constellation and represent the heads of the twins. Each star has a line that forms their bodies, which gives the constellation a rough U-shaped shape. Gemini sits next to Orion, so it is quite easy to find them in winter.
  • Big Dipper It is usually considered the constellation itself, but in fact it is an asterism in the constellation Big Bear. This is the most universally recognized model of the star, partly because it is always visible in the northern hemisphere. Seven stars of Big Bear are easily recognizable and almost always visible. They form part of the back and tail of a large bear.
  • Big dogrepresents the famous Greek dog Ikaria. The big dog is known for containing the brightest star in the night sky - Sirius. The best visibility in the first two winter months. In the night sky, he looks almost like a dog figure with Sirius at the head and another less bright star, Adara, on the back end.
Bucket is only part of the constellation, although it has already become independent
Bucket is only part of the constellation, although it has already become independent
  • The weights - This is a small and rather inconspicuous constellation, which is located between Virgo and Scorpio. Includes low -acceptance 83 stars (only 6 of them have a little higher than 4 stellar brightness), in shape more resembles a rectangle. Since the stars in the constellation Libra are quite invisible, they are not so easy to find in the sky.
  • Aquariusone of the largest, most famous and oldest constellations. But Aquarius is weak, it is often difficult to find and see. Despite his outstanding position and large size, Aquarius actually does not have determining features and does not contain bright stars. Although it consists of 90 luminaries, and in shape symbolically looks like aquifer.
  • Hercules - A rather large, but not very noticeable constellation in the night of the Northern sky. It is best seen in spring and summer. The direct neighboring constellations are the dragon, the custodian of the bear, the northern crown, the snake, the serpentine, the eagle, the arrow and the lyre.
  • Virgo- The second largest constellation in the sky. Virgin is one of the signs of the zodiac, lies along the ecliptic of the annual path of the Sun. Speak is the most noticeable star, she, along with other bright stars of the constellation, is a lying person. It is best to see the constellation in the spring. In the modern era, the autumn point of equilibrium is concentrated in Virgo.
  • Dolphinlocated near the heavenly equator. This makes him visible everywhere in the world. He has two bright stars, namely Rotanev (lighter) and Sualokin. The dolphin forms a small rhombin (the body of the dolphin, also known as the “coffin of Job”) with the feature (tail fin).
  • Cassiopeia In Greek mythology, there was a vain queen, who often boasted of her beauty. She was the mother of Princess Andromeda, and unlike other figures erected in the sky in honor, Cassiopius was forced to accept punishment in the celestial spheres. As history says, she boasted that her beauty (or her daughter, depending on the story) was more than that of the sea nymph. It was quite offensive, and she was forbidden to stare at the sky.
  • Capricorn - This is the smallest zodiac constellation. The sun moves through its annual orbit through the constellation, so it is included in the zodiac system. The constellation Capricorn is most noticeable in our latitudes in late summer and early autumn.
K and swan - from left to right
Cassiopeia and Swan - from left to right
  • Swan (also known as the Northern Cross). The northern cross is actually just asterism (recognizable pattern of stars) inside the swan. Donob, the tail of the swan (or the upper point of the cross) is one of the brightest stars in the night sky. You will find a swan along the Milky Way. In the night sky, the swan looks down, straightening the wings parallel to the horizon.
  • a lionhe was a great lion in the night sky in almost all mythological traditions. This is the simplest constellation in the zodiac that can be found. A distinctive rear question mark forms the head and chest, then moves to the left, forming a triangle and the back of the lion. Regulus is the brightest star of the lion. It is in the lower right corner of the constellation, representing the front right leg of the lion.
  • Lirait forms a curved square with a tail at the brightest star, Vega, which is one of the brightest stars in the sky. She is small, but in the summer months, thanks to the bright Vega, it is quite easy to find.
  • Ursa Minor It is famous for containing polaris, a polar star. Many mistakenly believe that the polar star is located right above their heads, but this is true only at the North Pole. It is visualized as a bear cub with an unusually long tail. It can be distinguished from a large bear, not only in size, but also by the emphasized curvature of the tail. When you found a polar star at the end of the tail of the bear using a large bear, then it is easy to determine the rest of the constellation.
  • Little lion It is located between the constellation Leo and the Big Bear. It has not very bright stars, but is surrounded by very bright constellations, therefore it is quite noticeable. Most star cards depict the constellation of a small lion with two or three stars connected by lines. Although it includes 34 stars.
  • Smallth dog - This is a small constellation, located west of the Milky Way and south of the constellation Gemini. This is a constellation with its brightest star - a prion, it is quite easy to find in the night sky.
  • Aries- This constellation is one of the 12 constellations that form a zodiac. That is, constellations that cover the path of the sun through the sky (known in scientific terms as an ecliptic). In ancient times, this attached special importance to the constellations of the zodiac. The constellation is dim (up to 2 degree of brightness), but memorable.
  • Eagle- This constellation is in the lane of the Milky Way. His brightest star is Altair, which is actually one of the nearest naked eyes of the stars to the ground. The upper part of Aquille forms the rhomboid letter "B", with Altair almost in the tip. This represents the head and wings of the eagle. Then, from Altair, a line descends that forms the body of the eagle. Look at the southern sky in the late summer, near the lane of the Milky Way to see Aquilu.
  • Orion It is one of the largest and most recognizable constellations. It can be seen all over the world, Homer, Virgil and even the Bible mentioned it, which makes it perhaps the most famous constellation. Orion’s belt of three stars is the easiest asterism that can be found with a crossbar (below on the right) and Betelgease (above the left), which are the brightest two separate stars. Two other corners form a rough quadrangle, its head and onion are also sometimes visible. Somewhat resembles a hourglass.
  • Pegasus Belongs to the large constellations of the Northern Hemisphere. The body of Pegasus in the form of a large quadrangle, two front paws and head depart from it, but includes as many as 166 stars. It is best observed in the fall. The constellation Andromeda directly adjoins the constellation of Pegasus with the upper left corner of the Pegasus quadrangle - it seems that the beautiful Andromeda wants to cling to the horse.
  • Perseus It is a large constellation of the Northern Hemisphere. He has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Greek hero of Perseus, who holds the severed head of a jellyfish in his hand. The constellation is a circumpolar, that is, it can be observed at any time of the year.
Perseus, Andromeda and Pegas
Perseus, Andromeda and Pegas
  • Crayfish - A rather inconspicuous constellation, which crosses the sun from July to early August. The constellations are best seen in winter.
  • Fish“It is unlikely that you will find them, despite a fairly large size.” Since its stars have low bright visibility. The constellation forms a large letter “V”, in which the right fish forms a small letter “o” at the end, and the left fish - a small triangle. It has two asterisms - northern and western fish.
  • Northern Crown - This is a very small constellation between the constellation of Heracles, the keeper of the bear and the snake. But it, however, stands out in the sky with a memorable form resembling a wreath or crown. The brightest star of the constellation Northern Crown, Hemma, stands out like a sparkling diamond in the center.
  • Scorpion- With many bright stars of Scorpio, it is quite easy to find in the night sky. Antares, the brightest star in the constellation, is considered the heart of Scorpio. It will be the easiest star for the search, but sometimes it is confused with Mars due to its red-orange coloring. To the right of the heart of 3-5 stars that form their heads. On the left is a long line of stars that bend to the side or form an inverted question mark. It has 100 stars in total.
  • Sagittarius It is located in the middle of the most luxurious part of the Milky Way and contains many interesting celestial objects, such as fog and open star clusters. Directly neighboring constellations are Scorpio and Capricorn. The constellation Sagittarius, refers to zodiac signs. We turn on 115 stars.
  • Taurus- A large and noticeable constellation in the winter sky. The constellation is quite easy to find, since its most recognizable asterism forms a very noticeable “V”, which represents the head and horns of the bull. The brightest star in the constellation is Aldebaran, which forms the right eye of the bull. Almost mirroring, like a slingshot, less noticeable stars fold the paws of the animal.
  • Lizard- A rather invisible constellation. It consists of a slightly curved zigzag line consisting of 63 stars.

