How to treat a runny nose in dogs at home? A list of drops for treating a runny nose in dogs. How to wash your nose to a dog with a runny nose?

How to treat a runny nose in dogs at home? A list of drops for treating a runny nose in dogs. How to wash your nose to a dog with a runny nose?

The reasons for the appearance and methods of treating a runny nose in dogs.

A runny nose in dogs is a common problem that the owners face, both large and small breeds. The causes of the ailment are mass, but some of them can lead to the death of the pet. In this article we will tell you how to treat a runny nose in dogs at home. 

Causes of a runny nose in dogs

First of all, you should deal with the reasons that caused the ailment. Methods of treatment depend on them.It is worth noting that there are certain breeds of dogs that are most often subjected to a runny nose, diseases of the respiratory system. These include pugs, sharpei. This is due to a flattened nose, a feature of the structure of the muzzle. The nasal passages have a small length, as a result of which part of the viruses, which should settle inside the mucous membrane, enters the respiratory tract, the nasopharynx. It is there that inflammation occurs. 

Causes of a runny nose in dogs:

  • Ordinary cold. Most often with such an ailment, the pet has liquid discharge, with a small amount of mucus. It resembles diluted egg protein. At the same time, the dog can sneeze, shake his head, scratch his nose with a paw due to the occurrence of severe itching. However, in general, the state of the pet is cheerful, he eats well, plays with pleasure, is actively moving. 
  • Infectious diseases. Usually arises as a complication after a cold, due to the weakened immunity of the animal. It occurs in animals aged in which the body's resistance is much lower than in young dogs. In this case, the discharge becomes more thick. The dog becomes sluggish, refuses food, can ignore toys that she really likes. This condition requires the diagnosis and examination of the doctor. 
  • Acute disease. In this case, the animal’s nose does not breathe, since a dense purulent crust formed inside. Thick purulent discharge of yellow or green can be distinguished. This condition is very dangerous for the animal, so you should definitely contact the veterinarian. 
  • Another reason for the runway in dogs is allergic reaction. It can be suspected if a change of feed occurred, or the dog ran in the tall grass.

Why does the dog have a runny nose?

In most people, a runny nose is treated quickly enough and without complications. In rare cases, a secondary bacterial infection is possible, with sinusitis, sinusitis. In dogs, the situation with a runny nose is much more serious, since this is not an ordinary cold and no hypothermia if we are not talking about breeds that are prone to various ailments of the nasal cavity. In most cases, the discharge from the nose is a symptom of serious diseases. 

Why does the dog have a runny nose:

  • Dog's plague or other infectious ailments that affect animals 
  • Fungal diseases 
  • Neoplasms in the nasal cavity 
  • Polyps and cysts 
  • Mechanical damage received after a walk 
  • Nose injury grass, spikelets
  • Wounds after a fight 
  • Carious tooth disease 

Caries in dogs must be treated, because the destruction of the roots leads to inflammation of the jaw, can switch to sinus sinuses, provoking abundant purulent, bacterial discharge from the nose. The ears may be involved in this process. Very often a runny nose in dogs can occur due to adenovirosis. This is an infectious disease, which is often called a nursery cough, as it mainly occurs in closed groups of animals that have arrived from different regions. If the dog visited the exhibition not so long ago, it is worthwhile to worry. In most cases, the ailment is easier to cure at the initial stage. 

Wet nose
Wet nose

How to treat a runny nose in dogs of small breeds?

The most common form of adenovirosis is tracheobronchitis. The dog immediately has a dry chest cough, which takes place within a week. The main task of the owner is to prevent the infection falls lower, into the lung zone, pneumonia does not develop. 

How to treat a runny nose in dogs of small breeds:

  • At the initial stage, to facilitate coughing, animals are given Mukaltin, broncholitinto dilute sputum. 3 days after the start of the cough are prescribed Lazolvan or Amboben, To stimulate sputum quenching.
  • The easiest option that will help get rid of mucous secretions will reduce the number of viral and bacterial particles in nasal passages - Drops Aquamaris. They are an isotonic solution of sea salt. Suitable Nosol, Hugerwhich is complemented by a special nozzle for washing. The main difficulty in dogs is shorter nasal passages than in people, so it is necessary to wash the nose extremely carefully so that the animal does not choke. 
  • A runny nose can cause a significant number of pathogens, including staphylococci, streptococci, as well as herpes virus. Depending on the pathogen, the treatment will differ significantly. Therefore, you can’t do without the help of a doctor, since giving antibiotics against viral ailments is not only not effective, but also dangerous.
  • This can cause resistance to antibacterial therapy. Next time, the disease that must be treated with antibiotics will be resistant to drugs. 

Drops from a cold for dogs

During the off -season, in rainy weather, when puddles outside, small dogs are very often subjected to a runny nose. They must be protected, try not to walk on a rainy day for a long time so that the wool does not get wet. Oddly enough, the hunting and guard dogs, even during severe frosts and rainy autumn days, are extremely rare. This is due precisely with the stability of the breed and genetic endurance. After all, such breeds are created in order to protect, protect a person, help him. Decorative dogs are created to delight the owners, playing the role of a living toy. 

