12 things that need to teach a puppy first of all: teams, dog training on their own at home, useful tips

12 things that need to teach a puppy first of all: teams, dog training on their own at home, useful tips

Do not know how to teach the puppy to different teams and important things in the first place? Read the article, there are many tips in it.

Any person wants his dog to become smart and obedient. Most bad habits and unwillingness to obey are laid from childhood. Training will help to develop not only the skills of obedience, but also to develop intellectual abilities.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What can you play with a dog at home?". You will find interesting games without toys, with toys, dog sport, while washing.

If you think that the puppy does not need training, you are mistaken. It is the ill -mannered small dog that will bite all family members and provoke fights with dogs. What exactly is necessary to teach a dog in childhood? Consider in this article 12 thingswho need to teach a puppy in the first place. Read further.

Team "To me": dog training yourself

Team "To me": dog training yourself

It is important that the dog understands its nickname and command "To me". Here's how to perform dog training yourself:

  • Call the puppy with a cheerful and friendly tone.
  • In order for the dog to obey, at first it should be lured with food or favorite toys.
  • But to slap the puppy with your hands or pushing your feet is prohibited. Otherwise, he will consider this team as unpleasant.
  • Perhaps the dog is shy or simply bewildered. In such cases, the owner can squat down to him.
  • If the puppy is still small, you should not hang over it so as not to scare.

If the dog ignores the team, you can interest it. Try to rustle with something or hide. It is out of natural curiosity to find out what you are doing. But you should not run after the dog. Otherwise, he will begin to consider your actions as a threat.

"Walk": How to teach a puppy a team?

Team "Walk" - This is the team that needs to be taught a puppy simultaneously with "To me". They are combined and performed in different conditions and at different distances. This will help the dog clearly master the commands.

As soon as the puppy runs to you (after the command “to me”) and get a treat, let him go, giving the command "Walk".

“No”, “impossible”: how to teach a puppy to teams at home?

When the dog grows up, you will surely ban something to her. And you need to start training since childhood. For example, if you do not plan that an adult dog sleeps on the bed, you should forbid her this since childhood. Make a comfortable place near the bed, lay a towel there with which the mother was wiped. So in the place for sleeping it will be smell, the baby will be able to calmly calm down.

  • Some breeders put a mechanical alarm in a sunbed, wrapped in a blanket (he makes sounds like a knock of a heart) or a heating pad.
  • And for the dog to sleep well, you can feed it meat.
  • If the puppy whines, you should sit with him until he can fall asleep.

"No" - How to teach a puppy to teams at home?

  • If you need to focus on the team "it is forbidden"or "No", try to plant a puppy on a short leash and lead it to a plate with food.
  • As soon as he tries to take food, give a strict team "it is forbidden" And pull the leash a little.
  • When the puppy stops trying to get a treat, praise it and let me enjoy food.

These commands are difficult to master, and should be taught after the dog masters simpler commands or when achieving 6 months.

Video: How to teach a team you can’t do small and large breed puppies? What's the Difference?

How to teach the puppy the team "place"?

Learning the puppy to the team
Learning the puppy to the team "Place"

Mandatory team for a puppy - "Place". After lunch and active games, the dog gets tired and lays down where her sleep ruins. You should take the puppy in your arms and take it to the place to sleep, stroking and saying the word "place". You should not scold, pull the dog or take away treats and toys from her if she fell asleep in her place. The sunbed is considered its personal territory.

It will be very convenient to accustom a small dog to a cage or carrying. From the latter, you can remove the door and put the litter inside it. Do not forget toys and goodies. Let the puppy go there and treat the treats. You can close it inside for a few minutes. Many dogs like carrying, because they are similar to Nora. The puppy will be able to feel safe. The same with the cage, but it can be covered with a dense bedspread or a special cover.

So you can make a cage your favorite sleeping place. If necessary, you can leave him alone, not afraid that the dog will whine or something will break. Usually after lunch the dog sleeps well.

  • This is especially convenient for those who travel on trips or take part in dog exhibitions. The latter can take all day. And if you were considered the best representative of the breed, you will have to wait for the evening to participate in competitions. The dog may be nervous.
  • But the cell will help to avoid this, because there the pet feels safe. He can even get enough sleep.
  • Carriage is very convenient on a trip. You can put it near your feet. The dog will not interfere with other people, climb into your arms, and no one can bother her.

Experienced dog breeders believe that the team "place" The most difficult in mastering. In their opinion, your favorite toys will help here, which need to be placed on the litter of the animal. So the place will begin to cause pleasant associations.

The difficulties are that the owner often uses this team as a punishment. Perhaps the puppy was guilty and the owner used the team to send it to his native corner. However, after this, the dog will begin to consider this place not as the possibility of rest, but as a punishment. In ordinary situations, she will try to avoid him. It is important that the pet feels calm and does not worry about the fact that his owner is dissatisfied.

"Do not growl" on the owner: an important team

It is forbidden to provoke aggressive behavior in the dog. The dog should not growl on you or bit you even in the game. "Do not growl" The owner is an important team.

