What sedatives are most effective for adults, elderly and children? What sedatives are suitable for adults, elderly and children: List

What sedatives are most effective for adults, elderly and children? What sedatives are suitable for adults, elderly and children: List

Many believe that soothing funds are necessary only for people of the older generation. This is a common misconception, which today is increasingly refuted by both representatives of medicine and life situations.

And here is the main thing to choose the right drug that the result of its application does not force yourself to wait long and there are as little side effects as possible.

Sedding drugs for stress. What sedatives to choose?

Stress today is an integral part of our life
Stress today is an integral part of our life
  • It is very difficult to avoid a nervous breakdown, anxiety, experiences and other situations that accompany stress. Often, the only way out of this situation is to take sedatives
  • Today, drugs of this action are very widely represented. This determines the complexity of their choice. The main types of such drugs are sedatives and tranquilizers. They differ in the orientation, properties and of course
  • Sedatives, unlike tranquilizers, mainly consist of components of natural origin. Due to which, when taking, they have practically no side effects
  • Chemical preparations have a more powerful effect. But, have many side effects. Therefore, when choosing the drug you need, you need to learn more about its features

Sedding preparations on herbs. Plant sedatives

Half -sedatives on herbs are a very large group, which is very often recommended by doctors
Half -sedatives on herbs are a very large group, which is very often recommended by doctors

Synthetic drugs in their composition have chemical compounds that can adversely affect some internal organs. Plant preparations are more soft, due to which, there is practically no risk of getting used to them.


  • This tool is the most common medicine that is used for sleep disturbances and increased excitability of the nervous system. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and acts very gently. The effect does not occur immediately, but last long time
  • The dosage is determined individually and contraindicated only to those who have intolerance to valerian. Since valerian extract can cause a reaction violation to take this tool for drivers with great care
  • Valerian extract is indicated with an increased sense of anxiety, disorders of the cardiovascular system, depression and panic attack
  • You can buy such tablets in every pharmacy, they are released without a prescription. But, before their appointment, it is advisable to consult a doctor
  • Based on valerian, such a popular tool as Novo-Passit is produced. In addition to Valerian, this sedative drug includes the components of St. John's wort, lemon balm, passiflora, hawthorn, elderberry and hops.
  • Another widely advertised medicine based on this plant is "Persen". It can also be used to combat increased excitability of the nervous system, insomnia and stress
  • In addition to Valerian, Persena includes lemon balm and mint extract. It is available in the form of tablets and capsules


Sedding remedies based on motherwort are very popular. They are not only safe, but also effective. Motherwort can be used in its pure form or mixing with valerian, hawthorn and peonom to enhance the effect.

The compounds included in the motherwort favorably affect the nervous system, soothe and help fall asleep
The compounds included in the motherwort favorably affect the nervous system, soothe and help fall asleep

This grass has other actions. It is able to lower blood pressure and improve heart function.

  • You can use motherwort for nervous excitability, insomnia, hypertension, heart disease, cardiosclerosis and thyroid hyperfunction. In addition, with the help of such a tool, you can cope with a hangover syndrome
  • "Standard" dosage of tincture of motherwort 30-40 drops three times a day
  • The most popular sedative based on this grass is "Motherwort Forte" From the company Evalar. It is produced in the form of tablets and has practically no side effects
  • With sleep disturbances, nervous disorders during menopause shows medicines for the Ost passiflora. With vegeto-vascular dystonia, such a plant drug as peion tincture
  • One of the most potent drugs on a plant basis is "Notta". It includes a complex of components: OBO OBO sowing, chamomile pharmacy and coffee tree. This remedy produces a tranquilizing effect in anxiety, anxiety, stress, nervous exhaustions, experiences
  • All sedatives can act differently on each person. Therefore, they should be selected purely individually

Sedative sedatives

Translated from Latin
Translated from Latin "Sedatio" translates as "reassurance"
  • If the packaging says “has a sedative effect”, then this means that in front of you is a tool with a relaxing and sometimes sleeping pill
  • Unlike tranquilizers, such funds act mildly, and they have practically no side effects. Most sedatives that have a sedative effect in their composition have plant components
  • And they were described above. Yes, the usual alcohol tincture of valerian is a real sedative drug

Today in any pharmacy you can find many combined drugs related to such sedatives. They include not one, but several plant components at once:

"Dormylat" (tablets)
"Muscovy" (balm)
"Nobrassit" (solution)
"Klosterfrau Melisana" (elixir)
"Herbion" (drops)
"Carmolis" (drops)
"Fiterlax" (tablets)
"Patrime" (tablets)