Drops from a cold for dogs, review: 

  • Argumistin. This is a combined drug that contains an antibiotic. It is used not only to treat a runny nose, but also to treat the ears, as well as the eyes. It is prescribed not only with bacterial lesions of the nasal passages, but also with viral infections, as well as diseases of mixed etiology. The drug contains colloidal silver, as well as Miramistin. 
  • Anandin. These are drops that improve immunity in the area of \u200b\u200bnasal passages. Therefore, it is effective for both viral and bacterial infection. It helps animals even if the runny nose arose after hypothermia. This drug eliminates the symptoms, and also stimulates the body to combat infection. 
  • Deacid Forte. This is a drug that contains several components at once. In the composition you can find an antibiotic, amber acid. Chloramphenicol disrupt the synthesis of protein in microbes, thereby preventing their growth and reproduction. Amber acid is a stimulating component that removes inflammation, improves the exchange between cells, thereby accelerates the effect of drugs. 
The pet fell ill
The pet fell ill

How to treat a runny nose in a dog at home?

For treatment, you cannot use antibiotics. If this is a cold, then the pet is enough just warm drink and permanent rest. Therefore, during the period of illness, select a cozy place for a pet in which no one will disturb it. Be sure to prepare a warm drink, do not limit in the stern. 

How to treat a runny nose in a dog at home:

  • To remove the discharge from the nose, it is worth using Maksidin. These are interferon -based drops that increase immunity, improving the body's resistance, preventing the spread of infection. With adenovirosis, 3 days after the appearance of snot, the dog begins to cough.
  • Reparin Helper It is used not only to treat a runny nose, but also for the purpose of applying to the mucous membranes. It is mainly used not for viral and bacterial ailments, but with damage to the nasal passages. Available in the form of a spray. There are no antibiotics and antihistamines. It contains cytokines - these are molecules that help tissue regeneration in nasal passages, and also support immunity cells, stimulating their work. 
  • If the dog at night or during sleep is very sniffing, and after rest, green or yellow crusts are formed around the nasal passages, the pet is sluggish, refuses to eat, it is worth contacting the veterinarian. The fact is that a long rejection of food and water can cause exhaustion, death of a pet.

It is not worth using human drugs for treatment, as they differ in concentration. Some of them are prohibited in veterinary medicine due to a significant number of side effects. 

Washing the nose
Washing the nose

How can you wash your nose to a dog?

For prevention, rinsing the nose in dogs is not carried out. For preventive purposes, the procedure may be needed only if the dog loves to “vacuum” objects with his nose, often inhaling dust. Narround objects can damage the mucous membrane. In addition, there are breeds, for example, a hound of a two -minute that hunts in special conditions. Typically, her daily activity is associated with flooding in the swamps, the persecution of birds. As a result of this, fluff, feathers often get into the nasal passages. Therefore, sometimes such a dog needs washing the nasal passages. 

How can you wash your nose to a dog:

  • In most cases, washing is necessary only if the dog has mucous discharge from the nose that is associated with allergies, entering foreign bodies or infection. Rinse is necessary using ordinary boiled water. For these purposes, you can use saline, one percent solution of chlorhexidine or furatsilin. However, experts recommend using furatsilin in case of bacterial lesions, when snot is provoked precisely by the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The antibacterial properties of furatsilin help to prevent the development of bacterial flora. To prepare a solution of furatsilin, it is necessary to crush two tablets into powder, pour into a small container and pour 250 ml of warm boiled water. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and left for 1 hour. During this time, crystals should completely dissolve, and the water stain in bright yellow.
  • With a viral runny nose, it is recommended to use with ordinary boiled water after washing the nose Dioxidine or interferon. Dioxidine is a tool that helps to remove inflammation on the surface of the mucous membrane, to prevent the growth of bacterial and viral flora. A universal solution is considered a solution of furatsilin or ordinary saline. Experts do not recommend preparing a saline solution on their own, but advise you to purchase the finished liquid in a pharmacy of a certain concentration. This will prevent the ingress of foreign impurities into the solution, and it will minimize the possibility of complications. 

The main task is not to injure the dog, but to easily handle it. Experts recommend from a young age to teach this procedure in order to discipline the animal, to prevent the occurrence of resistance. If the dog is brought up, it is easier to rinse the nasal passages. 

How to wash your nose to a dog with a runny nose?

  • For washing, you will need cotton napkins made of soft fabric, and disposable bow handkerchiefs from viscose are also suitable. Try to give preference to bottomless napkins, because the dog’s nose is arranged not like a person, but dust, wool can settle inside the mucous membrane, causing abundant release of mucus from the nose.
  • The main task is to wet the napkins in warm water, carefully removing all the crusts, the mucus that flows from the nose. No need to rub anything. It is necessary to wait a bit, and to ensure that the crusts become soft, easily move away from the surface of the nose.
  • It is necessary to dial a small amount of solution for washing into the syringe. For small breeds, this amount is 1 ml, and for large up to 5 ml. Only after the surface is completely cleaned, it is necessary to rinse. 

How to wash your nose to a dog with a runny nose:

  • It is necessary that one of the households fix the dog, hold his head motionless. The dog’s nose rises slightly upward, the prepared solution is carried out. Immediately it is necessary to rinse not two nostrils at the same time, but one. After this manipulation, it is necessary to give time to the dog so that it poisons, calms down. She can begin to sneeze and cough, which is absolutely normal.
  • Only after the solution comes out of the nose, it is necessary to repeat the procedure from the second nostril. In no case should you use a concentrated saline solution to wash the nose of the dog, as it can provoke a burn of the mucous membrane, worsening the scent of the pet.
  • It is not recommended to use essential oils, since the scum in pets is sharper than people, so essential oils can provoke a burn.

Read on the topic:

Allergy to the pollen of plants or to new food is possible. However, an examination by the doctor is required in order to determine the cause of the common cold with one hundred percent probability and prescribe the right drugs. 

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