Symptoms and causes of nervous tension. How to calm the nerves quickly, with the help of simple means and advice of psychologists? What medications and means of traditional medicine should be taken to calm your nerves?

Symptoms and causes of nervous tension. How to calm the nerves quickly, with the help of simple means and advice of psychologists? What medications and means of traditional medicine should be taken to calm your nerves?

In this article, we will consider what means and methods will help to calm the nerves as quickly as possible. And also tell you what drugs you need to take to calm down.

Life has never been and will not be calm. And the older we become, the more we are attacked by various stresses. Each of us reacts differently to stimuli and experiences negative events. We will give you recommendations on how to protect your nervous system and not lead to malfunctions in its work. We will also advise what methods or drugs you can reassure the nerves and relieve nervous tension.

Symptoms and causes of nervous stress

The nervous system paired with the brain is responsible for the correct functioning of the whole organism. And also she protects and warns of possible threats. That is, nervousness is a normal human reaction to the stimulus. But sometimes the perception of actions is distorted and a person has a little inadequate reactions, which signaling nervous exhaustion.

Symptoms of nervous overwork

  • Increased irritability - This is the first signal that indicates a problem with nerves. You are annoyed by the behavior of other people and any events. Constant discontent, together with pessimism, turn your every day at a bad hour.
  • Those temper complements the previous point. The person does not just annoy everything, but wildly does not suit. Please note that perhaps you are too often swearing with colleagues at work or at home got your nit -picking and reproaches. No, this is not a feature of character, but fatigue of the nervous system.
  • Explicit aggression or anger. We can all lose our temper when circumstances are brought to this. But lightning -fast aggression towards other people, events or any actions indicates nervous exhaustion. Moreover, often the reasons are not as significant as your negative reaction to the culprit. By the way, it can even be aimed at itself, for example, when something does not work out.
High temper, irritability and aggressiveness indicate the nervous exhaustion of the body
Heat, irritability and aggressiveness indicates the nervous exhaustion of the body
  • We all worry before important events, but constant sense of anxiety speaks of disorders in the body. There should not always be good reasons for concern. You can be nervous about closed doors or disconnected iron. That is, any of the ordinary events causes you doubts and anxiety.
  • Uncertainty And constant indecision. Low self -esteem never occurs just like that. And it is precisely the nerves that are responsible for your self -confidence. And this already emanates constant fluctuations with respect to any choice. After all, a whole bunch of questions or reproaches is built in my head, how other people will react.
  • Bad sleep Or even insomnia is a satellite of the shaken nerves. If you cannot fall asleep for a long time or wake up often at night, or maybe even “walking” in the middle of the night, then urgently take measures to calm the nervous system. Night nightmares also complement this list.
  • Apathy and indifference It occurs along with sleep disturbances, because human fatigue only accumulates. Therefore, familiar things cease to interest you, and sometimes even begin to annoy you.
  • All this entails a decrease in mental performance and attentiveness. A person cannot concentrate and solve even simple things.
  • And also the physiological work of the personality is violated. That is, coordination of movements, facial expressions or gestures of a person deteriorate and slow down. And as a result, this is lost by the regime and rhythm of human life.
Symptoms of nervous overvoltage include insomnia or impaired normal sleep
Symptoms of nervous overstrain include insomnia or sleep disturbance

Causes of nervous exhaustion

I would like to say that the symptoms of nervous exhaustion are not negative consequences. This is a protective reaction of the body! So, you do something wrong and make mistakes that harm you. Therefore, you need to fight not with the consequences, but with the causes of this behavior.

