A fairy tale in a new way "Morozko" in roles is the best selection for adults

A fairy tale in a new way

We bring to your attention a large selection of alterations of the fairy tale "Morozko" in a new way. They can be used to hold noisy and funny holidays to raise the mood to guests, relatives and friends.

The converted fairy tale "Morozko" in a new way of roles

Reduced Fairy Tale Morozko in a new way of roles
The converted fairy tale "Morozko" in a new way of roles

The converted fairy tale "Morozko" in a new way of roles:

She looks simple in appearance
And in the care of it ...
To steal delicious
And fill the belly!
It didn’t interfere with the mouth of the mouth,
And you would give you in the ear!

Grandfather fell silent so as not to be angry
Two ribs broke -
The daughter tried to protect
For a piece of fat.
After all, she is hunger,
Zlyuka freezed -
I ate b and an elephant with my daughter,
And they forbade them ...
Only crackers can
And drink a little kvass,
I called my grandfather -
In the yard, the blizzard taka
That there is no trace.

Harness the horse in the sled,
Goted out ... so many years!
Into the forest vezi without busting
The wolf looks - there is no strength.

After all, you can die in a blizzard!
Snow was covered with the way ...
In my soul, I will say, anxious -
Explain ... who to be taken?

Come on? Old stump, crazy?
Get out with her away!
Or maybe he woke up?
You are your daughter in the forest!

Don't be destroyed, still have mercy
Before spring, though, be patient ...

I hear the same thing -
Better you're not an obstetric!
I was bored with my grunts
There is no life from you for a long time -
I already suffered!
I can see me so destined ...

I beg you! Fear God!
Drive us in a cold.
You push an orphan to the coffin!
After all, do not survive this time.

Stop complaining of me
No mercy to you ...
I'm so sick of you
Gades took root here.
And get a horse faster,
And not that, I will grab the log -
For me you are not relatives.

Oh! I'm going ... my knee hurts ...

He bent, cried bitterly -
Daughter Take a native to the forest.
Zorka approached the yard,
The dog with fear in the booth climbed -
He knew how Baba pounding
Her arm hit her ...

Go out your daughter, sit down in the sled,
Take you off.
There is no place for us even in the bathhouse
You are my daughter, forgive me for everything.

Do not be sad! A century without sadness!
Dear father, you are mine!
On you, so as not to shout
Take it - here is not yours.

And the old man, sitting in the sled with her,
The horse touched the road for now
It will not dare to argue with the woman
Tears pouring, the soul hurts.
They rode for a long time.
And in the forest the wind was inflated
There is plenty of snow on the way.
The forest seemed terrible to them -
They were menacingly ate.

Probably a demon entered the woman,
How did they dare?
To send my daughter to death!
Clouded the mind!
It was necessary to drive them away,
Sorry, I could not at once.
Well, so, know my daughter, mine -
Turn back!
I will drive them off the yard
We are not sweet with them.

So, having said, the grandfather dared,
Looking guilty -
He wanted to drive away more than once,
But everything is stupid
It came out every time
When he says something-
Baba to rush grasp between the eyes,
Grandfather is no longer knitting.
There is no strength to endure already -
Tired of living with her.
He drives up to the house
And shouts that urine.

You will be accelerated now
So that they do not fight very much!

A woman came out to the porch
And in the hands are log.

I don’t understand, who are you?
In my mouth, right now hay.

Grandfather hesitated, seeing
What is empty in the sleigh
He fled to straighten the horse -
The soul is so sad.
That his daughter is in the forest
Dies, freezes!?
In the house he warmed the snake
How to drive away? Does not know.
And in the meantime, almost
His daughter froze.
Suddenly she heard a creak in the distance
From the eyes I wiped the tears
Then, the frost walked slowly
Behind the blizzard ...
Everything was put in order
He worked with the song.

Eh, the blizzard circle, circle.
(Song Frost)

Sleep pines, ate everything -
Berlog animals!
You will wake up in the spring
When bees with honey!

In the meantime, the blizzard circle
Not sorry for snow
And the snowdrifts are planned
Sleep, inspiring them.

If anyone does not sleep in the forest -
I see everything and I know
I will sprinkle item
I cover with snow.

As I saw that under the spruce
The girl will freeze there ...

I came to the forest with what purpose?
You can get lost!

Forgive me for everything
Brought by accident -
I can't come back
Though sad.

Why do you, girl,
Young suddenly die?

The stepmother is rude and angry
It is impossible to convey
Everything that I do is wrong!
Anger breaks on me
Beats for a trifle
Experses in the cold!
Yes, because of me-
My father suffers
There is no life to him and there
She eats all.

It hurts to listen to you
Sweet girl!
You are in work endlessly -
So why mock?

I have already endured it for a year
I suffer, I suffer
Now let me die
I’ll go into the snow, I will melt.

Wait, because you can’t!
We will solve everything differently -
You will return to your father’s house,
Let the stepmother cry.

My bow is already to the ground
For such mercy,
Better just would not be found
Let everything happen.

You do not hurry to die
I will slightly dispel the cold -
We will not give the abyss in the wilderness,
I will heat with snow ...
Thaw, girl?
I'll give you full
You will be like a princess!
You are worthy, my daughter -
Let the village look!

Slamming three times in the palm
And before him appeared
In the golden harnesses of the horses,
Only the teams were waiting.
Settling the girl in the sled,
Giving the casket as a gift -
Horses rushed to the house themselves,
The day was all Yarok.
And in the meantime, the old woman
Daughters bake pancakes,
To fill her belly -
Almost in her mouth, the pancake is pushing her.
And the dog under the table
Yells with enthusiasm,
Though they will beat her later -
Baba is with a shame.

Tyaf, Tyaf, Tyaf - so know the grandfather,
Your daughter is all in the gold!
Now I'm not fighting them -
You will live in the ward.

Here the old woman, throwing a pancake
It requires otherwise ...

You do not pull the joy of them,
And then the daughter will cry!

But the dog, eating pancakes,
Yells, as he knows,
They are very tasty to her
But the tone does not change.

Tyaf, Tyaf, Tyaf - so know the grandfather,
I hear the horses jump!
Now I'm not afraid of them
Let them cry!

