Strawberry wine: recipe at home. How to make homemade strawberry wine from fermented strawberry jam, jam, compote, frozen and fresh strawberries, with vodka: Best recipes

Strawberry wine: recipe at home. How to make homemade strawberry wine from fermented strawberry jam, jam, compote, frozen and fresh strawberries, with vodka: Best recipes

Strawberry wine recipes.

In supermarkets you can find any wine. Only for a bottle of a good alcoholic drink will have to lay out a considerable amount. Stopping on a cheap version, we will get an alcoholic drink with non -natural ingredients in the composition. And it is not only additives that improve the smell of wine or make it more saturated.

Inexpensive wine is usually a young drink. Starting on the shelf of a regular store, in which storage conditions are not respected, such a drink may be spoiled.

  • If you prefer to treat the guests with exceptionally useful products (and the wine is just referring to this), then try to independently reproduce the wine process, using the “non -union” berry that remained after the workpieces of jam and compote as the main ingredient. To do this, you only need to prepare the necessary products and get acquainted with the rules of winemaking.

Strawberry wine: simple recipe at home

  • Why is a classic alcoholic drink considered useful? The guilt has long been credited with miraculous properties. It contains substances that prevent the development of microorganisms. The proof is the fact that the bacteria of typhoid and even cholera discovered in wine die literally after half an hour.
  • The home berry alcoholic drink contains elements such as potassium, phosphorus, pectins, sugar.
  • It contains vitamins: B1, B6, B12, C, PP.
  • The fermentation process ends with the formation (except alcohol) of products such as glycerol, amber and lactic acids.
    After consuming wine, appetite improves. The body becomes stronger.
  • The resistance to various diseases increases. However, as a medicine, wine is drunk exclusively in small portions.
  • If you decide to cook a delicious, aromatic and pleasant taste of a low -alcohol drink in your own, then you need to prepare a special dishes, provide the necessary conditions for passing all wine -making stages. You also need to prepare alcohol to the preferred fortress, because the strength of the finished product will depend on this.

In the berry season, home wine recipes are relevant among craftsmen. You can cook it not only from grapes. A great drink for home feast is made of strawberries. Choose whole, ripened berries. Indeed, the taste and aroma of the final product depends on the quality of the berries that will pass the wine process. We begin to create, not forgetting about compliance with the rules of his own prepared wine.

Preparations of strawberry wine
Preparations of strawberry wine

We comprehend the intricacies of winemaking without special equipment:

  • Winemakers believe that strawberries are not a very successful product for the preparation of alcohol: the drink is not very stable. It is believed that strawberry wine has a short shelf life. It is possible to appear from mold on the surface or a finished product prepared according to all the rules, it just sours.
  • It is also not possible to easily get strawberry juice. Grapes berries are just perfect for this. In addition, strawberry juice is not brightened as juice from other berries.
  • Recipes of dry strawberry wine are absent. But a delicate drink by type of liquor can be prepared.
  • Wine is better to cook from intensely colored berries.
  • The amount of sugar in wine affects its fortress. To increase the fortress, you need more sugar. For wine, a glass of sugar per 1 liter of berry juice (in our case, strawberry) is taken with a strength of 11 °. If a fortress is required at 14-16 °, then 240-290 g of sugar per liter of liquid will be needed.
  • To start the fermentation process, the product is not washed. Otherwise, “wild yeast” is washed off the surface of the berries. With strawberries, the stage of washing should not be passed, because it lies on the ground and grains of sand stick to the surface. The taste of wine will only worsen when dirt gets.
  • The replacement of natural yeast in strawberry wine can be a sourdough of the same berries. They don’t wash strawberries for her. The sourdough should be ready before you start cooking wine.

How to cook strawberry leaf

The finished product can be stored for 10 days. Therefore, it is necessary to proceed with the preparation of leaven in advance.

