Lavash: benefits and harm, chemical composition, food value, calorie content per 100 grams, recipes for making thin and thick lavash at home

Lavash: benefits and harm, chemical composition, food value, calorie content per 100 grams, recipes for making thin and thick lavash at home

All about Lavash: benefits and harm, chemical composition and beneficial substances, as well as the simplest recipes for home preparation of Armenian and Georgian lavash.

Lavash is a traditional dish that replaces bread from the peoples of the Caucasus and nearby countries. Until recently, it was an exotic for us, but today more and more people replace bread with lavash, and in this article we will analyze why this is happening, as well as to cook lavash ourselves.

What is Lavash?

Lavash is a flour product prepared in a stove or oven, which can replace us with the usual bread, as well as the basis for pizza. A thin lavash is ideal for rolls with all kinds of fillings.

There are two types of lavash:

  • Armenian lavash - A thin sheet of flour, water and salt, which can be served as bread, and also wrap all kinds of fillings into it. By the way, there are dozens of ways to tighten the Armenian lavash, and there are so many fillings that you can cook roll with lavash every day and never repeat it. Armenian lavash is quickly stuck without packaging, but it is worth putting a sheet between two wet hot towels for a few minutes, and it will again be like freshly baked;
Armenian lavash
Armenian lavash
  • Georgian Lavash - The usual name, which we denote the traditional Georgian bread Shoti. In addition to flour, water and salt, yeast is included in its composition. Traditionally, Shoti is prepared in an elongated form, it has two pointed tip and a hole in the middle. But in our supermarkets, round forms are increasingly found, since the requests of the Slavs are different, and round lavashi are better purchased. By the way, if you cut Shoti in half vertically, we will get two basics for pizza.
Georgian Lavash Shoti
Georgian Lavash Shoti

The benefits and harms of Lavash

In this section, we will tell you why the popularity of Lavash is growing, and which is better from traditional bread. And also, what are the differences between the lavashs.

  • So, georgian Shoti It is prepared from flour, water, salt and yeast. What makes the product completely fresh and it can be eaten on a diet, with the detox of the body, And just on a healthy diet.
  • But remember, about the presence of yeast As part of Shoti, because they are contraindicated to many and cause dysbiosis, bloating and other digestive problems. There are no eggs in the product, and it can be consumed by vegans.
  • But if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you cannot live without bread, but you need to refuse yeast, still consider a thin lavash as an option.
  • Armenian Lavash - a real storehouse of useful trace elements, and at the same time only flour, water and salt are present in its composition. And this means that thin lavash can be almost everyone (except for a small number of people who are completely contraindicated in wheat flour).
  • Thin lavash can be eaten by children from the year, losing weight people, those who have gastrointestinal disorders and the body does not perceive yeast.
  • But that's not all! Armenian thin lavash regulates the level of carbohydrates in the body, Helps adjust the metabolism and improves digestion of food in the stomach.
Georgian Lavash Shoti in a stove
Georgian Lavash Shoti in a stove

By the way, if you go to proper nutrition and are going to the road, instead of sandwiches, you can wind up healthy rolls and get maximum nutrients with a minimum of calories!

The chemical composition of the lavash is its calorie content

For 100 g of lavasha:

  • 236 kcal;
  • 9.1 g of protein;
  • 1.2 g of fat;
  • 53.5 g of carbohydrate.
Vitamins (in g per 100 mg of lavash) Minerals (in g per 100 mg lavash)
Pr 4,632 Se 27.1
To 0,2 Mn 0.481
E 0,3 Cu 168
IN 1 0,599 Zn 0.84
IN 2 0,327 Fe 2.62
AT 5 0,397 P. 97
AT 6 0,034 K. 120
AT 9 107 Na 536
Kholin 14,6 Mg 26
CA 86

What is more useful, more calorie: bread or lavash?

Some 200 years ago, bread consisted of whole-grain flour, water and natural, natural sourdough. And if you wondered what is more useful, such bread or lavash, then the answer would be very simple. Both that and that is equally useful.

