Cisisa: chemical composition, calorie content per 100 grams, beneficial properties, food value and contraindications. What is the useful cins, is it possible to dry and freeze the cilantro for the winter, is there a blooming cilantro, pregnant, nursing?

Cisisa: chemical composition, calorie content per 100 grams, beneficial properties, food value and contraindications. What is the useful cins, is it possible to dry and freeze the cilantro for the winter, is there a blooming cilantro, pregnant, nursing?

The benefits, properties and calorie content of cilantro.

Cisisa is a Chinese parsley that is distinguished by its pleasant aroma and perfectly complements meat dishes. Many people do not tolerate this seasoning due to a pungent odor, but most still prefer to meat, when preparing sausages, and marinade for barbecue. In this article we will talk about the useful properties of cilantro, and methods of harvesting for the winter.

Cinza: chemical composition

This is not only tasty, but also healthy grass, since it contains a huge amount of vitamins and healthy nutrients.

Cins, chemical composition:

  • Among them, vitamin A, vitamins of group B, P and H should be distinguished. It contains many saturated fatty acids, as well as trace elements.
  • Among them are potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Thanks to such a rich composition, the plant has a large amount of useful properties. 

Cins: food value, calorie content per 100 grams

The composition contains a natural antibiotic, so the product is an antiseptic. Strengthens the immune system, helps to fight a cold of viral and bacterial origin. It stimulates the digestive tract, improves appetite.

Cins, food value, calorie content per 100 grams:

Calorie content 23 kcal
Squirrels 2.1 g
Fat 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 0.9 g
Cellulose 2.8 g
Water 92 g

Cins: beneficial properties

Due to the large number of bitterness and glycosides, it is an effective tool against parasites. Helps get rid of worms. This is a magnificent antioxidant that helps fight harmful substances in the body, contributing to their elimination.

Cins, useful properties:

  • Reduces blood pressure, so it will be useful to hypertension. You can use to strengthen the cardiovascular system and reduce blood cholesterol. This is excellent food for those who suffer from excess weight and diabetes, high cholesterol.
  • Mostly people are overweight that abuse fatty foods. It is the cins that helps to better absorb heavy food, stimulates the liver and pancreas. Increases hemoglobin, strengthens the bones, stimulates the production of bile.
  • Due to the presence of a large number of vitamins A, E, as well as phytoestrogens, it helps to establish a cycle, and relieves pain during menstruation. However, cilantro is useful not only for women, but also for men. It helps to improve potency, treats prostatitis, relieves swelling. Motorists should know that the cilantro cope with hemorrhoids. It is recommended to use it for depression, it will help to establish a dream, and calm the nervous system. 

Cins: contraindications for use

This is a natural antioxidant that helps to maintain youth for a long time, which is very relevant for women. The daily use of this plant helps to improve complexion, stimulate the production of elastin. When consuming 50 g of this product, it will be possible to cover the entire daily rate. Vitamin A improves the condition of the mucous membranes, so the plant will be useful to people with thrush, and diseases of the gums, tongue, and oral cavity. There are contraindications to the use of this plant. 

Cins, contraindications for use:

  • Gastritis 
  • Ischemia 
  • Thrombosis 
  • Diabetes 

The grass contains a large amount of sugars that can cause a leap of insulin. That is why it is undesirable to use it in the diet of diabetics. 


Cisis is dried or frozen for the winter?

You can grow a cilantro at home on the windowsill. This is due to the fact that it is very unpretentious in care, and does not require constant watering, fertilizer. Usually spices are grown in the garden, balcony or in the country. Unlike some vegetable crops, cilantro quickly rises after sowing seeds, loves the sun. However, such landings should be slightly shade. Culture does not require departure, it is only necessary to carry out weeding and watering. He matures in 4 months. You can plant not only in the spring, but also in the fall.

The cilantro is dried or frozen for the winter: 

  • If in the summer you have a large harvest in your garden, it's time to make a workpiece for the winter. Spice can be frozen, while it retains all its properties. It is worth noting that freezing for this grass is much more appropriate than drying.
  • This will preserve most of the beneficial minerals, trace elements, vitamins inside. For freezing, it is necessary to sort and rinse the grass, and then dry on a paper towel.
  • You can not freeze wet branches. To perform the process of freezing, it is necessary to chop the raw materials and put in a bag or a special storage tray. Remove to the freezer. Such a workpiece can be stored for one year. After defrosting, the grass slightly changes its taste, but is still a great addition to the first and second dishes. 

The use of cins in folk medicine

The plant is used not only to add to food, with its participation there are a lot of folk recipes that will help get rid of diseases. 