Combined drugs can also have synthetic components in the composition. But at the same time, also have a mild effect on the nervous system and is released without a prescription of doctors. These include:

"Corvalol" (peppermint oil, ethyl alcohol and phenobarbital)
"Valocordin" (Valerian, lily of the valley, menthol, Belladonna and sodium bromide)
"Lavocordin" (peppermint, hops oil, phenobarbital and ethylbromizalerianat)
"Valoserdin" (oregano, peppermint, phenobarbital and ethylbromizalerianat)
"Cardolol" (peppermint, phenabarbital and ethyl ether of alpha-bromizalerian acid)

Another category of sedatives is those that include bromine
Another category of sedatives is those that include bromine

They have been released for more than 150 years, and they are also released in pharmacies without recipes. The most popular broom -containing sedative drugs are
• Drops of the valley-valerian with sodium bromide
"Sodium bromide"
"Adonis Brom"

Brom has a sedative effect and helps with stress and insomnia.

Light sedatives, list

98% of all adults on our planet are prone to a sense of anxiety and anxiety. A frequent manifestation of such problems can adversely affect the nervous and cardiovascular system.

In order to avoid such complications, you need to help your body with sedatives. Many of them have a mild action and do not cause addictions.


  • Afobazole, although it is considered a slight tranquilizer, is able to successfully fight stress, fears, various manifestations of neurosis and neurasthenia
  • A sense of anxiety and stress arises due to violations in the operation of GABA receptors. To normalize their work, the body involves special intracellular proteins of the nervous system. Afobazole activates the effect of these proteins and helps the nervous system to normal
  • This drug acts softly, does not cause drowsiness, a feeling of inhibition and addiction. Of the contraindications, it is worth noting only pregnancy, lactation and hypersensitivity to components included in the composition. It is also better to refuse children from Afobazole for children under 18 years of age


The composition of these tablets includes the leaf extract of lemon balm and the root of Valerian. In addition to sedatives and relieving nervous stress, this drug is used to restore healthy sleep and improve falling asleep. Dormylat tablets are taken before bedtime.

The side effects of this sedative include drowsiness, dizziness, intestinal cramps and allergic reactions to the components of the drug.


Sedavita includes such plant components as valerian, St. John's wort, hawthorn, mint and hop cones
Sedavita includes such plant components as valerian, St. John's wort, hawthorn, mint and hop cones
  • As well as synthetic substances: pyridoxine and nicotinamide. "Sedel" is produced in the form of tablets and a solution for internal use
  • With this drug, you can reduce a sense of fear and anxiety, as well as mental overstrain. The active substances of this drug normalize the functioning of the nervous system and improve the structure of the nervous tissue
  • Indications for the reception of “Sedavit” are neurasthenia, asthenic syndrome, neurocirculatory dystonia, hypertension of the 1st stage, menopause and mild forms of dysmenorrhea
  • It is worth refusing to take this product with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, peptic ulcer of the stomach, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis and in some other ailments

"Seden Forte"

The basis of this drug is dry extracts of mint, lemon balm and valerian

This drug has the same action as those that are described above.


The composition of this sedative includes thick extracts of valerian, motherwort and hawthorn. These tablets are used to improve the nervous and cardiovascular system.


The composition of this light sedative drug includes dry valerian extracts, peppermint, hops and a three -leaf beam. Trivalumen capsules are used as a sedative and sleeping pills.

What sedatives are the cheapest? List of inexpensive sedatives

Many sedatives, especially those, which are the basis of which are plant components, can be bought in any pharmacy cheap enough. Below is a list of such drugs, the cost of which is below 100 rubles.


Glycine is a very popular people in the form of white dragees for resorption
Glycine is a very popular people in the form of white dragees for resorption
  • The basis of this drug is aminouxic acid glycine. It acts as a regulator of metabolic processes of the nervous system
  • Glycine is able to improve brain function, reduce aggression, normalize sleep and relieve a psycho -emotional state
  • Glycine is prescribed to people subject to stress, adolescents, showing hostile attitude to others and people who have survived a stroke
  • The price of this drug is 40 - 85 rubles. The recipe for purchase at the pharmacy is not required

Motherwort in tablets

  • Another popular sedatives are motherwort tablets. Their reception is indicated in the negative state of the central nervous system, increased excitability and problems with sleep
  • In addition, motherwort has an anti -inflammatory and general strengthening effect
  • The price of this drug is 20 rubles. The recipe for purchase at the pharmacy is not required

Drage evening

  • These dragees include a complex of plant components: valerian, mint and hops
  • Thanks to them, the evening has a tranquilizing and sedative effect
  • Using this drug, you can normalize the work of the cardiovascular system and relieve symptoms of insomnia
  • The price of this drug is about 50 rubles. You can use a doctor's prescription