But today, store bread is prepared not only with refined flour, but also with yeast that kill all other microorganisms, including beneficial bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract. They also release carbon dioxide, as a result of which people have bloating, decay in the esophagus, etc. And in recent years, bread producers went even further.

To enhance taste, many add preservatives and flavor enhancers, and in order for the bread to last longer - a lot of chemical additives. It is also worth noting that the bread in the modern sense is not only flavored with yeast, but also with baking powers, which include chemistry with soda. Even for a healthy esophagus, this is a difficult test, and if a person has digestive difficulties, then such bread, of course, carries more harm than good.

Thin lavash - an obvious favorite of nutritionists
Thin lavash is an obvious favorite among nutritionists

Lavas should be approached no less carefully, as there are manufacturers who also violate the traditional recipe and add a lot of taste amplifiers, as well as chemistry to increase storage periods, so that the lavash is tastier and remains fresh longer.

But if Lavash is prepared according to a traditional recipe (there should be only 3 ingredients: salt, flour, water), then this is an ideal solution for an everyday diet. But as we have already reported, this concerns the thin, Armenian lavash.

There are yeast in the Georgian Shoti, so the benefits of such a lavash are already called into question. But if you use the traditional natural leaven - Shoti, like ordinary bread, can be attributed to heavy bakery products.

How to cook thin Armenian lavash?

Journalists have repeatedly studied the countercarket shelves, and as it turned out, Lavash manufacturers increasingly deliberately deceive buyers and add many chemical additives to the traditional recipe to extend the shelf life of the product.

If you want to not only taste the Armenian lavash, but also saturate the body with the right products, we recommend that you cook thin lavash on your own. And it is very simple!

Home lavash in a pan
Home lavash in a pan

So, take a bowl and further according to the instructions:

  • We sift 3 glasses of flour and make a funnel in the middle;
  • In a glass of hot water, we dissolve half a tablespoon of salt and pour into flour;
  • I knead the dough in the bowl with our hands until it starts to spread from the hands if you need to add a drop of flour, but only when the dough is already homogeneous and still sticks to the hands;
  • We cover the bowl with a wet kitchen towel and leave the dough “disperse” for half an hour;
  • We take an anti -stick or cast -iron pan (with a diameter of 35 cm or more) and heat it without oil or other fat. The pan should be dry, clean, hot;
  • From the dough, cut a piece in the size of the chicken egg, roll it on the table to the diameter of the pan and send it quickly to the pan;
  • We are waiting for the lavash we do not go with bubbles, and from the bottom we will see the fried circles, turn over;
  • Remove and immediately with the bed of the next cake;
  • Put the finished lavash on a dish or a board and cover with a slightly moistened towel;
  • We pack it in parchment or cotton towel.

As you can see, for the preparation of thin lavash, no skills are required. Everything is simple and at the same time you will probably know what your Armenian lavash is made of.

How to cook Georgian Lavash - Shoti bread?

In order to prepare the Georgian Lavash - Shoti bread, you need an oven and the simplest ingredients:

  • 200 g of wheat flour;
  • 150 g of water purified 40 degrees;
  • 5 teaspoon of dry yeast;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.
Home Shoti
Home Shoti

And then we proceed to the preparation:

  • Pour the yeast with water and leave for 15 minutes;
  • Add salt, flour and knead. The dough should be tender, but not stick to your hands. Add flour in parts so as not to “score” the dough;
  • We cover with a towel and send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours;
  • During this time, the yeast did a good job and you can proceed to the next stage. Divide the dough into two parts and leave it on the table to approach for 20 minutes;
  • We form elongated bread from the dough and put it on the shape. Let us come for 20 minutes;
  • Now stretch the dough in different directions to form a rhombus. We stretch it, not crush. In the middle we make a hole the size of a coin and send to the oven, heated to 250 degrees;
  • After 10-15 minutes, Shoti is browned and our lavash can be taken out of the oven. We spread on a wooden board and cover with a slightly wet towel.

As you can see, Lavash is a delicious and healthy product that can be easily cooked independently. And a lot of ideas, what to cook with a lavash in our article here.

Video: Georgian Lavash Shoti or Fat Lavash

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