How did the names of stars and constellations appear and how are they located?

Southern Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere

The first names of stars and constellations go back to the Babylonians and ancient Egyptians. In ancient Greece, more constellations were added: Eratosthenes and Ptolemy described 47 constellations, which were mainly named after figures from Greek mythology and were visible from the southern part of Europe. There were also notes from ancient Rome, but after its fall, science also closed.

The largest share was invested by Arabs. They even renamed other, already called stars. And all subsequent discoveries were added to the Arabic names Latin and the Greak alphabet, which is responsible for the intensity of brightness.

In recent centuries, more and more star pictures have been added, but some of them disappeared again. In 1922, the International Astronomical Union determined 88 constellations, which act today.

North hemisphere
North hemisphere

Just as the sun and moon rise and sit down, so the star luminary turns to us. Because of the northern and southern hemispheres, we cannot see all the constellations from our latitude, as in the southern hemisphere. Some constellations occupy an intermediate position. They are so low above the horizon that we see them only partially. The visibility of most constellations also depends on the season and time of the night. Therefore, if you want to know when you can watch your own star and constellation, you must focus on day and time.

Important: but in the sky, in space does not exist as such an earthly constellations. After all, each star of even one drawing is at a completely different distance to us. These patterns that form the constellation, we see only from the ground! And the stars are in no way interconnected.

Some constellations are called circumpolar: they can be seen all year round in certain places on Earth, since they rotate around the heavenly pole, so they do not rise and do not sit down. Due to the so-called precession of the Earth’s axis (as well as the correct movement of stars), some constellations, their position and, therefore, the time and place of their visibility, are changing for millennia.

Video: Names of stars and constellations - how to navigate them?

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