Came from afar
Through the blizzard of the Shalit -
The three rushes like an arrow
The dog rushed from under the table
The door opened from overclocking
Grandfather behind him - well, miracles!
Lie, there is no reason:
The porch has golden horses
In the sleigh - straight a princess!
Baba Shmyak from the porch and groans
The whole village looks.

Do not scold me
Do not judge strictly!
That I returned, I'm alive -
To that the will of God.

Oh, forgive me, daughter!
That so suffered!
Without you I am day, like a night
Sorry, the snake has warmed up!
I didn’t squeeze it off the light
She and me
And now never
I do not reconcile with the troubles!

No, you can't hide from me
And don't wait for dinner!
Harness the horse faster
So that the trace is not wiped!
Take my daughter to the forest
And in place too!
I’ll stray you
And it will not be crowded!

After the words of such, he knew -
The woman will freeze everyone
In the sled, the horse was harnessed again
They will not argue.
Daughter of an old woman he got
To the forest under the same Yelka,
At least in a sheepskin coat, but freez
The cold climbed under the insole.
And she, sitting down - waited
Damn, biting eagerly
And the lard clicked in her hand
Already most gratifying.
But from the cold is stronger
Everything knocks on his teeth
It even became scary to her
Here in the forest with wolves.
Someone suddenly left the bump-
Squirrel played with her,
And in response she threw a bitch,
Roughly called.
Meanwhile in the forest
Bypassing your bypass -
Walked frost in the snow,
Singing the song:

Morozko (singing)
Sleep pines, eat everything
Berlog animals.
You will wake up in the spring
When bees with honey.

In the meantime, the blizzard circle
Not sorry for snow
And the snowdrifts are planned
A dream on them, inspiring ...

But then he interrupted the song
Someone puzzled
And the back of the head scratched -
That's not the task!

Well, I went here recently -
I checked everything in person
The Christmas trees covered the Christmas tree -
Everything was fine!
Not order ... to blow snow,
Do not do it ...
Moreover, still sneeze
I hear somewhere nearby.

The daughter of the stepmother
P - p - p - Chii - and - x ...
Oh, Studeno! Get out!
You can freeze!
So you will ruin my life -
Better ... how can you help?

Who is there? Come on, respond!
How are you in the forest, got here?
And in vain girl, do not be angry!
It became inappropriate.
Maybe there was no one
To educate another?
To teach you the mind -
With generosity human.

The daughter of the stepmother
Yes, you finally, finally
And not to the evil of the Dedin -
Give a big casket
And with silver basket!

I am very ashamed of you -
Everything should be achieved by labor
And it will not be enviable
Let me not torment me ...
From the speeches of such anxiety -
How will you live further?
After all, it will be very difficult
Kohl will not love work.

The daughter of the stepmother
Oh, you, an old villain,
Are you balabox here?
Give the good soon!
You only chase the cold.

And grabbing him by the breasts,
I started to shake more strongly
He understood - there is no way to joke
How to carry your feet.

Give up, you are unnecessarily
I was in a hurry to see
So why did Sudy come?
So that you kill me here?
The sage himself will not understand -
You get rudeness
By force, demanding a casket -
It will be ... what do you want.

And before her no one
Suddenly the chest appeared
And she felt so warm
The cold instantly was forgotten.
Rushed to open it,
I just touched
And magic happened
I didn't wake up anymore.
And the old woman is a little dawn -
She was no longer sleeping
Grandfather is very fucked
I shouted plenty.

Wake up ... It's time in the forest!
I don't sleep from all nightmares,
The daughter all night in the forest is one -
Do not disappear good there for nothing!
Suddenly some thief stared at
You need to rush ...
And take an ax with you.
Let him be near!
We will buy new horses,
Do not regret the horse
Go to her faster,
Grasp and tub.

Slowly, my grandfather left
Again on that road
The trace was clearly visible
Not stuck in a snowdrift.
And the dog on the porch
Close bolder
That the end has come already
The news is not darker.

Tyaf, Tyaf, Tyaf - from Baby anger
There will be no joy ...
Only bones will be brought in a bag,
Life will condemn her.

What kind of psi nature?
It's time to close it.
So as not to yap again with the fool -
Otdubasu is in a burn!

And grabbing, the broom threw it,
The dog escaped for the firewood
Again in the stove fired
Cooks again
After all, just about the daughter with the dowry-
He will inspire wealth!
The creak of the Saoine Provasiev is heard,
There is no gloating.
He runs out onto the porch -
In front of her sled
The daughter lies there, why?
It will not get up anymore.
So they are punished
For that everything is bad -
No one here
You need to live with the soul:
Kindness - hand out people,
Joy is a lot of things
Help - once in that need,
You will understand everything over the years.
Well, and our grandfather healed everything
It’s rich with a daughter
Baby kicked out, did not tighten,
He built a hut to his grandchildren.

PS: The fairy tale is good,
That the wisdom should be in it,
Therefore, he told everything
And I did not hide from you.
Be good always -
You can’t live without it!

A fairy tale in a new way "Morozko" for a fun company for roles

Tales for a new way to Morozko for a fun company by roles
A fairy tale in a new way "Morozko" for a fun company for roles

A fairy tale in the new Morozko Lad for a fun company for roles:

New look at the old fairy tale

Leading: A long time in the forest guard
And, mainly only in winter,
There lived a good grandfather Morozko,
He guarded his plot.

He had a magical staff,
He adorned nature to them.
In the outfits of white only
Bushes, trees dressed.

Once, bypassing the site,
He met the girl alone.
She often blew in her hands,
Sitting right in the snow.

Grandfather Morozko: "Is it warm for you, oh, stranger?" -
Morozko asked the girl.
Nastenka: "Heat" - she said modestly,
But her appearance was frozen.

Leading: And regretted her frost,
He invited him to his hut.
Said: “You will warm up a little
And you will get fresh strength. ”

This girl was called Nastya
Her father always loved.
And the stepmother wanted passionately
She is only harm every day.

She loved only Marfushka,
Only her own daughter.
About Nastya said to her husband:
Stepmother: "Take it to the forest, from my eyes away."

