Recipes of strawberry jam: without cooking, five -minute, dense, with whole berries, with gelatin, from Alla Kovalchuk, for the winter. Calorie content of strawberries

Recipes of strawberry jam: without cooking, five -minute, dense, with whole berries, with gelatin, from Alla Kovalchuk, for the winter. Calorie content of strawberries

Strawberries are not only a delicious berry, you can prepare the most delicate dessert and aromatic jam from it. Jam is always in demand, because there is nothing better than a fried toast or pie, seasoned with a thin layer of sweet and fresh strawberry jam. It is not difficult to cook it and even the youngest and most inexperienced housewife.

How to cook strawberry jam five -minute: step -by -step recipe

Strawberries and jam that can be made from it is always a treat for the table. It can be added to various pies, cakes, desserts, in ice cream and is just a spoon. Berries have an incredible taste, special freshness and juiciness. It is safe to say that from strawberries, jam is obtained - always!

There are some recipes that involve quick cooking, literally in five minutes. As a result, you get incredibly rich and delicious jam that will decorate any cellar and shelf in pantries.

quick cooking of strawberry jam

Strawberry jam, which is popularly called the "five-minute" is good because, firstly, does not require a long simplet at the stove and saves your personal time, retains the most useful properties of berries without reducing them during cooking, and thirdly have indescribable aroma and saturated taste.

In order to prepare two half -liter jars of jam you will need:

  • strawberries - no more than a kilogram
  • sugar is no more than a kilogram of absolutely any sugar (someone prefers usual, and someone canal)
  • lemon - or rather, one large spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice

How is the preparation:

  • Strawberries should be washed as if with water and remove everything to one stalk
  • Choose the same size for jam for jam, if you have it large - it is better to cut it in half so that it can boil in five minutes
  • The purified strawberries must be filled with sugar and in this state hold a couple of hours, covering the dishes with strawberries with a towel
  • After the water is launched, it should be put on the fire for boiling
  • While the strawberry boils it, you need to either neatly stir or shake it so that the lower layer of the berries does not burn
  • As it boils on the jam, a foam will form, which must be removed with a wooden or plastic spoon (iron can not - it will contribute to oxidation)
  • Boiled strawberries are slightly cooled and only then roll up

Video: "Five -minute jam"

Strawberry jam without cooking, simple recipe for cooking

Such a recipe provides the opportunity for each housewife to prepare the most useful jam, which will preserve all his vitamins and nutritional values.

You will need a pole of small jars to prepare:

  • strawberries - two kilograms not large, sweet and ripe strawberries
  • sugar-a kilogram of the most ordinary sugar-sand
  • water - half a regular glass
How simple and easy to cook delicious strawberry jam without any cooking?


  • The berries are cleaned of the stalks and thoroughly washed from dirt under running water, let the time drain the berries
  • While the berries are draining, prepare sugar syrup: just melt sugar with a half glass of water. Cook syrup to a viscosity state, almost caramel
  • Pour fresh strawberries with hot syrup, hold the strawberries in the syrup for some time
  • Когда клубника даст сок сцедите сироп и  снова его прокипятите
  • This procedure should be done three times and only then the jam is canned and rolls into banks

Video: "Strawberry jam without cooking berries"

How to cook thick strawberry jam: recipe

It is quite possible to cook a fabulous thick jam where each strawberry will be, as they say, “berry to the berry”. To do this, you should cook it within three days, but the result will definitely please you and give an incredible taste.

For cooking, only strawberries and sugar are required, which should drink in strict ratio: kilogram to a kilogram.

How to cook thick strawberry jam?