Zelenina drops

  • Another popular cheap sedative based on plant components
  • The drift drops include Belladonna's leaves extract, the valley tincture, menthol and valerian root extract
  • The drug has a cardiotonic, antispasmodic and sedative effect
  • The price of this drug is about 90 rubles. You can use a doctor's prescription

Adonis Brom

  • Adonis Brom is a means of treating vegetative-vascular dystonia, irritability and heart failure
  • The basis of the drug is the plant components and the derivative of the bromine
  • The price of this drug is about 90 rubles. You can use a doctor's prescription

Homeopathic sedatives

  • Unlike many strong sedatives, homeopathic drugs have a milder effect
  • At the same time, the effect of their use can not only be proportionate to tranquilizers and sedatives, but also exceed them.
  • In homeopathy, not complex drugs are often used, but monoscitation. Among them, substances from traditional medicine can be used: valerian, passiflora, brionia
  • Usually, a homeopathic doctor based on the individual data of the patient and the symptoms of the disease prescribes one or two means. But, in the pharmacy you can purchase homeopathic sedatives based on several components
  • For adults, it is recommended to use such homeopathic drugs as: "Avena Computer", "Neurosed" and "calm". There are drugs of this kind for children. Granules have proven themselves well "Shalun" and "Babmed". They can be given to children from 6-7 years old. For children of an early age, drops are recommended "Reskuy Remedy", "Valerianamel" and granules "Kindinorm"
  • Even those tools that are recommended for children should not be used without the recommendation of the attending physician. Most often, homeopathic drugs do not have side effects, but you can’t self -medicate

Children's sedatives

  • In addition to the above children's homeopathic preparations, specially developed sedatives can be used for the child
  • But, before doing this, you need to understand the cause of anxiety in the child. Perhaps it is necessary to reduce the time allowed to the child to watch TV. Anxiety can manifest itself on improper diet or teething. In any case, before using children's sedatives, you need to consult a pediatrician
  • As sedatives for a child, it is best to use vegetable products. They have a softer effect and have less side effects
  • Traditionally, drugs based on motherwort, mint, valerian and other medicinal herbs are used for this. They are used in children for sleep disturbances and nervous excitability
  • The child can brew the leaves and stems of mint. This plant can not only relieve nervous tension, but also have an anti -stress and antidepressant effect
  • With severe emotional anxiety in a child, you can use the already described in this article above "Persen". It can be given to a child from 3 years old (tablets) or from 12 (capsules)
Also very popular in our country are sedative drops for children
Also very popular in our country are sedative drops for children "Bay-Bai"

They can be taken from the age of five.

Some pediatricians advise such a tool as "Citral". It includes valerian root extract, a tincture of motherwort, sodium bromide and magnesium sulfate. It can be used by children from 6 years old.

Such more serious drugs as "Fenazepam", "Sibazon", "Tazepam" and "Elenium" In some cases, it can be used to treat the nervous excitation of the child. But, only under the supervision of a doctor.

Sedding drugs for adults

Many adults cannot use as sedatives those that cause drowsiness, a decrease in reaction and concentration. It is best for them to use drugs from the following list:

"Fenibut". These tablets give a strong effect, but at the same time they have practically no side effects. With their help, you can get rid of fear, relieve stress and improve sleep quality. Phoenibut tablets are able to increase mental work, improve concentration and memory.

"Fitosed". This tool has a good sedative effect
  • The plant components included in its composition complement each other. "Fitosed" is used to relieve mental stress and a sense of anxiety. The drug has a favorable effect on the nervous system and normalizes sleep. Apply "Fitosed" it is possible with rapid fatigue and large physical exertion
  • "Tsipramil". Using this product, the amount of serotonin in the brain is increased. This hormone is responsible for mood and emotions. Among the advantages of this drug, its compatibility with antihistamine agents and analgesics should be noted. It does not cause pressure jumps and does not provoke body weight. Unfortunately, Tsipramil has such side effects as addiction
  • "Adaptol". It is prescribed with frequent anxieties, increased irritability, feelings of fear, etc. When taking this medicine, drowsiness was not detected
  • "Novo-Passit". This tool is made on the basis of medicinal herbs: lemon balm, hawthorn, St. John's wort and black elderberry flowers. With it, you can facilitate falling asleep. Novo-Passit has a sedative effect and is shown in prolonged psycho-emotional states

Sedding drugs for the elderly

Very often old age is associated with the appearance of many health problems

  • Because of this, older people, before going to the pharmacy for sedatives, should consult a doctor. After all, even harmless sleeping pills can seriously affect the well -being of an elderly person
  • Prior to consultation with a doctor, an elderly person can use the aqueous solution of valerian. In case of violations associated with the operation of the cardiovascular system, it is indicated "Corvalol" or "Valocardin"
  • An elderly person can be used by any sedatives on a plant basis. But only after consulting with a specialist

How to choose the right sedative: tips and reviews

Kseniya. My vegetative-vascular dystonia is periodically aggravated. This is manifested by dizziness, involuntary jerking in different parts of the body. In a word - just horror. Adonis helps me at this time. In order for this medicine to help you need to take it with a course. True, it causes strong drowsiness.

