Why are the joints crunch, why does the body lack?

Why are the joints crunch, why does the body lack?

Health is the most important good that needs to be protected. A crunch in the joints is a call of health problems that can shake on many factors.

Cryst in the joints - The matter is unpleasant and threatens with possible consequences. A healthy joint works silently, and the appearance of a crunch speaks of beginning problems with cartilaginous tissues, which can further lead to arthrosis. To avoid this, you need to understand the causes of the crunch and eliminate them.

Why are the joints crunch, why does the body lack?

Let's analyze the main reasons.

Lack of calcium

  • Calcium is one of the main nutrient elements of the bone, and its lack of problems promises many problems, including and cryst in the joints. Therefore, you should be attentive to nutrition, forming your diet, taking into account the need for sufficient intake of calcium into the body.
  • It is known that the leader in its content is dairy products, for example, 100 g of solid cheese is a daily norm of the body's need. A little inferior to cheese and serum.
  • And for better absorption of calcium, fats are needed, which can also be obtained from dairy products (a sliced \u200b\u200bof cheese or a spoon of sour cream you will learn a one -time norm).
  • Do not forget about vegetable oil, fat, the required amount of fats also contain fatty varieties of fish, seeds, nuts, meat, egg yolks.
  • Eating should be frequent-5-6 times a day. It is not worth it, referring to employment and lack of time, starve all day, and at dinner “take your soul”. For the best absorption of nutrients, the optimal regime is frequent, but insignificant meal meals.

Lack of enough sun, air and water

  • An important element for the full functioning of the body is phosphorus, which are rich in the same fish and dairy products. A lot of phosphorus in fish. Do not forget about the need for a sufficient amount of vitamin D, which gives us the sun. Just do not get carried away with tanning, the sun's rays even in the shade will do their job.
  • It is noted that malfunctions in the work of bones and joints are noted among those who suffer from thinness, which is explained by the fact that female hormones that hold calcium in the body do not reach the right amount with such a physique.
  • The lack of active movements also causes cryst in the joints. It is proved that daily half -hour warm -ups, charging, classes of any sport or just active games can prevent osteoporosis. Doctors calculated that in the absence of physical activity after reaching the age of fifty in the body, the amount of calcium is halved every 10 years.
Activity is needed
Activity is needed

Deficiency of vitamin A

The joints, unlike bones, “warn” about the problems in advance and clearly clearly. Their work largely depends on the presence in the right amount of vitamin A, which “nourishes” a synovial fluid that provides free glide of bones, work and strength of cartilage. Having included fish products, pumpkin and carrots in the diet, pampering yourself with peaches and apricots, not forgetting about tomatoes and red sweet pepper, as well as adhering to the rules “we eat a little, but often”, we will provide the body with this beneficial vitamin.

If the synovial fluid is not enough for the full work of the cartilage, here it is possible cryst in the jointswarning about the beginning of dystrophic processes.


Often you can hear the definition of "joints". Such sensations are possible if the body has an infection (from caries and tonsillitis to gallstone disease). Its source constantly throws toxins into the blood, and since the most movements account for the joints, then the blood flow with toxins to them, respectively, is larger. This can lead to the beginning of inflammation in the joints themselves, which becomes the cause of a sensation of a aches, and often consequences in the form of arthritis.

It may come to the point that the body begins to reject a strongly changed joint tissue as alien, and then malfunctions in the immune system occur. To remove infection, proper nutrition and drink is necessary for the removal of toxins (about 2 liters per day). If at the same time there are pain, do not grab anesthetic pills, it is better to resort to folk remedies.

Problems with the liver

The condition of the joints  depends on the work of many organs, including and liver. Interruptions in the work of this organ are affected not only by irritability, but also by inflammation and metabolic-dystrophic diseases in the joints. It is on the liver that the quality of cleansing from toxins and the supply of joints with trace elements and vitamins largely depends.

Reduced immunity and renal deposits

If immunity is reduced, the body loses the ability to neutralize harmful effects. This also applies to toxins in the body, since their insufficient excretion is one of the reasons cryste in the joints.

It is important to increase immunity
It is important to increase immunity
  • It is necessary to drink a lot to form a sufficient amount of urine (no less than a liter). If urine is not enough, its excretion in a concentrated form does not provide full cleansing of harmful substances, therefore, their accumulation occurs in the body.
  • The abuse of meat products also “adds” the “cadaveric poisons” and substances formed during the decay of the protein. And the deposition of utly salts, which occurs in the kidneys, can lead to various types of arthritis. We again return to the need to take a sufficient amount of fluid - in addition to cleansing from toxins, this prevents blood thief.