Enjoy the dog that you can take food or your favorite toy from him for bad behavior. But in childhood, it is advisable to immediately return them.

How to teach a puppy to endure, go to the toilet one place, write to a diaper?

Teach the puppy to endure, go to the toilet one place, write to a diaper
Teach the puppy to endure, go to the toilet one place, write to a diaper

Of course, over time, the dog will learn how to do “your business” on the street, but the product processing system in the body will begin to work correctly only after 7 months. First, you will have to get used to the fact that the puppy is simply not able to endure. It will cruelly beat or punish him for it. Besides up to 3 months Kids are trying to do their business inside the den so as not to attract the attention of the predator. This is natural, and scolding the dog for this is simply pointless. So, how to teach a puppy to endure, go to the toilet one place? Here are some tips:

  • Try to put a diaper or newspaper on the place where the puppy can write, goes to the toilet. Over time, he will get used to it.
  • Another way - moisten the paper towel in its pool and put on a diaper. The puppy will smell his smell and it will be easier for him to get used to it that this is his toilet.
  • If the dog’s breed is small, then in the pet store you can buy a special toilet - this is convenient.
  • Try to walk with a puppy as often as possible. It is recommended to take it out into the street a few minutes after sleep and lunch.
  • Follow the behavior of the animal. As soon as it starts to spin, immediately take it out into the street.

If the owner has moved on business, even an adult dog may have problems with the toilet. In such cases, you should leave the pet diaper. As soon as the baby does his job, whether at home in a place or on the street, be sure to praise it and remove it, if necessary.

Video: how to teach a puppy to a diaper - detailed instructions

“Sit”: How to teach a puppy to the team correctly?

One of the simplest teams "Sit", and teaching the puppy this is simple. You need to train correctly according to the following algorithm:

  • Raise a piece of delicacy above the head of the puppy.
  • Wait until the animal flopes on the floor.
  • Serve the command.
  • Treat him with a delicacy.
  • Regularly increase the command time by a few seconds.

You can also plant the dog yourself before putting her bowl in front of her. Or before fastening the leash to the collar. It is also very convenient to teach the puppy to sit near the front door if his paws are dirty (until you wash them until you wash them).

How to teach a puppy to “lie down”: the dog training on their own at home from scratch

Learning the dog to the team
Learning the dog to the team "Lie"

Team "Lie" mastering after the puppy is fixed by the command "sit". Such training can be simply carried out independently at home from scratch. Here are the advice on how to teach this puppy:

  • To master this team, you will need a treat.
  • Try to keep food in front of the animal’s nose and wait until the pet reaches for her.
  • After that, slowly lower the treat and put between the front paws.
  • If the pet does not understand what exactly you want from him and does not lie down, try to press a little on his withers a little.

As soon as the puppy completes the command, be sure to feed it.

Video: Puppy training: where to start? Learn basic teams - sit, lie, stand

The "Stand" team: the correct dog training

For training a team "Stand" You will need a treat and a leash. This is how the dog’s proper training should be performed:

  • When she sits, take the leash in the right hand, and carefully make the left under the stomach of the pet.
  • Say the word "stand".
  • Pull the leash, and with the help of the left hand, raise a little pet.
  • As soon as he rises, give him a treat.

Do not forget to iron the dog on the stomach so that it retains the accepted position.

Team "Give": How to teach a puppy to give a paw?

Sometimes the dog takes things that are valuable to you. Or what the danger can pose for him, for example, glass items. Team "Give" It is considered important. Also, according to the algorithm below, you can teach a puppy give a paw.

  • Try to lure the puppy with your favorite toy and play with it in tug of the rope.
  • As soon as the dog grabs the prey, beckon it with a treat or stir, giving the command "give".
  • If the pet turned out to be stubborn and does not want to give a toy, lightly lift his jaws and take it.
  • As soon as the puppy releases the thing, praise it and return his favorite toy.

To master the team, it needs to be repeated several times a day. As soon as the dog gets used to the team, try to take her toy from her when she will play alone, and eventually practice food. To teach to give a paw, use the same algorithm of actions, only instead of a toy there will be a paw of a pet.

Below you will find some more tips, the implementation of which is also very important when you want to grow a smart and healthy dog. Read further.

Hygiene for puppy in the first place

Hygiene for puppy in the first place
Hygiene for puppy in the first place

The puppy must be accustomed to hygiene, which includes the following:

  • Eye cleaning
  • Ear cleaning
  • Inspection of teeth
  • Combing
  • Wool haircut
  • Clogging claws

Hygiene should be in the first place. It will be simple to accustom the dog to such manipulations if you use affection and goodies. If you do it at least a couple of times a week, the dog will not be afraid of the claw haircut. Your clothing will remain intact.

It is important that combing also brings the baby only pleasure. It is recommended to use a rubber mitte for wool and a brush based on natural bristles. If the size of the dog is small or it needs to be regularly cut, you will have to teach the puppy to stand on the table since an early age. This will be especially useful for those who visit the exhibitions.

