How many calories are fresh and frozen in strawberries? Is it possible to eat strawberries when you lose weight? Strawberry properties for weight loss

How many calories are fresh and frozen in strawberries? Is it possible to eat strawberries when you lose weight? Strawberry properties for weight loss

The benefits of strawberries for weight loss. Its energy value is fresh and frozen.

Summer is in full swing. So the time has come for fresh berries, fruits and greenery. It seems that it is still necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the body.

Especially when the time has come from home strawberries from the garden. It is tasty and useful, and fragrant, and helps to get slender.

This South American beauty has firmly entered our lives and culture. How goodies can prepare from it, and pamper yourself maskmi And peeling, as well as simultaneously rejuvenate yourself and fill health organs and systems.

Continuing strawberry The topic, its useful properties and qualities, today we will talk about the features of its reception during periods of losing weight.

How many calories are fresh and frozen in strawberries?

Fresh hitch strawberries, torn from the bed and folded in a plate
fresh hitch strawberries, torn from the bed and folded in a plate

Frozen strawberries - a product with a high carbohydrate content. By calorie content, it belongs to low -energy foods. So in a cup of its frozen berries it contains only 45-75 kcal.

Fresh strawberries in energy value are even easier. Its 100 grams contain 35 kcal.

How many calories are there in a kilogram of strawberries?

The girl's hand reaches for the grief of fresh strawberries
the girl's hand reaches for the grief of fresh strawberries

Based on the data of the previous section, it turns out that in 1 kg of fresh strawberries there will be 350 kcal, and in frozen - about 500 kcal.

Strawberry properties for weight loss

Girl with appetite eats strawberries for weight loss
girl with appetite eats strawberries for weight loss

A fragrant summer berry is useful for maintaining and maintaining the beauty and harmony of our body. Plus, it helps to significantly reduce the manifestations of many diseases and prevent their development.

So, let's start with a chemical analysis of strawberries. They contain:

  • water - 87 g
  • proteins - 0.4 g
  • fat - 0.2 g
  • carbohydrates - 7 g
  • organic acids, namely nicotine and ascorbic
  • fiber
  • vitamin A, group B (B1, B3, B2, B6) E, p
  • antioxidants
  • macro and trace elements- boron, iodine, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus
  • vitamin C, the concentration of which in 5 berries is 1 orange

The benefits of the following diseases:

  • gout
  • arthritis
  • anemia
  • hypertension
  • weak immunity
  • colds
  • infectious lesions
  • atherosclerosis
  • coronary heart disease
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • gallstone disease

She prevents:

  • eye diseases, nervous system, brain
  • the appearance of unpleasant odor from the mouth
  • the formation of yellow coat on the teeth

The main healing properties of strawberries:

  • prevents inflammatory processes
  • reduces blood sugar levels
  • stimulates the work of the sweat glands
  • regulates the normal functioning of the urinary system

Is it possible to eat strawberries when you lose weight?

The girl grabbed herself by the fold on her stomach - it's time to sit on a strawberry diet
the girl grabbed herself by the fold on her stomach - it's time to sit on a strawberry diet

An unambiguous answer - yes, you can if you do not have allergies to strawberries.

Evidence of this:

  • her low calorie content
  • rich chemical composition
  • benefit for health
  • unique properties that definitely contribute to burning excess fat

However, remember that its excessive consumption can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, do not step over the threshold of 1.5 kg per day.

Is it possible to eat strawberries on a diet?

A handful of fresh strawberries in the bowl on the table and strawberry smoothies in a glass
a handful of fresh strawberries in the bowl on the table and strawberry smoothies in a glass

Yes, you can. Moreover, during the diet you want sweet. And strawberries have a unique juicy taste and a minimum of calories.

Consult your nutritionist for organizing unloading days on strawberries. So you increase the effect of loss of excess fat and feed your body with useful vitamins.

Is it possible to lose weight if there is strawberries?

The girl measures the girth of her waist after a strawberry diet
the girl measures the girth of her waist after a strawberry diet

An unambiguous answer - yes.

There is an express diet on strawberries, designed for 3-4 days.

Please note that with each meal for dessert there is always strawberries. And yet, according to Ayurveda, the ideal time for the use of berries is the first half of the day. And it is better to completely abandon the fragrant dessert for the night.

However, if you have never limited yourself to food, try from one dietary day every 14 days. Gradually increase the number of days of limited food consumption in order to build. See your feelings, health and goals.

So, we examined the benefits of strawberries to burn excess fat, as well as its energy value in small and large doses.

Be attentive to the reactions of your body. With any allergy to strawberries, refuse to use it.

Be healthy and moderate in nutrition!

Video: Strawberry diet for weight loss

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