  • The first place is occupied by the physiological aspect. That is, nervous tension cause diseases of internal organs. Most often this indicates failures in their work. In women, nervousness causes a menstrual cycle and menopause.
    • Also, some personalities are more vulnerable, therefore, nervousness are more severe. This applies to vulnerable, touchy and too susceptible people. That is, who has a weak nervous system.
  • The reaction to external stimuli can lead to increased nervousness. And most often, some person or event acts in their role, which cause a constant stressful state.
  • Psychologically, the causes of nervousness have a greater list:
    • it can be the wrong day of the day. That is, a person does not pay tribute to rest or sleep. Therefore, he exhausted himself and his nervous system;
    • food plays a big role in our lives. Moreover, you need to receive food in the proper quantity and quality. Nerves need proteins, trace elements and vitamins. Magnesium is considered the most important element, so try to use more products that are rich in them. It is also worth taking care of vitamin C;
    • psychological reasons are still belonging to the presence of constant noise and a quick pace of life in the city. In a more calm area, a person is less susceptible to stress attacks;
    • and negative thinking requires special attention. Our thoughts materialize, and also lay your mood. Which affects the work of the nervous system. But we will return to self -hypnosis a little later, as a method that helps to calm the nerves.
There can be many causes of nervous tension and all of them have an individual character
There can be many causes of nervous tension and all of them have an individual character

What to do to calm the nerves: simple means

When you understand the real reason for your nervousness, then you can proceed to eliminate its symptoms. But to drink a course of medication is not enough, you must work on your lifestyle.

  • The most important thing is full rest and sleep. Start taking care of yourself, otherwise no one can fix it for you. Do not try to grab everything at once, allocate a full time for rest. Remember, this is not pampering or pride, but the need for the body!
    • You need to sleep at least 7-8 hours, but spending more than 9 hours in bed is harmful to the body. Enjoy yourself to go to bed at the same time every day. By the way, you need to wake up up to 7 hours, and even better at 6. Then you will enter into harmony with nature. So, you will receive additional forces and can be more calm about life hardships.
  • Follow "Nervous diet" And eat correctly. Do not overeat and eat two hours before bedtime. And also make it a rule - eat often, but little by little. You can still bring the figure to normal or support it in order.
    • Also give preference to fruits that they have a lot of vitamin C. They are strong sedative, since the body's need in this element under stress increases almost three times. The richest is the orange and papaya.
    • Magnesium and potassium are indispensable vitamins with nervous tension. There are most of them in seeds, nuts, legumes and cereals. Especially rich are wheat bran. And potassium and magnesium contain dried fruits, vegetables and herbs.
    • Amino acids help to reassure the nerves, and they will restrain themselves in yogurt, milk and other dairy products.
      And the most important rule in nutrition matters - do not drink a lot of coffee, but abandon the stimulants. By the way, tea is much more useful than a coffee drink and also helps to wake up in the morning or cheer up well.
Include more products in your diet that contain magnesium
Include more products in your diet that contain magnesium
  • More walk in the fresh air. The minimum time indicator for walking is 2 hours. If you cannot allocate so much time, then break it into several intervals. Fresh air will not only saturate the body with oxygen, but also help to distract to the beauty of nature.
  • Avoid stressful situations. Yes, we are often nervous due to a be-than-end bus or a long line in a supermarket. Therefore, going for a walk, try to be in contact with nature, and not with social factors. And, in general, protect yourself as much as possible from various stimuli.

Important: external factors are not always guilty of irritability, very often it is our attitude and causes a storm of negative emotions. Try to look at everything from another lens in life and it is easier to treat all adversity.

  • Spend less time before the TV and avoid noise. But sitting in complete silence is also not worth it. It is proved that the most useful is considered relaxing music or the sounds of nature.
  • Communicate and contact animals. Dogs or cats, as well as other four -legged friends will help to distract from life troubles and calm down. The most powerful antidepressants in the world of animals are fish. But for reassuring it is good to stroke the cat.
  • Physical exercise They help not only to maintain themselves in shape and give confidence in their abilities, but also develop hormones responsible for the calming of the nerves. And with physical exercises, hormones of happiness develop - endorphins. Therefore, it is simply necessary to do exercises to those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Water procedures Positively affect the nervous system. A cool shower relieves stress and soothes, and the warm bathroom will help to relax. Swimming perfectly tempers the nervous system and makes it stable. And if you still resort to the help of a contrast shower, then strengthen your immunity.
  • An excellent relaxing and soothing agent is massage or self -massage. It is advisable to conduct it regularly or at least with the same frequency. But you can help yourself calm the nerves, massaging the scalp and muscles of the face. Particular attention should be paid to the nerve endings around the mouth.
Massage of scalp and face helps to relax
Massage of scalp and face helps to relax
  • Enjoy yourself to light aromatic sticks or favorite oils in the aroma lamp at home. Pleasant soothing odors will act on you positively. Just choose those aromas that you like.

