Strawberry berries: health benefits and losing weight, harm, composition, vitamins and trace elements, contraindications for use, recipes for use in folk medicine. The benefits of strawberry leaves: description

Strawberry berries: health benefits and losing weight, harm, composition, vitamins and trace elements, contraindications for use, recipes for use in folk medicine. The benefits of strawberry leaves: description

Do you like strawberries? Read how useful this berry is, when and how better it is to give it to children, to use it as a medicine.

In June, the strawberry season starts. Of course, today you can buy a berry among winter. But it is in early summer that it is the most natural and useful. You can use strawberries in various forms. Moreover, not only to enjoy, but also to improve health.

Strawberry berries: composition, vitamins

Strawberries - grassy fruitful plant is common almost throughout the world. Strawberries are grown in Europe, server and South America. And also, strawberries have a complex chemical composition.

Composition of strawberry berries
Composition of strawberry berries

Despite the fact that almost 90% of strawberries consists of water, there are also a lot of useful substances in 100 g of the product:

  1. Macronutrients: vegetable protein - up to 1 g, fats - up to 0.5 g, carbohydrates - up to 8 g. Carbohydrates in the berries are represented mainly by sugar, simple and complex, as well as starch, which in strawberries up to 0.1%
  2. Alimentary fiber. Strawberries contain a significant amount of fiber - 2.2 g
  3. Organic acids. The most important of them in the berry are lemon and apple. Together there are up to 1.5 g
  4. Ash
  5. Macro - and trace elements. it bor, iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, nickel, sulfur, phosphorus, fluorine, chlorine, chrome, others
  6. Vitamins. There are a lot of them in the berry (see the photo above) - these are vitamins E, a, s, groups AT.

Important: just in a huge amount of strawberries contains ascorbic acid. It is as much in the berry as in grapefruit or lemon. This component makes the berry incredibly useful for immunity, human nervous and circulatory systems

Strawberry berries: health benefits

Despite the fact that this berry is sweet, strawberries do not harm the figure, even if you eat it a whole kilogram. There are only 30 kcal in 100 g of treats! Below in the photo, see the menu and recipes for 4 daily strawberry diet.

People wise by experience advise eating at least 5 kg of strawberries in the season to bring invaluable benefit for their own health. Because strawberries helps:

  • raise immunity
  • reduce weight
  • stabilize the intestinal microflora
  • improve intestinal motility
  • normalize metabolic processes in the body
  • detoxication of the body
  • clean the liver
  • avoid anemia
  • improve the condition of the skin and cure some dermatological diseases
  • rejuvenate
  • carry out cancer prevention
  • other

Video: strawberries. Why is it useful?

Contraindications for the use of strawberries and harm

Unfortunately, not everyone can get gastronomic pleasure and improve health, eating strawberries. The composition of the juicy berry rich in biologically active substances, which determines its benefit, also determines contraindications. And there are a lot of them:

  1. Strawberry acidic. It is absolutely not suitable for those who have identified problems with the gastrointestinal tract, similar to gastritis, erosive and ulcerative diseases. An irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa is exerted not only by acids in the composition of the berry, but also its small seeds
  2. Strawberries are allergenic. The berry causes hyperrection of the body on its own. An even greater risk of various types of allergies, from urticaria to anaphylaxia, when consuming strawberries during an inflammatory disease, taking various drugs
  3. Strawberries are like a sponge. It perfectly absorbs substances and compounds from the environment, including nitrates and toxins. A poor -quality berry is easy to poison. The same applies to early varieties fertilized nitrogen compounds
  4. Strawberries can cause stomach disorder. It happens if you get through it
  5. Strawberries overload the kidneys. This happens with the simultaneous use of the berry and the use of drugs for hypertension, such as enapril

Important: doctors say that the most benefit and smallest harm to strawberries will bring if you eat no more than 0.5 kg of this berry a day

How to properly have strawberries to be the benefit?

To get benefits and not harm, you need to be able to choose the right and eat strawberries.

If the berry grows in its garden or a summer cottage, everything is simple: the owners know very well when to collect a ripe strawberry.