Cooking Jam:

  1. Clean the berries from the legs, rinse with running water. Choose not very large berries so that they are “similar” to each other
  2. The purified and washed berries are covered with sugar in a large enameled bowl: a bowl, a pan, a basin. In this state, they should stay for several hours
  3. After the berry triggers a sufficient amount of juice, all syrup merges and boils for no more than five minutes on fire
  4. The resulting syrup should be filled with the berry and leave it to "rest"
  5. This procedure is done three times every day
  6. The very last time you should not merge the syrup, all the contents together in the dishes are placed on the fire and boils
  7. Jam spilled into sterilized jars and rolls up
  8. Such jam is very saturated, thick, the berries remain intact, and the jam acquires a dark red beautiful color

Video: "thick strawberry jam"

How to cook strawberry jam for the winter? Recipe

Such a dessert is the best “guest” on the winter table. With its taste, it resembles everyone warm summer days, gives vitamins that are missing to a person and complements a variety of dessert dishes.

How to cook strawberry jam for the winter?

Preparing jam for the winter should be correctly:

  • As any preservation suggests, the berries first are cleaned of the remaining stalks, and then thoroughly washed from dirt and debris under running water
  • The washed berry must be dragged and then fall asleep with sugar for at least 3 hours
  • If you close strawberries for the winter, it is better to keep it in sugar for a whole day in ordinary room temperature
  • Strawberries that stood for a day in sugar requires boiling on moderate heat
  • After you boiled the jam once, you should do this twice, three times for two to three days each
  • Boiling strawberries should only after it cool
  • After the last cooking, strawberry syrup should become thick enough and not flow
  • Such jam should be rolled into sterilized jars and cleaned in the pantry until winter

Video: “Jam for the winter. Strawberry recipes "

How to cook strawberry jam from Alla Kovalchuk?

Alla Kovalchuk is a well -known international cook that has opened the world with an incredibly tasty recipe for strawberry preservation. Its strawberry jam is particularly tasteful, ease of cooking and beauty.

How to cook strawberry jam from Alla Kovalchuk?

You will need to prepare this jam of not complicated ingredients:

  • strawberries - a kilogram of leaflets and cuttings of berries washed under running water
  • sugar - a kilogram of the most ordinary sugar
  • water - half a liter of purified or mineral water
  • vinegar - it is best to use apple, in the amount of 30 ml
  • lemon juice - freshly squeezed juice in the amount of one tablespoon

Preparation of jam:

  • Berries are washed not in simple water, but with the addition of vinegar
  • Half a liter of water boils and all sugar dissolves in it
  • Pour the berries with the finished syrup and leave them in this state for two hours
  • After that, it is worth boiling to boiling the jam three times, each time letting him cool for two hours
  • Every time foam appears on the jam - it must be carefully removed
  • Two minutes before the end of the last cooking, add lemon juice to jam
  • Jam spilled into sterilized banks and is cleaned for storage in a dark cool place

Video: "Strawberry jam from Alla Kovalchuk"

How to cook strawberry jam with whole berries?

  • To prepare strawberry jam, in which there will be beautiful whole berries, you can use any recipe proposed above
  • The secret to cooking jam with whole berries is that such jam should not cook many times
  • Instead of berries, you only boil the syrup three times, which is obtained after falling asleep with sugar and filling them with boiling water
  • Each time, pour berries with syrup and in no case do not mix them with a spoon
  • It is best to shake the dishes so that the syrup covers each berry
How to cook strawberry jam with whole berries?

How to cook strawberry jam with gelatin?

The jam that is prepared with the addition of gelatin is not only tasty, but also beautiful. In addition, it washes for a very long time due to this component. Gelatin retains all the useful elements of the berries and provides us with the opportunity to eat them all year round.

For such jam are required:

  • strawberries - fresh berries in the amount of one kilogram
  • sugar - no more than a kilogram
  • gelatin - one pack weighing 40 grams
How to cook strawberry jam with gelatin?

Preparation of jam:

  • Sugar is thoroughly mixed with gelatin (this can be done in a separate bowl, since both of these ingredients are bulk)
  • The berries are cleaned and washed, if they are large - they can be cut into halves and even a quarter
  • The berries are filled with sugar with gelatin, covered with fabric and put in a dry cool and dark place for eight to ten hours so that the strawberries are allowed to let the juice
  • After that, the berries in the same bowl are placed on the fire. They need to be boiled until the mass boils, the berries are thoroughly mixed so that the lower layer does not burn
  • The formed foam is neatly removed with a spoon or a slotted spoon
  • After boiling, the berries are boiled for no more than seven minutes
  • Without waiting for cooling to pour into banks

After the jam cools in banks, it acquires a beautiful dark red color and becomes thick thanks to gelatin.