Important: to relax and calm the nerves helps to walk barefoot. Yes, so you will contact nature and feel its harmony. And you can also be distracted from your exciting problems. But it was also established that on the feet a large number of nerve endings are concentrated, during the massage of which the work of many systems and organs improves.

Upassive funds by sexual characteristics

  • Women will be excellent discharge for the nervous system.. Yes, restraining them, you accumulate all the experiences in yourself. After all, our emotions reflect the events that are happening around, so it is recommended to throw out this negative through tears. If you feel nervous fatigue, then cry.
  • Every woman and a man noticed that the mood rises after buying a thing. Therefore, shopping also refers to antidepressants. Just do not get carried away with them often, but use only in emergency situations.
  • At the time of irritation, men should switch to sports and any physical exercises. If you feel an attack of anger, then splash aggression on a boxing pear or at least fuel the nightstand.
  • Also, for male nature, water is needed. We have already mentioned that a contrast shower helps to relax and calm the nerves, and at the same time strengthen health.

Important: for both partners, sex will be an excellent means for relieving stress. You can distract from the problem, relax and get a share of hormones of joy.

Physical activity helps to distract and calm down
Physical activity helps to distract and calm down

How to calm your nerves quickly: express help

We repeat that for calm nerves you need to not only take medications, which we will talk about a little later, but also rebuild our daily routine. That is, lead the right lifestyle and nourish the nerves with due food. But there are situations when you begin to be very nervous or angry. These techniques work better in aggregate, with regular execution and do not require additional reception of pills.

  • Leave the annoying place or from the situation. The same applies to a person who has a negative effect on you. If you can’t stop communication, then bring it to a minimum. If you are forced to be in place, then switch to something pleasant. Even just in your head.
  • Drink a glass of water. They noticed that at the slightest misunderstanding or in critical situations they always offer to drink water. This is for a reason, because it is dehydration that causes a feeling of hysteria in the body. And water also helps him to rehabilitate himself. But it does not matter for carbonated water, juices, teas and, especially, coffee.
    • Water generally has a sedative effect, so take a shower or a warm bath. Especially valuable will be the bathroom with a lot of penalties to calm and relaxing music.
  • Better yet, love yourself and visit the salon. After all, spa treatments are considered excellent sedatives.
  • Listen to calm music or distracted by an exciting film. But keep in mind that music should not be fast or in the style of rock. With nervous excitement, the situation is only aggravated. And the film is better to take a positive and with a good ending so that you can relax after watching it and be distracted.
  • But sometimes, solitude helps to get together with thoughts and calm the nerves. Disconnect the phone and, preferably, go out of town. A very good effect also produces aromatic sticks or lamps, which will fill the room with a favorite aroma. Or try to meditate in nature.
  • Visualization helps to relax and calm the nerves. Only you need to present a clear necessary picture and think through every detail so that the body seems to be transferred to another reality. You can put your world in your head, or you can recreate the past pleasant events.
  • Calculate in the head from 1 to 100 and back. If you feel a strong stream of anger, then increase this number.
  • Perfectly soothes breathing gymnastics. Only you need to breathe aperture. That is, make maximum breaths of the chest. It is necessary to make 10 breaths through the nose, exhaling through the mouth. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure after 10 minutes. It is best to do this by lying down or sitting so that you are as comfortable as possible.
  • Watch a funny movie comedy.
Meditation in the fresh air will help to calm down quickly
Meditation in the fresh air will help to calm down quickly

How to reassure nerves: psychologists' advice

In addition to the above tips, it is worth listening to the opinion of experts. After all, very often problems grow initially in our head. Therefore, you need to fight them, starting from the root.