Useful properties of strawberries
Useful properties of strawberries

Those who do not have their own crop have more difficult: when trays with a fragrant red berry appear in the markets and stores, it is very difficult to pass by them. But! Not the whole berry on the shelves is of high quality. Before making a purchase, you need to make sure that the strawberry:

  • dry
  • elastic
  • whole
  • dark red
  • with a hat made of not lethargic, green leaves
  • brave

And now about how to enjoy the strawberry. It can be argued that it is useful to eat it in any way. But there are several subtleties:

  1. It is better to eat raw and fresh berry
  2. Additionally, it is not recommended to glorify strawberries. This is how its carbohydrate and calorie content increase
  3. But add cream, sour cream or milk to strawberries. The berry contains oxalic acid leaching calcium from the human body. Containing animal fat and calcium "milk" will prevent this

Strawberry leaves: benefit

Not only strawberry berries are useful, but also its leaves. They are used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

Strawberry leaves are no less useful than berries.
Strawberry leaves are no less useful than berries.

With decoctions of leaves, plants are treated:

  • problems with digestion
  • a cold
  • joint diseases
  • anemia
  • skin diseases
  • other

Strawberry leaves, unlike the berry, can be used year -round. They simply need to be assembled, dried and stored in a dark place in a linen bag.

Important: strawberry leaves are most useful in late summer, when the plant ceases to bear fruit. They can be harvested from the second decade of August

The benefits of strawberries for men

Strawberry berries are one of the most effective products - aphrodisiacs containing serotonin. She has a very beneficial effect on the health of a man and makes him a real “livelier” in bed. Enhancing potency and exciting effects are achieved due to the fact that strawberries:

  • enriches the body of a man with vitamins
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels
  • ligifies blood
  • accelerates metabolic processes
  • serves as a source of energy due to the content of sugars and oxalic acid
  • increases men's libido due to zinc content
Strawberries - Aphrodisiac, raising male libido.
Strawberries are an aphrodisiac that raises men's libido.

Important: an excellent dish for a romantic dinner can be ordinary strawberries with sour cream or whipped cream. But an aphrodisiac 2 in 1 will be a berry with chocolate sauce

RECIPE: Strawberries in chocolate with honey and sour cream sauce

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bripe strawberries - 0.5 kg, chocolate (black, milk, white at will) - 200 g, sour cream - 200 g, honey - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, lemon zest.

  • they wash strawberries, cleaned of tails if desired
  • chocolate is melted in a water bath, strawberries are dipped in it, paved berries on parchment so that the chocolate froze
  • substean is slightly beaten with a whisk, I add honey and lemon zest to it
  • strawberries in chocolate and sauce are served separately
  • taste is combined very well

The benefits of strawberries for women

Strawberry berries are a source of beauty. They can be used inside to get the required amount of vitamins. In addition, women use the berry as a component of domestic cosmetic products.

The benefits of strawberries for women are undeniable.
The benefits of strawberries for women are undeniable.

Also, strawberries helps to lose weight, you can find out about this a little further in the article.

The berry is useful for women's health:

  1. Strawberries contains iodine, so it has a positive effect on the work of the endocrine glands of a woman, normalizes her hormonal background
  2. Salicylic acid as a substance with antibacterial and anti -inflammatory properties helps to treat inflammation of the organs of the woman's reproductive system
  3. Serotonin in strawberries helps a woman to cope with PMS and pain during menstruation, and also increases her libido

The benefits and harm of strawberries during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Before talking about the obvious benefits of strawberries for women in a position, you must again recall that the berry is allergenic. It is necessary to try it with caution: it happens that the allergy to it begins precisely during pregnancy, due to numerous changes in the body, although before the woman ate it calmly.

If there is no allergy, strawberries are very useful for expectant mothers.
If there is no allergy, strawberries are very useful for expectant mothers.

If the body of the pregnant woman took the berry normally, the arguments for eat it in the season, are strawberries:

  1. Stabilize blood pressure and prevent hypertension of pregnant women due to the content of magnesium
  2. Improve digestion. It is known that expectant mothers often have constipation. Strawberries will gently solve their problem
  3. Strengthen immunity. Pregnant women are at risk of acute respiratory infections and flu
  4. Strengthen the vessels. Berry helps to overcome the threat of miscarriage and premature birth
  5. Reduce weight. If the doctor recommends a pregnant woman with excessive weight gain to arrange a fasting day, it can be strawberry

Important: but a woman who is breastfeeding for 1 year old is not recommended for the same reasons for which the berry is not used for complementary foods

Women with breastfeeding are better not to eat berry.
Women with breastfeeding are better not to eat berry.