Leading: That's how she turned out
There is only one in the forest in the cold.
Then I met with Morozko,
There is no one can be seen without good.

When Morozko in the forest with check
He went, he forgot his staff.
And I remembered only in the forest about it
And urgently hurried to the house.

And there it happened to Nastya
Unfinished trouble.
She only touched the staff
And it became like a block of ice.

Nastya had a groom once,
Ivan, he was all looking for her.
And the heart is ardent, however,
He led him to his beloved.

Seeing Nastenka frozen,
Ivan was very surprised
But he asked for forgiveness all the same
And he wept right there.

His tear of a magic drop
Fell right on her.
And helped the poor thing Nastya,
In a moment, having melted cold ice.

And Nastya immediately woke up
Appearing the beauty of his eyes.
Having learned Ivan, she smiled
With a smile, making the world bright.

Nastya: "Ivanushka is my beloved",
Leading: Looking a loved one in the eye.
Raising his eyes in response, he
He called her by name.

For their patience of both
Morozko awarded in full.
Casket, only gems complete,
And snow -white three horses.

And the stepmother is biting already envy
And she says to her husband:
Stepmother: “Take Martushka in the forest like Nastya,
She also needs a groom. ”

Leading:The old man Marfushka took to the forest
And put her under the spruce.
She sits, and suddenly frost
Suitable in surprise to her.

But still politely asked ...
Grandfather Morozko: "Isn't it cold to you?"
And Marfushka screamed here:
"You are old, apparently, crazy!"

"I am all frozen, or not visible?"
Morozko even bounced.
Grandfather Morozko: “What is it? What kind of wild? "-
He asked himself quietly.

He came from the other edge
And again politely asked:
"Is it warm for you, oh, stranger?"
And as if he was very insulted.

Leading: Marfushka stood all on the platoon,
I took frost by the breasts.
And became in a very rude form
Ask him to ask for gifts.

Marfushenka: “You give me the groom too,
Yes richer and faster,
And more dowry " -
Having said, pushed him in the snow.

Leading: Morozko groaned, gasped,
He was struck by rudeness.
But he gave it a little
Gifts goodbye to him.

For the flexion, which only hurts the soul,
Instead of horses, she is three pigs.
A chest with crows as a keepsake
For the blackness of her soul.

And our Nastenka with Ivan
They played a wedding, a feast with a mountain.
And they began to live in love with wealth,
Happy new family.

Fairy Tale in the New Morozko Fable for adults - alteration for the holiday

Fairy Tale for a new Morozko for adults - alteration for the holiday
Fairy Tale in the New Morozko Fable for adults - alteration for the holiday

A fairy tale in a new way "Morozko" for adults - alteration for the holiday:

Presenter: How Rosa Syabitova sung,
Old man good -natured with a woman,
And the grandmother has a well -fed daughter,
On the yeast, like the dough with a hat.
All capricious, yes loafer,
Everything is sitting in a laptop, playing,
And my grandfather has a daughter - beauty
But they do not communicate with each other.
Their interests are very different,
Grandfather's daughter is such a needlewoman,
Embroiders the beautiful paintings
And in her hands everything will move.
Her mother, stepmother, disliked
And as Cinderella began to load her.
Yes, everything is not enough, everything seems to her a little,
Wash the dishes ... linen makes you wash.
But all the girl blooms more beautifully,
And at school, studying is going along,
Here she has already passed the best, she
And to continue their studies at Moscow State University went

Well, a grandmother is an insidious woman,
She refused the girl in help.

Stepmother: You live in that Moscow, earn,
Well, we need money for your sister.
After all, outfits are more fashionable and fashionable already
Every year, do not keep up with fashion,
Yes, and crisis, damn inflation.
She needs outfits, you are already beautiful.

Leading: Here are the holidays are already approaching
But the named daughter of the stepmother is not waiting.
She has no money, she got
Can surrender to God and to pass the soul.
And the girl arrived stately,
All in outfits, shines with itself.

Stepmother: Where did you get it, cursed?

Stepdaughter:I fought with a bitter fate.
Their embroidery Vale Yudashkin
Sold, yes, demonstrating an outfit,
I studied, I lived happily.
Each month, passing the tests.

Leading: Planted an old woman for embroidery
On the holidays, a poor girl.
Embroiders both gold and silver,
That her mother inherited her.
Ordered the outfits to remove the stepmother
And put on your daughter as soon as possible,
Yes, they do not climb, painfully fat,
Still pulled here her bodies.
And handed her mother to her daughter all embroidery,

Stepmother: To the airport as soon as possible, fly to Moscow,
Yes, Svezi you are masterpieces Yudashkin,
You will earn great money there.

Leading:Valentine, couturier was a great mind,
I saw a famous sign at the masterpieces,
He took all embroidery, but money
Outheated Valya Deda's daughter.
And the daughter of the stepmother returned home
All in tears, but a kind of figure.
And they decided here the whole family, they
What you need with your work, but to live in the world.

Modern fairy tale "Morozko" in a new way

Modern fairy tale Morozko »in a new way
Modern fairy tale "Morozko" in a new way

Modern fairy tale "Morozko" in a new way:

Once upon a time there were grandfather and woman.
We lived violently, not weak!
We rested on the collective farm:
There is hay and manure.

To a decrepit old age, they
Only workdays were saved.
In the yard - a sheep, a dog,
Yes, by daughter from marriage,
They had the previous one.
In general, everything they wanted.

Daughter (the old man),
And Knock and Cermillum,
And she fed the cattle,
And the cow was sitting
Stole wood in the morning,
In the cauldron, pilaf was welded.

Babkin's daughter - Lenishch! ..
I would swear and cleaner
Yes, I'm afraid all this shame,
Read the kids.
Eloquence is rich:
There, below, there is enough mat.
Read to the end
There about the mother and about the father.

Now let's go back to the fairy tale.
Grandfather's daughter - on a huckster,
And with a bag at the ready
They took it into a dense forest.

Film family,
In mid -December,
Just like that, neither that nor ce.
Take and throw a child!
If I were there.
This woman strangled.
And the script would violate -
Crown committed!
What would I do, I don't know!
Then I continue the fairy tale.
And I'll try, guys,
Tell her without a mat.
A fairy tale is a lie, but it has a hint.
Everyone will marry as best he could.