Irina. I decided to try Afobazole. About two months ago, disturbing sensations began to appear strongly. I was afraid to take sedatives, as they are addictive. I read on the Internet about sedatives. I decided to try, stopped on Afobazole. I drank a course for a month. I did not find any drowsiness. And he seemed to help me.

Video: freely sold soothing drugs

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Comments K. article

  1. She took Valoserdin. This is my first sedative, and fortunately, the last. I was just very nervous because of work (I will not go into details), I began to sleep worse, and, accordingly, even worse look. In addition, I screamed at my relatives, although this was not observed before me-I, by nature, are a phlegmatic peacekeeper. I did not want to go immediately to the doctor, so I took valuserdin, it is released without a prescription. I am very glad that now I have returned to my previous state: I fall asleep normally and feel good.

  2. When I am nervous at work or at home, I want to quit everything, send to hell and leave somewhere. My mother has long been drinking Valoserdin at pressure drops, from insomnia, and I advised me. I have been drinking for a week, I feel so well, all the problems have actually turned out to be so nonsense. The nerves must be soothe, because all diseases from the nerves are true. And strongly reflects in appearance. And you get old faster.

  3. It's a pity, you don't have a gross in the list. It stands out favorably among sedatives. Given that its composition is completely not complicated, this does not affect its effectiveness. Sometimes it happens, I drank a sedative, and how you play in the lottery: it will work, no? With a grossing is not the case. It will definitely work, and I even know when. Therefore, you will not take me by surprise.

  4. Arriving from the funeral of the aunt, I was in this state .. even it’s hard to convey. It seemed to me that I was in some other world. We went far to the funeral. I did not know how to enter a normal life. At the pharmacy, the girl recommended an Afabazole. I drank the course -you won’t believe it. He helped me a lot. I returned to life.

  5. I recently happened terrible. My best friend died. Anyone who never betrayed, never let down. My German shepherd. For 8 years he was nearby. For some, the death of a pet is something ordinary, not requiring much attention. But I considered him a family member. Therefore, when he died, I had the strongest stress in my life. Smoothly flowing into long depression. I was persuaded to have a new dog. But I can't even imagine this. This is a betrayal. Fortunately, a friend came to my aid. He noticed that I could not cope myself. And he just forced me to start drinking valcer. I doubted that an ordinary sedative would help. But in fact, he helped me like nothing else. A couple of weeks of Prima Valoserdin - and I was able to react more calmly to dogs on the street. Do not cry for trifles. And two months later, he generally began to think about how to start a new friend. After all, there is still so much love in me that can be conveyed to the living being. From my whole situation, I realized that I had far from one friend. That help must always be accepted. And do not be afraid to take sedatives.

  6. Everything is individual. On the list of Phenibut. This is the most terrible remedy for me. Even to remember scary (side effects). But the tincture or peela or motherwort extract is magnificent means (with a cumulative effect).

  7. As I found out that in Novo-Passite there is St. John's wort in the composition, so I immediately abandoned it! It turns out to reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraception, here you are called stress, it was not enough to get pregnant, unplanned. In addition, I personally always want to sleep from him, it was very difficult to concentrate at work. For me, it is better to drink a stress for drinking a course, it comes out cheaper and stress relieves well, besides, because of ginseng in the composition, activity increases, I even began to cope with business faster.

  8. I will advise you to carefully read the composition of each drug, so that then there are no surprises in the form of E or the antibodies of incomprehensible. I know what I say ...

  9. Lyuba, I completely agree, when I suffered with insomnia, I tried to look at the composition before buying. It is important to choose the components without getting used to, that is, so that there is no cancellation syndrome.

  10. It seems that valerian helps with stress well.

  11. I buy a stress, he somehow has well components that the nervous system calms down well, but there is no drowsiness. And it is important for me that the reaction does not dull. The double action is obtained, I react more calmly to everything and at the same time in good shape.

  12. Please tell me .. I sleep very badly. Sometimes I am in the prevention of my anxiety, panic attack .. I 24 .. Please tell me what sedatives to drink?

