How many Corvalola can be drunk at a time, per day? How long can Corvalol be taken?

How many Corvalola can be drunk at a time, per day? How long can Corvalol be taken?

How many Corvalola can drink per day or at a time? Look for an answer in the article.

Probably there is no person who, at least with the corner of his ear, did not hear about such a medicine as Corvalol. This drug was invented back in the USSR, so it is popular among older people in situations when the heart “grabs”.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "TOP-10 of the best sedatives for the nervous system of an adult". You will find a rating, a list and methods of use.
From this article you will find out when you need to drink Corvalol, how many days and in what dosage. You will also read a lot of other useful information, for example, after how much this drug acts in drops at pressure. Read further.

What is the difference between Corvalol and Valocordin?

Corvalol almost does not differ in its composition from Valocordin
Corvalol almost does not differ in its composition from Valocordin

Professors involved in pharmacological studies believe that Corvalol It must be attributed to narcotic drugs and sold only by prescription of a doctor. Its use prevents patients from contacting the doctor on time and hides the symptoms of serious heart and nervous diseases that require a different treatment.

  • The drug cannot treat any serious diseases.
  • Often it is used in violation of functions without serious organic pathology. Corvalol Take to reduce the excitability of the nervous system and as a drug with some vasodilating effect.
  • It can help with increased irritability, arousal with violations of falling asleep and reactions of the body such as sweating, redness, weakness (manifestations of autonomic reactions of the nervous system).
  • The drug can episodically use to facilitate falling asleep, but the dream is not quite physiological, so regular intake is undesirable for this purpose.
  • Valocordin similar in action with Corvalol. Rarely these drugs are used to relieve intestinal spasms.

Drugs Corvalol and Valocordin, which belong to one family of sleeping pills and soothing agents, are very similar and have minor differences in the composition. Corvalol contains 3 components in its composition, differing from Valocordin Only content peppermint. Drugs do not have significant differences in action.

When they drink Corvalol: what does Corvalol do with the heart?

Corvalol is a combined sedative of plant origin, having a characteristic pungent smell. A wide range of action of the drug is explained by the components of it as phenobarbital, peppermint oil and valerian root. Phenobarbital in the drug has a sedative and soft sleeping pill. Ethylbromizalerianate has a sedative and antispasmodic effect, including the vessels of the heart. Peppermint oil has reflex vasodilating and antispasmodic activity. It is not easy to learn the whole truth about Corvalol. Despite the fact that the drug is more than a dozen years, even doctors are ambiguous of it.
When do they drink Corvalol? It is prescribed as a soothing and light sleeping pills. It is used in such conditions:
  • Stress
  • Increased irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Intestinal cramps with excitement

When taking orally, the vessels of the heart arise, thereby facilitating its work.

How much can an adult can drink in drops at a time, how many times a day?

Most often to adult patients, the attending physician prescribes a liquid dosage Corvalola. At onceyou can drink - from 15 to 30 drops (depending on the clinical manifestations of the patient's condition) - 3 times a day. If the patient has tachycardia - frequent heartbeat ( more than 90 beats per minute), then the dosage is required to increase up to 40-50 drops-3 times a day.

  • The maximum daily dose of the drug for an adult patient - 150 drops.

If you exceed a one -time or daily dose, then there will be unpleasant consequences for health in the form of dizziness, a strong decrease in pressure, weakness, impaired coordination of movements.

Remember: Each case of treatment is individual and the dose should be correctly selected by the attending physician in order to avoid an overdose of the drug.

How many Corvalola tablets can be at a time, per day?

Corvalol in tablets
Corvalol in tablets

Exists Corvalol And in the form of pills. How much can you drink in this form at a time, per day?

  • The dosage will be 1-2 tablets-2 times a day.
  • The maximum amount of the drug that can be taken in 1 day will be equal 6 tablets.

Remember: Corvalol - This is a drug, and only a doctor should prescribe it.

How many days can Corvalol be taken: how long?

It was said above that constantly or for a long time to use Corvalol it does not follow. This affects the health of the heart and other organs. The duration of treatment is established by the attending physician, individually for each patient.