Grandfather threw his daughter under the Christmas tree.
And he started off.
And the girl (here's the business!)
I didn’t even leave the place.
Amazing character.
The will was strong.

An hour has passed, the other is coming.
A cold, snow, a blizzard is a snowstorm.
Suddenly the girl heard
Someone sings a song.
Only nearby (here are things!)
No berserios, no hollows.
So remained in place
Neither alive and not dead.

And the frost is stronger, stronger.
So howls, and whispers -
“Get up home:
You will perish in the often snow. ”
And something else howls.
In general, full hemorrhoids!

Chu, the bush broke nearby,
Crushing is clearly heard.
Someone in the boots embroidered.
On the shoulders, the bag is not empty.

Quietly approaches the girl
He leads an eyebrow in surprise
And as if by chance,
Morzko says: “Ay-yu-yay!
“How did you get here?
What, have you lost the road?
I could not go out to people?
What are you silent, stiffed "?

The stepdaughter in response to him:
"Everything is ok, there are no complaints."
And she falls on his side:
The eyes are not seeing the light ...

Grandfather understood - trouble came:
“Hey, zealous, here!”
He shouted to the whole district.
Stopped for a while
And the Arctic cyclone,
Instantly kicked out.

A fur coat from the leap shoulder,
Give her a burning.
Although he himself has long been cold:
Two paralysis per month.

There would be a crown and a crown.
Here the fairy tale is the end
But he gave her as a reward.
Jewelry Casket!

And to the stones and "red",
(Everyone has his own passion!).
This is the continuation.
I continue, I do not languish!

Horses white rusted
Yes, in a sleigh, the child rushed off.
Through the thicket, straight.
Directly to the stepmother in fangs!
She saw the casket
Fragrant at the end!
Fat muzzle shines,
The laughs and jumps like a male.

Around the legs the fox curled.
I almost choked with saliva.
Sani, horses, gems.
(She’s not going to the child!).
No, drink tea
Yes, put on the stove,
But in a kind of situation,
There is no moment to strangle.

The old man is not to look at me:
He drove off his wife away.
He helped to rise from the sled.
They couldn’t hold off tears - the daughter of a daughter!

And the youngest of the snake,
It blushed like an iron.
It is injected with anger, envy is strangled.
He says to the sister suddenly:

“You don't blame us for us
Forget about the trip to the forest.
Well, we are with your sisters, right?
We’ll figure it out somehow. ”

Here the mother inserts the word:
“We will make this:
We will build a tower and the garden,
Where is Uryuk and grapes.

Well, and you, my hubby,
Brush in the princes - for a new term.
Daughter - to heat, to Johannesburg. "
Grandfather: “To study, in Orenburg!
We suffered from you.
Listen to my order now!
Live now fair!
Not that - I’ll drive out immediately.
For the household everything and everything.
We are still a family.
Yes, it’s disgusting to look at you -
Well, what are you princes?!

Women! They stopped instantly.
What yesterday (not to Dahl!)
They wiped the hay ass.
They drank water from a bucket.

Yes, from your mast bodies,
The whole palace would be stunned!
Look at this "maid of honor"!
Stop lawlessness!

Well, and who wants to have a wire
Average to power?
We are by no means philanthropists
We do not wish there the abyss!

I am loyal to you for now.
We will solve everything collegial.
And not how I scream
Yes, I will leave the share!

Then South Africa and Sadik.
Everything is now how I want. ”
Baba reluctantly reconciled
Yes, in Svetlitz, she buried.
He knows her husband, he is this:
For once, he will make a face.

And with broken muzzles.
Who will communicate with us?
With a bat's face at court.
The place is only in the yard
On the stable and in the restroom
But not under the king.

And, about an hour later,
Baba represents her decree:
“Take mine to the thicket,
There will be happiness with us! ”

The old man in response: “Has a guess!
You don’t have to ask twice!
Your greedy goat
I will certainly take it!

Did everything as he did before
Just took her away.
Planted under a lush spruce
Whispering: "Sorry, animals!"

An hour passes or two
Hears the girl of the word ...
Someone walks through the forest
Yes, it sings about the Christmas tree.

On the lining between the birches,
Santa Claus appeared.
Sees a bunch of half -nozzles
Yes, his nose wrinkles displeasedly.

“Hello, girl-beauty!
(Burst, my eyes!)
How is it sitting? Can not sleep?
What are these miracles?

“Grandfather, finish the interrogation!
I have a question for you:
You are your casket here
Brought with diamonds?

And maybe you, I dried,
So many miles to me waved,
That diamonds and diamonds,
Has he dried up on the way? "

To the question posed,
Santa Claus did not answer.
From such speakers of seditious ones,
He is on the spot and vmers.

And the girl is mocking everything:
“Refrigerates! Shoot!
Well, let's go here
And fall off, completely!
I want to eat, there is no urine!
At home, jelly, jellied! ”

Grandfather replied mournfully: "Yes!"
(Only the box - from ice,
And in the hands-a dummy casket,
Box and not a couple).

The girl answers grandfather:
“Your long chants,
Add the driver to the box,
A couple of coat fur coats,
And Manto made of ermine.
Only quickly - I freeze! ”

Grandfather humbly: “Here, please.
Are you not afraid, will he get out of the moth? ”
“This is not your concern.
Well, soon! Home hunting! ”

Grandfather disappeared at the same moment.
Before the girl, the belongings arose:
Light crew with sleigh,
Played ... simple dogs.

Packed luggage,
(The box is overflowing already).
In order not to lose anything,
Bichenicated ...

Grandfather and woman are waiting at home.
Somewhere bells sing ...
“Then my daughter is going
To meet us, they give a sign! ”

The whole family sits in the vestibule.
Bubenists are already outside the door.
Mother rushed to the porch
Slipped - and face

At the porch fell in the snow.
Suddenly there was a loud laughter:
Then Maltsy from the whole village
(By this only to Potsty!).

Raises the mother's eyes ...
Dogs are given according to the brakes.
And a daughter along with the load,
Flies to heaven.

Dogs both rushed and rush!
Now old and young
Watch as in the snow.
A daughter with her mother is lying.