  • Think positively! Do not focus on negative moments. Rough example: you could not go on vacation in the summer for some reason. For example, you were not released from work. Naturally, you will be upset and will not just be nervous, but even get angry.
    • Psychologists recommend looking for benefits in each event and plus for you. Perhaps you have long wanted to go to English courses. Now you can spend accumulated money with benefit.
    • By the way, do not forget to invest in your future. Do not spare money and time for this. This helps us grow, acquire self -confidence, which means that it makes us less irritable.
  • Regarding rest, experts do not only recommend, but insist respecting themselves. If you do not begin to love yourself, then other people will also not be considered necessary. Therefore, located your financial capabilities, allow yourself a little vacation in the summer or for the winter holidays. And do not come up with excuses that children, husband and even neighbors need your help.
  • Reduce the bar of ideality. No one can keep up with and do everything perfectly everywhere. Again, you only exhaust yourself. I would like to mention mothers separately that they try to lay out everything on the shelves and flowers. For a child, an ideal mother is a cheerful mother, not a tired person.
  • To reduce the stress load, make plans in your head and clearly plan your day. Do not record every little thing, but highlight the most important events. To keep up with everything, learn to determine basic and secondary matters.
Try to notice the positive aspects in everything
Try to notice the positive aspects in everything

What to accept to calm the nerves: a list of tablets, means

Sometimes, in order to earn previous recommendations, you need to supplement them with folk recipes. That is, you can normalize a dream with the help of decoctions and various herbal teas. In extreme situations, you need to take medications, but they must be prescribed by the attending physician or take them only after its approval.

Tablets and drops to calm the nerves

It is worth noting that you cannot blindly believe advertising. Not always beautiful packaging indicates the quality of the drug. Also listen, but do not trust the advice of friends. After all, not everyone is suitable for the same substance.

  • Let's start with simple and inexpensive funds that are made on a herbal basis. They have practically no contraindications or side effects. These include drugs based on:
    • valerian, which can be in the form of tablets, tinctures or used as decoctions. Also known drugs Valerin and Valocordin;
    • motherwort, which is also produced in the form of tablets, drops or dried grass;
    • passiflora containing drugs of passiflora and alora;
    • st. John's wort is in the medicines Negrustin and Deputy. But keep in mind that such grass requires an accurate dosage, since it is still taken to treat the stomach. If you do not take into account the necessary recommendations, then you can cause constipation;
    • and you also need to highlight the peony tincture. By the way, it can be prepared at home;
    • mint and lemon balm also have soothing products, which are produced in the form of tinctures. But they are more popular when brewing tea.

Important: such drugs begin to act only with regular use. And not a couple of days you need to drink tablets or drops, but for a month. Only the accumulation of components will help you calm down. Taking the drugs should be 1-2 times in laziness, following the instructions.

Valerian -based tablets
Valerian -based tablets
  • Combined drugs:
    • Persen or Persevit are two analogues that in their composition have valerian rhizomes, mint and lemon balm leaves.
    • Novopassit is a sedative substance, which uses Valerian as a basis;
    • Phytosed is a real sedative collection, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
    • Phytosedan is a drug based on motherwort and valerian. It also contains many additional components of herbs, which help to calm down.
  • Alcohol tinctures and high -speed products:
    • Corvalol is a sedative and antispasmodic drug, which in large doses can act as sleeping pills;
    • Valokardin or Milocardin - on the principle of action and the composition are similar to the previous option. In some countries, Valocardin is considered a narcotic substance;
    • drops of Zelenin are often taken with heart neurosis, and also help reduce excitability.
  • These are only basic and well -known drugs. All of them act immediately. Therefore, they are prescribed when a person received severe stress. They reduce the heartbeat, thereby calming and reducing the nervous state.
  • It is impossible not to mention possible contraindications. First of all, these are children and pregnant women. After all, drugs are produced based on alcohol. Also individual intolerance and trauma of a traumatic brain nature. Therefore, in order not to aggravate the situation with nervousness, before taking such funds, be sure to consult a doctor.
  • There are milder products, for example, glycine or glycyc, which are similar to the principle of action. They are weaker as a soothing substance, but normalize sleep and improve the brain. And this already helps a person relax and calm down.
Glycine refers to softer drugs
Glycine refers to softer drugs