That is, in addition to increasing immunity, it is necessary to take care of the kidneys.

Colds and stress

Colds lead to damage to viruses and bacteria of tissues of the body, including And the joints, which can cause rheumatoid arthritis. And stress “works” against the synovial fluid, reducing its number as a result of active movements. Not to mention violations of digestive processes, during which the blood is supplied not by nutrients, but by “waste” of harmful microflora.

From a cold
From a cold

A sedentary lifestyle, a frequent sitting position can lead to osteochondrosis. And this is insufficient nutrition of the vertebrae, pinching of the spinal nerves. The problems of the upper or lower vertebrae are wrapped in cervical or lumbar osteochondrosis, the joints of the arms and legs are damaged. The prevention of such diseases is movement: walking, charging, sports and games.

Well, the reasons causing cryst in the joints, a lot of. But in any case, warning them is much easier, cheaper and most important, more effective than treating.

Video: What articular crunch is dangerous?

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Comments K. article

  1. Perhaps there is not enough collagen or any other minerals, maybe these are salt deposits that, on the contrary, need to break down, in my case, in addition to the crunch, the joints were also ached for the weather, they recommended eating more junk and drank honda glucosamine maximum, well, of course, it quickly fed but crunching much less and became much less and much less and much less but The pains completely disappeared)

  2. At first, my knees were crunching, then they started to ache ((I connected everything with my sport, the coach even sent to the doctor. Well, I really did the right thing, since I had a novice osteoarthrosis. Even the injections were injected into the knees of Alflutop, which I was afraid of how Fire, but in fact it turned out that everything was not so scary and most importantly, it helped to get rid of pain for a long time. But it would be necessary to repeat in a few months more.

  3. I decided to try glucosamine maximum, which is recommended to maintain the normal activity of the musculoskeletal system. And helps to maintain the flexibility of the joints and prevent their premature aging. Let's see what will be ...

  4. My joints are not only crunching, but also began to ache ... I probably need to go to the doctor and take some of the drugs.

  5. Natasha, if the joints are worried, then of course go to the doctor. I immediately went when I felt ailment, I was recommended to take arthrophis, this drug reduces inflammation and pain. Well, in fact, it became less to hurt, plus I still rub the ointments and in general I feel great!

  6. Vera, is he dear? It will be necessary to read about this drug, about the composition ... Thank you for writing.

  7. Yana, I bought for 693 rubles. I don’t know whether it is expensive or not for you, but the fact that it has a good composition (cartilage tissue of marine organisms that contains substances that reduce pain and inflammation) is a fact!

  8. She stopped crunching all after I drank Honda Forte, and my knees stopped hurting. As part of the extracts of the roots of burdock, the bark of white willow, chondroitin and glucosamine, substances are involved in the regeneration of cartilage tissue.

  9. Mesia back began to crunch from sedentary work, and even got sick. I went to a neurologist with this problem. It turned out that the inflammation began. I wrote out eight -seams, it just has an anti -inflammatory effect and plus anesthesia. I feel better, now I use it if suddenly the pain begins again - for the weather, for example.

  10. Now there is almost no movement with this remote movement. And I already had problems with my knees, and then they began to bother with renewed vigor. The doctor prescribed a chondroprotector to take from painkillers also eight -eight. By the way, he copes well with his task, in just half an hour somewhere pains subside with him. And the cost does not bite, especially when compared with foreign analogues.

  11. With such symptoms you need to go to the doctor. Anything can happen. It is better to play it safe once again.

  12. Olga, I agree. And not to the therapist, but to a specific specialist. I went to the rheumatologist, it was he who was an anesthetic eight -eight -eight -eight -eight.

  13. I already like a sick with joints with experience, I can safely say that if they crunch, it is necessary to ensure the receipt of collagen and other building materials. I drink Honda Drink for this, it is all there. I order in the online store, very convenient. So I do not worry that the crunch will be able to develop into something more.

  14. Perhaps there is not enough collagen. In pure form, collagen is poorly absorbed. Therefore, collagen must be taken in the form of a drink for quick and deep penetration. In a pharmacy, I caught my eye Honda Drink Evalar- a drink for enhanced eating joints. I drank the course, relieve discomfort and pain well.

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