Run to the chest.
Opened, there-ku-ku!
Instead of gold, diamonds.
Only icicles. But in the juice!

Soon because of the borders
The miracle prints returned.
I saw my daughter's daughter.
And fell in love! (Here is the artist!)

The wedding was dealt with as it should:
Under wine and canonade!
And the king is a daughter -in -law to the joy:
He even calls a daughter!

And shameless dashings
Berendae's desired,
Still, he left alive
Only sent to Africa.

Romantic fairy tale in a new way "Morozko"

Funny fairy tale for a new way Morozko
Romantic fairy tale in a new way "Morozko"

Romantic fairy tale in the new Morozko Lad:

Once upon a time there was a grandfather with a daughter.
Baba with her daughter.
The dog is a guard with a cat Murka.
Here is the beginning of the fairy tale.
The dog loved his grandfather's daughter.
The service was approximately.
Getting bone from lunch,
I barked in the happiness of the frank.
His grandfather called Olya's daughter.
Baba called Olok.
Grandfather and daughter put up with a share.
Avoid their praise.
No matter how Olya works
Either cleaning, then lunch.
Baba furious with a daughter:
"From you, we have no benefit!"
The daughter of the woman was called Lusha.
Her outfits and honor.
And the neighbors are simple, Klush.
He will not cook, will not sew.
Lousse-Blazdelushu was known.
Press her sides bed.
They will bring to bed to eat.
Ole to wash and remove.
Lusha was friends with a mirror,
Admiring the power.
She was stuck about marriage.
She needs wealth, power.
Crossing the cat Murka:
“Grinkle the groom!
In gold and sable skins.
So that he gave me fur.
I would give me a carriage
And the horses of the mane three.
I will jump in the white light ... "
And in dreams she fell asleep in a bed.
At this time, Olya songs
She sang quietly at the threshold.
About the snowy field,
About her dreams, roads.
The dog pulled and poked at his feet,
He pulls silently by the hem.
All in excitement, anxiety.
Someone touched the picket fence.
I came up. It stands in a snowdrift.
The stranger is young.
And both froze both.
The gaze tied fate forever.
Olya leads to the house to warm up.
I drove the guest tea.
Lusha here let's spin:
“Who has come?”-wonders.
The stranger threw off the fur coat
He tore off his papachi from his head.
Baba almost gave an oak.
The king caught up with her fear.
Said: "Horses ran away,
The carriage also broke.
The pursuit of the wolves.
The huntsmen disappeared somewhere.
Here is a plow in the forests
I went to your village.
Well, and the girl-beautiful
Led to heat under the roof.
Thank you for the warmth
Treats, shelter.
I was lucky with the meeting.
I will be here soon again. "
The ringing spilled outside the window.
The servants are waiting, carriage, horses.
He waved his father,
Shouted: "See you, Olya!"
Bustle, scream and crying.
Lusha needs the groom.
Either her gingerbread, then kalach.
Olya Dolyushka dashing.
"Take Olyuhu to the forest." -
Baba ordered grandfather.
“Luche Lushi, there are no brides.
And the prince will come to her! "
Silently rolls a tear.
Grandfather says goodbye to his daughter.
Along the path for forests
The dog runs, Murka remained.
New Year at the threshold
A Christmas tree shines in the palace.
Wait a little before the holiday.
Is someone barking there to no avail?
The chambers have carved abral.
The dog of a stranger penetrated the chambers.
He fell at the king’s feet.
He calls and howls.
And the prince suddenly remembered.
Meeting with Olya a cat, dog.
He saddled the horse, took the servant:
What is my beauty with you?
I forgot you in business
Either balls, then wars, guns.
I dreamed the other day
Yes palace girlfriends
Pitching potions in the meads,
I will forget about the dream.
Emptiness. The heart is muffled ...
The dog called me not in vain! "
Field, horses
Behind the dog in off -road.
The dog runs, does not sink in the snow.
The impossible is possible.
Here is a palace from ice before them.
The entrance to the crown is outlined.
“Who will accept guests from the road?
Open the bolts soon! ”
Beauty in outfits to them
She bowed to the ground.
And in the snow, not with the parade
Guests entered the palace.
The dog clung to the legs of the girl.
Quietly yelled at the guests.
And Tsarevich: “You or dream!
There is no better news to me. "
The hostess told everyone
Like in the forest under the tree of the village.
Bullfires pressed a flock.
They warmed them with their warmth.
Suddenly, either a crack, then a knock in the district.
Santa Claus of possession marking.
He sees the girl presses her hands.
A dim gaze does not shine with fire.
He grabbed me in an armful.
He wrapped his sable into a fur coat.
I sang a hat on top.
Hands, cheeks TER to pain.
In the palace of his beautiful
I found warmth, care
Only one thing is not clear
Where to find a job.
Here are invisible servants
Bring to remove
And why put your hands on?
Not used to such a Novi.
Here and the tablecloth is a self -blessed
Launched treats.
Wine, gingerbread, bagels,
Dishes of overseas tricks
And with guests clothes, shoes
Removed, dried instantly.
Samples are removed from the table.
The old man entered the palace.
The guests of the grandfather identified.
Here is where Santa Claus lives!
And for a festive dinner
The prince has a question:
“I love the beauty of the deer.
Bless us for the wedding! "
Santa Claus with the word sonorous:
"Be happy in love."
The wedding sang and danced.
The dog is in the district of a quiet patrol.
Lusha with a woman was sent
WHO GIFTS, not in reproach.

Cool fairy tale in a new way "Morozko"

Cool fairy tale for a new way Morozko
Cool fairy tale in a new way "Morozko"

Cool fairy tale in a new way "Morozko":

The old woman my grandfather buried
There is no one life.
Full to cry, grieve,
It is necessary to raise a daughter.

Married to the old woman again
And he has his own girl.
The daughter of an old woman is lazy,
Unpleasant, loud.
From her in the house of the hole,
And her name is Nastyukha.

Starikova daughter is smart
Hard and modest:
In the morning there is a little light
Will prepare all lunch
Knit, cleans, sews and wash -
It will not adhere to anyone.
Loves songs, appreciates a joke,
And her name is Mashutka.

