Cakes with strawberries-jelly, chocolate, simple fast, cake sufle: Best recipes

Cakes with strawberries-jelly, chocolate, simple fast, cake sufle: Best recipes

Strawberries - universal filling. It can be beautiful desserts: both hot and cold.

How to cook strawberry cake with a jelly top: recipe

Jelly cake with strawberries is an incredibly tasty and fresh dish. It is perfect for a hot summer day and decorate any table with a juicy, light and rich taste of berries. It is not difficult to prepare a jelly cake. This will not need complex ingredients, but only a sufficient amount of time and patience.

To prepare such a summer cake, you will need:

  • egg - Three pieces, it is best to give preference to home chicken eggs, as they have a more rich and pleasant taste, as well as completely natural
  • sugar - half a glass of sugar will be enough to make the cake at the same time tasty and not too sweet
  • flour - ordinary wheat flour of the highest grade in the amount of 100 grams, sifted through a sieve
  • jelly - One package of ready -made strawberry jelly, it is easy to buy in the store
  • soda - ordinary food in the amount of half a teaspoon, no need to extinguish
  • gelatin - a bag of gelatin fifteen grams
  • sour cream - A pack of sour cream is not very large fat content, 20% sour cream is quite suitable. A pack of sour cream is about 400 milliliters
  • strawberry - for the filling of jelly, you will have enough 250 grams of beautiful and large strawberries.
  • powdered sugar - half a glass of powder for powder and to decorate the cake
How to cook a delicious jelly strawberry cake?

Preparation in stages of the cake:

  • First you should prepare a biscuit, for this you will need three main ingredients: flour, eggs and sugar
  • Three proteins are separated from the yolks, in the protein in no case should there be any impurities of the yolk
  • Using a mixer or blender, beat the proteins with sugar to the state of stable foam - this is the secret of a magnificent biscuit. After the squirrels whipped and easily remain in the dishes even when you turn it over, add the yolks and continue to beat
  • After the yolk dissolves into the mass, the flour is poured and is thoroughly mixed with a whisk
  • The form for the biscuit must be carefully lubricated with oil (any), after which the dough flows into the shape and at a low temperature of 170-180 degrees is baked for half an hour in the oven. The finished biscuit gets and remains in the form until it cools it

Preparation of jelly:

  • We divide the jelly into two parts. We have a salad bowl with cling film, the dissolved jelly is poured into the salad bowl and lay out the strawberry fruits beautifully sliced \u200b\u200bwith slices or in half. We clean the jelly in the refrigerator until hardening
  • We breed the second part of the jelly in another bowl. We put half of the cooled biscuit (cut into two parts: upper and lower) in jelly, literally soak
  • We soak gelatin in water temperature water. After it swells, we melted it in a steam bath, let it cool a little and mix with not cold sour cream. If the sour cream is cold, it will curly. Mix the sour cream with gelatin thoroughly
  • We take out a frozen strawberry jelly from the refrigerator and lay out the biscuit soaked in jelly on top of it. Pour a layer of sour cream with gelatin on top. We spread strawberries on top and cover with the second half of the cake

We put the cake in the refrigerator for at least six hours. During this time, all layers will become dense and the cake will keep shape. After hardening, turn the salad bowl and remove the film. The dish is ready.

Video: "Jelly cake with strawberries"

How to cook a simple strawberry cake: a simple recipe for a quick delicious cake with strawberries

It is not so difficult to cook a delicious and incredibly delicate cake with strawberries. In order for you to get everything perfect, you should have a good blender and oven. A set of biscuit ingredients in the cake is the simplest:

  • butter - One pack of melted oil of high fat content, the spread will not work
  • sugar - The most common, half a glass will be plenty of
  • flour - Choose high -quality flour, sift through a sieve about 200 grams
  • eggs - Chicken homemade eggs will make a saturated taste, three pieces
  • vanillin go vanilla extract for sweet aroma
  • baking powder biscuit pepper

Eggs beat separately - first proteins with sugar. After that, all ingredients are gradually added to the dough and are thoroughly mixed with a whisk.

The dough should be carefully poured into the cake baking dish, which was previously lubricated abundantly with butter or any other oil. We bake the biscuit for about half an hour in the oven at a small temperature not exceeding the mark of 200 degrees. The degree of baking and the readiness of the biscuit should be checked with a toothpick.

How to cook a cake with strawberries?

Preparing a cream for a summer strawberry cake:

  • cottage cheese -it is best to use home cottage cheese, since it is much fatter and tastier than the store, but if you have it, you can buy any high percentage of fat content
  • cream - Choose the most fat (25%), you need about 100 milliliters
  • sugar powder -taste

How to cook cream:

  • Cottage cheese grinds through a sieve
  • Cream and sugar powder are added to the cottage cheese so that it takes a homogeneous form of cheese mass
  • You adjust the sweetness of the cream yourself
  • Cut the strawberries into thin plates.

The resulting biscuit can be prodly cut into two parts, if it allows - cut into three. Each layer is abundantly lubricated with cream, on top of which strawberries are laid out. The cake is assembled, its apex and sides are lubricated with the remnants of the cream and decorated with strawberry berries.

Video: "Cottage cheese cake with strawberries is a delicious recipe"

Suffle cake with strawberries: Recipe for cooking with a photo

Cake Sufle is quite simple. It consists of a biscuit and a souffle decorated with fresh berries. To prepare a biscuit required:

  • the egg is one thing, it is best to choose precisely homemade eggs because they have a more saturated taste
  • sugar - no more than three tablespoons of ordinary sand, the sweetness of the dessert can be adjusted independently
  • flour - about two tablespoons, you can add one more at will to get elastic dense dough
  • vanillin - a teaspoon for aroma, you can use vanilla extract or vanilla sugar
  • starch - a teaspoon without a slide so that the biscuit is elastic (you can use both corn and potato starch)

Suffle is prepared from a set of non -complicated ingredients:

  • strawberries - at least 200 grams, you can use 300 - no more (in principle, you can use less than 200 grams)
  • sugar powder - for sweetness (sugar will “crunch”) - about 40 grams, you adjust the sweetness yourself
  • gelatin - a teaspoon, gelatin is soaked in water
  • cream - the highest percentage of fat content as you can find - about 200 grams
How to cook strawberries cake?

Preparation of a strawberry cake-sufle:

  • Gelatin should be left to swell in cold water, you need to leave it for ten to fifteen minutes
  • Strawberries are whipped with a blended sugar powder until a liquid sauce is formed
  • The biscuit is prepared from the ingredients and baked for half an hour in the oven, heated to a temperature of no more than 200 degrees and after that cools down
  • The resulting biscuit is cut longitudinally into two halves
  • Liquid strawberries are added to the swollen gelatin and is thoroughly mixed
  • Cream should be beaten well and already whipped off with strawberries
  • A food film is lined into a silicone form (or any other) (it is needed in order to then easily get the dessert (it is well behind the film)
  • Half of the souffle is poured into the form, covered with a biscuit, poured again and is again covered with a biscuit
  • The form is cleaned in the refrigerator for at least three hours until hardening
  • When the dish becomes dense, it is laid out of the shape and decorated with ripe strawberry berries

Video: "Strawberry cake Sufle"

Chocolate cake with strawberries - how to cook a delicious dessert: recipe

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