For the sourdough you will need the following products:

  • 2 cups of strawberries
  • 200 ml of water
  • half a glass of sugar

Preparation of leafing for wine:

  • We sort out the ripened fruits. We remove strawberries polluted by earth. We throw only clean berries in the sourdough, without any garbage. We pour the strawberries into a wide bowl and in it we press our hands or a bit of potatoes (before that, we do not wash the strawberries with water!).
  • We drain the crushed berry into the bottle. As a rule, this is a 5 or 10 liter container with a neck. We pour the entire portion of water there and pour sugar.
  • The whole berry-sajar mass is thoroughly mixed. It is better to use a long wooden spoon or stick for this. Oxidation will begin from iron. Next, we need a cork made of cotton wool. Close the container with strawberries, take it to the dark room for 4 days. The optimum temperature is not higher than 22-24 °.
  • After the specified period, the liquid inside the bottle will begin to wander. We pour through a gauze folded into several layers.
  • The sourdough is ready and it can be added to the wine. She perfectly cope with the role of “natural” yeast necessary for fermentation.
  • Dessert wine is prepared with a 3-percent leaven. 200-300 ml of leafing per 10 liters of wine is taken.
How to cook homemade strawberry wine
How to cook homemade strawberry wine

Recipe: Strawberry wine

We will need to make strawberry wine:

  • 1 kg of ripe strawberries
  • 1 liter of water
  • 400 g of sugar
  • 30 g of any not washed and not steamed raisins (or sourdough, the recipe of which is described above)

Wine preparation technology:

  • Prepare a glass container. For home winemaking, we will also need a gas outlet. It can be built from a glove or tube that is dipped in a jar of water.
  • If you need a lot of wine, then increase the number of products by proportion.
  • We sort out strawberries, removing fruits and sand polluted by earth and sand.
We sort out the berries
We sort out the berries
  • Rinse the berries and leave to so that the glass is water.
  • Pour strawberries into a pan (you can use a plastic bowl).
  • We knead. We knead using a fork. The meat grinder is not used for this case, since the metal changes the taste and aroma of the finished alcoholic drink.
We knead strawberries
We knead strawberries
  • We heat the water a little and pour sugar into it. The resulting syrup is poured into a strawberry mass.
Add sugar and water to strawberry puree
Add sugar and water to strawberry puree
  • It's time to pour the entire mixture with strawberry gruel, sugar and water into a bottle. We also pour raisins here (it can be replaced by the sourdough). We need to fill only 2/3 bottles so that there is a place for fermentation.
  • Mix the strawberry mass in the container. We carry a bottle into a dark room, where the air temperature is 22-24 ° C. We leave for 3-5 days.
  • After the specified period, we change the bottle to clean, overflowing the contents. We do not throw the remaining cake, but squeeze through several layers of gauze. We will use it to further prepare wine. The juice, squeezed out of the zymkh, pour into the same bottle. Close the bottle with a kapron lid, making a hole in it.
  • Then we need a thin tube (for example, from a medical dropper). We lower one end of the tube through the hole made into the bottle, the other into a jar filled with water. Carbon dioxide will go through this tube. If there is a traffic jam with a detached tube, then we take it. Close a bottle with this cork. With the end of the tube, we act similarly to the method described above.
  • Oxygen in a bottle with a strawberry mixture will not fall. If you do not use the tube, then the wine will simply become like vinegar.
The resulting product is poured into a bottle
The resulting product is poured into a bottle
  • Due to the fermentation that has begun, the temperature inside the container will increase. At this stage, we move the bottle into a cool room for 20-40 days. After the discontinuation of the bubbles, the yeast will fall to the bottom.
Subtle film on the surface - an indicator of the completion of the fermentation process
Thin film on the surface - an indicator of the completion of the fermentation process
  • We drain the strawberry mass into a new clean container with a siphon or a soft thin tube. Fill a new container to the very top. The cork should displace the wine.
  • We leave a bottle of overflowing wine in a dark room for 4 weeks. During this time, the contents of the bottle will become lighter, the sediment will fall again to the bottom.
  • We repeat the process of overflow of wine into a clean bottle and leave for 30 days. During this time, the alcoholic drink will ripen and it can be poured into a separate container.
Pour the finished wine into bottles
Pour the finished wine into bottles