Video: "Strawberry jam with gelatin"

How to cook strawberry jam with lemon?

Increasingly, caring housewives and cooks prepare strawberry jam (especially for the winter) with the addition of lemon juice. As a result, they get tasty, not sugary sweet, but exquisite to taste jam that can brighten up any tea party and not only.

How to cook strawberry jam with lemon?

Often lemon juice is added to jam right in the last minute of cooking. This allows jam to purchase a sweet and sour shade and be original. There is also an unusual recipe for strawberry lemon jam. For such jam is required:

  • strawberries - a kilogram of juicy and ripe berries, purified and washed
  • sugar - a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of berries
  • lemon - two pieces of ripe lemon
  • water - half a glass


  • Boil half a glass of water and dissolve sugar in it
  • Peel the lemons and cut into thin slices, removing all the seeds (bones in jam will give bitterness)
  • Strawberries and lemons are poured with sugar syrup and are left in this state for about ten hours
  • During this time, berries and lemon will give juice, which will dissolve with syrup
  • After that, you should drain the syrup and boil it, then again the berries of the berry
  • Such an operation is done three times and for the last time not only syrup is boiled, but all the contents
  • Jam spilled into prepared jars and rolls up

Video: "Strawberry jam in French"

How to cook tasty strawberry - cherry jam?

Strawberries go well with cherries and therefore such jam will be the best dessert in your pantry. It is not difficult to prepare it and can even be the most not experienced mistress.

How to cook strawberry-cherry jam?

For jam required:

  • sugar - about 2 kilograms (no less, you can plus another 500 grams for sweetness)
  • strawberries - one kilogram of ripe peeled berries
  • cherry - one kilogram of ripe peeled berries

How to cook jam:

  • The berries should be cleaned (it is quite difficult with cherries, but real, but if you do not want to mess with the berry, leave the bone)
  • Berries are covered with sugar and left in this state for seven hours
  • After they let the juice should be boiled three times over low heat, removing the foam
  • Between the boiling of the berries should pass at least three to four hours
  • Before the end of cooking (literally in two minutes), you can add a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice, which will make jam not so sweet
  • After that, the jam spills into jars and rolls up

Video: "Cherry and strawberries jam"

How to cook strawberry jam with orange?

Preparation of jam:

  • Clean a kilogram of berries and wash them with water, let them drain
  • Clean two oranges from the peel (if you place a peel or bones in jam, they can give a bitterness)
  • Cut the orange into slices or circles
  • Berries and orange pour a kilogram of sugar and leave in this state for six hours
  • After the berries will let the juice, drain the syrup and boil it and boil
  • Pour the berries again with hot syrup. Such a manipulation should be done three times
  • The last time put the dishes on the fire, wait for the boiling of jam, gently mixing it so that the lower layer does not burn
  • Pour into jars and roll up
How tasty and easy to cook jam with berries of strawberries with orange?

Delicious strawberry jam with mint recipe for cooking

This recipe will surprise with its originality and an incredibly fresh taste, which will decorate both a festive and a everyday tea table. Such a jam is not ashamed to boast of the guests and enjoy the very very.

You will need:

  • strawberries - no more than a kilogram of sweet berries, cleaned and washed
  • sugar - half a kilogram, you can add more (kilogram) so that the jam turns out sweet
  • mint - one average beam of fresh mint


  • Berries are covered with sugar for juice, in this state they need to stand for about six hours
  • We drain the resulting syrup and put on the fire, add finely chopped mint to it and boil shallow
  • Sugar syrup pour the berries and so hold for another six hours
  • After that, we boil all the contents of the dishes on the fire, after boiling, boil for another five minutes
  • Before the end of cooking, you can add one tablespoon of lemon juice, which emphasizes the taste of berries and mint
  • Pour in prepared jars, roll
How to cook strawberry jam with mint?