Only grandfather's wife
It is rude and cold with her.
(Among other women not the first,
But it was a fair bitch).
I wanted to, therefore,
Daughter Dedov to destroy.
In the yard, frost and cold
Swallowed with a snowstorm of puddle,

But he got into Baba Demon:
“Get ready, Masha in the forest.
we need brushwood desperately.
There is nothing to argue, dove,
Put on a thin fur coat
And step forward. "

«Can you notice with snow?
How to drink, in the wilderness of the forest,
Silence under the pine tree. "

But, rosy, like a rose,
Masha met frost.
No matter how he scared her,
I did not hear rude words.
In the snowy tower invited
And asked in detail.
In general, from Friday to Wednesday
He led a smart conversation with her.
Santa Claus at least a look of old
But in life "Superstar" -
After the machine conversations
Threw a couple of hundred years.
(Don't look ironically,
Everything was quite decent.
Grandfather appreciated, living in the forest,
Only spiritual beauty).
And, thawing with her soul,
Let her go home: -
“I reluctantly let go
Yes, I'm afraid, completely mile.
I will not spare the treasury
I will reward as a queen. ”

In the village and whistle and dance -
We have a marvelous woman:
WHO crawls from under the river,
There are bales with wealth.
What froze, old man, like a chock?
On the bay your daughter!

Well, the old woman was furious
Like a bone choked.
She sent her daughter to the forest,
Yes, she shouted after him: -
“You take more
Two times, and preferably three ".

The daughter wanders with an extinct gaze,
Look, the frost walks nearby.
He took off his carbon monoxide
He began to test the girl.
But Nastyukha was not dead -
Quickly wrapped up the old.
(Those cool expressions
Did not enter the poem).
Even Morozko-Dart himself,
I have not heard them for many years
In the sense of:-“You, such and such a gelding,
In my own such a tower.
There I will please you
I will show all the art.
I know such poses
As for death ... I slap ".
Grandfather understood that the thing is bad -
She knew not by age.
That for the eggs to pour it,
He recoiled, but to run.
That behind him: - "Where is the old man?"
Get him at the collar: -
“I am grandfather, not so simple.
Do you want a pole dance?
For a diamond surprise
I will show you a striptease.
For gifts extra
I'll show you fifteen poses.
Just as if you did not die:
I have the ninth number
You can’t hold a port.

Santa Claus flowed with a stream.
These are the brother of business -
In the New Year, spring came.

Satirical fairy tale in a new way "Morozko" is a monologue of Marfushenka

Satirical fairy tale for a new Lad Morozko - Monologue Marfushenka
Satirical fairy tale in a new way "Morozko" is a monologue of Marfushenka

The satirical fairy tale in the new Morozko is Monologue of Marfushenka:

I can't because of my sister
Get married. That's the trouble!
Natural eyelashes
Attract all the guys.

And her anxarestice
Drings the lads of all crazy.
The sister's voice is quiet,
She is very modest.

I am a girl's berry,
And the solid is quite:
Blouses, dresses and skirts
Barely converge on me.

Lips, eyebrows - all in fashion!
Modern makeup
Hid the freckles all in the face
And transformed me.

I stake under the skin of Botox,
I want to attract grooms.
I will build a linen braid,
And the wig suits me.

Nastya all day in the kitchen
Frying, cooking and baking.
Hands even coarse ...
The manicure does not recognize.

How she was not dressed up
We are in cast -ups and rags,
The grooms chose everything
Not me, but only her.

I took it alternately
We dad in the winter forest.
He cried in his dear daughter,
He said "healized the demon."

I awarded Morozko Nastya -
Do not count jewelry!
I was threatened with my power
I just sat down to eat.

And the frost, I will tell you, people,
Broat, fraudster! How so?
Nastya - Diamonds pile,
I am only raven ... a fool!

I came to your holiday -
Fairytale corporate party.
My heart smells, my chosen one
Somewhere here, or on the way!

Original fairy tale in a new way "Morozko"

Original fairy tale for a new way Morozko
Original fairy tale in a new way "Morozko"

Original fairy tale in the new way "Morozko":

There is a spruce in a clearing
Thin needle
The bumps are cracking cheerfully
On a fluffy Christmas tree!
(Dear bumps, cracking more actively, you are not heard)

Brence honey on the barrel
On a cheerful Christmas tree
You can see a dark hollow
The house is a cunning squirrel
(Christmas tree, designate your hollow wire)

Cold in the forest in winter
The paths are not visible
Everyone is spinning and flying
White snowflakes.
(Snowflakes, you are light, fluffy, circle expressively)

And sits under a Christmas tree
The red-blue girl
Very frozen in appearance
Not even moving!
(Girl, may you stop you already, you look too vividly)

He cracked the frost is stronger
The hares were scared
From fright, everything is trembling
They pressed to the Christmas tree.
(Fir -tree do not hesitate, these are not dogs, they love trees)

Christmas tree with hares trembling
The branch moved
And one of the cones suddenly
From the branch ... I got it
(Cones, you decide among yourself, but one will have to fall)

The forest deer ran out
The spruce struck stubbornly
Steas swirls from nostrils/ears
He hits the hoof

Like thunder in broad daylight
The shot suddenly came
And deer, though alive
Cool about ... (yes, no need, we have a brave deer) I was very scared!

There was a hunter blind
There was a little slant
Or was happy the holiday
Maybe drank a lot?
(Hunter, show yourself to the public, apologize to the poor deer!)

From such a noise suddenly
The girl woke up
I examined everything around
She smiled sluggishly
(Girl, in all teeth, do not smile sluggishly!)

The whole forest rustled
The Christmas tree staggered
The blizzard was dizzy
The needles braided
(Let us fly, a blizzard, we fly up to the spruce and braid with her needles)

This is not a snowstorm.
Then Frost is coming to us
According to their possessions

He looked around the clearing. I saw the girl
He hit a menacing staff
Mitten the mittens
(Morozko, come closer, a girl near very ...)

Say the girl Frost:
“Something is painful blue
It's not cold to you
The girl is beautiful? "
(Yes, frost, according to the plot, the girl is also beautiful!)