Puppy of a puppy: How is it right?

With teaching the puppy to bathing, there should also be no problems. How is it right? Do the following:

  • Put a rubber rug in the bath.
  • Pour a little warm water.
  • Water the animal from the bottle.
  • At first, it is not recommended to use shampoo. Over time, you can.
  • After bathing you need to wipe the baby.
  • Over time, you can accustom a dog to a soul with a little pressure.

You can also accustom the dog to Feng. Only the first time it is recommended to be used in quiet mode.

How to behave a puppy with other dogs and cats on the street?

It is important that the dog calmly reacts to other animals. How to behave a puppy with other dogs and cats on the street?

  • You should not encourage the instinct of the pursuit of the cat, because the dog can get lost during the chase or get under the wheels of the car.
  • Please note that other dogs or cats can be unfriendly in relation to your pet.

First try to find a friend who would have a dog of the same age as yours. You can arrange joint walks with large animals, but only with friendly ones. It is forbidden to sharply take the puppy in his arms, since another aggressive dog can tear it out of your hands, injuring you.

Enjoy the dog that other people are strangers

Enjoy the dog that other people are strangers
Enjoy the dog that other people are strangers

Try not to give other people to feed or stroke the puppy. This is especially true of cases if you want to grow a guard dog out of it. Teach the dog that other people are strangers.

  • While receiving guests, the animal should be closed in another room, especially if you have a pet recently.
  • You should not allow the dog to take goodies from the hands of other people. Use the command for this "it is forbidden".
  • And be especially careful with food scattered along the street. It can be poisoned.
  • Enjoy the dog only what you give or your family members.

The dog should clearly distinguish where yours are, and where there are strangers, what food can eat, and which one can not.

Soft collar for a small puppy

A small puppy should be accustomed from childhood to wearing a soft collar. It is important that it is not narrow or tough. It is best to choose a soft tissue accessory with the ability to adjust the length and fastener of Fastex. So it will be possible to avoid traces on the neck.

Important: It is not recommended to put on a stray or harness.

The latter should be selected by the expert so that it corresponds to the breed.

Choosing a leash for a small puppy

As soon as the puppy gets used to the constant wearing of the collar, it is time to move on to the leash. It is not recommended to pull the animal on itself. Better call it by pulling the leash a little. First, such a training should be carried out at home. As soon as the dog gets used to the exercises and will not break out, you can take it out into the street and continue training there. It is important that the leash is long enough.

  • For walks with a small puppy, do not choose a roupler leash.
  • Its body weighs quite a lot and can easily fall out of your hands, thereby scaring the baby.
  • The frightened pet begins to run from the source of sound, and the roulette that reaches for him scares him even more.
  • In addition, the dog on the roulette has to pull the leash, but it is important for you, on the contrary, to wean it to do it.

Roulette is suitable for walking with a trained dog, which for certain reasons should not be released from the leash. For example, estrus in the female. Roulette is also dangerous in that it can get confused. And sometimes the cable bursts and sometimes this leads to an injury to a dog or a person.

Video: How to teach a dog not to pull the leash? What to do if the puppy drags along?

Useful tips from specialists in teaching little puppies, adult dogs

Training of an adult dog
Training of an adult dog

Many people have difficulties in teaching a small puppy or adult dog. Each case is individual. But there are several useful tips given by experienced animal training specialists:

  • If something does not work out, contact the experts. Manders or classes in the group will allow the dog to get used to other people and dogs, as well as master the basic or even advanced teams.
  • Try to gradually increase the interval between the execution of the team and obtaining a puppy award.
  • Praise and goodies should only be used in the initial stagesuntil the dog understands the meaning of certain commands.
  • If the pet does not want to react to your words, do not repeat them again and again. Otherwise, you will depreciate the team, and you will have to come up with new phrases for its implementation.
  • Constantly make changes to training. If training took place at home, after mastering the teams in the room, try to continue training on the street. The dog should understand that you need to obey anywhere.
  • Do not punish the puppy for failures. Otherwise, he will consider your teams not as requests, but as punishment. They will cause him fear. Due to constant stress, the animal can even attack you.
  • Many dog \u200b\u200bowners make a mistake, Removing a collar from the puppy at those moments when he tries to do it on his own. Instead, try switching the attention of the dog. Calm him, distract his attention toys, caresses or goodies. Then the dog will forget about the hated object.
  • If during a walk with a leash a small puppy experiences stress, try to go a little in front of him. So you show that you control the situation and the dog has nothing to fear.
  • If the puppy got into the toilet to a specific place (which is not suitable for the toilet), buy a substance that repels from this place in a pet store.

If you pay enough attention to training, already to 9 months The dog will obey you unquestioningly. Training in childhood will help to master more complex specialized teams in the future. The main assistants in training are toys and goodies, as well as the patience and calm of the owner. Good luck!

Video: Initial training of a puppy. First steps

Video: 10 simple ways to train a dog at home

Video: 5 simple tricks that any dog \u200b\u200bcan

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