The direction of the movement of the sun and the movement of the planets relative to the sun: how many planets are moving around the sun?

The direction of the movement of the sun and the movement of the planets relative to the sun: how many planets are moving around the sun?

In this article, we will consider planetary rotation around the Sun.

Cosmos is an area that has always attracted our ancestors and contemporaries of any centuries with its unknown. There are many versions and assumptions around it, as well as discoveries. And the most important thing of them is The movement of the planets It occurs around the main and large star, and not around our planet. But let's go about everything in order.

The movement of planets and the sun: a brief historical certificate

Once upon a time, when telescopes did not exist yet, when a person had not yet taken off the ground and people had very vague ideas about space, stars and celestial bodies, they believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. And she is motionless in this center, and the sun, the moon and other heavenly luminaries, which can change their position in the sky, rotate around the earth. That is, The movement of the planets There was a mirror performance. Sometimes, however, attempts were made to assume the opposite, but due to the lack of evidence, they were not successful at that time.

First performance and incorrect theories
First performances and incorrect theories
  • In the 16th century, a Polish scientist Nikolai Copernicus He put forward the theory, suggesting that the Earth rotates around its axis, its one turnover is equal to days, and at the same time around the sun. This turnover is the year. There were some mistakes made by him in the calculations. For example, that the center of this system is not the sun, but the orbit of the Earth. But despite this, his theory became the reference point in the development of the correct ideas of mankind about the structure of the solar system.
  • The theory of Copernicus did not attract attention immediately, only after a while the followers of his teachings appeared, who complemented her with new ideas and discoveries. In particular, the German astronomer Johann Kepler I calculated that the center of the planetary system is still the sun.
  • A Italian scientist, founder of experimental physics Galileo Galileo For the first time he used the telescope to observe celestial bodies and supplemented the theory of a number of calculations, which led to its persecution by the Catholic Church. There is a legend that Galileo Galileo, sentenced to death, was forced to renounce his discoveries, but exclaimed before his death: “And yet, it turns!”

At that time, many other theories were advanced. In particular, that the planets rotate around the sun, but together with the sun they rotate around the Earth. And yet, after a century, by the end of the XVII century, most scientists came to the only conclusion that all planets, including the Earth, rotate around the sun counterclockwise and the system of rotation of the planets was called sunny.

Thanks to him, the first shifts about the rotation of space bodies occurred
Thanks to him, ideas about the rotation of space bodies have changed

The direction of movement of the Sun and the movement of the planets: what is the solar system?

Looking at the night sky, we see many luminous stars, and it seems to us their number is huge! But this is just a small part of that amount of heavenly luminaries, of which the universe consists. Its sizes are so large that our imagination is not able to present them. Yes, and do they exist, these sizes? - Science has not yet given an exact answer to this question. Most scientists are inclined to the idea that the universe is endless and we can talk about its size only from the perspective of the observed boundaries. That is, those that today can be seen in the most powerful telescopes or calculated using complex calculations.

The universe consists of many galaxies - accumulations of stars. Our Sun is in the Galaxy Milky Way and is one of the many billion stars. The same heavenly luminaries, which are hot gas clots of various sizes, brightness, temperature, intensity of light radiation, age and have a different structure formed by celestial bodies rotating around them.


Sun and its movement

  • The age of our sun is approximately 5 billion years And all this time it moves in its galactic orbit at a speed of approximately 270 km/s, making one full revolution around the center of the galaxy approximately for 226 million years. That is, when the last time the sun was in the same place of the galaxy where it is now, dinosaurs dominated on earth.
  • But the movement of the sun is considered in different reference systems. One of them is connected with the stars closest to the sun. It is believed that the movement of the Sun and the solar system occurs towards the constellation Hercules in a large circle of heavenly sphere from west to east, which is called ecliptic, Performing a full revolution during the year.
  • In addition, the sun moves around its axis, making a complete revolution for 22.14 years. And like all other planets of the solar system - around the common center of mass.

In the middle of the path between the sunrise and sunset, at noon the sun reaches its highest point. If during the year to observe the shadow that the wand discards on a flat surface, then the height of this shadow will change depending on the season!

Direction and trajectory of the sun
Direction and trajectory of the sun

The movement of the planets and the structure of the solar system: how much and how are the planets around the Sun move?

The sun is the main source of energy and gravity, which allows you to keep all the celestial bodies near it, and helps them rotate in their orbits. These include the following elements:

  • Planets included in the solar system
  • Asteroid belt
  • Koyler belt and Oort Cloud

In total, there are 8 planets in the solar system, which are located at different distance from the sun and have different sizes. But they all rotate around their axis and move around our luminaries in one direction, although each in its own orbit.

Pluto since 2006 has been discredited as a planet! There is an assumption about the new planet of our system - Sedna, but it has not yet received official confirmation!

We also offer to read our article on the serial location of all the planets of our solar system in our article "The order of the planets for children of grade 4: Brief description."

Interesting Facts
Interesting Facts

Consider these planets as they remove them from the sun:

  • Mercury - over 88 earthly days, the smallest and closest to the main star planet rotates
  • Venus - with a beautiful name, burning climate and equivalent year - 224.7 earthly days around the Sun and 223 around the axis
  • Earth - around its axis rotates in 24 hours, around the sun - in 365 days at a speed of 29.765 km/s
  • Mars - having a period of rotation around the sun almost like that of the ground - 24 hours 37 minutes
  • Jupiter - A giant planet, characteristic, has the fastest rotation around its axis - 10 hours. But Jupiter rotates around the sun in 10 earth years
  • Saturn - rotation around the axis occurs in 10.7 hours, around the Sun - over 29.5 years of earthly years
  • Uranus - rotates around the Sun over 84 earthly years or 30,687 days
  • Neptune - Its full revolution around the Sun is 164.79, around its axis - about 16 hours
The movement of the planets around the sun and the period
The movement of the planets around the sun and the period of their rotation
  1. Asteroid belt, Which is located between Mars and Jupiter, the movement around the Sun is also inherent. Each of them moves at different speeds, on average from 3.5 to 6 earthly years, in the same direction as the planets.
  2. Coiler belt, located on the “outskirts” of the solar system and consisting of the accumulation of comets and dwarf planets, as well as a cloud of Oort, consisting of an accumulation of billions of ice bodies, obey the general laws of gravity. All components of cosmic bodies also rotate around the Sun with a period of more than 200 years. Outside these belts, the laws of gravity no longer work and this space does not belong to the solar system.

As you can see, in our life and in the entire universe, every detail has its own meaning and direction, as well as the movement of the planets and all cosmic bodies. They seem to depend on each other, and in our solar system - from the sun, which sets rotation.

Video: The movement of the planets around the sun - why does the orbit lies in one plane?

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