  13. And the homeopathic remedy helped me well. I bought for myself the Edas 306 Passambers, I am a supporter of natural drugs. I drank the course, it became much better. And she stopped nervous for any reason, and the problems left with sleep.

  14. I have a very nervous work related to the reception of claims. Of course, I am a person who does not strongly accept everything to heart, but recently I noticed that I was ready to just get up and leave the office, slamming the door. I decided to buy something from the nerves, Persen was advised in the pharmacy, but the composition was very alerted by the continuous valerian, but I can’t fall asleep, I need the maximum attention. Therefore, she opted for the Harbastress complex, there is no valerian in it, but there are other plant components with anti -stressful effects plus ginseng, thanks to which mental and physical activity increases.

  15. You know, at one time I also drank Persen, you really become calm from him, but somehow too much you want to sleep too much, you walk like a sleepy fly. Apparently Valerian is doing his job.

  16. I don't like Persen, one valerian. I accept the Harbastress complex, there is no valerian in it, so it does not cause any drowsiness absolutely. On the contrary, ginseng in the composition that tones well and increases concentration with attention. And at the same time, the rest of the herbs (passiflora, chamomile, hops) contribute to a decrease in stress levels and give a calming effect. By the way, this complex also contains vitamins B6 and B12, which also increase brain performance, help improve memory and mood, and also participate in sleep regulation. I did not regret that I stopped a choice on this tool.

  17. the cheapest is glycine probably. which does not help a fig. It’s better to drink d3. it is more expensive but really works

  18. By the way, I also had drowsiness from Perseen. I decided to change it, the motherwort was offered in the pharmacy, I looked at the composition, it is good, natural, so in addition also magnesium and vitamin B6 are included in it, which contribute to the strengthening of the nervous system. She took, began to take, a week later a dream began to improve (she began to wake up less at night). By the end of the course, anxiety has gone, life has become much easier.

  19. Forte motherwort, I agree, effective, albeit with a funded action, but sometimes I should wait) I started taking it when I was told that I would be a speaker at the annual meeting from our department, another person had previously done this, and for me it was a shock because in public I do not know how to speak, I did not do it! Well, he rushed, she began to wind up herself, I had to go for a sedative to the pharmacy, so that it was possible to get together and prepare, firstly, and secondly, to perform with dignity. A week later, I already exhaled, and I began to let the situation a little and easier to accept this given! I reported at the performance I was well, I did not get stuck, I was not lost, before the start there was a small mandracy, but then I released it. Then I recommended this drug to colleagues, they were also satisfied.

  20. I am glad that the motherwort of Foret helps not only to me. And I began to accept it when they raised it at work, there were many tasks, fear and anxiety prevented him from concentrating on work. I studied sedatives, read the reviews and stopped at the motherwort Fort, I ordered a pill of RU, affordable price, and also attracted additional vitamins B6 and magnesium in the Internet. He helped me a few days later, my head became clearer, excitement and fear disappeared, a feeling of anxiety was gone. I keep them with me, in case of stressful situations. There were no side effects, I did not want to sleep from them.

  21. Fenazepam!
    There is no better nothing!
    All your motherwinds, valerians and other herbs, all this for children!
    In the rhythm of the metropolis, only phenazepam will calm down!
    Only heroin is more powerful, but you can’t even buy it by recipe (

  22. Glycin Forte is good to take before the exam the day before to get enough sleep.

  23. Glycine Forte can be drunk, I accept it when responsible projects and events on the nose, in order to be more collected and not miss anything.

  24. Larisa, plus. Glycine Forte is an excellent drug, soothes well, while setting up to work, since the head is no longer clogged with all sorts of anxiety.

  25. Thank you very much for your advice! I also tried Glycin Forte, now I myself accept it and give a child at a school load. I liked the fact that it does not cause drowsiness, even on the contrary, and at the same time calms perfectly, you can also give children!

  26. I also have a daughter in front of exams at the university is accepted by Glycin Evalarovsky. I also think to try to accept from the badness.

  27. It seems to me. In terms of effectiveness, no drug can be compared with grossing. The only medicine that acts here and now.

  28. Nervous overstrain and lack of normal rest affect the state of psychological health. In such periods, I begin to immediately drink Vitango to calm. Great tablets based on the Radio Raza radio. It is they who best help to cope with stress and reduces stress.

  29. Personally, I most likely like Edas 111 passiflora from herbal remedies. Perfectly soothes nerves, relieves irritability and eliminates insomnia.

  30. I like Valocordin. He has long been in the pharmaceutical market, which inspires trust. And also German quality also makes itself felt

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