"No, the head does not freeze"
Virgin answers
And from the cold itself
Barely trembling hides

Frost grins:
“Something I don't believe
Give me a frosty kiss
I'll check you out "
(Here the children participate! Therefore, Morozko, sorry, but kiss in a decent place at your discretion)

The girl trembles stronger
The lips turned blue
But Frost answers:
"There is warm at the spruce"

The chill did not work?
Repeat the fun
Well, I am once again
I will go to Lyubava!

Stands Virgo, a little alive
Leaned against the spruce
On the prickly barrel
I sank into the snow.
Yes, so persistent
Do not break the figure
You will be a snowy woman
Or a Snow Maiden?!

If you want to be a woman,
Then by spring you melt!
And the Snow Maiden for me
You will become a wife!

I don't want to be a woman
I am not the same
They will run when streams
What will happen to the mug?!

Or what a fool still
It will collect brushwood
Suddenly he will think of me
Frost from ... take it to your home

Better to your wife ...
Or better a granddaughter
Take me with you!
(Jumps on pens)

Here from fiery love
Snow flowed with streams
And icicles on trees
They sobbed in chorus.

Miracles are doing love
On holidays with the people!
Congratulations to your friends
Happy Russian New Year!

A short fairy tale in the new Morozko Lad for a fun company - reads the host

A short fairy tale for a new way to Morozko for a fun company - reads the host
A short fairy tale in the new Morozko Lad for a fun company - reads the host

A short fairy tale in the new Morozko Fable for a fun company reads the host:

About how Nastya went into the forest

Forest. Winter. Around it is dark.
The girl wanders for a long time.
Frost after her,
Put the girl by the nose.

It stings the blue poor thing
Either for the cheeks, then for the thigh.
Now and under the skirt
I stuffed my hand ...

In his head, his sclerosis -
Old grandfather Frost.
But ready for exploits -
Beckoning the girl in alcoves ...

“Are you cold, girl? -
She whispers to her ear quietly, -
You are cold, girl
Brown-reduced? "

Her eyes cunningly blinking her
And hinting at something.
He filled her into a snowdrift -
"Frozen" a girl to.

But a naive girl,
As she gave him to the scrotum.
I added two hooks to my nose -
There will be an old science!

"Does it hurt you, Santa Claus?" -
The counter asked a question.
And I got a kick
That he did a somersault.

“It hurts you, acrobatic -
Lustful senile?
Pay the damage moral
For the amoral act! ”

In the morning a girl in the village
Returned cheerfully:
Silver in sleigh and gold
And in addition, the prince is rich.

Fairy Tale Expromt for a noisy company of adults at the table

Fairy Tale Expromt for a noisy company of adults at the table
Fairy Tale Expromt for a noisy company of adults at the table

Fairy Tale Exprents for an adult company at the table:

Russian folk music sounds. The hall is divided into 2 zones: 1 zone - hut, 2 zones - forest. Screens.

In the same village, the old man and the woman lived
And they raised the daughters of two.
The old man’s daughter was native,
For the grandmother, the second was the second.
Beautiful, modest old man was a daughter,
And everyone was always in a hurry to help.
From morning to evening, everyone was sleeping:
She washed and stroked, she took the house.
She also knew how to knit, darn, sew,
Cook dinner, set the table for lunch.
She was known about hard work in the village
And Nastya affectionately everyone called.

Nastenka comes out. He covers on the table, sweeps the floor, sits on a chair and begins to embroider.

And Babkina's daughter was also beautiful,
But it so happened, very lazy.
She did not want to help anyone,
From morning to night, I sat idle:
She stared out the window, constantly yawned, ""
Grandma called her Marfushenka.

Music sounds. Marfusha comes out, stretches, yawns, sits on a bench.

I looked at you all day
How tired I am!
You have everything without difficulty
It always turns out!
They praise everything, say: "How marvelous!"
It’s disgusting to listen to me even!

Do not cry, my beauty!
Do not cry, my darling!
I came up with something
Go to me listen to me! "


The grandmother did not like the stepdaughter so much,
That endlessly found fault and sawed.
And she decided with her daughter-shirt
Everything will get rid of the poor

You would go for firewood in the forest
Yes, then I would melt the stove.

What are you, mother, because the firewood is full,
We prepared them with the priest for a long time.
Grandfather comes out, music.

Well, what are you, wife in your mind
Where in the frost will I go to my daughter?

And how to melt something?
After all, there is no brushwood!
Will you order us to live without a stove until the summer?

Go, go! Get ready!
But only without brushwood do not come back.

Well, what did you lose your mind,
Where in the cold in the winter forest.
That's the trouble.

Silence you grandfather. Go, manage business
We can be lazy with my daughter ourselves.

So they cursed and shouted,
Yes, everyone grumbled on Nastenka,
Pushed the girl out the door
To meet a wild beast in the forest.
The poor thing could not resist.
She had to gather on the road.
And the dense Nastya entered the forest.
Wandering tired, she approached the old Christmas tree.
I sat down on a stump, sighed hard,
I cringed from the cold, poor thing!
And she really began to freeze.
Yes, I suddenly heard a song.

It turns out Morozko, sings "a Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Well, hello, red-girl!

Be healthy you, Frost!

Are you freezing you, girl?

No, warm, frost!

And what did you look for in the forest in the forest?

Yes, the stepmother sent for brushwood.

One? In a dense forest? In such a frost?
What it is a joke! Or are you seriously?
You can’t do without my help!
Just work for me a little!

Ready to hear your request with joy!
What need to do?

Yes, embroider a handkerchief!
My granddaughter is my beauty.
You choose a handkerchief paint.
(Gives Nastenka a handkerchief.)

I will seize the wondrous beauty with a handkerchief!
I am sure, satisfied, you will be!

(Nastya sits on a stump and embroiders a handkerchief. Morozko stands nearby.)

Morozko, here is a handkerchief for your granddaughter.

Thank you, Nastenka Beauty.
A handkerchief is just a miracle!
How I like him.
Thank you! Brown!
Of course, you deserve a gift!
Gives a casket.

Take the needlewoman
Everyone will like my gift.

Starikova daughter dear gifts is lucky.

And no one takes the old woman’s daughter.