How to cook delicious strawberry jam jam?

Jam is a favorite addition to morning toasts, yogurt, porridge, filling for pies and pie. Prepare jam correctly and tasty you need to be able to. This does not require any special ingredients, only your patience and time.


  • strawberries - one kilogram of freshly cleaned and washed berries
  • sugar - one kilogram of sugar per kilogram of berries
  • lemon - freshly squeezed juice, one tablespoon


  • Strawberries should be chopped and turned into puree
  • To do this, you can use a meat grinder or modern blender
  • For lack of everything, just chop the strawberries with a knife
  • Pour strawberries with sugar and add lemon juice
  • Such strawberries should be boiled over not high heat and after boiling, hold another five minutes
  • During the cooking jam, you should constantly interfere so that the lower layer of berry puree does not burn
  • Each time it is necessary to remove the resulting foam
  • The finished jam should be left for cooling another 20 minutes
  • After that, the jam spills in prepared jars, rolls up

How much to cook strawberry jam?

Each recipe for making strawberry jam requires its own special temporary segment in which it should be cooked. With confidence, we can say that the minimum time for cooking is five minutes after boiling.

Jam should not be boiled for too long only because its main ingredient is sugar that has the ability to burn and darken from overheating. Therefore, during cooking, the jam is thoroughly mixed literally every minute. Most recipes involve the boiling of berries for no more than ten minutes.

How long should the strawberry jam should cook?

How to make strawberry jam thick?

There are several ways to thicken jam and make it not only appetizing, but also beautiful:

  • a large amount of sugar - which will turn berry juice into syrup and literally punish all the berries, making a lot of thick
  • gelatin - if it is present in jam, be sure that it will gain a pleasant texture and will be dense
  • agar-Agar is a gelatin of plant origin, which can be used instead of ordinary gelatin. He literally before his eyes makes jam thick
How to make jam thick?

How to roll strawberry jam into banks?

There are several rules for rolling cans with strawberries:

  • Jam must boil several times so that it does not have the opportunity to "explode"
  • Banks for rolling must be thoroughly washed with detergents, rinse and sterilize with hot steam
  • Rolling occurs using a special manual seating machine and new canned covers
How to roll strawberry jam?

What is the calorie content of strawberry jam?

During cooking, the berries of course lose part of their useful trace elements, but nevertheless, most of them remains mothballed. No matter how tasty and healthy strawberry jam is a fairly high -calorie product due to the fact that it contains a lot of sugar. In particular, 100 grams of finished strawberry jam contains about 285 kcal.

Delicious jam from frozen strawberries

Amazing recipes for jam from frozen berries.

frozen strawberries
Depending on the recipe, a variety of taste, color, density and aroma of jam are obtained.

The less jam is cooked, the lighter it is.
The longer the cooking process, the more dense the mass becomes.

The principle of preparation from frozen strawberries boiled product:

  • For two parts of a frozen product we take one part of sugar, a little citric acid
  • Frozen strawberries are filled with sugar
  • Leave at night to secrete juice
  • In the morning we put on a stove in a prepared container
  • Add citric acid
  • Когда варенье забурлит, убавляем пламя
  • Cook no for 10 minutes, with frequent stirring
  • When foam appears, remove from the stove
  • We collect foam
  • Let us cool
  • Repeat the procedure again
  • Jam is ready for use
  • For long -term storage, lay out in clean dishes
  • Cover tightly with a lid

An important factor, with this method of cooking, is the addition of citric acid. Thanks to her, strawberries remain, even, dense and beautiful.

Amazing in taste and simple recipe:

  • Frozen strawberries pour sugar in the proposed proportion proposed
  • After thawing, rub the bitter
  • Let the day be sustained, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Not forgetting to stir periodically
  • Lay down in small jars
  • Put in the freezer

The place of jars occupy a lot. But it is worth trying. Tastier than such jam, there is hardly a recipe. The aroma and taste of fresh strawberries are preserved in this recipe, as in any other.

Video: Frozen strawberry jam

Video: "How to close strawberry jam?"

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