Folk remedies

  • Valerian root - This is the most powerful remedy for reassuring nerves. Valerian not only relieves anxiety and soothes the nerves, but also normalizes the dream. And she eliminates headaches. But such grass requires accurate dosage, otherwise you can significantly reduce blood pressure.
    • For oral administration, the root of valerian (in the amount of 10 g) is poured with two 200 ml with glasses of boiling water and put on low fire. You need to torment two hours, and shake 7 drops 3 times a day. Store tincture in the refrigerator, but closing from the light.
  • Motherwort - This is grass, which perfectly saves from anxiety and various phobias. It is worth taking in the form of decoctions. 3 tbsp. l. Dry grass pour 1 cup boiling water. Cover with a saucer and insist 20-30 minutes. Strain and take 3-4 times a day in a dessert spoon for no more than 3 weeks.
  • For the nervous system st. John's wort He acts as a strengthening tool, because he makes a person more resilient to stressful situations. From it you can make a decoction and tincture. Although the last option can be purchased at the pharmacy.
    • The decoction is prepared as follows: 60 g of grass requires 1 liter of water. Boil it under the lid for 2-3 minutes, after let it brew for 10-25 minutes. Strain and drink 3 times a day, 0.5 tbsp.
  • Mint and lemon balm can be used together or separately. These are the easiest products, which are shown even to children. For their decoction, 2 tbsp. l. Dry leaves pour a glass of boiling water and withstand 1 hour. Drink 2 times a day for 100 ml.
Among folk remedies it is worth highlighting honey and warm milk
Among folk remedies it is worth highlighting honey and warm milk
  • To light drugs belongs to herbal chamomile or linden tea. They help to calm the nerves, and also positively affect the entire body. Boil either the previous recipe, or as tea.
  • The sedative and sleeping herbs still belongs calendula. It is also poured with a glass of boiling water (on 3 tbsp. L. grass) and insisted for 1 hour. All liquid is drunk before bedtime.
  • Also take note that every day you need to drink a glass of carrot or beetroot juice, and you can also use aloe juice or on onions. Then you will definitely forget about stress and irritability. And for quick sleep and calm, drink warm milk with honey.

Video: How to calm down in 1 minute?

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Comments K. article

  1. Folk remedies are really good) for example, tea with lemon balm and honey helps to calm down well. From pharmacy drugs, I sometimes drink the course of Evalarovsky Glycin Forte, I have enough of this)

  2. In the autumn period, my nerves are often handed over at work. I always have bio tea in the table for this case. As a mug of hot tea for me, the very thing will calm down. I will call daytime soothing from Evalar. He without sleeping pills, invigorates. I drink by enjoying aroma and taste, I enjoy it. And the work begins to argue, and the problems are not so unable.

  3. Unfortunately, folk remedies can not always help, a couple is a deception. As for the nerves, it is better not to experiment here. I tried to be treated with valerian, like a dead poultice. Now I drink a motherwort, a natural drug, I regret that I have not started before. Now I finally forgot what nerves are.

  4. In a stressful environment at work and frequent conflicts of the house, she was forced to resort to sedatives. Turning to the pharmacy, the pharmacist advised me by Vitango. I want to note that after taking the pills, I did not notice any drowsiness, there is also no addiction. I am an accountant and accept it even if I have a difficult job that requires concentration and attention - I work calmly.

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