The use of cins in folk medicine:

  1. With a headache It is recommended to pour 30 g of seeds with a small amount of water. Put the mixture on the fire and boil for 1-2 minutes. The mass must be removed from the stove, become above the pan, cover the head with a towel and inhale the resulting vapors. Thanks to such steam inhalation, it will be possible to get rid of headache.
  2. Widely used to treat worms. It is necessary to take 30 g of cilantro powder 20 minutes before the meal. That is, before lunch of breakfast or dinner.
  3. To get rid of acne, make a matte skin, if it is greasy, it is enough to use a decoction. Pour chopped greens with boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and wash yourself with the resulting solution. 
  4. As indicated above, the cilantro is characterized by a large number of useful properties, including antibacterial. Therefore, the product is often used for processing abrasions, wounds. It is necessary to grind the grass to the state of gruel, wrap in gauze, and attach to the sore spot. The juice does not cause burning, but at the same time contributes to the rapid delaying damage. 

Is it possible to eat flowering cilantro?

After flowering, the coriander is prepared for fruiting, that is, for the appearance of a large amount of seed.

Is it possible to eat a flowering cilantro:

  • After the first flowers appeared, the formation of stems and leaves stops. You will not get new bundles or twigs. Now all the energy of the plant, the root system will be aimed at the formation of colors and a large number of seeds.
  • However, this does not mean at all that seeds and flowers cannot be eaten. On the contrary, coriander- this is A plant that is completely edible. You can eat both roots and flowers, seeds, the difference only in taste.

How is cilantro drying for the winter?

The cilantro can not only be frozen, but also dried, but at the same time most of the nutrients disappears from the composition. The taste of the dried product changes significantly. 

How canzes of cilantro are carried out for the winter:

  • It is necessary to cut several bundles, wash them under a stream of cool water, and lay them on dry paper towels. After that, it is necessary to give the grass completely dry, it is not necessary to shake it. After the raw materials dry, cut it in small pieces, and put it on a baking sheet. Remember, you should not grind, since an excessive amount of small fractions will contribute to the formation of juice. 
  • Drying is carried out in the oven. To do this, put the raw materials on a baking sheet, place in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees for 120 minutes. You can also dry in the shade. To do this, put the prepared grass on a flat surface, cover with gauze, and leave for about two days. To understand that the cilantro has dried up, it is necessary to take a leaf between the fingers and press. Well dried grass crumbles into pieces. Such a workpiece in glass jars that close are stored. 

Can a cilantro nursing mother?

You can use cilantro with almost all categories of the population. This applies to pregnant women, nursing women. The cilantro, like any product that relates to vegetables and fruits, can cause an allergic reaction.

Is it possible for a nursing mother for a cilantro:

  • Therefore, during the first month after the birth of the baby, if you feed the baby with breasts, use the cilantro and any greens, fresh fruits, is not worth it. A month after the start of lactation, you can enter the first fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • It is recommended to introduce the cilantro after you make sure that traditional parsley and dill are perfectly tolerated by the child, without causing an allergic reaction or rash. Two times - the maximum number of techniques per week.
  • A nursing mother can eat no more than 35-40 g of grass. It can be added to salads, the first, second dishes. Try not to exceed this dosage, since the composition contains a large amount of aromatic substances that can cause an allergic reaction. 

Kisyz is pregnant, can I or not?

During pregnancy, you can use cilantro. It is a valuable source and storehouse of vitamins and trace elements.

Cins for pregnant women, or not:

  • As for pregnant women, a very important function is the normalization of the intestinal. After all, most women have a disturbance of digestion, bloating, as well as problems with stool.
  • This is due to the release of a large amount of prolactin, estrogen, which can inhibit potassium elimination from the body. Cisis strengthens the immunity, raising it. This enhances the protective function of the body, prevents various ailments.
  • The tool soothes, helps to relax, which is very important for a pregnant woman. Indeed, during pregnancy, the work of almost all body systems changes. 
  • The composition of the cilantro contains a large amount of fiber, it is non -core, but it helps to achieve a feeling of satiety. This allows you to eat less food, which will be very useful for those women who gain a lot of extra pounds during pregnancy. 

Kisinza: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who regularly use the cilantro. 

Kisinza, reviews:

Lyudmila. I love various spicy herbs, including coriander. I liked it very much, since it has a more saturated taste than parsley. Usually I use greens during the preparation of marinade for barbecue, and for baking meat. I really like her spicy taste, aroma. I use not only greens, but also seeds. 

Elena. I grow a cilantro on my site, and for the winter I freeze and land. Usually I don’t throw into soups, because my household does not like such a sugary and obvious aroma, but I use for meat dishes. Children are very fond of when I am chopping with the addition of cilantro. To do this, use dry leaves that are crumbing from above on meat. 

Anatoly. I adhere to interval starvation, so in my diet a large number of green vegetables, salads. Among them are cinswhich is my favorite. Of course, because of a too saturated taste, you can’t eat it much. It contains a large amount of fiber. Usually I cook fish in the oven using this grass. I also often use seeds. 

Natalia.I was not a very big fan of this grass until I became pregnant. As everyone knows, taste preferences during this period change very much. I began to add spices to salads and soups. After the birth of a child without waiting for a month, she began to put a little into the prepared dishes. Fortunately, my child did not have allergies, so I could safely use greens in large quantities. I really like the taste, in addition, it helps to get rid of digestion, bloating and constipation, which happened immediately after childbirth. 


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Video: the benefits and harms of cinzes

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