I can’t fall asleep after the evening or hard workout, physical work: reasons, what to do? Do I need to take a sedative after an evening or hard training to fall asleep?

I can’t fall asleep after the evening or hard workout, physical work: reasons, what to do? Do I need to take a sedative after an evening or hard training to fall asleep?

A healthy sleep is a source of good mood, well -being. If you do not sleep regularly, the immune system fails. We will find out how to fall asleep after training if you have insomnia.

Many athletes after a productive training cannot fall asleep for a long time. Such people, due to lack of sleep, become nervous, tired, they are annoying everything around. But if sport for them is a way of promotion in life, then there can be no talk of any fatigue.

Not only is the body pretty much depleted from heavy loads, there is no rest at night. All body systems do not have time to restore their strength. Next, we will find out how to fall asleep after tense loads and the causes of insomnia.

I can not fall asleep after the evening or hard workout, physical work: Reasons

Insomnia is any sleep disorders, due to a particular reason. Here you can classify an early rise, violations of the cyclical sleep, the presence of experiences that do not allow a person to move to the kingdom of Morpheus. This condition is constant or manifests itself only sometimes. When insomnia is often present, then the patient cannot do without consulting specialist doctors.

Insomnia after physical exertion
Insomnia after physical exertion

When you are tormented by lack of sleep after any physical exertion, the root cause of the conditions is possible in the following factors:

  1. Incorrect mode or later falling asleep. After seven o’clock in the evening, processes begin to slow down in the body, the nerves also calm down and the athlete should prepare for rest. That is why experts advise moving to the kingdom of Morpheus at 22-23 hours.
  2. Brain activity is activated when using heavy, fatty foods. It is undesirable after six to eat meat, legumes and too high -calorie foods. Thanks to hearty food, you will fantasize for a long time, instead of sleeping calmly.
  3. Too active activity, prolonged training give sharp bursts of emotions. After that, all systems of the body turn into wakefulness and the athlete can not get rid of this condition for a long time. Therefore, sleep comes only in the morning. What makes the subsequent day unbearably heavy due to fatigue and lack of sleep.
  4. If you do not comply with wakefulness and sleep, then biological watches are lost, your body cannot get used to the new regime every time and health problems begin.
  5. A plentiful stream of thoughts can also negatively affect the quality of sleep. Sometimes resentment, experiences and all thoughts do not allow a person to fall asleep.

Do I need to take a sedative after an evening or hard training to fall asleep?

After scientists conducted by scientists, it was found that athletes who conduct their training in the morning, have practically no dinner time from insomnia, unlike athletes, who trained in the evening. This, of course, may seem amazing, but even when the body gets tired, it is still difficult to fall asleep.

Causes of insomnia after fitness, and other loads
Causes of insomnia after fitness, and other loads

After all, the human brain is responsible for the state of sleep. And with large physical exertion, adrenaline is released, it gives vigor. To get rid of excessive excitability, you need to train in the morning and not postpone physical activity for the evening. If this does not help, then in half an hour it is necessary to use magnesia, zinc.

Due to which the number of hours of sleep will increase and fall asleep you will not be difficult. Drink these drugs before bedtime in half an hour. The amount of the drug should comply with the norms of 300 milligrams - magnesia and 20 milligrams - zinc.

If you have to train in the evening, then remember that you can not overeat the body, otherwise after such a tension you will not be able to relax for a long time.

Not only muscles, and other body tissues, but the entire nervous system suffer from large loads. If you do, then do not bother only the muscles, evenly try to distribute the loads.

In the evening, when your muscle mass cannot return to normal, try to do a stretch or take a warm bathroom. Thanks to this, you will feel relaxation, just do not make the bathroom too hot.

Do not conduct any training after nineteen, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep, it is better to finish all classes before seventeen hours.

IMPORTANT: Refuse calorie products before bedtime. Otherwise, the dream will leave you, and the brain will work actively due to the load of organs.

Insomnia after training, fitness, yoga, sports: what to do, how to calm the body and fall asleep: tips, recommendations, methods, methods

To get rid of the feeling of wakefulness before bedtime, follow the following recommendations:

  • Performing breathing gymnastics will help reduce physical activity. To do this, you need to relax on the back or sit on a carpet with a straight back. After five minutes of relaxation, begin to inhale 4 counts while rounding the stomach, and then the chest. After a while, do the same on six accounts, only first release air from the chest, and then from the abdominal part of the body.
Sport is a dream
Sport is a dream
  • Cool shower, wet wipes will help reduce the temperature of your body, thereby there is a decrease in excitability. Avoid dehydration - drink water without gas.
  • Before going to bed, the premises are ventilated, it is comfortable if there is a temperature in the house of 21 degrees.
  • Take care of your nervous system, otherwise the condition can go into the chronic stage. Then the help of a psychotherapist will be needed. Positive thinking, good mood is the key to health.
  • This is not to say that after training, everyone cannot move to the kingdom of Morpheus. Many even fall asleep after long classes. It's all about the habit of sleeping on the regime. And no loads affect the athlete's body when norms are respected.

In general, a dream plays a huge role in a human health, mood, and stress resistance. And the high achievements of athletes are also entirely dependent on the state of his sleep. Therefore, do not tolerate insomnia, with systematic lack of sleep, contact the doctor. It will help to solve your problems. Be healthy!

Video: insomnia after training

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Comments K. article

  1. In general, the recommendations are not bad, but everywhere the same type. Do not train after 17.00 and even more so after 19.00. But nothing that 90% work until 18-19 ???

  2. During intense physical training, the load is experienced not only by muscles, but also by the nervous system. Therefore, it is important to replenish this with special additives or a balanced nutrition. I try to introduce products with high content of essential amino acids and vitamins of group B into the diet (they are responsible for the balanced work of the nervous system). I also recommend glycine Forte Evalarovsky. It helps me a lot. Well, you need to abandon all psychostimulants or replace them with herbal teas.

  3. I had everything in order with the nervous system, but I couldn’t work normally, I didn’t have enough strength at all. Well, the coach drew attention to this, although I go to group classes, but she advised me to Mildronate. I read reviews at home and decided to try. And you know, I fell in love with sports, I switched to personal training, lost weight perfectly. And I never accepted any sedatives.

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