Remember: An uncontrolled intake of the drug can lead to the development of side effects, dependence and poisoning.

How many days can Corvalol be taken and how long? Do not try to be treated with this drug - it does not heal. He removes the symptoms. Many are used to taking it as soon as the heart grabs. With any deviations in health, you need to contact a doctor in order to notice the problem in a timely manner and start treatment. If you just smooth out the symptoms, then the condition can quickly worsen, and for a person it will be imperceptibly, which is very dangerous for health and life.

How many drops of Corvalol can children at a time, a day and can it be?

The drug Corvalol can also take children, but in fewer quantities. The pediatrician can appoint a child from 3 to 15 drops per day Depending on the age and condition of the small patient.

IMPORTANT: Do not self -medicate! In particular, with the cure of the child. If the doctor appointed Corvalol to drink, for example, 5-7 days, then you should not increase this period. It is better to consult a more highly specialized doctor who will conduct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

How long can alcohol after Corvalol?

Alcohol and Corvalol In no case should you combine together, otherwise the toxic effect on the body of both means will increase.

Therapeutic effect Corvalola acts on the body up to 3 days, the period of complete removal of the medicine from the body is 3 more days. Therefore, if you conduct small calculations, we can conclude that alcohol can only be taken after 6 days after the end of the reception Corvalola.

How long can you drink Corvalol after alcohol?

Alcohol and its harmful metabolites are excreted from the human body in 24 hours. Consequently, Corvalol can be drunk after taking alcohol After 1 day.

Corvalol: how much can you drive?


Given the above calculations, then Corvalol completely disappears from the body after 6 days. After this period, you can confidently get behind the wheel of a car as a driver, without fear of the influence of the medicine on the central nervous system.

How many drops of Corvalola can be given to a dog, a cat?

The drug can also be given to our pets (cats, dogs) in some situations. These include:

  • Visits to groomers for the purpose of haircuts of wool
  • Visit to the veterinarian if the animal is sick
  • The upcoming long trip in transport
  • Frighten the pet with loud sounds outside the window (salute, thunder)

Dosage for a four -legged friend will be equal to a children's dosage Corvalola-3-15 drops per day.

What can you drink from pain in the heart, except Corvalol and Validol: strong sedatives without recipes, list and price

It often happens that these or those drugs cannot be drunk to a person or the body is already addictive, and they do not help. In this case, the doctor prescribes similar drugs or from the same group or completely different. That you can drink from pain in the heart, except Corvalola and Validola? Below you will find a list of strong sedatives released in a pharmacy without a prescription. No less effective soothing drugs similar Corvalolaare:

  • Novopassit - price 450 rubles
  • Tenoten - 300 rubles
  • Afobazole - 450 rubles
  • Valemidin - 200 rubles
  • Persen - 350 rubles

All of these medicines can be bought at any pharmacy and without a prescription from a doctor.

How long does Corvalol work in drops at pressure?

The first therapeutic effect Corvalola in dropsconsisting in the expansion of the vessels, manifests itself 10 minutes after receiving. Arterial pressure begins to gently decline.

  • The maximum therapeutic effect of the drug develops after 4 hours After its use inward.

In this way, Corvalol It is an effective and proven sedative, vasodilating and antispasmodic agent with functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, with neurosis-like conditions, intestinal spasms.

  • As mentioned above, the application Corvalola For a long time or in doses exceeding permissible values, leads to the development of the body's poisoning and dependence on the drug.
  • With severe overdose, the substance may be observed far heartbeat, arrhythmia, breathing impairment.
  • With side effects, you should stop taking Corvalola, rinse the stomach, exclude caffeine from the daily diet, refuse nicotine.

In order to avoid side effects, it is necessary to remember that it is not permissible to exceed the recommended dosage of the drug, to take it together with alcohol. Summing up, we can conclude that you should not engage in uncontrolled self -medication Corvalol. With malaise, you should consult a doctor for an examination and prescribing adequate and proper treatment. Good luck!

Video: Corvalol Drops - doctor's opinion about the drug

Video: Fenobarbital - Corvalol, Valocordin. How do barbithals harm our health? What is the danger?

Video: Corvalol - Instructions for use

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