If the woman decided to maintain breastfeeding after a year, in the strawberry season, she can slowly start her, carefully observing the baby's reaction. By the way, if the child normally responded to the presence of the berry in the diet of his nursing mother, the likelihood that he himself will begin to eat her without problems, much higher.

Is it possible and how is strawberries when losing weight?

You can and should lose weight on strawberries. It has few fats and calories, in carbohydrates in the form of sugars are well absorbed by the body.

Menu and recipes for 4 daily strawberry diet
Menu and recipes for 4 daily strawberry diet

The berry is suitable for dessert or snack of the one who is on a healthy diet. If there is a desire to lose weight, it is still recommended to eat it in the morning.
There are also several options for a strawberry diet. For example, mono -diet. Its principles are as follows:

  1. Diet duration - 4 days
  2. The estimated result of losing weight is 2-3 kg
  3. Every day you need to consume up to 1 kg of strawberries, divide it into 4 meals
  4. In addition to strawberries, it is allowed to use only low -fat kefir, water and green tea

The diet allows you to clean the intestines and liver, remove excess water from the body, burn a certain amount of fat. However, nutritionists do not consider it a balanced. Before you start losing weight on strawberries, you need to consult a doctor.

Kefir with strawberry strawberries: Recipe

Those who lose weight on proper nutrition can try a very tasty fat -burning cocktail.
RECIPE: Strawberry with kefir

Strawberries with kefir burn fat.
Strawberries with kefir burn fat.

Need: kefir - 300 ml, strawberries - 200 g, honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon

  • kefir and washed strawberries are beaten in a blender for 2 minutes
  • add honey
  • beat a minute

Video: Strawberry diet for weight loss: how to lose weight on a strawberry diet with health benefits?

Strawberry berries: recipes for use in folk medicine

Berry with such rich composition as strawberries, it would be a sin not to use in folk medicine. The berry itself and its leaves are used:

  • with colds as an antiviral agent
  • like a natural antibiotic
  • to reduce body temperature
  • for liquefaction of blood
  • for the treatment of dysbiosis
  • like a mild laying agent
  • to increase hemoglobin
  • from edema
  • from arterial hypertension
  • as a diuretic
  • like a lotion for various skin diseases
In folk medicine, fox and strawberry berries are used.
In folk medicine, fox and strawberry berries are used.

RECIPE: Strawberry berries from colds

Need: strawberries-3-4 berries, water-200 ml

  • strawberry berries are pushed in a mortar or rubbing a grater
  • pour them with boiling water
  • insist for 20 minutes
  • drink a decoction or rinse their throat

RECIPE: Strawberry leaves from temperature

Necessary: \u200b\u200b2-3 large sheets of strawberries

  • strawberry leaves tear 2-3 cups and put in a custard teap
  • pour boiling water in a teapot
  • insist tea for a quarter of an hour
  • strawberry tea with honey is drunk every 3 hours until the temperature stabilizes

RECIPE: Wound healing lotion lotion

Need: strawberries - up to 10 pcs

  • strawberry berries wash well
  • they pour them with boiling water
  • the berries are interpreted to the porridge consistency
  • put the gruel to the wound, fix the lotion with cling film
  • leave the lotion for 45 minutes

Strawberry for diabetes: benefits and harms

With diabetes of type 1 and 2 of type, strawberry berries can eat, doctors say. Its benefits for the body undermined by the endocrine disease are obvious.
60 - 100 g - safe "dose" of berries for diabetics.

Strawberry with gout: benefit or harm

Phosphorus and calcium are elements of the Mendeleev table, which the human body uses as a material for building bones and cartilage. There are many of them in strawberries. The berry also contains organic acids that can dissolve and remove salt from the body. With gout, strawberries are a natural and very tasty medicine.

Video: strawberries strengthens the vessels, fights viruses. ETHNOSCIENCE

Strawberry for the liver: benefit

Strawberries contains water and antioxidants. It cleanses the liver, promotes hepatocytic regeneration. In addition, the berry has a choleretic property. The liver, the body filter, after the treatment of a strawberry, perfectly copes with its functions.

VIDEO: Strawberry

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