Dog reverse sneezing syndrome: what is it and how dangerous is the symptom?

Dog reverse sneezing syndrome: what is it and how dangerous is the symptom?

Many owners of the four-legged pets drew attention to the fact that from time to time their dog begins to sneeze somehow strangely, as if panting and pressing. At the same time, it would seem, nothing strange did not precede this - the dog did not eat or drank, which could provoke an attack.

There are still reasons for such a phenomenon, and about what is such sneezing about them, whether it is dangerous to cope with a similar problem, and we will talk today.

What is a reverse sneeze syndrome?

  • This is a common and fairly frequent phenomenon, especially for certain breeds of dogs, which is called so for the reason that it is an attempt to inhale, and not exhalation, as during the usual sneezing.
  • Due to reverse sneezing syndrome The state of the respiratory tract that has been irritated or spasm in the laryngeal section and the soft sky. Mostly veterinarians consider this process a paroxysmal breathing that does not represent a pathological condition, and many see the reason in the features of the nasopharynx of a particular breed.

The reverse sneezing is also called reversible (from the English word "reverse", which means "reverse"). The mechanism of this process is as follows: when learning breathing, there is a violation of the direction of the air flow, and then the dog tries to cope simultaneously with the two oncoming flows of air, trying to exhale it, but at the same time taking a breath.

  • This happens quickly enough - the attack usually lasts a few seconds. At the end of it, the animal, as a rule, continues to feel normally, not showing anxiety.

What are the symptoms of reverse sneezing syndrome?

  • With a reverse sneezing syndrome in a dog The neck is stretched - In this position, they make sounds similar to a loud grunt. The dog can at this time breed the elbow joints, falling on the front paws, the eyes often become bulging. Due to the narrowing of the trachea, it is difficult to make breaths and exhalations, therefore there is a significant expansion of the chest.
  • Pectoral muscles and abdominal press, As a rule, tense, the head leans back sharply. Sometimes a dog can lie on the stomach, while the back bends. Grunting sounds are accompanied by sniffling. Sneezing, dogs often hit their nose in horizontal surfaces. Breathing is frequent and convulsive.
The symptom is visually noticeable
The symptom is visually noticeable

Causes of reverse sneezing syndrome

The exact causes of the reverse sneezing syndrome are not fully established.

Among those who call experts, most often the following:

  1. The situation is not excluded when the umbort sticks to the larynx.
  2. The anatomical structure of the nasopharynx has certain features, in particular, in some breeds of dogs.
  3. Weakening (hypertrophy) of the soft sky.
  4. The influence of all kinds of irritants: household chemicals, cigarette smoke, dust and allergens, fungi, aerosols, etc.
  5. The excited state of the dog, when it is nervous, rejoices, etc.
  6. Too hasty swallowing of food or water.
  7. Excessive pressure of the collar, as a result of which the neck is squeezed.
  8. Viral infection in the respiratory tract.
  9. Inflammatory process in the nasal cavity.
  10. Strong sharp smell.
  11. Significant temperature difference.
  12. Getting a foreign body in the throat.
  13. The beginning of development malignant tumor.
  14. Problems with teeth (in older dogs).
  15. The influence of foreign protein agents.
  16. Occasionally the reason may be the presence of helminths.

How to help the dog cope with the reverse sneezing syndrome?

Most often, an attack of reverse sneezing is fast enough without any help. And if you still want to speed up its completion, then you can perform the following actions:

  1. Make a few stroking movements in the throat area, capturing the lower jaw of the dog. So you will help stimulating swallowing movements, which will help relaxing the muscles of the throat, as well as normalization of breathing.
  2. Take the pet’s head in one hand and try to fix it in a certain position. Apply the other hand to the nostrils of the animal so that they do not enter the air. Thus, the dog will be forced to take a deep breath, which will help stop the attack.
  3. You can do it A sharp short exhale directly to the dog in the nostrils.

When the attack is stopped, the dog can be given water. If a similar situation happened on the street, perhaps the dog is too hot-in this case, take it to the shadow and stay there for some time so that the animal rests.

How and what to treat the reverse sneezing syndrome?

  • If the dog suffers allergies And you suspect that it is the cause of the reverse sneezing syndrome, it is possible to prescribe antihistamines or antifungal drugs. Do not forget to ensure that the animal does not contact the allergen. Clean the dog’s nose from excess mucus or pollution periodically.
  • In case of development infectious disease Immunostimulating and antibacterial agents, as well as antibiotics with a wide range of action, general strengthening drugs, can be spelled out.
  • In some breeds of dogs, reverse sneezing syndrome is actually brachycephal, which lasts much more. It is due not to oncoming air streams, but by the anatomical features of the structure of the muzzle. Hence, frequent malfunctions in the work of the nasopharynx, when the dog does not produce sharp grunting sounds, but breathes heavily and sniffles, as if her nose was laid. If the condition of the dog defines the veterinarian how it provokes hypoxia, surgical treatment is prescribed.
  • If the attack is caused by the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract, it must also be eliminated surgically.

Does the danger of reverse sneezing have a danger?

  • Most often attacks with reverse sneezing syndrome do not pose a threat to dog life and health, especially if, in the break between them, the dog behaves usually, mobile and vigor.
  • You should worry in the cases described below, then you must seek veterinary help. In order to facilitate the task of the doctor, many dog \u200b\u200bbreeders recommend fixing what is happening on the video during the attack so that the veterinarian can give advice on the need or inappropriate treatment.
The main symptom is not dangerous
The main symptom is not dangerous

Is the help of a veterinarian required with a reverse sneezing syndrome?

  • Contact the veterinarian if such attacks become more often and longer, happen more than once within one day. Especially if the dog began to sneeze and cough usually, lacrimation appeared, as well as in the case of abundant discharge from the nose of a bloody or mucous character, or simply yellow.
  • If a the skin of the dog becomes bluish or pale, And those more-if the animal loses consciousness during an attack-the specialist should be addressed immediately, since such a reaction may indicate that dangerous disturbances occur in the system of the animal (this can be either breathing and cardiovascular).

The manifestations of the reverse sneezing syndrome should be especially attentive, when it comes to a puppy. In this case, the veterinarian consultation is necessary to eliminate the risk of developing the disease with bronchial asthma.

What breeds of dogs are most often subject to reverse sneezing syndrome?

  • An attack with reverse sneezing syndrome can happen in a dog of almost any breed. But most often subject to this syndrome dogs of small sizes, among which Biglie and Chihua-Hua, Yorkshire, that and Boston terriers.
  • Characteristic flattened muzzles are also an indicator of a tendency to the syndrome of not only reverse sneezing, but also brachycephalus. They often suffer from French bulldogs, boxers, shi-tzu, pugs. Experts talk about a possible genetic predisposition, but so far this theory has no confirmation.

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