Preparation of strawberry wine without sourdough:

We take such products:

  • 8 kg of strawberries
  • 100-150 g of sugar for every kilogram of strawberries

Preparation technology:

  • We sort out the berries, tear off the cups. Rinse.
  • Pour the fruits into the pelvis, knead until the strawberry mass acquires the consistency of mashed potatoes.
  • Pour the resulting fruit mass into a clean bottle (it is better to take a 10 l container). Add the entire portion of sugar.
  • The neck of the container is tied with gauze. We take it into a warm room for 3 days. Coot should rise up, and the juice will gather from below.
  • We drain the juice into a clean glass container. At the same time, the bottle is closed with a traffic jam, from which a thin tube is displayed and lowered into a jar of water.
  • We are waiting until the formation of bubbles will stop.
  • We take out a bottle into a dark cool room. We leave for 30-50 days. During this time, strawberry juice will become lighter.
  • We pour the finished wine into another container through a thin hose. We can withstand a few more days. After that, the wine can be poured into bottles and tightly closed. We take out the containers with wine into the basement.
Preparation of strawberry wine without leaven
Preparation of strawberry wine without leaven

How to make wine from strawberries: recipe

We will prepare the following ingredients:

  • 3 l of strawberry compote
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 55 g of raisins

Wine preparation technology:

  • We filter the compote, removing the berries and the remaining large particles.
  • The berries remaining after filtering the compote will still be needed, so we are in no hurry to get rid of them.
  • We prepare the starter quino: heat 1 cup compote (it needs to be strain) to a temperature of 30 degrees. Ripe raisins with sugar and throw here.
  • Stir. We cover with gauze folded in several layers. We take it into heat for 4 hours.
  • When the stormy fermentation process begins, pour the leaven into the clean glass container. We need to add compote to the same bottle. We do it after several layers of gauze.
  • Cover the bottle with a lid with a water plant. We take it into a shabby warm room.
  • We wipe the fruits left after filtering through a sieve. We fill up a little sugar to the berry mass. Ripe berries with sugar and transfer to a warm room.
  • The container with the juice in which sugar dissolved is placed on the stove (on small fire).
  • After cooling, we pour the syrup into the jar. We add water on top and leave to wander.
  • Now fermentation occurs in both containers. We need to wait until the allocation of bubbles stops.
  • We drain the juice from both cans, connect it, mix and filter it.
  • We prepare the container in which we will be stored pouring it. We leave for 3 months in a cool room. The fortress of the finished drink is 15-16 degrees.
How to cook strawberry wine
How to cook strawberry wine from compote

Wine from fermented strawberries with sugar: recipe

In order not to throw out strawberry compote, which suddenly fermented, we experiment with the preparation of a wonderful aromatic alcoholic drink from it.

We will prepare the following products:

  • broken strawberry compote - 3 liters
  • honey - 275 g
  • rice - 1 teaspoon

Preparation technology:

  • We filter the compote in a clean bottle. Add rice and honey (rice in the recipe can be replaced with raisins).
  • Close the container with compote. As a lid, we adapt a regular glove and leave in the dark for 4 days.
  • When the discharge of bubbles in the container stops, strain the liquid through gauze. Standed wine is poured into containers. The drink should ripen 2 months in the cold.
Boarding strawberry wine

How to make wine from fermented jam of strawberries: recipe

If the fermented jam is covered with mold, then it cannot be used. We immediately throw away such jam.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • boarded jam - 1.5 kg
  • water - 1.5 l
  • sugar is a full glass of sugar and half more (you can not add)
  • raisins -1 tablespoon (no need to wash)

Preparation technology:

  • Mix the fermented contents of the jar and the water heated to a temperature of 25-30 degrees in a proportion of one to one. Pour raisins into the mass of jam. The mixture should not taste. Pour sugar. We take it 50-100 grams, if the wine is not sweet.
  • Pour the prepared mixture of jam and water into the glass bottle. The container should remain enough space for foam and carbon dioxide. We put on the neck of the bottle a regular rubber glove, after making a hole with a needle in one of the fingers. This is necessary for gas to come out.
  • We leave the bottle in a dark place at a temperature of 18-29 degrees. After 4 days, we add the remaining portion of sugar (50-75 grams). Through a thin tube we drain 100 ml of liquid. Dilute sugar in it.
  • Add this syrup to a bottle of wine. We fix the glove again.
  • After 4-5 days, we repeat the procedure for adding sugar (50-75 grams).
  • The wine will wander 25-60 days. It all depends on the temperature and sweets of the liquid.
  • When the fermentation process is over (this can be determined by the blown glove), we filter the liquid through gauze.
  • Add sugar and vodka-2-15 % of the volume. This will add the fortress to guilt and it will be better stored. However, it will acquire a stronger taste.
  • We fill the bottle with filtered liquid to the very top. Close tightly with a cork and leave in a dark place at a temperature of 6-16 ° C for 2-6 months.
  • If sugar was added to the drink, then it is better to fix the hydraulic engine on the bottle and leave it for a week.
  • After 10-15 days, overwhelming wine with sediment. To do this, use a thin tube (pour wine into another container).
  • Pour the finished wine into bottles and leave it airtily closed in the refrigerator or basement. Such wine has a fortress will be 8-12% (if it was not fixed with vodka).
How to make wine from fermented jam strawberries

And here is a universal recipe for making wine from jam:

Video: How to cook wine from jam? Part 1-stand for fermentation

Video: Wine recipe from jam. Part two

Strawberry wine with vodka: recipe

For wine you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of strawberries
  • 1 kilogram of sugar
  • 500 ml of vodka and water each

Preparation technology:

  • We sort the berries and remove the cups. Rinse with water and shift into a bowl. We knead to the puree state.
  • In the resulting strawberry puree, add sugar and hot water.
  • We pour all the ingredients into the bottle. We leave the bottle with a closed traffic jam with a removable tube in a warm dark place. Here the bottle should stand for 5-7 days.
  • After the specified period, we filter the contents of the can, squeeze the pulp through gauze. Pour the liquid into a clean bottle and add vodka. It is better if alcohol is of good quality.
  • Wine should be infused for a week. After this drink needs to be filtered.
  • Pour the finished wine into bottles and close with traffic jams. We leave for storage in a cool place. You can try wine after a week.
How to cook strawberries in vodka
We grind the strawberries to the state of puree
We filter the resulting pulp
We filter the resulting pulp
We pour all the ingredients into the bottle
We pour all the ingredients into the bottle
Close with a lid with a detachment pipe
Close with a lid with a detachment pipe


After the specified period, we squeeze the pulp through gauze or sieve
Drain the wine from the sediment
Drain the wine from the sediment
Pour the liquid into a clean bottle and add vodka

Useful tips for the preparation and storage of wine:

  • It is better to store bottles by putting them on shelves. This will protect the cork from drying (it will remain wet) and the air will not penetrate inside.
  • It is better to store wine at a plus of 8 °.

Wine from frozen strawberries at home: Recipe

The following ingredients will be needed:

  • 3 kg of thawed strawberry berries
  • 2 kg of sugar
  • 2 l of purified water
  • dry yeast 10 grams
  • good quality vodka -0.5 l

Preparation technology:

  • Pour the fruits into a bowl and knead with a fork until the mass acquires the consistency of mashed potatoes.
  • Pour sugar into the water. When sugar dissolves, pour the resulting syrup into a strawberry mass.
  • Connect with yeast.
  • We put a water shutter on a container with a strawberry mass in which the fermentation process will take place. We take out the capacity of the dark and warm room for 18-21 days.
  • When the fermentation process ends, salt the contents of the bottle in a clean container, a filling of 500 ml of vodka. This adds fortresses and facilitate the process of upsetting the pulp.
  • The wine should stand for another 1 month.

Fresh strawberries at home: Recipe

Video: How to make strawberry wine?

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