Kysh! Look what you came up with!
Grandma drives away a cat and a dog.

Nastya came to the harness of horses. Grandma, Marfusha and grandfather approach Nastya and look at her and the casket.

In the outfits all! I will die directly with anger
As if she had not gone into the forest, but to visit!
(Addresses grandfather)
And are you old here? Go!
And don't get bother under your feet
Go to the yard work!
(Drafers grandfather.)

Oh, mother! Well! That's what!
I want such gifts to me too!
You would spend me as soon as possible in the forest,
I will get outfits more painful.

Well, go to your daughter's daughter
Magic music sounds.

The sound of a snowstorm. Marfusha enters into the forest and sits on a stump, freezes.

Here is the cold! All stiffed!
If not gifts - I would sit at home!

Morozko appears (the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest")

Hello, hello, girl! Hello, Color!

Right, frost, I am beautiful
Everyone can like it.

Is it good in the forest in winter?

I can’t wait home!
You give me gifts too
Yes, more beautiful, more expensive.

What do you want?

Beads, rings in silver,
Dresses, fur coat, mittens,
Yes, more than a sister.

You deserve gifts
The granddaughter of the scarf is rather tie.
What would it be in the afternoon
I will give them to the help of birds, animals.

Are you in your mind?
I don't know how to knit!
Knight the hunt yourself,
Not my concern!

You are not friends with the needlework.
Maybe this is how you serve:
You cheated me, dance and dance.

Enough! I'm tired, so know!
Give me gifts quickly!

Morozko gives a chest Marfusha.

Since you have been bent about the hotels,
You will get everything you deserve!

Marfusha rejoices, does not thank.

There is no daughter for a long time something,
So the concerns added!
Maybe there are many gifts so,
What is needed now.
The cat and the dog run up.

Starikova daughter will get married soon.

And the old woman will not come from the forest.

You will slander my daughter!
Stupid dog, away from home!

Marfusha appears. Grandma, grandfather, Nastenka, cat, dog come to the meeting.

Marking! It's just hot!
Brought a chest of gifts.
(opens a chest)
Well, things!Yes, what is it?
After all, there are no gifts at all!

It enters Morozko.

No gifts there are rich?
For work and payment!

How did you manage to do so?

Well, stop voting!
And I will not spend it!
I will freeze! I will stand!

Morozko! Don't be angry!
And they are not angry now.
They need to improve them,
So that you like it.

Marfusha, grandmother.
We promise, it’s better to become.
Sew, cook, clean!
We promise to become kinder
Merry and nicer.

The joint song is performed “good to be at all easy” or

New Year's fairy tale in a new way "Morozko" for a corporate party

New Year's fairy tale for a new Morozko for a corporate party
New Year's fairy tale in a new way "Morozko" for a corporate party

New Year's fairy tale in a new way "Morozko" for a corporate party:


  • Evil stepmother, factory worker
  • Papik, engineer at the factory
  • Padeckanta, student
  • Beloved daughter, informal
  • The owner of the market, a rich groom
  • The first picture.

Drive you, donkey!
What a family brought to:
Soon the holiday, New Year,
And problems are not in the worship!
After all, with your salary, damn it,
You just go to the store
Buy bread, e-mine,
You look - and there is no one!

Quiet, wife, go away!
We would have enough for a living
Only the whole salary is happy
You spend on outfits!
I pay from the accounts
I teach my daughter at the university ...

You are burdock, and your daughter too
She looks like you!
There is no money to feed her,
For the doctrine to pay.
What does the institute give her?
Let it go, damn it!
Gratrock, not a daughter!
Let it work! And point!

What to do, daughter? On Saturday
Go to work!

Oh, I got into trouble!
I'll go to the market ...
Everyone leaves.

The second picture.

The action takes place on the market. A counter with freshly frozen fish.
The stepdaughter stands behind the counter, trades.

Here it is on the market
Freezes in old boots,
But always sweet, gentle
And she is friendly.
And the owner is young,
Unmarried, idle
Put his eyes on her
And in the evening rolled up.

Hey beauty, how are you?
Have you sold a lot of fish?

Things are going well
I sold all the goods!

Frost frost?
Not tired?

No, my boss!

Well, you are a cool girl!
Here is my gift - a sheepskin coat!
I am ozol
I will pay for my studies,
If you become my wife!
Give you home?


The third picture.

The action takes place in the apartment.
The stepmother and beloved daughter are sitting at the table, catalogs and fashion magazines leaf through.
The papik with a mop sweeps the floor. The stepdaughter runs.

Here she comes running
And from the threshold announces:

Dad, dad! I came,
I brought money to the house!
I traded in the market
And with the owner chatted.
He praised me very much
And gave a sheepskin coat!
I liked him
I’ll get married!

Oh, you daughter, well done!
How happy your father is!

Stepmotherbeloved daughter:
You, a daughter, don't get lost
And go to the market!
Why are you bad with me?
Lead the groom!


Fourth painting. The action takes place on the market.

She got up early in the morning
And the market galloped.

Favorite daughter:
Hey master, damn it! Dude!
Where are you? So you have it!
Give me a job alive,
Yes, the place is warmed up
To cut a lot of money!
Where did my sister stand?

He did not baze for long with her
I provided the same place.
Here she is trading,
Slowly vodka blows,
All passers -by
And the eye is building the eye,
Scolds buyers,
And the owner blinks.
Finally, he came up
And he started a conversation with her.

How, beauty, things?
How many fish did you sell?

Favorite daughter:
Try to get up here yourself,
Sell \u200b\u200byour rotter!

Didn't you freeze?

Favorite daughter:
And then?
You see - a thin coat!
Less stand here and talk
Better give a fur coat!
And also - car, cottage
And the apartment to them in addition!
You are not foolish with me
Take married for yourself!

Not ... such a wife
I do not need a dead!
And on the eldest on the sister
At least now ready to marry!

Favorite daughter (runs away):

All participants come out.

They did not wait long
The wedding on the New Year was played!
Well, and the younger sister
Still sitting in girls.
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
Red girls lesson!

We showed you a fairy tale
How they knew how to entertain
And now we let you go
Happy New Year, congratulations!

Video: Fairy Tale in the New Morozko

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